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Curriculum Vitae - Wiki-Wiki

Curriculum Vitae - Wiki-Wiki


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1. Academic Career<br />

2003 – today<br />

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong><br />

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schommer<br />

Professorship for Information Management and Net-centric Computing<br />

University of Luxembourg, Campus Kirchberg<br />

Dept. of Computer Science<br />

6, Rue Richard Coudenhove Kalergi<br />

L-1359 Luxembourg<br />


Email: christoph.schommer@uni.lu<br />

Home: http://wiki.uni.lu/mine/<br />

Phone/Fax: +352-46 66 44 – {5228, 5500}<br />

Private:<br />

Christoph Schommer<br />

2, Rue Schrobilgen; L-2526 Luxembourg, LUXEMBOURG<br />

Born in Homburg/Saar on January 1, 1965<br />

Religion: Roman-Catholic<br />

Citizenship: German<br />

• Assistant Professor at the University of Luxembourg<br />

• Member of ILIAS = Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Intelligent and Adaptive Systems<br />

• Directeur des études, Master of Science in Computer and Information Sciences (MICS)<br />

• Member of ACM, SIGKDD, GI e.V.<br />

• Scientific Committee Member of LIASIT (UL PhD School)<br />

• Member of the Organisation Committee of the GI e.V. – Regional group Trier/Luxembourg<br />

2001 – today<br />

2000<br />

1993<br />

• Lecturer at the JW Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main. Diploma Program in Computer<br />

Science and Master in Computational Science (2006+).<br />

• Lecturer at the University Potsdam (2002-2003)<br />

• Ph.D. (summa cum laude) in Computer Science from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University of<br />

Frankfurt am Main, 2000 (Prof. Dr. Roberto Zicari, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Giere).<br />

• Major topics: Medical Informatics, Data Mining,<br />

• Diploma in Computer Science from University of Saarbrücken in 1993 (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang<br />

Wahlster, Prof. Dr. John Nerbonne) and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence,<br />

Saarbrücken (Projects Wissensbasierte Informationspräsentation (WIP), Architectures for Speech<br />

and Language (ASL)).<br />

• Major topics: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Understanding, Text Processing,<br />

Linguistics, User Modeling, Knowledge Representation.

2. Industrial Career<br />

1996 - 2003<br />

• 8 years industrial experience. Working for IBM Software Group and IBM Research &<br />

Development in areas like<br />

o Security: Insider Trading and Financial Risk Analysis (Stock exchange), Fraud Detection<br />

(Credit Card Usage), Call Detail Record-Analysis (Telecommunication), Crime<br />

Prevention (State Office of Crime Investigation)<br />

o Market Basket Analysis and Customer Profiling<br />

o Customer Retention and Churn Analysis<br />

o Former member of the IBM Recognition and IBM Patent program<br />

• Consultancy done in PR of China, Europe, and US.<br />

1994 - 1996<br />

• Scientific Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science – Databases and Information Systems, JW<br />

Goethe-University of Frankfurt/Main.<br />

• Freelancing (Andersen Consulting, et al.)<br />

3. Research<br />

General<br />

My research interests are concerned with the problem on how to discover reliable and trustful information<br />

(and probably insights) from data sources and how we could benefit from it, especially in security.<br />

Specific<br />

From Data to Information<br />

• Data-centric aspects, e.g. data streams, adaptive data management, and data quality.<br />

• Discovery of information through Knowledge Discovery, Data and Text Mining, and<br />

Visualization.<br />

From Information to Insights<br />

• Understanding and representation of information<br />

• Interpretation of information<br />

From Insights back to Data<br />

• Applying gained insights to practical problems.<br />

Currently, I am leading 3 research projects and am advising 5 PhD candidates. The projects are problem-<br />

oriented, related to security, trust, and reliability:<br />

• Improving Network Protection/Intrusion Detection by introducing bio-inspired algorithms<br />

• Gathering information in temporal data streams by adaptive associative memories<br />

• Adaptive Information Memories for Agents in e-Science<br />

• Discovering of argumentative structures in texts<br />

• Spam detection through text summarization<br />

4. Teaching

Bachelor level<br />

• Databases I-III<br />

• Information Visualization<br />

Master level<br />

• Intelligent Systems<br />

• Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining<br />

• Text Mining<br />

• Data Mining in Security<br />

5. Personal<br />

Languages<br />

• Excellent in Business English (r, w, s)<br />

• Good in French<br />

• Beginner in Swedish<br />

Hobbies<br />

• Playing the piano<br />

• Swimming<br />

• Opera, Theatre<br />

• Generating crosswords

Appendix<br />

A. Publication List<br />

Books<br />

Articles<br />

• C. Schommer: Grundlagen der Medizinischen Informatik. Ergebnisse des gleichnamigen<br />

Seminars an der Uni Potsdam. SoSe 2003. ca. 200 Seiten (September 2003).<br />

• C. Schommer: Anwendung von Data Mining. Shaker Verlag. 2003. ISBN: 3-8322-1832-7<br />

• C. M. Andersen, S. Bayerl, G. Bent, J. Lee, C. Schommer: Mining your own Business. IBM<br />

Redbook Series.<br />

o Vol 1 - Retail. ISBN 0738422940<br />

o Vol 2 - Banking. ISBN 0738422959<br />

o Vol 3 - Telecoms. ISBN 0738422967<br />

o Vol 4 - Healthcare. ISBN 0738423025<br />

• C. Schommer: Konfirmative und explorative Synergiewirkungen im erkenntnisorientierten<br />

Informationszyklus von BAIK. infix Verlag, DISDBIS, Band 72, 2001.<br />

• M. Hilker, C. Schommer: AGNOSCO: Identification of Infected Nodes with Artificial Ant<br />

Colonies. Submitted to RASC 2006 – Submitted to Recent Advances in Soft Computing.<br />

Canterbury, September 2006.<br />

• R. Weires, C. Schommer: An Architecture for Personal Web Information Retrieval. Submitted to<br />

ACM SIGIR - Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. Seattle, August 2006.<br />

• M. Hilker, C. Schommer: Description of bad-signatures for Network Intrusion Detection.<br />

Accepted paper: 4th Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW-NetSec 2006), Hobart,<br />

Australia. January 2006.<br />

• B. Schroeder, F. Hansen, C. Schommer: A methodology for pattern discovery in tennis rallys<br />

using the adaptive framework ANIMA. Workshop Knowledge Discovery in Data Streams.<br />

ECML/PKDD 2005, Porto.<br />

• M. Hilker, C. Schommer: A new queuing strategy for the Adversarial Queuing Theory.<br />

Proceedings IPSI 2005, Bled Lake, Slovenia.<br />

• C. Schommer: Artificial Intelligence. Report of the Seminar Series on Artificial Intelligence. July<br />

2005. Luxembourg.<br />

• C. Schommer, B. Schroeder: ANIMA: Associate Memories for Categorical data Streams.<br />

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications<br />

(ICCSA-2005). San Diego, USA.<br />

• C. Schommer: An incremental neural-based method to discover temporal skeletons in<br />

transactional data streams. To appear in Proceedings of the 5th Recent Advances in Soft<br />

Computing (RASC 2004), Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2004.<br />

• C. Schommer: An SQL-like interface to retrieve associative patterns from neural skeletons. To<br />

appear in Proceedings 2004 International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems -<br />

Theory and Applications (AISTA 2004), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2004.

• Q. Sun, C. Schommer, A. Lang: Integration of Manual and Automatic Text Classification - A<br />

Text Categorization for Emails and Spams. Proceedings of the 27th German Conference for<br />

Artificial Intelligence, Ulm, Germany.<br />

• C. Schommer: Incremental Discovery of Association Rules with Dynamic Neural Cells.<br />

Proceedings of the Workshop on Symbolic Networks. ECAI 2004, Valencia, Spain, 2004.<br />

• S. Bayerl, T. Bollinger, C. Schommer: Applying Models with Scoring. Proceedings on 3rd<br />

International Conference on Data Mining Methods and Databases for Engineering, Finance and<br />

Other Fields; Bologna, Italy, September 25-27, 2002.<br />

• P. Gentsch, U. Müller, C. Schommer: Analytisches CRM in der Praxis: Vorgehensmodell,<br />

Praxisbeispiele und Erfolgsfaktoren. In Ahlert et al.: Customer Relationship Marketing im Handel<br />

- Strategien, Anwendungen, Erfahrungen. Springer Verlag, 2002.<br />

• W. Mayer, C. Schommer: Mobile Patient Record Management through DB2 Everyplace In:<br />

Mobile Computing in Medicine, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.<br />

• C. Schommer, U. Müller: Data Mining im eCommerce: ein Fallbeispiel zur erweiterten Logfile-<br />

Analyse In HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Band 06/2001 Business Intelligence, Vol.<br />

222.<br />

• C. Schommer: Konfirmative und explorative Synergiewirkungen im erkenntnisorientierten<br />

Informationszyklus von BAIK. Dissertation. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am<br />

Main, Professur für Datenbanken und Informationssysteme. 2001.<br />

• C. Schommer: Anwendung von Data Mining mit Hilfe von Mobile Computing Mobiles<br />

Computing in der Medizin. Shaker Verlag, 2001.<br />

• T. Bollinger, C. Schommer, H. D. Wehle: Profitabler Einsatz von Data Mining im Customer<br />

Relationship am Beispiel der Investitionsgüterindustrie In: VDI-Berichte, Band 1381<br />

Computational Intelligence - Neuronale Netze - Evolutionäre Algorithmen - Fuzzy Control im<br />

industriellen Einsatz. 2000.<br />

• T. Bollinger, C. Schommer, H.D. Wehle: Vorhersage von Lieferzeiten. IS Report - Zeitschrift für<br />

betriebswirtschaftliche Informationssysteme. 4. Jahrgang, 6/2000.<br />

• C. Schommer, H.D. Wehle: From VSE/ESA data to Business Intelligence VSE Newsletter<br />

G225-4508-21, November 2000, published in VDI-Newsletter 2000.<br />

• C. Schommer: Data Mining: die Suche nach versteckten Informationen im Data Warehouse<br />

Proceedings 7. Kolloquium Software - Entwicklungen, Methoden, Werkzeuge. Ostfildern,<br />

September 1997.<br />

• C. Schommer, M. Stemmler: Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Tree Hypotheses In Bernd Reusch<br />

(Ed.): Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications, International Conference, 5th Fuzzy<br />

Days, Dortmund, Germany, April 28-30, 1997, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science<br />

1226 Springer 1997, pp. 575-576.<br />

• C. Schommer: Intelligent extraction of knowledge from databases, Proceedings 2nd Doctoral<br />

consortium, CAiSE95, Jyväskylä, Finland.<br />

• C. Schommer, C. Kemke: PAPADEUS - Paralleles Parsing ambiger deutscher Sätze Proceedings<br />

Workshop "Wissensverarbeitung mit neuronalen Netzen", 7. Fachtagung für Künstliche<br />

Intelligenz, 13.-16. Sept. 1993, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

• C. Schommer, C. Kemke: PAPADEUS - Parallel Parsing of Ambiguous Sentences. In<br />

Proceedings of Would Congress on Neural Networks, pages 79-82, Portland, Oregon, 1993.<br />

• C. Schommer: PAPADEUS - Paralleles Parsing ambiger deutscher Sätze. Diplomarbeit,<br />

Universität des Saarlandes. 1993 (Master Thesis).<br />

B. Tutorials and Invited Talks<br />

Tutorials<br />

• C. Schommer: Knowledge Discovery mit dem IBM Intelligent Miner for Data: Grundlagen,<br />

Anwendungen, Entwicklungen. University of Frankfurt, Dept. of Computer Science, October 2,<br />

2002, 13:15-16:30, Magnus Hörsaal.<br />

• C. Schommer: IBM Intelligent Miner for Data. University of Potsdam, Dept. of Computer<br />

Science. May 30, 2002.<br />

• C. Schommer: Application of Data Mining in Medicine, AIME 2001, European Society for<br />

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Cascais, Portugal, 2001.<br />

• S. Bayerl, C. Schommer: Mining in eCommerce Systems, 12th Conference on Advanced<br />

Invited Talks<br />

Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), 2000, Stockholm, Sweden.<br />

• Prinzipien der systematischen Entwicklung von Software: Methoden, Konzepte, Risiken und<br />

Regeln. Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, Berlin. Januar 2003.<br />

• Interoperabilität verteilter Anwendungssysteme: Probleme und Lösungen. University of<br />

Dortmund. November 2002.<br />

• Systemarchitekturen zur effizienten Gewinnung von anwendungsspezifischen Wissen aus<br />

verteilten betrieblichen Informationssystemen. Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel.<br />

Oktober 2002.<br />

• Data Mining in eCommerce. Dept. of Economics, JWG-University Frankfurt am Main, 01/2002.<br />

• News about Data Mining in Industry, IBM Symposium, Berlin, 11/2001.<br />

• Data Mining in Web Log Files: Was die Surfer wirklich interessiert. Gesellschaft für Informatik,<br />

Regionalgruppe Rhein-Main, 02/2001.<br />

• Data Mining in Medicine: about Preprocessing the data. Dept. of Medicine, JWG-University<br />

Frankfurt am Main, 01/2001.<br />

• E-Business durch E-Mining University of Applied Sciences, Heidelberg, 09/1999.<br />

• Data Mining in Medicine 11. Jahrestagung der M Users Group of Germany. 06/1999.<br />

C. Previous Lectures, Seminars, Internships<br />

• Lecture on Databases I. Summer 2005. University of Luxembourg.<br />

• Adaptive and Intelligent Systems - Seminar Series on Artificial Intelligence. Summer 2005.<br />

University of Luxembourg.<br />

• Seminar on Data Mining. Summer 2005. JW Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main.<br />

• Seminar on Semantic Web. Winter 2005/2006. University of Luxembourg.<br />

• Lecture on Data Mining. Winter 2005/2006. University of Luxembourg.

• Lecture on Information Visualization. Winter 2005/2006. University of Luxembourg.<br />

• Lecture on Script Programming. Winter 2005/2006. University of Luxembourg.<br />

• Seminar on Computer-based Learning. Summer 2004. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University,<br />

Frankfurt/Main<br />

• Lecture on Advanced Aspects in Databases. Winter 2003/2004. University of Luxembourg.<br />

• Lecture on Script Programming. Winter 2003/2004. University Luxembourg.<br />

• Practicals on Interaktive Systeme für Data Mining Winter 2003/2004. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-<br />

University, Frankfurt/Main<br />

• Lecture on Hybrid-collective Information Mining. JW Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main,<br />

Summer 2003.<br />

• Seminar on Grundlagen der Medizinischen Informatik, Dept. of Computer Science, University of<br />

Potsdam. Summer 2003.<br />

• Lecture on Data Mining - Dept. of Computer Science, University of Potsdam (in cooperation<br />

with Prof. Dr. T. Schaub (Wissensbasierte Systeme), Dr. J. Selbig (Max-Planck Institut für<br />

Pflanzenphysiologie), Dr. P. Gentsch (pepper technologies GmbH). Winter 2002/2003.<br />

• Practicals on Application of Data Mining (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Winter<br />

2002/03.<br />

• Lecture on Data Mining (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. Summer 2002.<br />

• Seminar on Databases, Internet, Object Systems (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Winter<br />

2001/2002)<br />

D. Advising Students<br />

PhD Theses<br />

• Dipl. Math. Karsten Tolle, JW Goethe-University, Frankfurt/M.<br />

• MSc. Ben Schroeder, University of Luxembourg<br />

• Dipl. Inform. Michael Hilker, University of Luxembourg<br />

• MSc. Ralph Weires, University of Luxembourg<br />

• MSc. Patrice Caire, University of Luxembourg<br />

Diploma candidates and Master Thesis Students<br />

• Conni Uhde (JW Goethe-University Frankfurt/M.): Currently working in the range of inventing<br />

communities of communication.<br />

• Patrick Düssel (Universität Potsdam): Grid Computing and Data Mining (2004).<br />

• Sun Qin: Integration manueller Kategorisierungsregeln in die automatische Kategorisierung im<br />

Text Mining (IBM Laboratory, Böblingen, 2003).<br />

• Silvia Burst: Erweiterung eines Mining-Szenario für die Analyse von Marktdaten nach WpHG<br />

Paragraph 9. IBM Laboratory, Böblingen, and BAFin - Bundesamt für<br />

Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (2003).<br />

• Henry Helff: Analyse des TV-Sehverhaltens für Database Marketing (with Ogilvy & Mather;<br />

1999).<br />

• Anja Kreis: Anwendung von Data Mining im Wirkstoffdesign (with Bayer, Leverkusen; 1998).

• Sascha Kaufmann: TS-SOM: Segmentierung mit selbstorganisierenden Karten am Beispiel von<br />

Telekommunikationsdaten (with AT&T, Frankfurt/Main; 1998).<br />

• Jochen Schmidt: Korrelationsanalyse von Musterclustern in Zeitreihendaten (with Deutsche<br />

Bundesbank, Frankfurt/Main; 1998)<br />

• Michael Hopf: Anwendung von Data Mining/Knowledge Discovery im Naturstoff Screening<br />

(with Aventis, Frankfurt/Main; 1998)<br />

• Michaela Pfeifer: MP-KLASS: Ein interaktives Data Mining-Werkzeug zur Entscheidungsfindung<br />

innerhalb eines Krankenhausinformationssystems (with SMS, Eschborn; 1997)<br />

• Matthias Stemmler: STLearn: Ein Data Mining-Werkzeug zur Klassifikation von Daten mit Hilfe<br />

eines baumorientierten Lernverfahrens (1996)<br />

• Jihua Xun: Evaluierung von Java-Parsern. JW Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main (2004)<br />

• Sascha Slomka: Adaptive Analyse von Finanzdaten mit Regelsystemen. Gesellschaft für<br />

Zahlungssysteme (www.gzs.de, 1999)<br />

• Isabel Scheiding: Modellierung von HyTime Architectural Forms als Grundlage für das<br />

Annotieren strukturierter Dokumente (1996)<br />

• Joachim Birken: Entwicklung einer Programmierschnittstelle für repetierenden Betrieb auf einer<br />

Bachelor Theses<br />

assoziativen Datendlussarchitektur (1994)<br />

• Cynthia Wagner: Currently working in the area of Spam Detection and Summarization (Text<br />

Mining).<br />

• Claudine Brucks: Currently working in the area of Spam Detection and Summarization (Text<br />

Mining).<br />

• Oltjon Sulanjaku: Currently workin in the area of Visualization and Network Protection.<br />

• Frank Hansen: Application of Data Mining for Wimbledon Tennis (2005).<br />

• Djoukwai Derrulex: The CompilerCompiler System (2005).<br />

• Yves Tchatchuang: Information Retrieval in distributed data sources. University Luxemburg.<br />

Interdisciplinary work with Musée nationale d'art et d'histoire. (2004).<br />

• Sergio Guerra: Internet Technical Manual. University Luxemburg. Interdisciplinary work with<br />

Astron Buildings S.A. (2004).<br />

• Amand Kopczinski: Mise en place d'un système de détection d'intrusions. University Luxemburg.<br />

Interdisciplinary work with Centre Informatique de l'Etat (2004).

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