Conference Program - LOPE-C 2011

Conference Program - LOPE-C 2011

Conference Program - LOPE-C 2011


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BC-INVESTOR FORUM | WEDNESDAY-JUNE 29, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Track 1<br />

Panel Discussion (11:30 am - 12:50 pm) | LOCATION SPEKTRUM / LEVEL C2<br />

11:30 am Financing Opportunities in Organic and Printed Electronics<br />

Financing Opportunities in Organic and Printed ElectronicsThe Investor Forum will be started off by an international panel of experts who will discuss financing<br />

opportunities and challenges in organic and printed electronics. Following a brief introduction of the panelists and their organizations, different perspectives will be taken to<br />

highlight potential structures and strategies for financing of high-technology companies. The German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVK) will open the<br />

session and moderate the panel. From a public venture point of view the High-Tech Gruenderfonds (HTGF) will outline their strategy for early-stage financing of technology<br />

businesses in Germany. The European Investment Fund (EIF) will highlight their role in supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises in the European economic area.<br />

Innogy Venture Capital, the corporate venture fund of German energy provider RWE, will talk about the importance of strategic investors for the development of<br />

high-technology businesses. A represenative of a US-based venture capital firm focused on investments in companies enabled by nanotechnology and microsystems will<br />

add the international perspective. Finally, Plastic Logic will present their experiences as a company active in organic and printed electronics having gone through various<br />

financing stages ranging from private equity and venture capital funding through to corporate venture and public venture financing. The panel session will then be followed<br />

by several presentations of organic and printed electronics companies looking for financing.<br />

Organizer: Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI)<br />

12:50 pm LUNCH BREAK<br />

Equipment/Process (02:00 pm - 02:30 pm) | LOCATION SPEKTRUM / LEVEL C2<br />

02:00 pm EXTRUDED PHOTOVOLTAICS (Seed-financing)<br />

Mr Giovanni A. della Rossa,<br />

Quantumatica, Managing Director, Italy<br />

We hold a patent with Bandera spa on the possibility to create an "all in one" photovoltaics panel via extrusion process only. We are looking for the right photoactive<br />

polymer s to be extruded and be able to work at thickness of typical extrusion process and for partners to carry out the experimental phase and/or commercialization of the<br />

final products, as well as financial investors.<br />

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