note - FIZ Karlsruhe

note - FIZ Karlsruhe

note - FIZ Karlsruhe


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Appendices<br />

Symbol(s) Function Search Example<br />

^<br />

Query appears at the beginning<br />

or at the end of a sequence<br />

| Alternate sequence expressions<br />

. a gap of one residue<br />

: a gap of zero or one residue<br />

.{m}<br />

or<br />

.[m.]<br />

.{m,u}<br />

or<br />

.{m-u}<br />

.? or :<br />

or<br />

.{0,1}<br />

or<br />

.{0-1}<br />

.*<br />

or<br />

.{0,}<br />

or<br />

.{0-}<br />

.+<br />

or<br />

.{1,}<br />

or<br />

.{1-}<br />

&<br />

a gap of m residues<br />

a gap of m to u residues<br />

a gap of zero or one residue<br />

A gap of zero or more residues<br />

A gap of one or more residues<br />

Concatenate 1 (join together)<br />

sequences or queries<br />

Page 136 | GENESEQ on STN (DGENE) Workshop Manual<br />


CATCTGTATT at the<br />

beginning of a sequence<br />


ACD or KLM or TWA<br />

SY.RPG/SQSP:<br />

SY followed by one residue<br />

followed by RPG<br />

SY:RPG/SQSP:<br />

SYRPG or SY followed by one<br />

residue followed by RPG<br />

SY.{2}RPG/SQSP:<br />

SY followed by any 2 residues<br />

followed by RPG<br />

GFF.{2,10}LSS/SQSP: GFF<br />

followed by a gap of 2 to 10<br />

residues followed by LSS<br />

AGA.?SRI/SQSFP is<br />

equivalent to<br />

AGA.{0,1}SRI/SQSFP: AGA<br />

followed by zero or one<br />

residue followed by SRI<br />

HLC.*TYG/SQSP is<br />

equivalent to<br />

HLC.{0,}TYG/SQSP:<br />

HLC followed by a gap of zero<br />

or more residues followed by<br />

TYG<br />

SY.+TH/SQSP is equivalent to<br />

SY.{1,}TH/SQSP:<br />

SY followed by any number of<br />

residues followed by TH<br />

L1&L2&L3/SQSN:<br />

the sequence in L1 followed by<br />

the sequence in L2 followed by<br />

the sequence in L3.<br />

1 Can be used for /SQSN, /SQSP, /SQSFP queries but also for exact sequence searches /SQEP, /SQEFP and /SQEN

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