Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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not have any interest in pravRtti dharma, and live their lives with the sole<br />

objective of doing kaimkaryam to Him. They are not interested in any fruit<br />

out of their action except the bhAgyam of doing kaimkaryam to Him.<br />

BhagavAn gives them exactly that, namely He gives them His lokam from where<br />

there is no return to samsAra - viNNulagam taruvAnAi variaginrAn<br />

(tivuvAimozhi 10. 6. 3). In fact, even though bhagavAn is AtmA of these<br />

nivRtti dharma practitioners just as He is the AtmA of all other creations, yet<br />

He considers that these nivRtti dharma followers are His soul, that is, He<br />

cannot live without them.<br />

SrI rAmAnujan also gives his anubhavam of bhagavAn's detachment from any<br />

feeling of self-glory over His greatness (interpretation e). Here He is, creating<br />

this great wonder with all its innumerable creatures and all the planets and the<br />

different worlds. He is the svAmi of all these worlds - vI<strong>RR</strong>irunduEzhulagum<br />

tanik kOl Sella; varambilAda mAyai mAya!. varambilAda kIrtiyAi!<br />

(tiruccandaviruttam 96). With all this greatness, one would expect that He<br />

should have some attachment of ownership to His wonderful creation, and<br />

pride of this great creation of His. Yet, He does not have any of this sense<br />

ofpride, and is only interested in our welfare instead, in whatever He does.<br />

Such is His greatness.<br />

In the four instances where SrI BhaTTar uses the nAma nivRttAtmA as<br />

referred to above,<br />

SrI Samkara uses the nAma nivRttAtmA in Sloka-s 25 and 64, the nAma<br />

vimuktAtmA in Slokam 48, and gives interpretations using the pATha as anivRttAtmA<br />

or alternatively as nivRttAtmA in Slokam 83.<br />

His interpretations are:<br />

Slokam 25: "He whose nature is that He is free from the bonds ofsamsAra -<br />

samsAra bandhanAt nivRtta AtmA svarUpam asya iti nivRttAtmA".<br />

Slokam 64: "He who naturally turns away from material pleasures -<br />

svabhAvatah vishayebhyo nivRtta AtmA manah asya iti nivRttAtmA".<br />

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