Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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harivamSa: ka iti brahmaNo nAma (brahmeti samAkhyAta) ISo'ham sarva<br />

dehinAm | AvAm tavA'nge sambhUtau (tavAmSa sambhUtau) tasmAt keSava<br />

nAmavAn || - (harivamSa 3. 88. 48)<br />

The above are words of Siva to bhagavAn - (ka is the name of brahma, and I<br />

am ISa who rules over all the embodied beings. Both of us have been born out<br />

of Thy body, and therefore Thou art known by the name keSava). Thus, the<br />

nAma signifies that brahma and Siva originated from bhagavAn.<br />

d) SrI Samkara gives the additional interpretation that He is the owner of the<br />

keSa-s or rays that emanate from the Sun, the moon, and all the effulgent<br />

objects in the cosmos, and so He is called keSava. He gives the support from<br />

mahAbhArata:<br />

amSavo ye prakASante mamaite keSa sam~jnitAh |<br />

sarvaj~nAh keSavam tasmAt mAm Ahuh dvija-sattamAh ||<br />

(mahA. 12. 328. 43)<br />

(Literally, the above says: "The rays that are emanating from Me are called<br />

keSa-s, and so the learned Brahmins call me by the name keSava").<br />

e) SrI rAdhAkRshNa SAstri gives a reference from vishNu purANam, and<br />

narrates that when brahmA with the other deva-s sought the help of Lord<br />

nArayaNa against the terror from asura-s, the Lord plucked two keSa-s (hairs<br />

- one black and one white), and told brahmA that those two hairs will descend<br />

on earth as kRshNa and balarAma, and relieve the earth of the burden of the<br />

demons:<br />

evam sastUyamAnastu bhagavAn parameSvarah |<br />

ujjahArAtmanah keSau sita-kRshNau mahAmune ||<br />

uvAca ca surAnetau mat-keSau vasudhAtale |<br />

avatIrya bhuvo bhAra kleSa hAnim karishyatah ||<br />

72<br />

(vishNu purA. 5. 1. 59-60)<br />

(The commentator indicates that the above should be taken just as an<br />

indication by bhagavAn that His hair should be sufficient to take care of the<br />

asura-s, and should not be literally taken to suggest that the two hairs took<br />


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