Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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called pradyumna. Thus, SrI satyadevo vAsishTha’s interpretation draws<br />

heavily on “mnA – abhyAse – repeatedly, again and again.<br />

SrI Samkara gives the interpretation “prakRshTam dyumnam draviNam asya iti<br />

pradyumnah” – One who has wealth of a superior order, or One who has<br />

enormous wealth. SrI cinmayAnanda adds that as lakshmI-pati, He is endowed<br />

with all the riches, and in His benevolence, He gives riches and mighty glory to<br />

all His devotees.<br />

Again, we note the difference in the approach of the vyAkhyAna-s of SrI<br />

Samkara and SrI BhaTTar – SrI BhaTTar emphasizes bhagavAn’s qualities in<br />

terms of helping the jIva-s, and SrI Samkara emphasizes His parattva.<br />

SrI rAdhAkRshNa SAstri gives the additional meaning “desire” to the word<br />

dyumnam. pradyumna is the Deity for manas, and in this role He creates the<br />

desires in us that contribute to the sustenance of creation.<br />

The dharma cakram writer gives the interpretation that the desires being<br />

fulfilled are those of the devotees to realize the Self. The best of desires<br />

that for Self-realization and for performing eternal service to Him. He is the<br />

Only One who can fulfill this, and so He is called pradyumna – The Bestower of<br />

all desires.<br />

SrI kRshNa datta bhAradvAj uses the meaning “balam” or strength for the<br />

word dyumnam, and gives the meaning “He who has distinguished strength” -<br />

prakRshTam dyumnam balam yasya iti pradyumnah. He quotes the support from<br />

medinI kOSam 1. 20. 11 – dyumnam vittam bale’pi ca. SrI baladeva<br />

vidyAbhUshaN also gives the same interpretation – prakRshTam anantam balam<br />

asya iti pradyumnah.<br />

nAma 647. amita amita-vikramah<br />

amita vikramah<br />

He of immeasurable steps.<br />

amita-vikramAya namah.<br />

This nAma occurred earlier as nAma 519. See the write-up under Slokam 55.<br />

vikrama means stride. SrI BhaTTar interprets the nAma as a reference to His<br />

61<br />


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