Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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c) SrI satyadevo vAsishTha points out that bhagavAn purifies this universe in<br />

various ways – by the process of creation (navo navo bhavati jAyamAnah), by<br />

His being unconstrained and unrestrained in any way (indrasya bAhvor<br />

bhUyishThamojah) – amogha Sakti, in the form of the Sun, etc. Through<br />

creation, He renews the old into the new, and thus makes us feel like one who<br />

wakes up from sleep and feels fres<br />

SrI BhaTTar interprets the next few nAma-s as describing the vyUha<br />

(Emanations) and vibhava (Incarnations) of bhagavAn in the holy shrines.<br />

SrI v. v. rAmAnujan adds that the forms described are His representations in<br />

the para, vyUha, and vibhava forms in different kshetra-s. Note that the<br />

vyUha forms are the ones which are the precursors to the vibhava forms in<br />

the viSAkha yUpa tree, and are the forms which He assumes in the process of<br />

creating and maintaining the various beings in the Universe.<br />

nAma 644. AinéÏ> aniruddhah<br />

a) He Who is in the form of aniruddhah.<br />

b) He Who is unobstructed.<br />

aniruddhAya namah.<br />

This nAma occurred earlier as nAma 187. The root from which the word is<br />

derived is rudhir – AvaraNe to oppose, to besiege. niruddha means obstructed,<br />

hindered, restrained, etc. a-niruddha is one who is unrestrained or<br />

unrestrainable. The nAma literally means “One who cannot be obstructed in<br />

any way” – na asti nirodho yasya sa aniruddhah (SrI satyadevo vAsishTha).<br />

SrI BhaTTar has explained nAma 187 by pointing that this Unobstructed<br />

Power is used by Him to protect all beings and to repel all opposition in this act<br />

of His. (Note that always bhagavAn’s acts are for the good of His creation,<br />

His devotees, His Sesha-s, and never for His pleasure or benefit! This is also<br />

seen in all His incarnations, such as the rAma and kRshNa incarnations, where<br />

none could stop Him from fulfilling the purpose of His incarnation). The<br />

aniruddha form is considered one of the vyUha forms. His main function in this<br />


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