Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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h) He Who created the fit being - the four-faced brahmA (catura = kuSala,<br />

fit)<br />

i) He Who manifest Himself in four kinds of AtmA-s: jIva, antarAtmA,<br />

paramAtmA, j~nAnAtmA.<br />

catur-Atmane namah.<br />

We dealt with this nAma in Slokam 15 (nAma 139). The term Atman usually<br />

refers to the individual soul, but is also used refer to the Supreme Self<br />

(ParamAtman), one’s essential essence or nature, Form, image etc. (VAman<br />

Apte’s dictionary). The nAma-s catur-mUrtih (nAma 771 in the current<br />

Slokam), catur-AtmA (nAma 139 in Slokam 15, and the current nAma), and<br />

catur-vyUhah (nAma 140 in Slokam 15, and the previous nAma in the current<br />

Slokam have interpretations that are some what related. So I am re-visiting all<br />

the above nAma-s here.<br />

It has been pointed out in many places before, that a unique feature of SrI<br />

BhaTTar’s bhAshyam is that he sees a connection between groups of nAma-s in<br />

SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam, and has grouped the 1000 nAma-s into 44 groups,<br />

like 44 petals of a lotus flower. So in SrI BhaTTar’s bhAshyam, we will see the<br />

interpretation that is most appropriate to the form of bhagavAn that he is<br />

dealing with for any instance of a given nAma. For instance, he interprets:<br />

1. the nAma-s 123 to 146 in terms of His vyUha incarnations (vAsudeva,<br />

samkarshNa, pradyumna and aniruddha), and nAma-s 697 to 786 in<br />

terms of the vibhava incarnation of bhagavAn as Lord kRshNa.<br />

2. the occurrence of catur-AtmA and catur-vyUhah as nAma-s 139 and<br />

140 in terms of the vyUha incarnation, and the occurrence of the same<br />

nAma-s catur-AtmA and catur-vyUhahas nAma-s 775 and 773, in terms<br />

of His kRshNa incarnations.<br />

Thus, he uses the meaning “Emanation” or vyUha incarnation in the former<br />

instance of the term vyUha, and refers to His four vyUha incarnations for the<br />

nAma 139, and deals with why He took these forms, for nAma 140.<br />

When interpreting the series of nAma-sunder the kRshNa incarnation, he<br />

311<br />


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