Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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divisions of speech”. The passage continues to say “The brAhmins who have<br />

understanding know them”. Ralph Griffith interprets this as a reference to<br />

three veda-s, and to ordinary speech as the fourth one.<br />

f) The dharma cakram writer gives a different interpretation. He takes<br />

vyUhato mean “greatness”, and then interprets the nAma as representing<br />

bhagavAn as having the following four mahimA-s:<br />

1. Performing the function of creation, destruction etc., just as part of<br />

His leelA-s;<br />

2. Revealing the greatness of parA-bhakti (extreme devotion) through<br />

rAsa-krIDA;<br />

3. The revelation of the relation between jeevAtmA and paramAtmA by<br />

being the nAtha simultaneously for innumerable gopi-s; and<br />

4. The calm acceptance of the curse of gAndhAri relating to the<br />

destruction of the vRshNi race.<br />

nAma 774. ctugRit> catur catur-gatih<br />

catur gatih<br />

a) He Who is in the form of the four purushArtha-s.<br />

b) He Who provides the four goals: indra, brahma, kaivalya, and moksha.<br />

c) He Who has the four gaits (vRshabha, gaja, vyAghra, and simha gati)<br />

d) He Who is the goal of the four varNa-s and the four ASrama-s.<br />

e) He Who is the Refuge for the four kinds of bhakata-s (Arta, ji~jnAsu,<br />

arthArthI, and j~nAnI)<br />

a) SrI bhaTTar interprets the nAma as referring to His being the path for all<br />

the four goals desired by His devotees – upAsaka abhiyoga tAratamyakRtakramAt<br />

catasrah prAptayah asmin iti catur-gatih.<br />

SrI bhaTTar does not explicitly specify what the four goals are that he has in<br />

mind. Two different interpretations have been given by the subsequent<br />

interpreters. One is that the four goals are the four purushArtha-s – dharma,<br />


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