Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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) SrI Sa'nkara's anubhavam is: na svarUpAt na sAmarthyAt na ca<br />

j~nAnAdikAt guNAt calanam vidyate asya iti a-calah- He is Immutable, or acalah,<br />

because He undergoes no change in His nature, power, wisdom or any<br />

other attributes.<br />

The reader is again referred to the article that had been posted earlier,<br />

comparing the approaches of SrI Sa'nkara and SrI BhaTTarto the vyAkhyAna<br />

of SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam. The difference we see in the interpretation of<br />

the current nAma is another illustration of this difference.<br />

c) One of the interpretations that SrI cinmayAnanda gives is that because<br />

bhagavAn is everywhere (All-pervading), and there is no place that He is not,<br />

therefore He is a-calah. He gives the gItA Slokam 2.24 as support:<br />

ac-chedyo'yam a-dAhyo'yam a-kledyo'Soshya eva ca |<br />

nityah sarva-gatah sthANuh a-calo'yam sanAtanah ||<br />

"It cannot be cleft; It cannot be burnt; It cannot be wetted and It cannot be<br />

dried;<br />

It is eternal, all-pervading, stable, immovable, and primeval".<br />

SrI satyadevo vAsishTha observes that bhagavAn Who is a-calah, has also<br />

inculcated in all His creations, the principle of a-calattvam in some form. Thus,<br />

for instance, the tree or plant that comes out of a given seed is only of the<br />

same type as the seed, and not of a different type. This dharma is not violated<br />

ever. When a fire shoots out, it is always directed in an upward direction, and<br />

not in a downward direction. Thus, even those that are moving and active, are<br />

bound by His principle of a-calattvam.<br />

The dharma cakram writer gives a real-world analogy to illustrate the<br />

importance of this nAma. A small wind is able to move and shake small plants; a<br />

bigger cyclone is able to uproot even big trees; however, a mountain is not<br />

moved by any of these. Similarly, people who are involved and entangled in<br />

worldly joys and sorrows are shaken up and tossed around emotionally; even<br />

arjuna got totally confused and disheartened when he entered the battlefield.<br />

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