Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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yasmAt lakshmyamSa sambhUtAh Saktayo viSvagAh sadA |<br />

kAraNyatvena tishThanti jagatyasmin tadAj~nayA ||<br />

tasmAt prItA jaganmAtA SrIh yasya acyuta-vallabhA |<br />

suprItAh Saktayah tasya siddhim ishTAm diSanti ca ||<br />

“All the Saktis that have emanated from Lakshmi are always pervading the<br />

entire Universe. They remain, under the command of SrI, as the cause.<br />

Therefore, when Lakshmi, the Mother of the Universe and the beloved consort<br />

of Bhagavan Acyuta is pleased with someone, these Saktis themselves highly<br />

pleased, bestow prosperity which one desires.”<br />

After this detailed description of Lakshmi’s qualities, SrI BhaTTar points out<br />

that this subject is more fully dealt with in vaishNava smRti and other dharma<br />

SAstra-s.<br />

rAmAyaNa also declares the greatness of Lakshmi in the Sloka in bAla<br />

kANDam(4.7):- kAvyam rAmAyaNam kRtsnam sItAyAh caritam mahat – "The<br />

entire epic poem of rAmAyaNa is but the glorious story of sItA”.<br />

SrI BhaTTar concludes his vyAkhyAnam for the nAma mAdhava in its first<br />

occurrence in Slokam 8 (nAma 73), by elaborately dwelling on the qualities of<br />

Lakshmi, and then ending with one line for mA-dahva, where he attributes the<br />

greatness of mAdhava to His association with SrI: “SraddhayA devo<br />

devatvamaSnute – Lord VishNu gets His Lordship because of His association<br />

with Lakshmi. This is the secret about the true nature of SrI”.<br />

Under nAma-s 169 and 741, SrI BhaTTar gives alternate explanations for the<br />

nAma mA-dhavah, but these a couple of sentences each in length, compared to<br />

the very elaborate description above that he has given for the first<br />

occurrence of the nAma in Slokam 8 (nAma 73). It is clear that SrI BhaTTar’s<br />

thoughts are about our Mother SrI in his anubhavam of the nAma mA-dhava<br />

for the Lord.<br />

b) The Bestower of Knowledge (mA – The vidyA or knowledge of Hari; dhava–<br />

Lord, Preceptor, Propounder) For the nAma mA-dhava in Slokam 18 (nAma 169),<br />

239<br />


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