Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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e) One Who limits everything through things such as limited life etc.<br />

loka-bandhave namah.<br />

The mutual and inseparable relation between us and bhagavAn is what is<br />

revealed in this nAma.<br />

a) SrI BhaTTar gives the interpretation that bhagavAn has this nAma because<br />

He is the Relative of everyone in this world without exception, and blesses all<br />

without exception – evam a-viSesheNa a-Sesha anugrahe a-varjanIyam<br />

bAndhavam nibandhanam Aha – loka bandhuh. He gives the following in<br />

support: - mAtA pitA bhrAtA nivAsah SaraNam suhRt gatih nArAyaNah<br />

(subAlaopanishad 6) – nArAyaNa is the mother, father, brother, abode,<br />

refuge, friend, and the final goal”.<br />

pitA aham asya jagato mAtA dhAtA pitAmahah |<br />

vedyam pavitram om-kAram Rk sAma yajureva ca ||<br />

“I am the father, mother, creator, and grandfather of the universe.<br />

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(gItA 9.17)<br />

I am the purifier. I am the syllable (PraNavam) and also Rk, sAma, and yajus”.<br />

SrI v.v. rAmAnujan refers us to gItA 9.29, which conveys the very same<br />

thoughts that SrI BhaTTar has given in his bhAshyam:<br />

samo’ham sarva bhUteshu na me dveshyo’sti na priyah |<br />

ye bhajanti tu mAm bhaktyA mayi te teshu cApyaham ||<br />

(gItA 9.29)<br />

“I treat everyone in creation the same way. There is none whom I like more or<br />

dislike more.<br />

But those who worship Me with devotion abide in Me and I abide in them.”<br />

Other references given by SrI v.v. rAmAnujan to emphasize this point are:<br />

1. "o un tannODu uRavEl namkku I’ngu ozhikka ozhiyAdu” – (tiruppAvai 28)<br />

– The relationship between You on the one hand, and all of on the other,<br />


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