Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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(tasmai namah in Samkara pATham).<br />

The root from which the nAma is derived is tanu – vistAre – to spread, togo<br />

(tanoti – vistRNAti – expands).<br />

SrI BhaTTar’s bhAshyam is “sva j~nAna bahktim tanoti iti tat” – He Who<br />

increases the j~nAnam and bhakti in His devotees. He gives the support from<br />

taittirIya nArAyaNIyam (27) – tat savitur vareNIyam – That superior lustre<br />

of the Lord, the cause of the Universe.<br />

The term tat is given another meaning in the gItA. The term refers to the<br />

veda-s. and to the acts of sacrifice that are undertaken without any<br />

expectation of a benefit, as prescribed in the veda-s.<br />

(pravaNam)-tat-sat iti nirdeSo brahmaNah tri-vidhah smRtah |<br />

brAhamaNAs-tena vedASca ya~jnASca vihitAh purA ||<br />

226<br />

(gItA 17.23)<br />

“Brahman (the veda) is denoted by the three-fold expression: (PraNavam),<br />

tat,sat.<br />

Associated with these, the BrAhamaNas, the Vedas, and sacrifices were<br />

ordained in the past”.<br />

In Slokam 7.25, the term tat is explained further:<br />

tad-iti anabhisandhAya phalam ya~jna tapah kriyAh |<br />

dAna-kriyASca vividhAh kriyante moksha kA’nkshibhih ||<br />

“Acts of sacrifice, austerity and various gifts are performed without aiming at<br />

reward by those who seek release (moksha), after pronouncing tat”.<br />

In our samkalpam for many religious rites, we start with “Harir-om tat”.<br />

Bhagavad rAmAnuja explains in his vyAkhyAnam for gItA Slokam 7.25, that<br />

whatever acts such as the study of the Vedas, sacrifices, austerities and gifts<br />

are done without aiming at results by those of the first three stations, seeking<br />

only final release – these are designated by the term tat, referring to<br />

Brahman, since they constitute the means for attainment of Brahman. He also

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