Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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expression of bhagavAn's Sakti, most of us do not recognize any of that, and<br />

we look at our own form and conclude and feel proud that we are in sole control<br />

of that. All this is the result of bhagavAn's mAyA or leelA.<br />

The common dictionaries do not give this later meaning for the term<br />

"mUrti" (namely, mAyArUpA mohikA Saktih), but Prof. A. A. Ramanathan has<br />

included this interpretation in his collection of amara koSa vyAkhyAna-s -<br />

mUrchyata iti mUrtih.<br />

e) SrI baladeva vidyA bhUshaN links his interpretation for the nAma "viSva<br />

mUrtih" to the previous nAma a-parAjitah. His anubhavam is that bhagavAn is<br />

a-parAjitah or Unconquerable because He resides in and controls all the bodies<br />

of all the deva-s, gandharva-s, mAnava-s etc. - deva gandharva mAnavAdi sarva<br />

SarIrah.<br />

nAma 723. mhamUitR> mahA mahA-mUrtih<br />

mahA mUrtih<br />

a) He of Immense form.<br />

b) He Who is immensely worthy of worship.<br />

mahA-mUrtaye namah.<br />

a) SrI BhaTTar explains that His body is immense because it is the resort for<br />

everything in the entire Universe. He gives reference from the gItAas<br />

support:<br />

ihaikastham jagat kRtsnam paSyAdya sa-carAcaram |<br />

mama dehe guDAkeSa! yacchAnyat drashTum icchati ||<br />

199<br />

(gItA 11.7)<br />

"guDAkeSa! See now the whole Universe with all the things moving and nonmoving,<br />

in one corner of My body, and you may also see (in My body) anything<br />

else you wish to see (because everything is part of My body)".<br />

SrI rAdhAkRshNa SAstri refers us to gItA 11.13, which describes arjuna's<br />

seeing the whole Universe in His body:<br />


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