Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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parajitah - He Who cannot be conquered by anyone and through any means is aparAjitah.<br />

SrI BhaTTar quotes several examples where the deva-s have declared over<br />

and over again that bhagavAn cannot be vanquished by anyone.<br />

ekam hanishyasi ripum garjantam tam mahAmRdhe |<br />

na tu tam prArthayasyekam rakshyate sa mahAtmanA ||<br />

yam Ahur-veda-vidusho vArAham a-jitam harim |<br />

nArAyaNam a-cintyam ca tena kRshNena rakshyate ||<br />

194<br />

(bhA. udyo.129.40)<br />

indra tells karNa: "In the great fight, I give you the power to kill one<br />

thundering warrior, but this cannot be the one you wish to kill (arjuna), since<br />

he is protected by the Great Lord (kRshNa). KRshNa is none other than the<br />

Invincible Hari, Who had assumed the form of the Wild Boar, and Who is the<br />

Incomparable nArAyaNa, as declared by the vedic scholars".<br />

The same message is given to jayadratha by rudra:<br />

a-jayyAnScApi a-vadhyAnSca vArayishyasi tAn yudhi |<br />

Rte arjunam mahA-bAhum devairapi durAsadam |<br />

yam Ahuh amitam devam Sa'nkha-cakra-gadA-dharam |<br />

pradhAnah so'stra-vidushAm tena kRshNena rakshyate ||<br />

(bhA. vana.260.75)<br />

"In the fight you can ward off the attacks of all invincible and indestructible<br />

warriors except the long-armed arjuna who is unassailable even to the gods,<br />

since he is protected by kRshNa who is the Unknowable Deity Who bears the<br />

conch, discus and mace as arms".<br />

BhIshma, droNa, etc., declare that they could have annihilated the pANDava-s<br />

without a trace if only vishNu had not been their Protector, and that just as<br />

certainly as truth rests with a brAhmin, humility is certain in the pious, and<br />

wealth is sure in the skillful, so also victory is certain for nArAyaNa:

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