Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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changing the day into night, violating His promise not to take to arms during<br />

the war, etc., still His heart was heavy that He did not do enough to help<br />

draupadi. As Lord kRshNa was departing to SrI vaikunTham after the purpose<br />

of His incarnation was completed, He said relating to this incident: RNam<br />

pravRddhamiva me hRdayAt nApasarpati (udyoga. 28.22) - "(That cry of help<br />

uttered by draupadi even from a distance calling me "govinda", even though I<br />

was far away in dvArakA) - that cry is never away from My mind, like a debt<br />

that has increased over time with interest accumulated on it".<br />

nammAzhvAr describes this guNa of bhagavAn in peria tiruvanTAdi 53 - "un<br />

aDiyArkku en Seivan enRE irutti nee" - "Your preoccupation is in contemplating<br />

on what You can do to help your devotee always". In this aspect, He is like the<br />

fire that is never satisfied with anything that is offered to it; it keeps<br />

consuming whatever is offered, and grows more eager to consume ever more.<br />

For this reason, the term analah also refers to fire.<br />

SrI rAdhAkRshNa SAstri gives another dimension to His not being "satisfied"<br />

- He is not satisfied with just the materialistic offering during His worship,<br />

but will be satisfied only when it is offered with bhakti or devotion. Bhakti is<br />

the only requirement for satisfying Him, and not any accompanying<br />

materialistic offerings.<br />

b) For the current occurrence of the nAma an-alah, SrI BhaTTar gives the<br />

additional interpretation that bhagavAn has this nAma because of His guNa of<br />

not being able to put up with apacAram to His devotees. SrI BhaTTar quotes<br />

the following words of bhagavAn:<br />

dvau tu me vadha kAle'smin na kshantavyo katha'ncana |<br />

ya~jna vighna-karam hanyAm pANDavAnAm ca dur-hRdam ||<br />

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(bhA. sabhA.68.26)<br />

"At the time of destruction, two persons will not at all be forgiven by Me. I will<br />

kill Him who obstructs the conduct of this sacrifice, and also him who is illdisposed<br />

to the pANDava-s".

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