Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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the interpretation that this nAma indicates that bhagavAn binds the creatures<br />

that have the ability to move around such that they function as a unit with all<br />

their parts intact. We are given the ability to walk and to run fast, but we do<br />

not ever worry about our legs falling apart as we run. We watch a dancer<br />

dance, and in the process our eyes move all around, but there is never a<br />

thought in us that the eyes will fall out as they move around constantly. This<br />

general rule, trivial as it may seem, is an important part of the whole world<br />

functioning - when the planets keep moving around, we do not worry about<br />

their falling apart, colliding with each other, etc. All this is because of<br />

bhagavAn- the SUra-sena, who keeps everything bound in a way that<br />

everything functions as a unit and all things co-exist with each other. SrI<br />

vAsishTha-s summary of this interpretation is - evameva sakalam carAcara<br />

dRSyam adRSyam ca cintayam acintayam ca jagat tasya vishNoh SUra-senatva<br />

lakshaNam guNam prakASayan SUra-sena abhidhAnam labhate.<br />

The learned people know and understand that bhagavAn has given us the<br />

freedom to move around, and at the same time He is the One who keeps us all<br />

together as one unit, and has established the rules for all of us to follow. The<br />

mahA-purusha-s understand this simple and universal secret that permeates in<br />

everything all around, and praise this SUra-sena and thereby all their sins are<br />

removed.<br />

The dharma cakram writer illustrates the significance of this nAma in terms of<br />

the mahA bhArata war. In that war, bhagavAn used the pANDava army<br />

consisting of the good people such as arjuna, and defeated the wicked kauravas.<br />

When duryodhana enlisted good people such as bhIshma and droNa on his<br />

side, and when arjuna hesitated to kill them for the sake of dharma, bhagavAn<br />

imparted true knowledge to him and made him fight. It was thus with<br />

bhagavAn's help that arjuna could win the war.<br />

We have to constantly fight the Asuric tendencies in us in order to elevate<br />

ourselves. For this, we need His help. It is only by removing our association<br />

with the materialistic desires, and by strengthening our connection with<br />

bhagavAn, that we can succeed in overcoming the Asuric tendencies in us. This<br />

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