Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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the above five types of ya~jna-s with the full realization that these are all<br />

offerings to Him, since He is the mahA ya~jnah who is worshiped by al these<br />

offerings. They should be performed for His pleasure and not with any benefit<br />

for us in mind, with the clear understanding that He is the Doer who is just<br />

using us as the means for getting these done, etc.<br />

nAma 683. mhahiv> mahA mahA-havih<br />

mahA havih<br />

a) He Who is worshiped with supreme oblations.<br />

b) He Who manifests Himself in the form of the great Offering.<br />

c) He Who accepts the whole Universe as havis at the time pralaya.<br />

mahA-havishe namah.<br />

The root from which the word havis is derived is hu - dAnAdAnayoh - to offer,<br />

to perform a sacrifice, to eat. The word havis is explained by the uNAdi sutra<br />

"arci Suci hu sRpi chAdi chardibhya ish (268), and has the meaning "clarified<br />

butter offered in sacrifice". In common usage, the term is used for referring<br />

to the material used in the oblation to the fire. mahA-havis is the greatest of<br />

these oblations, and mahA-havih refers to the One who is the recipient of the<br />

supreme oblations. SrI satyadevo vAsishTha indicates that the term havih can<br />

also refer to one who is making the offering, one who is the object or recipient<br />

of the offering, that by which the offering is made, etc.<br />

We will see in the interpretations below that He is mahA-havih in all the above<br />

senses: He is mahA-havih because:<br />

1. He is worshiped by the offerings that are themselves supreme in nature<br />

(e. g., in the form of our AtmA);<br />

2. He is the Great or Supreme acceptor of the meager offerings that we<br />

make;<br />

3. Everything is but a form of Him, or His manifestation, and He manifests<br />

Himself in the form of the Great Sacrifice.<br />

a) SrI BhaTTar interprets havis as referring to the offerings, and thus mahAhavis<br />

refers to the great offerings; mahA-havih is the recipient of the great<br />

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