Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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the aSvamedha yAga in His incarnation as Lord rAma. He is also the yajAmana<br />

of all sacrifices performed by all devotees, since He ensures their successful<br />

completion, and in this sense also He is mahA-yajvA, the Great Sacrificer.<br />

b) SrI BhaTTar interprets the term "mahA-yajvA" as a reference to the<br />

superior class of devotees who worship vishNu with single-minded<br />

devotion,without worshiping any other devatA for any reason. In this<br />

derivation of the interpretation, a yajvA is one who offers worship, a mahAyajvA<br />

is one who offers the superior form of worship whereby he worships<br />

only Lord vishNu without worshiping anya devatA-s, and bhagavAn is Himself<br />

referred to as mahA-yajvA because He has this superior class of devotees, or<br />

because He is the Leader of these devotees. He is also a mahA-yajvA because<br />

He worships (values) these mahA-yajvA-s as His AtmA, and uplifts the<br />

devotees who worship Him specially incomparison to those who worship anyadevatA-s<br />

(sva-yAjinAm anya-yAjimyo'piatyutkarshatvAt mahA-yajvA - SrI<br />

BhaTTar).<br />

SrI v. v. rAmAnujan has given the meaning in tamizh for SrI BhaTTar's<br />

vyAkhyAnam(tannai ArAdhippavargaLaicciRappUTTubavan).<br />

SrI aNNa'ngarAcArya svAmi's interpretation is "tannaiArAdhippavargaLaic<br />

ciRandavargaLAgac ceibavar" - "He Who especially elevates those who worship<br />

Him exclusively".<br />

The superiority of His exclusive devotees derives from the fact that these<br />

are the ones who seek the best of all blessings - moksham, to the exclusion of<br />

all other worldly benefits.<br />

nAma 682. mhay}> mahA mahA-ya~jnah<br />

mahA ya~jnah<br />

a) He Who is the best among those to be worshiped.<br />

b) He Who manifests Himself in the form of the best of ya~jna-s.<br />

c) He Who is worshiped by the great j~nAni-s, or He Who is worshiped<br />

through great sacrifices.<br />

mahA-ya~jnAya namah.<br />


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