Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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b) While SrI BhaTTar interprets uras as referring to our heart, the term can<br />

also refer to His great heart in blessing the lowest of creatures - mahatA<br />

urasA hRdayena gacchati sva-bhaktam mucukundam iti mahoragah (Sribaladeva<br />

vidyA bhUshaN).<br />

SrI vidyA bhUshaN uses the term "bhakta praNayittvam", or love for the<br />

devotee, to describe the significance of this nAma. He gives examples of Lord<br />

rAma's getting into guha's heart by His Ali'nganam or embrace, His showing<br />

His magnanimous heart in performing the last rites for jaTAyu, and His<br />

showing His great affection for His devotee by accepting the fruits offered<br />

by SabarI.<br />

c) uragah means serpent. The snake or serpent moves around on its chest<br />

(uras),and so it is called uragah - urasA gacchati iti uragah. SrI Samkara uses<br />

this meaning for urgah, and gives the interpretation that bhagavAn manifests<br />

Himself in the form of the great serpent vAsuki, and so He is called<br />

mahoragah. He supports his interpretation with the quote from gItA 10. 28 -<br />

sarpANAmapi vAsukih. Lord kRshNa also declares that He is ananta among<br />

the many-hooded serpents - anataScAsmi nAgAnAm (10. 29), and based on<br />

this, SrI cinmayAnanda interprets the nAma as indicating that He has this<br />

nAma because He manifests Himself in the form of ananta.<br />

d) SrI kRshNa datta bhAradvAj suggests that the nAma is suggestive of His<br />

having ananta as His bed - mahAn - mahanIyah, uragah - anantah, SayyArUpeNa<br />

yasya iti mahoragah.<br />

e) SrI satyadevo vAsishTha uses the same etymological approach as SrI<br />

BahTTar (mahA+ uras+ gah), but comes up with the interpretation that He is<br />

mahoragah because He moves relentlessly with His great (broad?) vakshasthalam<br />

(chest), in the form of the Sun.<br />

In passing, I would like to point out that most of SrI satyadevo vAsishTha's<br />

interpretations are based on an assumption of identity between Lord vishNu<br />

and the Sun, even though I have not represented his interpretations in this<br />

view. The significant value I have derived from his vyAkhyAnam is the very<br />


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