Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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The dharma cakram writer explains His "great action" in terms of His<br />

supporting whatever a jIva is after: if the earthly pleasures is what one wants,<br />

He supports that by providing the means for these; if after some stage this<br />

person realizes that it is not worth going after earthly pleasures, He provides<br />

the necessary means for them to follow the yogic path; when the person<br />

matures in this path over several births, and starts feeling the desire to seek<br />

Him, He aids this person in this path as well, and ultimately unites this person<br />

with Him. He does all these things simultaneously to all the beings, according<br />

to their wishes and desires.<br />

For the English-speaking world, SrI cinmayAnanda's description for this nAma<br />

is a good summary, which is similar to SrI Samkara's interpretation: "To<br />

create a cosmos so scientifically precise and perfect out of the five great<br />

elements, and to sustain them with an iron hand of efficiency, all the time<br />

presiding over acts of destruction without which the world of change cannot<br />

be maintained, is, in itself, a colossal achievement".<br />

nAma 678. mhateja> mahA mahA-tejAh<br />

mahA tejAh<br />

He of great Resplendence.<br />

mahA-tejase namah.<br />

SrI BhaTTar's interpretation is that He is called mahA-tejAh because He has<br />

the effulgence which destroys the darkness of the beginningless ignorance of<br />

even those who are tAmasic by nature.<br />

SrI v. v. rAmAnujan gives referenceto the Sruti - "nArAyaNa paro jyotih".<br />

The jyoti of a thousand Suns is a but a small fraction compared to His jyoti.<br />

tirumazhiSaip pirAn called Him "SodiyAda Sodi nee" - "You are the<br />

unquestionable jyoti" (tiruccanda viruttam 34).<br />

SrI Samkara's anubhavam is that He is called mahA-tejAh because of His<br />

radiance through which the Sun and other luminaries possess their light. The<br />

Sun is known to illumine everything around us, but this Sun itself gets its tejas<br />

from a minute fraction of His tejas. SrI Samkara quotes the Sruti<br />

109<br />


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