Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol III-RR-edit.pub - Ibiblio


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this yogic way of life will lead to His realization.<br />

nAma 674. äü}> brahma~njah<br />

The Knower of the inner meaning of the veda-s.<br />

brahma~jnAya namah.<br />

SrI BhaTTar distinguishes between this nAma and the earlier nAma brahmavit(671),<br />

as follows:<br />

"brahma-vit - anatA vai vedAh; tAn avadhinA vetti iti brahma vit" - veda-s are<br />

limitless; He knows the the veda-s to completion or to the ultimate limit, and<br />

so He is called brahma-vit.<br />

"brahma~jnah - vedAn artha-paryantam sAkshAtkaroti iti brahm~jnah" – He<br />

perceives, apprehends, and knows the veda-s inclusive of their significance or<br />

meanings, and therefore He is called brahma~jnah.<br />

The nirukti author gives the corresponding summary for veda-vit as "yo vedAn<br />

antato vetti sa brahma-vit udIritah" - He Who knows the veda-s to their full<br />

extent is brahma-vit is called brahma-vit, and for brahma~jnah as "yo vedAn<br />

arthato vetti so'yam brahma~jnah Iritah" - He Who knows the veda-s with<br />

their true inner meanings is veda~jnah.<br />

Based on the above, one can say that in the first nAma, SrI BhaTTar<br />

emphasizes the breadth of knowledge of the veda-s, and in the second one the<br />

depth of knowledge is indicated.<br />

SrI Samkara differentiates the two nAma-s as follows: brahma-vit -<br />

vedamvedArtham ca yathAvat vetti iti brahma-vit; brahma vedAn<br />

svAtmabhUtAn jAnAti itbrahma~jah. Thus, in this case, the first<br />

interpretation includes the knowledge of the meanings of the veda-s, and the<br />

second one states that He knows the veda-s which are born of Himself.<br />

SrI cinmayAnanda comments for the first one as "One who has intuited the<br />

veda-s and their full commentaries", and for the second one, "One Who knows<br />

the nature of Brahman as no one else can; He being the very Brahman, no one<br />

else knows His nature as He Himself can".<br />


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