Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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TnursoeylMarch I, 1979 GRO$SE POINTE NE-WS Page Nine<br />


Government figures show in the popular/on, it suffers<br />

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that 28000 ".. persons ,,. ...... age 65 or ] one in four in accidental/ i == c,_,e=, _ ,._,._m_uu_ " _,vw ' =zv_,<br />

older are killea Dy accidents deaths. But in death= f_., ".'" .= ...... _ __ritle__<br />

eac_n y"ear. While thi-s a-geIzaus, ........ seven ox lu vicums" .... are _y _usan mcgonala ham .r°u g =<br />

.... t T¢ _h_ tooeh_re at Nnrfh sandwiches to bald stuffed<br />

group __. ._clder,y. ] High School seem to sm ]e a] perk c:':,,.r<br />

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South Ili_. _.L-n<strong>At</strong>adto, break• "When the kids get out II uc/%T|klP_<br />

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[ ,,_ ........ _. ..... i. ::,_,_. _ Desserts<br />

|]_u=:,_"_'an_=m'hu_rs_]a,,'ro"l'i sepcialty.<br />

are the kids'<br />

Their rich<br />

real [ fasts only b'ecause of a short.} of this class they<br />

and ageofspace is run by Lou- to work," Mrs<br />

_now now !!]<br />

WaugamanLi I<br />

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<strong>At</strong> _r<br />

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II _ ,, a ..... a,,t _,nk _-- ig_cy pcc.n .,ce cream ba!!s : .T_n,_R_v,n,_ _,_r_,m, coati-[ exulamed If they re gom¢ [|l<br />

II furt=her ' _h:n'roo'm" "1_1"4X_-"[;I with rum butterscotch saucei::nta('orea;}asts'iour days tu'do we|| here they have to'll _ _ ,t_<br />

II find out why and pineapple w h t p p e d a week to "give the students learn to be reliab,e, to re:low | [ _, d[_.__.._ ¢.-.-_l_g::;_ _. j_<br />

|[ .... _' _,, [cream cake are enough to the practical experience they{directions and to be respon-11l/_\.21L_ .... : . "--" .__1|<br />

II..*nats where t_ ancy. knock anyone off a diet. Ijust can't _et in a class[ (Contiuued on P--'ge 10) [|[[L_._._I_'_-_ .....-_- "[ii-$]_[i_,=5--'_[|<br />

|[ waugaman's ........ c o m m e r c I ae' I_ The teachers are dell gh,t edt room " she" explains, ° - '....... t<br />

!1\_Y.gk_)_7K_:LltIll_lllll_ltUl_L__ icon class is COOKing up in. • " " " ¢ |<br />

}°o ..... ; .... *".... "_';_'_" I about their newest fringe According to the school] ill x_----_ _ _IlliLilI-------<br />

, ..... ?..... :,....... _,.... benefit " I.system's Director of C._-,'erl , t 4._.. {|<br />

|i things<br />

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hke dehcately poached<br />

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Its the best things<br />

in<br />

eel and Vocational<br />

•<br />

Education<br />

_'7 '<br />

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I [ monk zjsn.ncn r_ew _ngtana nickel beer around here."[ James DeWorken programs[ IP_ Ill _:- ..... _-=-.."_'<br />

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I clam cnowoer anu CaOColatel ..... a .I ....... ' _ .1<br />

]mallow / ...... pie --in North'slSa'__i age_ one__n.e ru _u vu Prol%as_nT_onE[_lKe at _ _nuzp !_.e gwe .?peeuy_ the smaents uourme[[ oo_n<br />

[:_peeay t/ourme[ restaurant.[the m each day. la theoretical and praeticall _<br />

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_.d_<br />

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• Central Air Conditionin.'.<br />

• Energy Efficient Air Co:dition^r.<br />

II<br />

Ii I!<br />

II<br />

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I^..._^l.^...J Id t&'_.J_k_ll_l . IU...... ll_lllgllll,)_F L__i I JI commercial It s all partfoods of theprogram,] school s.[ theIt,scustomers not surprisingto rave about heari[ tralningin <strong>At</strong> the same the field' time, a class It _-__ l(- Ill t AUTHORIZE0 • an0Furnaces Power Humidifier °= Illl ; :<br />

1 _ ....................... I I tire education experiences in [ age entree, after all, goes for [ to explore different voca-I\_P_&?A¥&Yll/AYJ-_JJi_) Ill PJ:m_u_ _=/_eTnm o o_ ........ ._ I i '<br />

• theorla, in_lBro,_wa,,_h, "THE GRAND TOUR" stur;"o/oel • I .......... _........ I aDou¢ ._1._0. UUC me KI(1S. tional areas. racy can nna t ...... Ill/ , _. - -<br />

iG_y._S_;Io,¢*vomghts(lh'eed=y.')._,wCon_nem,lhre_onI ]l.,ntende, d as a. pract]eal,/surprlslngly ' are enthusiastielout if a career in commer-] _._' " '_ .... __¢1i[ . =efv'c.-e.gn .M°st Brands [I -<br />

_ _mrp_._! :}! I I !ehhea_lldidi: h,_: ! Piie_:_;;:i t i_ii_v_!s_e_;_!ii;i _,2a_uto_°_ii_si_!rsr_ittij:di [ --__mP'- i_/ • E=:;=_ Dev,ce_ II<br />

! i ' " ._E." --'""_:---'_ . ,--'_- ...... furS7;00 -"t. " vsperp_,_,a ,,n, callZe0-1_07(lnI ' 5_,_¢r-[ [ [alone The ,s . average enough - - dav's to. setmenu the [ noun's L_ke . lesson most • of the' schools " [para-profes'si_'nal , Jdam, adds another Rose dimension . Car: I ISllOWm_ll _l, .. "-r" ill {|[ _r_lli O 04 1 7_flfi [I : :-<br />

| .... "L,Tq._]L_aj[_'ah$|l:_l_'_,Jz,,T°, LL I {mouth watering. Entreeslcooperative education pro- [ to the program's merits. I L°wer Level°[ the ArrangementIit __l --vvv II<br />

•l.ll [q_ll[. • r_._._¢V_l o,_ I ,. _hn { Casual Wear [orall Aqes<br />

l _ N " " "l "_ ' _u_.i Y .,', ' 1 ivary fro... ' baked .... esejgrams, commercial foods is[ She runs a tight ship, grad- [{[.,r_..._..,,-,, ..................... [[ ?<br />

• (_i_d - _,_,.,,_._ _ _ emterawormo,_rac_I { fondue broccoli st uffefll aimed at suiting a variety' ing students daily on cooper-] {l/Oa/_ U/_uIr'UA HU iNI"_H M,qUR BY l" ) II<br />

• I,='M_ - [ .m_ :ous elegance at trl_. • I ............................ _.:::........... ..................... .=......::_.:;_:l:l:::.... tll_: _* _ L II/ ' " %" l/<br />

l .:. " : _! :: !! i ! _ i__ii!]! :!::i : i I<br />

• • _.. - .")=:._ I I __ _. ,._1_ i ....... _ il: :_ ;_ :: _!:_;_i:::: ::iiii_;_il II • '<br />

m//N:l THINK TEACHER :i_: il NANCY WAUGAMAN SHOWS JIM MORAN _i;°W IT S DONE., s3Ge°sge - - - R. Snterprise%n0c0!;: ":<br />

NH Sets Record I<br />

"'--- '" "/tic on er . ....<br />

BOROEN'S ._,. " " Michigan M<br />

.___lin__l_ L.. I_utivc Education Clubs of[<br />


CTN. iI_<br />

o,_r<br />

tion ,,,as1,eld recently at Liv-,<br />

<strong>At</strong> DECA Meet i ey Market (2 fir:ales<br />

From _... Oeli participated iu the annual l<br />

6C_,T_TER _.,RESH,. event. Competition was stiff, but{ {<br />

• MUENSTER CHEESE The performance b y 39 /<br />

North students set a new I<br />


• J_i_i!_: _i_: won at a regional, competi-<br />

• AMERICANCHEESE _;;|_:_ ::;:__:ii_ lion.<br />

onia Churchill High School[ =<br />

S49i.89<br />

and more than 350 students[ _<br />

America), Regionai competi-[ SlO_ooO .... Earns<br />

i:i_ record for the most awards [<br />

O' - Thomas Boos, who along )<br />

SWISS CHEESE '_ with Brian Killian are the<br />

Distributive Education in-<br />

Sliced or success we achieved at the<br />

the piece<br />

__ regionals beyond ou r ' _ "" '<br />

_Y wildest dreams.""<br />

$I .99 LB. structors atsaid,"Thewas North, in S983 78<br />

--ii.'_'" F_'ES_' Studentstook three corn- 0 :<br />

e_'AU., e31/._rli.,_ ISKI_AU - D<strong>At</strong>LY plcx competency tests .-<br />

Duncan Hines Cake ofmarketing., in 182Day<br />

their<br />

were given for the three<br />

highest overall area performances[<br />

=<br />

.:,=: "<br />

at each of two competitive [ ....<br />

First, second and third _.<br />

Bring In This Adv. and Get 2 places were awarded for each "<br />

individual test and trophies .!i<br />

Mixes for 99* levels, Master Employe. Munager/Owner and i<br />

"_<br />

Taking _verall, first place!<br />

trophies in their competitive [ "<br />

ga,Ali rusoand ohan<br />

won first place awards on individual<br />

tests w ere Paula<br />

1671 1 MACK AVE at YORKSHIRE Bonventre, C a r l Bengtson,<br />

S2,459.45 885-7 ] 40 _""OPEN4_'a Du'lY, n.'),,,.,_.. areas Karol ,,'ere Lewis, Shawn Me[inda MacDou. Bissa,<br />

- -- _<br />

MQUOI, WINES & lUl$ I a d, stoveSchuckerandTom<br />

I PAIClII KAGE -- II .............. * • Condino.Frcd Andary, Roxaane Riv- I .__@_<br />

*The Michigan Money .Market Certificates pay 9.498 percent annual interest<br />

and have an effective annual yield of 10.108 percent, the highesi<br />

return lhat any bank may pay. <strong>At</strong> the Michigan National Banks, the interest is<br />

compounded continuously. ]-his ,s an ar,nual rate and is subject<br />

to change uoon renewal.<br />

This rate is effective: March 1, 1979- March 7, 1979.<br />

Michigan Money Market Certificates are available with a deposit of $10.000<br />

or more at any Michigaa National Bank.<br />

Fcdera_ laws and regulations nrohibit the oavment of a time deposit prior to<br />

rr,atur;ty unless 3 rr,gnths of in|ere_;t is foHeited and interest on the amount<br />

withdrawn is reduced to the passbook rate.<br />

Michigan National Banks<br />

M,ch,gans Largesl Slatew_de Banking Group - $5 bllhon :r_Iolal assets 244 albpro'.'e.(;<br />

bankln 9 offices serving 2 4 tr.ltllon cuslomers DePosiIs insured up (o $40.000 by FDIC<br />


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