Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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Thursday, March I, 1979 G, ROSSE POINI"E NEWS Page Seven<br />

When the rhl,,s • " '<br />

are down. [p. orate res She n i ene B s fit ece R ve i dbyTh e ott_ C ty . knows<br />

The<br />

where<br />

one<br />

he<br />

who<br />

is going,<br />

succeeds<br />

and<br />

The man Wad has a friend Iwho is not in need of a friend<br />

So live that when you need<br />

thelp<br />

you can be your own<br />

it is a man'_ c_e'ry_,_ Loft- Grosse Pointe will share in t f,._-,.2L_5 ;.i::ion ed_tcation Soma 30 communities in- man of the Wayne County what he is going for, .Jhas a friend indeed. [first aid to the injured,<br />

duct that expresses his true tl_e benefits of over $10,5 complex and model farm in eluding Grossa Pointe Park, ""<br />

character. ' .... o ......... " " .......... :.................. n"' Vial.of-Life Task Force. He<br />

received last year in federal] project of the County Co- sponsored Vial-of-Life pro- kits foi- the rest of Grosse<br />

_l_..._. munon and state winch grants, Wayne according[ Cou.,._ i-.le operative City o, Extension ,,ay.v, aService _,,.... v.,,.,.pa_,,d gram which distributed ,t, t,,,_ co., over ,_ himself Pointe. donated some 5,000<br />

toa yearly report by County ann Imermecttate _cnooi_,s- 3't_,uuv Imt vla_: t.t, ,,_ rmo.t_ u_ uu.o.u._, it,<br />

. _Jl'_4[ CommissionerErvinA.[trict holds, all containing family was the largest Vial-of-Life<br />

"" Br_,_b Steiner Jr. I A state grant for $129,0_ medical histories to alert program in the nation.<br />

"Almost half that amount went toward the establish, me Jieal personnel respond- Many kits were distributed<br />

: lOa.m, will go to the Wayne County mont of an Economic Devel- ing to an emergency. All the free to 48 Wayne Cuunty<br />

.<br />


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