Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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Thursday,March i, 1979 G R O S S E P O ! N T E N EW S PageSevem_e_e.<br />

---'S -vvomun<br />

Page by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

i 1<br />

Unite Couale Pointe area women who cancer treatments on tile ia-<br />

ScheduleGrace iiFrom<br />

- Another Pointe'- .... ofv!:wi """°""".'-'.• o,o.e Club ! 0ro-p,<br />

HasD itai Benefit Iw,.ageo."<br />

I--<br />

,c..,;.-,,..mP.,o,,)<br />

" ' , 1 TbeMomsandDads have hadostomysurgeryare dividual'sso¢ial, raatital, vo-<br />

,ha ,,e.,o.*o' ;o,o ooo-<br />

Pointers on Paffy.Piannin9 CommiHee<br />

I have ever had." •<br />

Are The ICarol Sings in South<br />

• . , dent ¢.3n and NinaAIhe.-t M. (Rosle) o Covc_, MartS. of i: Orchard an a_ aumlnn Lake, coerdinated wilt sponsor by [ Michigan tion's discussion Cancer<br />

Sandwich, IlL, who werel the Gallery Art Center of winter.<br />

;:cups Founda this sphere "The in supportive the groups<br />

/ ages the expression<br />

encour- atmoof<br />

feel-<br />

Mesdames Thomas Coles, Warren Couger, l Carol De Gaetano, of Beaufait road, has added married Christmas Eve at a I L a t h r u p Village Saturday "Our groups are structured tings."<br />

i ,<br />

Kim Lee And Reed Zens ' another<br />

has charmed<br />

country<br />

audiences<br />

to the<br />

with<br />

list of<br />

her<br />

thee<br />

super<br />

in<br />

singing.<br />

which she candlelight<br />

United Methodist<br />

ceremony<br />

Church<br />

in the<br />

of<br />

1evening_<br />

l<br />

March 3, in the so that the participants may I Each group is ted by a<br />

: The Grace Hospital Auxiliary will sponsor a This one's in the south--the FAR south. Carol Sheridan, IlL are at homeI mulii-purpo,=e room of Dam- frecly discuss their concerns,] specially trained nut,as and<br />

.*'hearts and flowers" fashion show and luncheon sang for the public on three separate o¢caslons on in Somonauk, Ill., after al browski Fiel:l House on the feelings and difficulties re- I social worker. Enrollment is<br />

'benefiting the hospital's new Herbert C. Cantor a recent, fun trip to Rio de Sanelro, Brazil, holt<br />

Laaderdale,<br />

day vacation<br />

Fla.<br />

in Fort I<br />

[<br />

school's<br />

A wine<br />

campus,<br />

and cheese preview<br />

garding t r e a t mce annt cand e r rehabilita- diagnosis, limited, charge. and there is no<br />

Cardiac Care Center, currently under construction, The public loved her, and Carol loved Rio. Who The new Mrs. Covert was ] begins at 7:30 o'clock, the tion," explains Jane Schaef- Further information on the<br />

. . .--..1 tl<br />

,Wednesday, March 14, at !! o'clock in the Colum- Wuu_dn,, considering that the temperature there public relations director for auction an hour later. Dana- er. MCF's coordinator of Re- MCF p at tent discussion<br />

bus Room of the Detroit Plaza Hotel in Renaissance was 9"/ degrees--in February! the East Detroit Chamber of tion is $2. Among the fed- habilitation Services. groups may be obtained by<br />

Center. * * * Commerce and did public re.] tured artists will be such "Each group attempts to contacting MCF's Patient and<br />

' Following the social as commentator for his Cheers for Mrs. Schumann lations work for Charley I well-known names as DaiS meet the individual needs of Family Care Service, 833hour<br />

and I u n e h e o n, clothes. He is donating a de-<br />

,Grosse Pointe's Margaret signer gown as one of many <strong>At</strong> the recent annual meeting of the Detroit Manos. Mr. Covert is an elec-[ and Norman Rockwell, plus its members. The groups also 0719, Extension 301, week-<br />

Diamond _nop Will pre- _,-i_; anuther i_ _a _ghan, Garden Center, Mrs. Frederick J. Schumann, of trical contractor, many new talents, deal with the effects of the days.<br />

I sent the fashions of Rob- designed and made by Mrs. Harcourt road, was honored by the board of direr- [<br />

I Paul Somlyo. tars for 10 years as a member of the Steering cam-<br />

Mr. Morton" will _ly from i Co-chairmen for t,hi$ year's _mittee that worked with the City of Detroit and<br />

New York to Detroit to serve benefit are Mrs. Otto SoRes the Detroit Historical Commission to restore the<br />

M0ross House as Garden Center headquarters.<br />

'rt David<br />

p_Lv.up<br />

Morton,<br />

,,vm_m_ms<br />

,<br />

AND for her service as president of the DGC.<br />

vou_<br />


NtAetST ANt__oesT 'JN sTocw er_AN AU_N c,Auee," DAILY 10-9 * SAT. 10-6 • SUN. 12-5<br />

PHO,_L 366-6512<br />


CAMP IIQUOI_ 40 IO¥I i IHllI I_ll'<br />

i._._,,b 1_-4 v,,,_ ,,._,.<br />

_.,_ She joined it<br />

member ever<br />

in 1941<br />

since.<br />

and has been a participating<br />

._,o..,.,,,¢ ,_,.Lo,,. Operation Green Thumb, the Children's Gar- .............<br />

.-_;, 0, _,¢,,, ,_v den in Custer street that set the pattern for De-! '--_<br />

" m _=,,. _,_ trows Growing Roots program, followed two years<br />

,,_v..,(,,n.,-,o_ "'_C'_'CA,,, later by a garden in a Latino neighborhood, a<br />

. . monthly Junior Horticulture program in Duffield . _<br />

_chool . .. these are only a few Of the projects inS- , . "tiated<br />

under her inspired leadership.<br />

in recognition of her dedicated service, Mrs.<br />

Schumann received a gold medallion and chain,<br />

presented by Mrs. Eugene S. Karpus, "the Detroll ! _i<br />

,: Garden Center's new president. I<br />

Other new DGC officers elected to two-year<br />

terms include Mrs. Osbourne H. Day: first vicepresident;<br />

Miss Agnes Crow and Mrs. William J.<br />

i _ Dequindre & 12 Mi. Road, Warren _ "Sullivan, vice.presidents; Mrs. Richard C. Mertz " ' _and<br />

bit's. Denton B. Emmett, reeo_d_g and ¢or-<br />

S'_ndow, Morch 4th thre _ responding zecretaries, respectively; Mrs. Robert<br />

S,_J=y, M_rt._ | _.th _I Utigewltter, _reas_er; and Mrs. Richard E. Neyes,<br />

[ . Mall Hours ! assistant treasurer.<br />

kets are $12.50 general ad-I Coles, Mrs. Warren Couger, t ii i l i ....<br />

mission, $15 sponsor, $25-t Mrs. Kim Lie and Mrs. Reed<br />

•. and-up patron. Reservations [ Zens. "<br />

may be obtained by contact-I Mrs L. Murray Thomas, _<br />

ing .Mrs. Stephen Senecoff,[ also a Pointer, is auxiliary<br />

642-8146. The Grace Auxiliary has [ ,resident. Other committee members<br />

_--_,------<br />

We Repair<br />

pledged ment xoom $15,000 in theforCantor s treat- include inski, Mrs. Mrs. M. Thomas A. Aussie, Arm-<br />

Cardiac Center. Dedication Mrs. Ralph Anderson, Mrs.<br />

and opening ceremonies for Andrew Brown, Mrs. Edward<br />

•<br />



rock maple with a<br />


_rult- $3H.50Td-wo_ MI._ .... T_Ag.._<br />

• scheduled for a week from Mrs. Theodore Rykala, Mrs NOW 10" TO 20% OFF on many hying Wood finish. Ageless iron- _4|9._0 (kqm_He_dl_......_k%_-_Q<br />

Antique Pocket Watches the critical care unit are Heft, George Mrs el_uttle, Oswald Mxs. Freder. Bostic, ,',_,'_ms bedr-oms end dinina room. i Fashioned _:.:___, .__.: in .... solid .a hard- ..... 92_.S01dldt_tess_ ..... _ , $k4_.._ :<br />

and<br />

Specialty _aleIleg..<br />

tomorrow: Frklay, March 9, ick Hyde, :Mrs. Henry Kurtz, II Seled piecesor setsin tin!shes and-f&brics<br />

D-..c_,,to-, .............. ,_,, ai_ No':',_ _, .Zva_.._de_-i-_on, _.,.11 Cover800) of your cho_ Intmrror"De_ny_m/_r<br />

_t_ v]_e-ehief 18, 1977, oi staff wasata Grace* totm._ Donald ...,a v ..... ;WaddeH, u.. M.. _ ...... eer-IIII ersto assistyou. no charae with .._.r,'h,_-_t_'_<br />

for the first<br />

1],- ,,.:prices....... _s:_,<br />

time at Sale<br />

;;_.<br />

$249..f_Nilht l!_ ' ........ $211..f_<br />

3HIqKE:GROUffNC_. $1648.50 i).,_ltter, Mirror "_ j,<br />

I II%_'e 9e_lom de_iKn and custom cral'l<br />

. fine je_*t'lr_ . . • your gem, or ours. See<br />

, our exclusive, one-of-a-kind eollerlitms,<br />

Hospital, served on its executive<br />

committee and was a<br />

strong supporter of the has.<br />

pitars development and con-<br />

struction programs.<br />

Grosse Pointers assisting<br />

Hanson<br />

awski.<br />

and"M_."_ohn _'B'l'e_-II<br />

'_<br />

_L_ ?"_¢ M ARCi4 4v_<br />

" ""<br />

"_''" _='_<br />

TWO HOURS r"_ ,, . _,-_,_5 ...........<br />

.--".'ONV=_.%;._: .; ?SliMS<br />

,-.:e W"L W.L,OA=,F_":_U _ *_,.,_v_"<br />

(_-.,,'_n Headb,_rd.$1399.50<br />

_ --: -----:-<br />

. .__'-'k-.: -;..-<br />

_.._ .._._,<br />

J<br />

...... 't/-leva nteJe<br />

welry with 'h e benefitarrange* ._----. =.--..,.___._=_._=..__....<br />

lb601 E. W0rmn ._,,,.,. ,9. 881-4800 Special Circus Matinee Shrine 1<br />

_ ,<br />

Monday-Ftidayf.a,ufd.¥<br />

9 #o? St°6, I<br />

Onceagain, the_.e'_opon-I<br />

tan Society for Crippledl<br />

Jacketsshow new sho ,!d_r<br />

interestin versatileknit<br />

:<br />

,/;_<br />

"<br />

,.<br />

...-<br />

_<br />

Children and Adults is span.<br />

soring the opening day matt-<br />

" coordinates by Dalton. //,<br />

_i<br />

'<br />

It'sset_his year for Friday,<br />

March 16, at 1:30<br />

I pYB;IC Th, ._%iato NOFI_I'_ -<br />

o'clock,and over7,000handi-<br />

nee of the ShrineCircus.<br />

capped _d_0, and from disadvantaged<br />

the tri.¢ounty<br />

. the society.<br />

!i THE pEOpLE area will attend as guestsof<br />

_/].j_ Ron Kramer, former Detroit<br />

Lions star, and tele-<br />

dE3 '_US 0 F _ ll'"W_"'Jv'"_"-'*_'"'" /] _7 z_ _()_P _ U vision Turner personality are co-chalringthe Marilyn J _t<br />

I<br />

event, designed to provide<br />

pleasure for children who,<br />

J(,<br />

U. ff<br />

7:3o p.m. ;"I_,IliiiIl':"_<br />

,., _!_ _ •<br />

Prosecution Witnesses: becaUSemay be°fdeniedt'hcir,handicaps,,,normat,, Comfortable, packable separates, . e ,_ _ _ :_, r_ I<br />

Wednesday, March 7 John recreationalexperiences. SO easy-carethey'reready _' _ !it _1_<br />

Weonebuoy, March 14 , ,IQT,. for Crippled Children and -F-r, ) _-_ *, _ :" ,_ ")<br />

Wednesday, March 28 ,Herod Adults, untary an health out-patient, agency,has vol- coral Of lightweight or ,mauve.8-18size5. polyester in /i_ ,_., ,_',:_ _:=,: :-r,. Li_i_ .-.,r,, _"i £, :: . _ - :- : ,<br />

Weanesday, _pril . domes been serving the tri-¢ounty /_e L/-_'_.+ _r._.II_/_Ii_ iki,_ __ ..... •.... !<br />

YOU ARE THE JURY! areasince].934. A Mesh knit jacket, $79. _*_'_._:_. il__: ___/<br />

Presented by-- PA_, of Box-pleatedskirt, .. , _ • _<br />

Somersetroad,is a member 6-16 sizes, $$5. _-_'" _ t ,<br />

._._.jome_ ,mneron _.nur¢. ;L.::=,,:'::'::':=:';:::'c: Fiorai blouse, $44. |*_:._,.!:_ ._: ! _ __I I I_ I<br />

170 McMi|ian 884-0511 ira that pr_ented a winter B. Long, 2-pocket vest, $65. : : _<br />

concert February 4. Pull-onpant,$42. '<br />

I Geometric print blouse, $44. " _J_'. - I If >, !1,its. I/<br />

., !! OUR TALENT Vacafioning inFord,U,swntRr.?Pan,ovis,t "I]F__"i i ',.ii :!___<br />

' i_ li ii i rio- i-uratvt ULm II<br />

i II<br />

your Jacobson's charge card in all ot our stores. :_,_ _:_ _ :-' " ._'-_i_';_I ,_--_=_=<br />

},B<br />

I _,4<br />

FOR TODA Y'S I /://!.::___t'_<br />

' ' I FASHIONIf ,I:l<br />

; :: _ ?' I Callforenappolntment todayl Ii II<br />

.._:I<br />

I II I<br />

I 2 Blocks South of 8 Mile II<br />


'" @REDKE " 17141 KERCHF.V<strong>At</strong>.AVE _::i'_::_:_"II_ _:!:!:. I! "_II._: k_,4_/

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