Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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Paga E|ghfeen G RO $ S E P O ! N T E N E W S Thursday,March _. i 2';9<br />

• "r- ,, @<br />

•<br />

-.,,,,<br />

@ JL<br />

Gathere from the Po ntes<br />

__J._ _] ".-_, _ _ _...<br />

FullMonth Begi<br />

ForAAUWGroups .....<br />

n c; ClubW°°dsGardenMeet<br />

_rJsse i'einte Shores Gar- .Mrs. Mellon will be assist-<br />

There'sStill rir_,¢to 'Have A Heart; Shor¢:_.,-,le;-; t:_..,,, toMeet<br />

II _ to den Club members gather t_- ed by c.o.l-.,.ztc._es Mrs. I_er..<br />

Mrs.Dsna!d Marshallwill morrow, Friday,March 2, at nard linm Champion.Mrs. Whitley ",','_ Mrs. Donald Wil-<br />

open her Roslynroad home the Lakeland avenue home Sweeny, Ill,willspeak on<br />

at noon next Tuesday, March of Mrs. Harry Mellen at noon conservation and environ-<br />

6, to members of the Grosse<br />

Vie Capufofo Speakaf Annual LuncheonMarch Pointe Woods G_rden Club.<br />

for their monthly meeting, mental design.<br />

15at LochmoorClub: His TopicIs luncheon will beservedby<br />

'Has"IVCome of Age?' Mrs, LowellMontgomery and<br />

Mrs. Arthur Swanson.<br />

..\<br />

March study group meetings for the Grosse Afterthebusinessmeeting,<br />

Pointe Branch, American Association of University work on a therapy project<br />

Women, begin today with an InternationalRela- for Saint Mary's Nursing<br />

tions program: a slide presentation on China by Home will be continued<br />

Susan Whittemore, Michigan director of CARE. under the direction of 'Mrs.<br />

Ms. Whittemore, who Edgar Netherton and Mrs,<br />

visited China last year, and show examples of chil- John Sullivan.<br />

will speak at 1 o'clock at dren's art and to receive an<br />

the Lakepointe avenue update, "Current Happenings hostess for a Polities of Food<br />

home of Ruth Jinks. in Art," from the hostess, meeting Tuesday, March 6, at<br />

Art Appreciation members The<br />

lilly<br />

AA_,, Chorus meets 9:!5 In the morning will be<br />

_ather tomorrow. F r i d a y: I Monday, March 5, st g: I._ in ! Frar_ Sehonenberg. Charlotte<br />

Starch2,atg:30inthemorn. the morning,and againFri- Gorning willleada discus- The DetroitEast Suburban Alum- Roger Mulier and Mrs. W. James II<br />

ing in Mary Louise I_bs'l day, March<br />

I<br />

16, at Saint Paul l sign of "Natura.l Resources nae Chapter<br />

is winding<br />

of Alpha Phi<br />

up, its annual<br />

fraternity<br />

Lollipop<br />

Mast, (not pictured),<br />

area chairmen for the<br />

are serving as<br />

1979 campmgn.<br />

I<br />

II<br />

hearN°treDorothyDame avenueGroehn,hOmepublictO ] roadLUtheranat ChalfonteChUrCh'avenue.L°thr°p- I]Supply."as They Relate to uur roan Sale but there s still Ume to have a For the past seven years, the fratern- II<br />

school<br />

__,<br />

art teacher, discuss j, Mary Louise Krebs' co-J The branch<br />

next Thursday,<br />

board<br />

March<br />

meets<br />

8, at<br />

heart"<br />

MRS.<br />

according to, (left to right),<br />

LADDY A. RICE, president of<br />

ity<br />

of<br />

has conducted<br />

heart-shaped<br />

international<br />

lollipops to<br />

sales<br />

raise<br />

I<br />

r--_l-_w--_-r"l_a_,_Q--I_lYil_i-A<br />

• ..v.v .w.,...w.o,_<br />

I_11_--:_<br />

==.,,._=_..-w.uth..<br />

19:15 in the morning in<br />

tlGrosse Pointe Central<br />

the<br />

Lithe<br />

chapter and<br />


.<br />

chairman<br />

DIETZ<br />

of the sale, funds<br />

and MRS been<br />

......<br />

for Cardiac Aid, which has<br />

Alpha Phi's national philan-<br />

II<br />

I<br />

i<br />

_ -<br />

I<br />

_<br />

_ .<br />

_.,n=:t DU_I_ WolverineJ=.. [I,nd Fi-h^r road<br />

,v_ TUESDAY. 9 p.m.AT THE LIDO _. dI ,. , J+_S_=,ue 731<br />

I11 _Um_P I_P"_A&i and the Illl brary,==Kereheval. avenue at FLOYD NIXON who,. _with Mrs. thropy since t946. .. _ 11_,7_| _g" , # _//- ("_ :f/I<br />

I"l;,, ;,.,,-, C,._,-I_,,_;I 24026 E. JEFFERSON _1 • Emily -- Beardctoe ... ^,.,. will ,,,_ re- lollir_,, The r._.._ chapter c......... o._;_t_ has in place Grosse Iretail Ilncahv , stores w;, "- go ' Funds _ ,has " ._,ear .aised to- cents h_v- - .................. h_.n each.-Canrdsters nl_ed ;n _aint also=__m i| THECOSTOF ........... NEW_:URNITURE ----_,_ • l'. i. ="<br />

........ :2:=:::::::::¢-::: ........... Life Is a Bowl,of Cherraes, Pointe banks, cleaners and ward" the<br />

......<br />

purchase of an<br />

hn<br />

John Hospitals Gift Shop. I<br />

li t_ ut s_tm__ _...<br />

"<br />

nH_l=_ I=_m=._g.=_ a_n:<br />

II'<br />

• I-'[ospitaFs Cardiac Cat.e=eri.- l'lllllliillt11@ IIUIiiM"rlfflfll |Jl _ _ .... _ l:<br />

-ation r.ab r!_RUO WRN/I:U I l '*_'_*'_ . I.<br />

This • - pmce "" of equip ment , " " G_NOS, SPIN_S, _i Call _.___..._.,._= tm bttm.., dt42.4_1110 J,<br />

similar to a bed bicycle, is _NSOLESmallUPRIGHTS l!l ...... .'T_:_',_'?'__'.':"_',_7,_-:" .... l:<br />

............... the .-- -2 .... ..,n Ill vnmtnmnmanaupm_sn_y_, i ,<br />

l]._#)_ll in Qete-rttl.Ztlll]_ ,,rip PFII'_ES , --,.<br />

v i WehmerMe,mrClmq_amlVbe.<br />

reserve output or strength Vl= '70[tiO_ _-_<br />

of the heart • , --_ --" ..... I ! II li g<br />

Last year, Alpha Phi s do....... -.....<br />

iavasive Cardiology Transducer.<br />

sociation honored Alpha Phi 5600 EAST EIGHT MI./MOUND RDs. 36_6512<br />

)_ in 1966 with its Heart and<br />

Torch Award for outstand- DALLY 10-9 • 5AT. 10-6 SUN. 12-5<br />

W|N=! = _R S k_i<br />

SAVE 15% to 20%<br />

The American Heart As-<br />

,,_ lollipops sel! for 20<br />

What Am I Doing iR The<br />

_.<br />

Ethan Allen I<br />

I<br />

SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 3rdat5:30p.m.<br />

Pits?" when she opens her<br />

st ClairShores apartment<br />

for a Book Group meeting<br />


o clock. Her to.hostesses are<br />

• I Genevieve Louisignau and<br />

/t |ltlid¢'_l l= 171_-..Ai iTie-i ll |All'_7_,I r') I"_._ a_z_.,a_.._,,,<br />

r_ Ifvr_j¢l.,.i... I._i[--l-[_,j | #|_,,#t.._ y._%J, Is..I.J we Margaret Hahn will show<br />

,,,,<br />

only " ' _k I $ A It' .... A.A I _L;#'_: ......<br />

Monday,<br />

slidesof,her<br />

March<br />

travels<br />

12,<br />

in:Al[rica<br />

at i<br />

_ ' _<br />

.... "..... •.............. .................. '°'"'*°°"'°'_'* °"°° .....r __uu.,-,_,_,,<br />

i<br />

.....- , .... : " _=_ " home of 'I_ Honorable and<br />

g,_lh,_%,/L' !_r-_ I # ¥ _ #-_ _-%.. a._..-_,w-,_,*_ ,. ,_ view _i,_i_ African _r, coi-<br />

Sl_:.. . ' _ _le_= =I ""_ewra "I_L,= _/-I/=_-J_,,/_l_,.) meeting Tuesday,March 13 -- •<br />

._,_,,,_'_l&,_'_ O_'_lJll #_ll/_)l_ItJ.l._'DO i Iection, m me ,.a_esnore at a Kaleidoscope roan name " _r_ g_r_ .<br />

• of Yvette Greenspan at 9:15 I!<br />

ii i,a the morning. Carol Saval-<br />

It'stnattimeofyeavagain...thetimeio_,=",', :-r,., -,-_ _--on aii the _ooO things for your II lischis co-hostess. MARCH 4TH IS YOUR LAST DAY TO SAVE 10 TO 20_ on Ethan Allen Jl I<br />

• . ..... ., ... ,._;,, r .... _.-. ._.. ,,-... . :, .,.,_,,.-i)=',,,,_.._._:_ .n_ Ill Evening Stitchery members Fura!:,!:i._z. inC!=-!='d -. :..t !-_ l;vin 0 room: bedroom anc_ airing room I:<br />

- . . . .. .., ..... ., ...,._., ,; . _ , t..1 continue wor_ on their<br />

take advantage of the very special sale pr,c ,ng .:,. n_ _.,,:,_. _,e_,,_,,, .; ;.v,n:, ,ooms. i Victorian H o u s e samnlers furniture se!ections-- yours to choose in fabrics and finishes of your choice, l: I<br />

•_,n,ni • " g rooms , v'=_,ooms ........... decnrativ '_ ac'-essor'es 'amps'. -be."iding_.sieep . sofas and so. much much more. And that's not all.., our entire staff of interior decorators are reaay<br />

_l ',hat evening at 7:30o'clock, '-'<br />

it in Jeanne Roddewig's Itoslyn<br />



I'.<br />

I_<br />

_,<br />

" and waiting to be of assistance to you. II r o a d h o rn e, Mary Jane ..... .. .......<br />

_! Starnes is co-hostess. __a., , • -_- ..... - -_.-_<br />

, ........re.r. COMING !<br />


• 1 at 9:30 in the morning in<br />

- i , _ I . Peggy Ptasznik's Moran road<br />

.; , I lead a discussion of the work<br />

.._ .... - • of John Donne and John<br />

:_:', i_ _ii _ ___$1 • L_. Causeries guest that<br />

__=_._ _ ! ii i!! _, _:__:_:,;: __. *,d__i 1 • eve._r.Lg, at 7:45o'clockin<br />

.... _ , ,_ P_' _ I_# _ _ _ .<br />

"--'--" ' " )'_" _]___,___?._ it Stephanie Dabrowski who<br />

DAY !<br />

O _ , _:_"_:_,-. k_ ,_¢_,_, , . .<br />

i<br />

llt_ettl_ _.,,_,T:.-_;'_.__<br />

"<br />

7_-.<br />

.<br />

II<br />

home where Jill Best will<br />

June Nelson, will be Seanette g • .<br />

t_tt_n_' ,.1_.t,;t_ "-x-t_.__-']_ __ _-%,/_ [ff_,_" _.:_:_:c_. "___e __!__1_,_! _l_'_i_ ' li nl il wall er Baehrach ofbeFrench, ass,sled Seh,oeder. by co-hostess '<br />

a teach- justwhen you're thinkingaboutOW_<br />

I<br />

! !; _i ,_/],T,. )<br />

__.=__i_1..__ = __* ;_,_ ii Thebranch s general meet- carpet! Factory reductionson / "" _ !<br />

.PA_'/_._.::_ " il ing is scheduled for Thurs- quality LeesCarpets. Say-/ \ |<br />

__'*_?'_:_.'_":"''?"-_;_: .... - t it day,March 15, at Lochmoor ings on the styles and/_ _\ |<br />

, " _!_' ____'",'* ' .. I m[ Club. It is the group'san-<br />

1 . "_,,___ t II nual luncheon and wilt be_in colocslh_ move fc_test /,f _ _\ i<br />

_!|___,_ II Speaker Vic Caputo host I<br />

___.4Jl[? I L ,coo,,ouo. oo,,,,o _o>II /Lira lY /"-__/ [<br />

.. nnl II<br />

>,-<br />

so,,_ o., m,___./,_gn<br />

=, -, ..' -._,.-,-.,_..- to<br />

i -- 11 -- II _?q_/ .<br />

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