Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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i<br />

I ! ' Thursday, March I, 1979<br />

[ PageTwenty-Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />

!<br />

,<br />

4----NELPWANTED<br />



WANTED<br />



_FOR RENT<br />



KELLY ROAD near8V2Mile, RENTALS<br />



"'=<br />

"<br />

NURSE FOR PediatriciansODD JOBS--Painting,p!as- i_g for meetiugs,parties,GROSSE POINTE PARK -- M_,_Y.L_ND, 5 room upper,<br />

office.884-6700. zering,etc.For _r',';ccs receptions,banquets.Res- Wayburn,3-bedroomhome, $125.Securitydeposit.Call<br />

i>e_/'t:,tl; medical/ general PALIL'_.Cg<br />

office,825sq.ft.forlease. Coastal,2<br />

area, Inter.<br />

bedrooms, 2<br />

Consignmentor Buy<br />

LEE'S "_'"' .....<br />

PART TIME custodian,pric___Billat8854)934.<br />

ervations.644-8347. refrigeratorand stove,<br />

$325 plusutilities and sebefore3<br />

p.m. or after7<br />

p.m.No pets.881-3589.<br />

Stillthneto change pa._i,<br />

tions and redecoratein<br />

baths,appliances, carpeted,°9_36_,Ic<br />

terrace,$400 rennint,e_se.........<br />

881.8082<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

i valeschool,IndianVillageNLrRSE-COMPANION. De- 6---FOR RENT curry deposit.886-1769at- AVAILABLE NOW, 2-bed- your colors.Call for de- 775@296• SWORDS WANTED<br />

area.822-0300,9 to 4. pendable,own transporta- UNFURNISHED ter6 p.m. tails,v. S. Jeffries,Real- VERO BEACH--- I bedroom, Also daggers,guns, medals.<br />

tion.E x ce IIe n t Grosse room,in thePark,aircon- tor,882-0899. 1½ bath condominiumon 18 774-9651<br />

ARTIST FORprinting room, Poinle rafere.ces 372 - W5 2.. ........... DESIRABLE stud,o . .part - dlt,oner,<br />

.. refr,gerator<br />

• ann, -<br />

i<br />

layout,presson type.High<br />

_hool or collegestudent,MATURE companion for elfullor<br />

parttime $3.50per derly lady with Grease<br />

hour. 822-3252. Pointe references. Call DR<br />

..us _at - .. ,<br />

au areas,can ba yon s<br />

Renting Service We get<br />

results. A- -t so ' accepun_ .....<br />

ment, moderate rent.Call stoveincluded.792-4815or[<br />

8824613 between 11 a.m. 885.0;}74. IGROSSE<br />

21304Mack•<br />

POINTE<br />

2 rooms<br />

WOODS_<br />

12X18<br />

holegolfcourse.Monthly.<br />

884-0963.<br />

and 7 m .._ ] feeteach,carpeted,ideal VERY OUTSTANDING con.<br />

..... P' " N,'.rr_,_Pv.............. o •, i *.._ manufacturer'_ repre- Windjammer, _"<br />

MOVING ?<br />

POINTE<br />


• HOUSE SITTERS -- Experi-<br />

1-4297. rds' listins<br />

2035.<br />

landlo g'<br />

773. UPPER<br />

_<br />

FLAT on Maryland.<br />

_ecur_ty<br />

_.uepoo-,<br />

_".... -,,,_o_¢[<br />

,,_ v.....<br />

carpetmg,xireptace,<br />

decorated$400 plusutili.<br />

n_w_ I<br />

[<br />

"""<br />

,<br />

sentative,etc.884-134,0or<br />

dominium.<br />

bedrooms,2 baths,piano.<br />

-<br />

Will sell<br />

_<br />

your househol_i<br />

enced. Must have Grease PAINTING_Coiiege senior, __ _ ........ 885-7849 I ties. Immediate occup=ncy J 886-1088. Only responsible people, furnishings.<br />

Pointe references. 886A739 years experience, thorough DUPLEX 2 bedroom. Neff<br />

road, $400.'885-8758 -- 885-<br />

........<br />


-_ [<br />

home. 1<br />

881-7198.<br />

....... .._ . _ SUBLEASE tQ A u g u s t 1,<br />

Owner f o r m e r Grease Estate and Insurance<br />

LAY SUPERVISOR, interest, neat, responsible. 886-4842. 4033<br />

in_ lob workin_ with high BOOKKEEPER,--FuIIy quail-<br />

- ..... _- _<br />

_'uut, _---*_ s*ua^n_ ._ u= , __, hours I tied. Desires employment [ AVAILABLE<br />

:,_ ,-,...o_^ ,,_,_ _,,_,u_ [ in Grease Poi^te vicinity Grosce Pointe<br />

_<br />

Woods,<br />

_<br />

2- -<br />

central air, warren. _zlcn-] TWO l)_.uAr_<br />

igan, ings. $290. 343-0347 even- [ Riviera CONDOMINIUMS Terrace, near 9 Male<br />

and jefferson. Pool and<br />

some 1981 --adaptable 2,482 ft. offices of hand- in<br />

Hampton Mack, south Square of Nine building, Mile<br />

Pointer. Florida. Location Popular Stuart, wit h<br />

Grosse aud April. Pointers. $700 per month, March<br />

Complex on St. Lucie Riv.<br />

Free Consultation_Advice<br />

Appraisals<br />

For aftermore 5 p.m. information call<br />

Pointe Professionals a_l<br />

Schools. Call 343-2017. t 88,5-4434. bedroom ..... ,.... Bungalow, ,__^ e_odining _r _OVERLOOKING Clair, 2-h_droom. Lake one-floor St. elubhouse privileges, 2 Road• Immediate posses- er. Very fine beach on Donna Landers 882.8654.<br />

A_]_<br />

_,ers<br />

° '<br />

sales'--n_onle<br />

- " ' _- ¢'-_<br />

com.]<br />

--m {<br />

ar"_un d<br />

the house or at your place<br />

of business, call Dennis,<br />

....... month<br />

0990.<br />

n_ep,,_e, plus security _'_,,<br />

'<br />

885- v'-<br />

[<br />

condominium near 15 Mtle. •<br />

Enjoy lake activities now<br />

bedrooms, 2 baths. One<br />

,$440, other $39'5. <strong>Both</strong> air<br />

conditioned, decorated. carpeted, All kitchen newsion.<br />

ginia Call S. Jeffries, for details. Realtor, Vir-<br />

882-0899.<br />

Hutchinson Island. Box<br />

785, Palm City, Florida<br />

33490 283-t957. or call J. J. collect Jordan. 1305)<br />

Jeanne Roddewig 881-7518<br />

Established 1971<br />

"CALL VINCE" for seasoned<br />

missions. pany trammg, 881-8924. men co - 521-70_2. , .... GROSSE POINTE WOODS I pliances, and next garage. summer. 791.8295. All ap- l:ppliance s included. $440 GROSSE POINTE CITY -- firewood. Pick up or de-<br />

TELEPHONE HELP, good BABYSITTING in my home. 11}65 Hollywood off Mack, THR----_BE -BEDb--_OM_I 0 w e r unit has draperies and orMaCkstore,at UniversitY.20xT0, $300OffiCeper POMPANOLauderdale,BEACH,Florida,<br />

ocean-F°rt livery. 781-3586.<br />

pay, part time. 881-8924. Have experience and ref- north of Vernier Road, 3- [ flat, Grosse Pointe Park, sheers. Call 882-5200. month, plus utilities. Am- front condominium, com- BARN SIDING _ Authentic<br />

LANDSCAPING CREW -- 526-4910.erences" Mrs. Pat Jensen. bedroOmplace, gasbriCkheat,Ranch'1½ baths,Fire" ] $300 a month. Plus secur- APPLICATIONS taken for pie Realtors. parking. 886-4444. George Palms pletely furnished. 885-2844. 1" natural weathered, timber. hand 1-4632!79. hewn,<br />

willing and able people to ' completely renovated, new ity deposit. 882-2667. nice upper, responsible SIESTA KEY, Florida --,- 2-1<br />

start work April lot. 8tea- COLLEGE STUDENT would carpeting. Security depos!t people, no pets. 882-2503 OPPOSITE Eastland -- Suite bedroom, 2'A-bath, new FIREWOOD, seasoned, split<br />

dy hours, regular wage<br />

creases. 885-1900.<br />

RESPONSIBLE individual<br />

into<br />

like wall washing, painting,<br />

Experienced. Reasonable.<br />

Many references. 824-6826.<br />

and<br />

,._^ _,o<br />

references<br />

SaWn r_r<br />

required.<br />

,,u _,_. _ ¢-- month,<br />

For appointment call 884-<br />

1340, 886-i068.<br />

CLEAN<br />

rage, Beaconsfield<br />

5-room lower,<br />

near<br />

ga-<br />

Warren, security ' .... deposit,<br />

886-0889, no pets.<br />


2 bedrooms, [<br />

newly decorated, carpeting,<br />

drapes, family room, gafor<br />

fessionai lease. Bldg. Opal<br />

7'F?._<br />

8Plaza Mile Pro- R'_ Townhouse .........<br />

_ B_C_S_ry<br />

available _°'_ April.<br />

con-<br />

hardwood cor(l. ........ 7Dz-zaA)I. delivered. Face<br />

care for newborn five days IF YOU'LL name the job NEFF FLAT---504 rage, $375 plus utilities, dominiums available in HOUSEHOLD<br />

mid-April to midJune.<br />

1781 after 4.<br />

881- you want done, we'll do it!<br />

824-9509 or 824-9172. Litensed,<br />

ABANDON your huntt Luxury<br />

hi-rise, 1 & 2 bedroom<br />

apartments. Carpeting,<br />

One-floor living in attractive<br />

2:family flat. Located be-<br />

Immediate<br />

2810.<br />

occupancy. 885- ST. CLA[R _ORES<br />

OFFICE SPACE to rent in<br />

March and April. 2-week<br />

minimum, 2 bedrooms, 2½<br />


SALES<br />

V_R'r ...... 'PIME bookkeeper to<br />

work days Flexible hours RESPONSIBLE mother oil<br />

drapes,<br />

security.<br />

balconies, pool & tween mee. Includes St. Paul2 and bedrooms, Mau-<br />

1_ bat,h._ den. fo.%:m.a! din-.<br />

CHALMERS- Houston-Whittier,<br />

lower flat, 2bedrooms<br />

Harper between<br />

Roads.<br />

Professional 12 and 13 Plaza Mile<br />

_1300 square feet<br />

baths, equipped laundry. kitchen, screened Fully<br />

terrace, golf, tennis and<br />



Mu-s-t have experience in<br />

payroll tax preparation. [<br />

!oddierwillb _y;2:e<br />

_nner_ osse<br />

ih_ _" _<br />

•<br />

FROM $280<br />


ing room, living" room with.[<br />

fireplace, brand new kitliving<br />

carpeted, and refinished rill,in, rood-l, base- ' "like new" with<br />

paneling, central<br />

carpeting,<br />

air, good<br />

swimming. 774-1493.<br />

..................<br />

...............<br />

Invite you to visit our shop,<br />

Call and<br />

885-9038 •<br />

....<br />

.... ,_,_,_<br />

ask for Mary. n_l-ozsu.<br />

' - , • _-- .,. _ h a H"<br />

[:_IOTH,,_,_ _an_ t_ . by s..-<br />

+,,,_ w,,-r,_, _ _,, _, _,_ _,m,_ fma-9__.<br />


Corr-er of 1-94 &<br />

Metro Parkway<br />

chen, wool carpet, draper-I ment. Evenings. 822-9307.<br />

ies. freshly decorated and i EAS-__Driv----_<br />

available immediately. [ 5-room upper, appliances,<br />

parking, Professional<br />

ant. $700 monthly.<br />

0600.<br />

ten-<br />

884-<br />

ON THE OCEAN--Pompano<br />

Beach,<br />

ficency,<br />

Florida.<br />

nicely<br />

Studio<br />

furnished,<br />

eln,m<br />

....... _,,¢a_h,_a<br />

now open two days a week,<br />

Tuesdays<br />

a.m. to 2<br />

and<br />

p.m.<br />

Thursdays 10.<br />

15115 CHAP.LEVO!X<br />

dictaphone typist, 4 hours.,t_C--_--U-'N-_G S_"VIC-EI LAKE ST. CI.akIR showing. 5924.<br />

daily, construction .hours flexible. firm needs Call [ monthly statements, taxes, Model OVERLOOKING open dailb.............................. $475. Phone 886-2496 Ior heat, no animals. $250. 885- JOHNSTONE jOhNSTONE & near es, weekavailable shopping or $700 month. April, and church- $250 Pho- ] Consignments, GROSSE POINTE estate PARK apprais-<br />

Debbie776-1400. investigativeanalytical, 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. D!CKERSON 4114 -- Studio UPPER FLAT, 2 bedrooms, alsand house sales. "<br />

temporary,' personal,large 296-2320 463-.5857 and 1 bedroom.All utili- $225a month plusutilities. SMALL 2.roomoffice,desir- tographs available•791- Featuringfin e norcelains,<br />

PERSON NEEDED, tYping, or smallbusiness. 886-3178 ties. Off-streetparking. Maryland.822-6814. able locationoverlooking 4192 after5 p.m. antiquefurniture, crystaland<br />

lear=insuranceagency OUTER DRIVE _ Gratiot, See manager.823-0938. Grosse Pointe Park, $150<br />

business.888-4347: L_ADED _LAS_ 3.room front ap_tment, GROSSE POINTE PARK -- per month, heat included.FOR RENT-----Jt_n,s Island--rugs.<br />

newly decorated,stove,re- CONDOMINIUM--2-bedroom Nottingham Road. Lovely 15515Mack Ave. 885-4384. Vero Beach, Florida.2 This week featuringma-<br />

DENTAL ASSISTANT, Fast- WINDOW REP.AIR frigerator, good transporta- Central air,washer and upper 6 rooms;20 minutes bedroom Townhouse. Com- hogany reproductionShera-<br />

1<br />

i<br />

land area, part time. Ex- Also buy leaded glass doors lion. 773-4612 or 366-9668. dryer, pool, $375. 83&6479 from RenCen. N-_ pets, OFFICES--Centrally located pletely furnished: Unex- ton hogany sideboard, dropleaf antique table, me-, an- Ii<br />

periencehelpful•No eve- and wlndows, after6 p.m.<br />

nines, benefits<br />

•<br />

352-0484. 882-5833 ........ _A...a a,_o.v ----- •<br />

__ _ t_ux_,x,_r_.-_,_ , . ._ a,,- ._ ,, .,.,._, _, ,va_rn,_nman_r , ,, v.m_.,._,._ a-artment v ,<br />

SECRETARY, sail boat of- _IIALI'Py Health Care in, spaemusz:nearoora x_a_, refrigerator and stove,<br />

, •..... • ; ear _eu, neat, retragera_- ne r<br />

hoe Musttake shorthand ...... . h,_. ..w.h-*,utal or pe heated. F._astWarren .a<br />

J B Slaven Inc. _'_. nursin_,'-h'ome Our "-ore, _- ! or and stove included. No I Grosse" Pointe 884-2133.<br />

........... _---"---_----- sional staff of re-_'tere_ pets. $275. 884-6044. I_<br />

4A_HELP WANTED .. . _ .. .: _ I DEVONSHIRE--Near MacK,<br />

DOMESTIC. nurses, _aens..e..aopracucai 117o PAGET COURT--O)m-I 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, low-<br />

.___ ,u,S_, ..,,_ ,,2:_f ..... pletely carpeted 3 bedroom I er income, $235 a month.<br />

$260 Securitdeposit,821- E.ast.__8_ Mile-Kelly=Carpet- pectedcancellationmakes ........................<br />

6063"<br />

• •<br />

ed. 777-u'/li0 or t_tlo-_zo,<br />

_<br />

time<br />

•<br />

in<br />

_<br />

April available<br />

- • -<br />

,,q_u<br />

earJv<br />

wa[.u,<br />

lwn century<br />

_up,ea_.tao_e,<br />

_ _ i _ _ root anu ocean _vlmmln_.. ., • -, . mano_an.v . o -_<br />

_,,-'_._,_---_'_'--c _ .... _,,w_,_ I GROSSEPOINTEWOODS aold tennis bikin_ and desk, beautifut oriental rug<br />

i_ld_2_xj.#lyl__l_ - llu_e_u_t-_,_._- VT#-_VXXr_X_t-_t_I.-_ t_TTMTt_ o , , . o O e_* 1.1 :.._._. I... _'_ e_'"<br />

........................... m .,.e_"^° ,,._",,_,,"^"_" ...."°"xo...,'_'" ................. : ....... -<br />

uer, tment moderncar l-oearoo. eteu air I20861 Mack, 2.500 square I ....... -to/zone or ax_er L . n p m"<br />

apar .. , P_. ' ^.^ I foot medical suite, 'can be _,_ o_ o_, • . AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. As<br />

c0noiuon|ng, par._mg, zw- I ' divided into 2 smaller l _o_;-_ ..... low as _izo quarterly ouys<br />

6537. . I i 700 and 1 800 square foot _ Compulsory No Fault In--<br />

" . i _ ^::-_able A-ril I BAHAblAS. Treasure uay _ surance. 881.2376. '.<br />

I<br />

| I<br />

[<br />

WANTED-<br />

Cooks, Maids.<br />

Live-m<br />

HouseKeePor<br />

ou,. are<br />

day, a_vauamez,_ 7 nays a wee_r. .no-_xsa Fnone<br />

Semi-Ranch<br />

ro,_m l_t,_d<br />

with<br />

in a beauti.<br />

family[WILCOX<br />

I _--<br />

884-3550 FOUR-BEDROOM<br />

completely redecorated.<br />

Colonia, I _ffE._'_<br />

_-'" .......<br />

_r'8_6-1058 v I 2<br />

villa<br />

bedroom,<br />

Kitchen<br />

2<br />

living<br />

bath<br />

_room.<br />

ocean _<br />

SCHWINN reconditioned bi-<br />

_,_<br />

lI<br />

---,*r_ and D,._u^usemen_,, , , ,C°uple¢".<br />

", LadA%= fo " private . -<br />

882-6640,o n v,_ Medical, ,,,,h_Pers°n" . mr°......area<br />

_ 1 ............ 1 Day o o Woods<br />

ox t,,o_ x,,_,="^'-*^ IILOVELY,,.,,^ ¢,-SPACIOUS_,_v,._3"bed" immediate occupancy.<br />

March 1st oecu._ ._m , . ,.replaee, _=-:- ee, . aft er o_, _5-1959 _ .<br />

Call t __.PRIMECOMMERCIALnuefeed- m ,I<br />

I tion Kerchevai Ave , " I<br />

Fully equipped__. Pool.. golf.,<br />

tennis, aiiwater sports. On<br />

cycles.. 1a r g e<br />

20373 Mack.<br />

selection, i<br />

homes. Grosse Poime _mployment,<br />

18514 Mack, a<br />

^ .......... r o s s :e<br />

t;_over_y _vaau,,.I<br />

_<br />

years old, available March<br />

: .,....... ,_, o0.,a,_o<br />

panty "One year lease with [<br />

possible renewal • Features I<br />

_-^_'--_.... *-_"-'_ ..... t __<br />

$300. References. t_au<br />

ter 6 p m 331-3422<br />

....<br />

at- __ I<br />


_ ........ du-lex" in I<br />

room upper p I<br />

the 'Village for 2-man of- I<br />

t r ion room<br />

rice wi h ecepti__. -1<br />

962-0890 or z_ts-z791 I<br />

3 mile beach Commercial<br />

'<br />

and private airport. Call<br />

after 5 p m 626-5940<br />


mothin_ for adults and ehiL<br />

:.-_<br />

MATURE WOMAN to llVe-ll , _<br />

after2 p.m.. fa_,lyhome_n • ourexce.l:lflat,lully_car_eted_After • - - • ............... own utilities, garage in-IPRIVATE OFFICE on Mack,[_ "<br />

._n_ _ros_e _om_e ocuoo_ I _ _.u wee,_e.u_. _oo_,x_. eluded rent ._250 monthly'. I in Grosse Pomte Teens. I ,.d.h L._z.rv 1 9. _nd R T-';'<br />

e<br />

. .<br />

J<br />

".<br />

x.y'<br />

'<br />

with elderly lady, St ! r'KIV/_ I r- i_UK_|[_I_ system. Park privileges. 1_ 1 month seeurR" deposit I Secretarlat servire avail- _'"._" --'_". "' 7 -.':=._ nones, anu lots more.<br />

Clalr Shores area. 7S4q}ll8<br />

BABYSILFT_._Rwanted !or<br />

I Around the Clock [ Call TODAY for details.<br />

n home, hospitalor nurslng<br />

1 h.... I_."4'_ LPN'._ Mdcs [870 TROMBLEY--gnacious<br />

_rt_^near _ar__L necessary References're-t<br />

,_vv=, ,-u=_.,uu,,, ,,,_u,,.c . •<br />

in mintconditionUpdated qmred. Call822-60B0. [<br />

able Ail utilitieS- $100<br />

" 2 ""<br />

month'882_66 _....<br />

a[ _e:r_°_lin°na:m s' _va_lea_lsC<br />

v • ' •<br />

[: 647-2631_ _:_._.... _: : _<br />

Grosse Poi.nle_City_mtar-<br />

tanunurcn,rtlooi_laumee<br />

_arallelto Jeffersonand<br />

year,91d,,Monday-F_r_.day.l eompllni_u_, mate attend-I eharmmg upper,fiat.Con-<br />

'_:_._;_.., .._,._.V:,_s_t_,'-'nt_,_IVe"kl_.$cr_ned andS' Cral-alr,;gas;:heat. Mat_ch<br />

area. oo_uno.= .... . ! bonded 24 hour aervice I lot occunancv . $_50 _e_<br />

bath,newly,decor.area annlFOR.RENT¢_house _w,th,3<br />

carpettnrougnou_._o_,_ beclrooms,1 bath;living 6D<br />

re_r_gera,or. @or _on_, I r¢_nm dinln¢_ rnnm ]_rar_ I ..........<br />

....... _.._!<br />

I<br />

._ ............<br />

_IA_"_I_ 'll_<br />

'_ ..........<br />

. K.erehev.a}., _between. 8"<br />

Clair.and _e_L Par_ _n<br />

I rear a_, aiiiiuK C,_il _.v<br />

l_al_V.eVP_R in v hem _ Lieevsed nurses f or m" sur• ]<br />

............ dail_ no weekends m, cat" I anee eases • [<br />

" '<br />

Ralph Crocker after 5:3C_ POINTE AREA NURSES I<br />

343-9041. [ xu 4-:,l_U I<br />

_<br />

month<br />

posit. •<br />

plus security •<br />

TAPPAN<br />

884-6200<br />

de- includes _...... heat. Prefer mid- r kRchen, • no garage, conven-I PARADISE LAKE -- n_arl _v_. , _a_r_, . _ peop,e , __ ....... ,:,_ ] _ _.......... m ._ wo,_,_¢a_v._ ==----.-- and _ . 7<br />

am-agea .. . counle - or z laoies • [ $520 References, • securltyl • Mackinaw " CRy.2 • bedroom " who ..... want to share their[ • to g p ... m "rnursuays . • _;on- ^_,<br />

2_/O pets 81 nments welcome oo_<br />

HIGBIE _aa XON I tent shopping and trans-I cottages, completely furrt- home in all areas. For best[ _g_ ' "<br />

oo_ -.'_ n portation in Grosse Pointe. I ished, on sandy beach, results call La Von's Rent- I _ v,ao.<br />

""-_'_" deposit call for appoint- with boat From $150 per ing _ervtce. People screen-__,_ snlit oak<br />

HOUSEKEEPER, LIGH¢I [UNY VIVIPdNIU [ 13 2 SOMERSET Gro_se nN___r_RrW_ _ 1,w_r con-I ment 821-8722 L ,a,,_lr 82_-1422 ed. 773-2035. ,.^^ a_,; ..... _41456<br />

housekeep|ng for elderly HGrld_lT_On [ Pomte Park. New duplex, dominium 9 Mile Jefferson _ I_ _<br />

lady. Live-in. Small home<br />

in<br />

..............<br />

quietNortheastneigh<br />

uoraooa, xaeat s_tuatm]<br />

• • _ •<br />

for someone w_shmo tim(<br />

Car"enter Work<br />

_ o,a<br />

x_o..o._,._<br />

"_'_--'_--_<br />

Repairs<br />

/<br />

]<br />

I<br />

2 large bedrooms, refrigerator,<br />

stove, dishwasher,<br />

completely carpeted and<br />

"<br />

drapes. 2 car on premise<br />

_". _^-- _;^rrace" A,,_li IMARYLAND---6-room upper I SIESTA KEY Sarasota. Gulf 6G--STORE OR OFFICE<br />

_,*_=,a_^_._,___.<br />

a_tt_] .axue,._. _'_"'"'<br />

v_,'l $150<br />

"-forsecuritydeposit,calll<br />

3 --- or after 7'<br />

frontnewluxuriouslyturn-<br />

_<br />

RENTAL<br />

_o_t _iv i_P|,,dZd R,_snon I _e _. p.m. i ished Condominium. 2 bed- _...................<br />

"'_-', -- ""_*--_-" - " " p m i_opets8813589 uvv,_.._ --_._va,,y ,_,-<br />

sible party $325 security " ' " " " / rooms, 2 baths. Available ed, E 8 Mile Kelly Carp<br />

_<br />


"<br />


884-4560 -- George or Kay<br />

. " __<br />

___ after 5 p.m. _ CADIEUX-blACK area, nice IN,,.,. / 5537. 7--WANTED TO RENT tique jeweIry, watches,<br />

o t 3 da s er week Own _r_r_u_u_a_rul_u moved, Lo_er Ilar _rosse comte _,<br />

7 o, .Y.P • - . • v _ ____:._.,^_ ue,ve_eu v[ ._: u_pu=eu ....._ ,_,, x _A_t_uor_-r upper. Features -- very2 specia_ bed- 2-bedroomhome appliances,$240'779-9792. carpeted,- ^__ tnt ...... new _" car e_. __tnroug, _," 2_bed-_28 YEAR OLD female re- mocks,lilSKaJewelers,o_<br />

Kercheval,in.thecolonial<br />

transpor_a.ion, rexerences. -- _ ..... -._. rooms, 2½ baths,modern -_'-........... _-'--7---7.!y-- . . rp . . " centlytransferred to FederalBuilding885-5755<br />

885-8178. ' "±'we _-olnve resments w_l<br />

,<br />

kiteh_*n w it h breakfast TROMBLEY--Lower 2 beu- out, new zitcnen ca_ine_s.<br />

room, new deluxe Town-I<br />

_,_¢_,_ Point_ looking for<br />

_--- move or rem_:e large or area, ......... laundry area, living rooms, livin¢o and dining Heat inOuded-- $400. . per u,,ei'-_'_:aoeu,ou,,,-'_"_^--'apa-,,,,_,,_<br />

._. _' <strong>At</strong>,_IU_'i'-t_W'. Ar't'Ali_L.<br />

CLEANING le_t:uSt_l._ersonal -WOMAN inter want- small 881-2093 quantities of front- pars_331A.vaflable room. and dining Marc!} room. i deposit. room, carpeted, 776-2060. 1½ baths GOODMAN month AvailablePIERCE March 1 [ KEyAP°nn_hlls°trLARGo,pFr°r°_et_t'Ftorida,<br />

house, recreation .beach, hall, marina,'large tennis, _and [ eted. 777-ff7,80 or 886_125. _-: . accessories; furs and an-, I<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms Inca. what have you. CalI for month. - $425 and security deposit, HOUSE month or season. ,For res-I Would consider 2 rooms iiques at a fraction of the<br />

ed tion. °he References day per required, week" ture'appliances'pian°s°r free estimate. 343-0481. Very PURDY special-- & TOLES $600 per[ I st°Pc ........ .... t_andca_ refrigerat°r' before nnon FOR RENT ervations, Pool" Ratescall _4-8231. bY week' I °fCadieux'm°deraterent" and with access full bath to kitchen upstairs, and original We cost. Buy Furs<br />

I<br />

CallMr. Rickel,882-7429 889-050o or after4 p.m.881-5951. laundry facilities. S ° m e ConsignmentsWelcome []<br />

evenings or 259-3500. rETIRED handyman--Minor I Executive Ranch -- 9 bed. n_.r.UXE Ski Chalet 6 bedrepairs,<br />

carpentry, dec- ;RO_----_-p_ff_----"W-_DS.__IT_ -_EDR-'_-_-M --Ranch, rooms, 2baths, living room [ -=T-'--,oo,._, ...o_,,,_r ..... _-- _;,__,,_, ......,_,,. I storage needed. Has toy LEE'S n<br />

LAUNDRESS 4 hours per ..... _vloal , ............ .nnlt_.o__o;nt;na -- ...... Cozy bungalow on short, I Grosse Pointe Farms, large and family room have fire- ] lord, Mi. ½ hour to Bey ne I poodle m_e: 882 o_,-oo-_,,. 5049 __ 20339 Mack 881-8082<br />

88_83.<br />

................... ' "<br />

a.m.-3:39 p.m., your home,<br />

M a r q u et t e E!ementa_,<br />

area. 2 children, 4½ and<br />

6................ $4n w,_,_kly .q days 881cords<br />

replaced, etc. Rea- " uen, all appliances, garage. I dining room, carpeted, 1½<br />

_r_n_h]_ R*f#v*n,n*R I_no_ 1 _,o,,- lo,_o__¢_a _^.,_._ baths basement. _ara_'e.<br />

i .......................<br />

6759:..................... Iy. Available immediately, refrigerator, " stove, $450. ]<br />

[ Days, 965-2220. Evenings[<br />

-_--ME_NG-- I _r0800. JOHNSTONE & 885-i096. 1<br />

rotal patient care. We have I JOHNSTONE ..__._ _ .._..--,,.v.,, |<br />

-- . ":,_-_ .';', . ..I<br />

cluded. Carpeted with cur- $375 per week. Evenings l nhv¢ioi,, and ,_,;¢.... t-i,,,<br />

,^=.... a a........ _ ...;_ __a ..... ,.---,- __,, _.. _'--_':-_-_' ................. _.<br />

dows. $600 per month. One .............. 9658. Available ' 2-17-79. ........... "-'-_,c_room Grease Pointe apartmcn, Park. Have! in I<br />

child and SMALL pet wel .... clean cat. Call 773-5365 or<br />

come Availableimmedi- FURNISHED 3-bedroom,2- _.o,no .<br />

atelyi bath Townhouse condomin- - .......<br />

...... 0 ium on the Intercoastal, TWO-BEDROOM apartment.<br />






--"_'_''"_' _"-" '_-'_<br />

3423. LPN's, aides, OT's, companions, PT's, RT's RN's,- for -_[HARPER-O_ I u_e, _,. o_ea,<br />

immediate placement. 24 1 room upper, carpeted, new<br />

A near 'n_e ,JeHerson-t_me<br />

........ new' vacant taue umt_ _ _<br />

......... "! 6A<br />

_watm<br />

FOR RENT<br />

w_tn ....... ooat uocKage,, , across<br />

from ocean. B_ca Raton.<br />

I think Grosse Pointe's one<br />

,¢ ,h,_ f;,,_ commun_*_es<br />

10c<br />

WEDDING INX.!m.Amra_ ...... "<br />

4 days. Must drive. No h6ur availability. [ naint_ $160 a month basement plus security, storage, reel rooms, and2 cluonouse baths, balcony, z _a-, I -- FUgNISHED Florida. , 1.5!7.332426.1. ,,_<br />

in the country. The popu- SCRATCH PADS, 40c LB.<br />

day, 2 days a week. 8_2-broken windows and sash [ quiet street. 2 bedrooms, ] living room, fire,lace, full i places. 2_.11 appliances irl-_ountain. $275 weekends, i FORD HOSPITAL residen t " I<br />

cleaning or laundry. 885- _,, MED - CALL i heat included. No pets. carper!. Newly decorated/_t Marter HARBOR SPRINGS---Sleeps lous is gracious and stimu- Artists PMT Stats<br />

1638. ,_,_P_I'I K_o.._a_ _ ooR,11_ ,¢_,, R._n mrou_nouc, all rooms car-t ,r..... h^,,,., ,_ r,,,a,,,_,_.- _ ,. a _tz h_,_ _,a^_, lating. I love to garden, to Open Mon. thru Sat. 9-5 p.m.<br />

supervise cl_ildrea-ages 9] 'xr'r_ L,U,,_. m ,iX ...... e.<br />

and<br />

Monday-Friday<br />

10 from 3 p.m.-6<br />

for widow-I<br />

p.m. I Pica<br />

evenings.<br />

type. Call 527-5903<br />

er. Conditions negotiable, _<br />

__<br />

finest<br />

Chandler<br />

area,<br />

Park.<br />

Yorkshire<br />

Large<br />

at<br />

2<br />

bedrooms, new carpeting,<br />

she_er s _o _e_teris_l ,dra:l basemeni; recreation room,<br />

heat,V a'r..........<br />

,<br />

conditionin- wa I with extra hath. No pets. 1<br />

,,o ,.,_¢_;....... _, "l , ,,ear _ lease .... _._9__her month "<br />

ter, ran........ _,....... 9_v_-9114<br />

slopes. 882-2597.<br />

--<br />


Sknng, snowmobiling, _ce<br />

bike duw,, _o _he te,,fi_<br />

mingC°UrtSpool.andI tOliketheto jogSWim'to<br />

the library, to skate on the<br />


15201 Kercheval<br />

Mack and Vernier area, [<br />

please call K. Kiehn at b84and<br />

window cleaning.<br />

estimates. 331-6422.<br />

Free fireplace, $325 pius utilities<br />

and damage deposit.<br />

_ d_shwasher, ...... deposal.<br />

"f desired. 886-2858.<br />

Lease _<br />

FURNISHED Bachelor apartf<br />

shin_o................. Y_ar raund ham_<br />

c o m v 1e t e Iv furnished<br />

lake--to<br />

greetings<br />

return the polite<br />

extended with a<br />

at Lakepointe<br />

Grosse Pointe VA 2-7100,"<br />

4368 after 6 p.m. ]<br />


Washer / Dryer included.<br />

Call after 5:30. 886-7589.<br />

__<br />

TWO, as heat. seBEDROOMS'egarage' $250. L ase.<br />

meat<br />

for2<br />

and garage suitable<br />

people. 881.0258.<br />

¢leeps- 6 on-Bear Lake'<br />

_vVeekend' weekly r_.tes:<br />

simple nod. Excellent references.<br />

manent and I would caringbetenant, a per- es to all, padding and inlive<br />

in with Grosse Pointe %Ale%kitA KI _ i florae: 823-.9481. Work: stalla[ion available. 884gentleman.<br />

Private quar. wishes cleaning of small of- rooms, upper, 3 bedroom, pancy.<br />

--_--<br />

749-3717. week with kitchen. Ideal t _<br />

for secretaries nurses or " "<br />

965-8000, X4dr3. 5135.<br />

ters, some cooking requir- flees Monday through Fri- newly decorated, heat fur- GROSSE POINTE PARK -- teacne" - rs wor._:ing day.s [ pies) 7th floor condo on _,<br />

cd. 882-6,384. Pointe,day" PreferablYst. ClairG rshores,O s s e<br />

East Detroit, or Roseville<br />

curRy.nished' 886-0052.$275 monlhly,<br />

_G'E_<br />

se- Cozy lower, I bedroom, lip.<br />

ing room, sun room, kitchen/dining<br />

room, den. No<br />

_2-6247 .....<br />

_<br />

6R--ROOMS FOR<br />

"[<br />

_<br />

RENT<br />

view beach offers unsurpassed<br />

of Gulf and backwater<br />

bays. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths,<br />

2 older adults, mother and<br />

daughter, wish to rent a<br />

2-bedroom lower flat or<br />

WITH SLED, AND 1972<br />


for 2 pre.schoolers in our area. References. Call 774- excellent location. All util- pets. Tenants pay utilities i...... tennis, POOL"saunas, activ- apartment with stall show- TRAILER EXCELLENT<br />

home.<br />

tation,<br />

Prefer<br />

child<br />

own<br />

care<br />

transporduties<br />

I<br />

0266. ities. $500 a month. Please $275. 821-5448. _CENTRALLY LOCATED _ ity rooms. 682-5163. er in Grosse Pointe or sub- CONDI'I;ION. $1 575<br />

only. Flexible hours, some 1_'N<br />

evenings required, must DOMESTIC<br />

love chiLdren. 886-6145. I<br />

PERSON NEEDED to he _-_t,v|l LADY WILL give home aid<br />

to senior citizen, handireply<br />

Box V-2, Grosse<br />

Pointe News.<br />

CHATSWoRTH-E. Warren, 4<br />

room lower, stove, refrig-<br />


Gracious living, 3 bedrooms,<br />

large rooms, newly carpeted<br />

_nd decorated, immedi-<br />

PIe room, asaclose n t, to comfortable Iransporta-<br />

tion and shopping. 836-<br />

2344.<br />

[ LARGE ROOM with home<br />

urbs. 822-5766. CALL 775.4602<br />

FLORIDA, ...... .<br />

FT. MEYEPq .... B_AC}-I EX._:¢UT:VE co_ desire and apartment !0 _car old or GEfable, RErRL,r_r_,t)R. chairs, wringer<br />

er, clean. 881-5485.<br />

Gull front c,_ndominiuni, two<br />

bedrooms, two baths dish- I flatcellentin references.Gr°sse PointeMr..Ber.X.E<br />

stove, wash. - i<br />

in days borne a week with 2 References. children, 3 [ I capped Light housekeping, or convalescent, pre- crater, utilities not newlyincluded. carpeted, So- ate occupancy. 885.3422. privileges. Near 9 Mile and ,,_h_ ................ s!cc_s ¢_ Pool, ry. 885-1900. Will consider<br />

885-89.54 ' pare or assist with meals, curry deposit requ red No 16 MILE-I-94, spacious 2- Jefferson. $170. 886-5128. golf, lighted tennis. Avail- sub.lease. MOVING SALE<br />

WANTED--Experienced-- we- 895-8613. pets. 882-7479. " bedroom condomimum, rWO-ROOM apartment , in able week April minimum. 8. Easter--2 $325 aI'YOUNG--7;''-TST"" -_R_IO-_'I_PROF ttousebold na, kitchen furniture, items chi- and<br />

kitchen appliances, dish- private home for light week. couple returning to Grosse SOLEX BIKE. Saturday.<br />

man for cleaning and gen- MATURE, refined lady de- EAST WARREN-Outer Drive washer, heat furnished, housekeeping. Partly fur- 1.813.463-2914 Pointe desires unfurnished Sunday, 10 to 4, 88<br />

eral ences housework. required. $3.50 Refer. per I sires only. housework Must be inMondays Grosse upper sunporch, 5-room$200 income includes with Immediate 3781 or 886-1080. occupancy. 881. nished. I.ady with refer- two-bedroom fiat or apa_- Handy Road.<br />

hour Write Box S-4,1 Pointe Woods or Grosse heat. 879-7217. ences. TU 2-3359. DEERFIEI.D on the ocean, meat. Occupancy July or<br />

urosse t'omte<br />

5--SITUATION<br />

News. Pointe Farms area,<br />

, ....... ,_,;^- ¢'.,1:<br />

...... _......................<br />

own<br />

_t_r<br />

peleo,<br />

2<br />

stove, refrigerator,<br />

DELUXE TROMB__.Y FARMS-Pleasant<br />

RENTAL chen privileges,<br />

_,oboro,_ _ b_dr, _._-_._ ................<br />

room, kitreferences<br />

_...........................<br />

ium, 2 bedrooms,<br />

,,,, ,.l ....<br />

2 baths,<br />

r .... d.<br />

pets. 886.3575.<br />

er_<br />

i Tu_<br />

WANTED 6 p.m. 293-6638.<br />

E--XP-ERI-_CED houseclean-<br />

$22._.......... s;-.,,,'i*, ,t.............. " '_;"<br />

Wayburn, Grosse Pointe<br />

" bath................. newer<br />

with big family<br />

apartme',t,<br />

room, fire-I<br />

- ..... oo,-u,o,.<br />


Available Aprii 6, 882-U318<br />

......................<br />

8_-_-Ak-_'I-CLES FOR s-Ai- Video Connection<br />

Y-OUN__-R seeking<br />

a full time, permanent babysitting<br />

job, wekdays. My<br />

er and ironing. References<br />

excellent. 824-5081.<br />

Park. 822-0040.<br />

_/__n-_-----_.<br />

I"....................<br />

place, and a modern kit- IS TO-I_-G-_--_i_-Z__x2_.<br />

then, h,t,. Avaiiable ._._arch[ " , .. :. ...... •.<br />

1 al _575 I aval_atne n e n ln o oltlcc<br />

MICHAVWE:7 ,ni_esSosth CLEANINGOUT?Call OP-II Customlarge screenVide°Tv'sr"°mvideoS<br />

nf Ga_lord. Beautiful 4. ERATIONr , LINC,, 331.6700 [I recorders, top qual;ty,<br />

t,l._.|tt,Ol'O|,oiY_e. Sleep_ 10, V,c hc,p char'i,able orgar, i. il reasonablypriced. Call<br />

he,he<br />

Park<br />

in<br />

area<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />

Two dollars an<br />

LADle-hotelhousework,<br />

Mondays and<br />

ued, uu,,,<br />

pliances,<br />

,o ..... ou,e.<br />

central air,<br />

'_1'"<br />

car-<br />

' S_rR0"NGMAN &<br />


building in Harper Woods.<br />

(:all between 9 and 5. 882.<br />

2 baths,<br />

washer,<br />

kitchen<br />

TV and<br />

w,tll dishfireplace,<br />

zatio,_.<br />

ductible.<br />

Do,,ati,.,,,_ tax de-<br />

You drop off or<br />

I The Video Connection, I<br />

0117. 778-8159, Jshcd basement. 779-0079. 889-0800 I 00_6.....<br />

bnur Call Rronda at 33!. Wednesdays. Rcference_s. peting, washer-dryer, fin- 885d ')_' we pick up. _[I 286-7469. I!<br />

i<br />

i ! , q_<br />


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