Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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P_-ge Two GROSSE' POINTE NEWS Thursday, March I, 1979<br />

Here's a (Continued from V|ge 1) Herold Deason and Cong. (Continued from Page 1) I development 9f a public in-<br />

program through Wayne the program thoroughly in tire Aide Gerald r.;. McNama- I ululing _nd maintaining local<br />

County. He further alleged reports to the council, ra who felt, based upon the [interest.<br />

Views Aired in Park Extensive Tree Plan I<br />

A_ the council proceeded with "For many years our Plan- encouragement offered, that I The initial idea is to dis-<br />

T T TT_. "lkT th,_ program without ads-_L-.gCemm..i=_io_h_L,d!ed the cRY might receive somelseminate relevant tree data _A_|,I _<br />

4i5,_'_:_-_ ,. j._jrT-_IXOTU.rt S ramifications, themayor said,referringto <strong>At</strong> thistime,he saidthe cia.!mailings and through II<br />

.<br />

I<br />

by<br />

<strong>Both</strong><br />

Park<br />

chargeswere<br />

Mayor Matthqw<br />

denieu<br />

C.<br />

severalblockstn<br />

closest tothe Detroit<br />

The<br />

border,<br />

Park clt_is<br />

mated $14,000,<br />

lookingat<br />

with<br />

an<br />

the<br />

esti-thc<br />

mu- Eyedasa<br />

mcdia.<br />

part ofthetotal U_,I_|_ O ! ULJI%,/<br />

ty program administratorthatis going to help that the funds in cash, in-kindcry management, which Mr.<br />

James Curran. areamore thangivingpeople servicecontributions, (based McNamara 'saidisfree,with<br />

"The citydldn'tloseany threepercentloanstofixup upon the assigningof a Wayne County Extension<br />

_tllk_<br />

rightsor any identity," Mr. theirhouses,"he said, monetary valueto volunteerServicevolunteersproviding<br />

C..an ioss,ed " ,oy sig- dom .gem ski.s .t<br />

, o 884--6655<br />

ed a standardcontractwith Severalcitizens, includingnationsfrom civicgroupsor:nieipalnursery,(witha maxthe<br />

countyfor projectsthey one residcntof Lakepointeany combinationof these, imum capacityof 200 trees<br />

askedto be funded." avenue,v o ice d agreement Priorities Viewed per yearafterfiveyears).<br />

i Pattersonand Wayne Coun- "I don'tknow of anythingnicipality puttingup halfof program isthe areaof nurs- 20311 Mack at Lochmoor, Kimberly Korner<br />

• ma_<br />

@itWJ_<br />

You will neverfind a nail in A//en-Edm_nds<br />

sboey because A]len.Edmonds found out long,<br />

long ago that stitching is better than nailing,<br />

Yo,,g,'tasb,_tbat'sstitcbedal/around. ' It<br />

Plan Summer I' strategy area, they . re talk-_uo+ who added _.... _._.,_a the application _... _.._, members " of the tree ' corn- I _ I /It/u-J. t t _v in au proDavmw, tne ................ _..... "<br />

1OUr OT Europe hat every.oth,er house needs council will consider this ors, Barbara Hayes and Carol<br />

.v, r i- ; some ngaOout<br />

repairs, and ,t.eems<br />

the resloeni tome ............. -- • t -, • • Mott ............. "Wo oo_ _-_ o h;,. hol_ ALL -- I ..... ma_ter a_ _ac o, us April . • ......... s .... v<br />

ing plans for the third con- "I don't know why this Sev-_ai-H ri" - _ receive further training,<br />

seeutive<br />

The public<br />

si_mmer<br />

seh°°Is<br />

travel-study<br />

are mak"<br />

IPoP<br />

zam"<br />

group is opposing the con<br />

meetines<br />

i_ r fl ao _y areas wer_<br />

m,<br />

too"<br />

many<br />

she said.<br />

areas and we can WALLPAPER<br />

• S e eel Dy tree commls- '<br />

to-r ..... nf Eurone for high [ p.,,ogram.' It seems . to me ...... hke dem memoers ..... at the meev The other two members or Call in any pattern from any book.<br />

I<br />

'<br />

!<br />

hexes, it bends, i/d_vers unusual comfort. And ' duo th " . I _, w_m ,_e nr_ one oemg _ _,a _,._^_ _m.<br />

with .-': all " that "" comfort there is exceptional quality school their parents andcollegestudents are invited to ahghtmgpolRtcal grind, and I don't like act,on it." It--- in ,_...... ire-- ec s.......... _'- urveyu an,, _._t_ ,,_ _t-,,vI the Currently, groupareOthcAoColec- the city has an PSone: 886 m 4050<br />

and st)4e_dH yoursifyou wear AHen-Edraonds. attendan orientationmeeting<br />

today, March 1, at<br />

Joseph Grano of BalfourIdaU-_<br />

road spoke to commend the ,_'_" . ....<br />

"[estimated 6,000 to 7,000<br />

[ street trees alone, not con- PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED* NO DEPOSIT<br />

Allen-Edmond shoes are available in South High School's Clemem council for taking a "cau- th Tne oojecuve is to.fimsh [ sidering the thousands on • NO FREIGHT CHARGE<br />

__ sizes 5 to i6. AAAA to EEE sonInterested Hall, !1 students Crosse Points and tious gr . approach' at's got and an urged ax ¢Olane evalu,_o tree survey, n ^f (which ,_.^ _..:_, is i ................ private property. ,._= _u_t_.<br />

....... ,over _a vercem commete), I ..... $ NO DELIVERY CHARGE<br />

= fering high school and col-l- " 'out what it means" S * PAY WHEN DELIVERED<br />

I-- ___'_ l l_ulevara'atT:aOP'm'The<br />

month-lon,trip OL' ,ram.°tne'alst°e°ntinuethepr°"<br />

We can bury our heads in [<br />

andt°realIyanalyzeandfind1"<br />

iz'"<br />

"<br />

"=" "-" . , empha-<br />

.<br />

I<br />

, PIC"E''<br />


lIP<br />

_" i ' '<br />

i KERCHEVAL AT Since ST. CLAIR 1900 * CROSSE POINTE _[_ to land, Rome, Paris, Florence, AmsterdamSwitzer- and I tunity tire here to dobecause something of fear;" post. comprehensive umng a needtree zor manage-_| a more ]l re'alma tpper Level PiercePar_ing -- Oppp*ite Lot II• i 50CenisPe, RoilAd_edToA;;O_de.'sLes=T_.nfuff_r..%{<br />

........ .... _1:'},<br />

Open<br />

....<br />

Thursday Evenings 'Ill 8:45<br />

__:__ ............. ._ - - .<br />

F London. For more information call I[ Mr. proceed Grandeautiou_Iy, s_id. "Or making we can city men, has program, informatibn she on said plant- the Ii Yes,we're S8_-5543 salt in the Village _. _<br />

sure ,he conulttort8 ate right ................. ,_<br />

William Taylor, at 343-2115, + a. a .... ing trimming sites but andnAPrl._mar_ tree removal an / = _/ ........<br />

, if we should continue with<br />

or Robert Welch at 343-2024. every year and then deciding priorities, such as pinpoint- _3<br />

the program or not." ingdiseaseproblems. _<br />

HOURS MON • s_ :Peg,w_,,c'o,e,,,_D,_,,_<br />

--FRI 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. _<br />

III I I I<br />

I<br />

I_<br />

--_" "_ i_<br />

J. :_,_.___ [b i<br />

In its written response to Related to this is another _ ,IL _') '_<br />

POP presentedto this month, inquiries' officials councilearliercomprehensivetreemanage- which saidwere The pri°rity' _a formal the statement devel°pment of the °f CHAP S BY<br />

_ f"<br />

Park is not required to develop<br />

housingassLstanee promeni<br />

plan. We need to tie all<br />

thisinformati0n into a man-<br />

_al<br />


4" "<br />

"'<br />

grams or to comply with see- agement program, stated Mrs. _l , , • ,_\" _-_1_<br />

lions of federal law that re- Rice, who noted it's possible _1 More than ever, the striped s_*t<br />

quire "spatial deconcentra, hired in this area.<br />

, I for tion persons of housing of low opportunities income." Tied in with this is a mas- _ is executed with unmistakable<br />

The Park is required only ter street tree planting plan, _ flair for Chaps by Ralph<br />

to comply with the contracts with a goal being to include ¢,1 Lauren. Coat, vest and<br />

it signs ea c h ye ar with the replacement species for _ trousers in a navy or<br />

Wayne Count)" which, in elms. _l grey stripe of dacron<br />

turn, meets requirements ol Inform The Public _ " and wool.<br />

federal wide" programs, law through officials county- explained,<br />

education Still another and training priority of is cer- the<br />

tain DPW ,employes toward<br />

ig -' $_6_<br />

penetrating into the me-<br />

_ ....1_+_ _==._ _ ;,='._<br />

_,,././<br />

Psychologls<br />

chanicsof the program.<br />

compass such areas as tree<br />

trimming and removal, disease<br />

and insect control, brae. i<br />

• ; Ro_ald J. Friedman, 16hD, ing and.cabling, fe_tiUzation.j<br />

' A gentleman's i_:d_j_ft_r_Zexpressed by<br />

the dacobson's clothing offers he wears. Moorgate, That isLtd. one made-to- reason<br />

':; a _btif/ed eonstlIting _s_chologist,<br />

will speak at the<br />

Academ i sts<br />

Crosse Lu_o,, Points Academy, 171<br />

............, _,_h<br />

......<br />

o _, o.<br />

a ua --<br />

_.---_,...... _..... d.y,<br />

methods, tree. planting, and t."<br />

maintenance, quality control f<br />

Planned ,rattans would on.<br />

of _.t tree stock, f- bidding,4 and # [ r _l<br />

pe,,o,,-'mance s,andar_ ,or t _<br />

compMte setRoaster of custom nowfitted for<br />

golf clubs, bag, etc.,<br />

measure apparel service for men, Another Dr. Friedman's Iecture is l of species for the city. i No purchase necessary.<br />

reason is your discerning taste. Careful open<br />

.........<br />

to<br />

,=,<br />

the<br />

,, v<br />

public<br />

.....<br />

at no<br />

tree<br />

Another<br />

planting<br />

important<br />

and suitability<br />

aspect<br />

i<br />

1<br />

_ Drawing March 31 _<br />

I..t_n,.Li._ lorina _n¢'l at,ditty craftsmanship charge. In private practice in Iin the eyes of officials is the<br />

............... u "- "I..... • St. C]air Shores and wMely<br />

sport coats, slacks, vests, topcoats and settings,<br />

addi:ess<br />

Dr.<br />

the<br />

Friedman will<br />

topic "How to [<br />

' |or.m.thechar._c?erofollrMoofgatesuit$, tuxedos. You select the "" o,y,,,,g, ';" fabr cs experienced ._aiseA I!appy inChild." educational'_ IrlP_JR--iq'_vr, = "" "-'' "-'Y ..... l_,_¢l I _ _'/'_/_/_/'_' "I<br />

articles Dr. Friedman has [ A Financial Planning Sem-I<br />

and<br />

are carefully detailing taken you prefer.<br />

to assure<br />

Measurements the perfect published<br />

A sampling<br />

ilhtstrates<br />

of titles<br />

his in-[<br />

of I<br />

inar is scheduled at the War<br />

I_<br />

[<br />

_/_ _C'_<br />


fit and comfort of the attire you order, forests and expertise. They l Memorial, 32 Lakeshore road, I<br />

include "Early Recognition[ on Mondays, March I9 to/<br />


•_./(_XAJVJL/ i_ term Memory in Normal And mone,, a,_,,lies with the nres I<br />

I<br />

• 4571WOODWARDAVE,.PHCNE964-2300.DEIF+OIT. 48226 I_<br />

Piease allow five to six weeks for delivery, i _f _mr_H,_.., n;,^,.a,,,.. ,,,i Apri i 2, at 7:30 p.m. t<br />

t [ ' . , , o_[,- _._ve A_e;_'.o..s, un=:,ren., o...yper- . ._ incomes,Centerofficials<br />

interest to those on fixed say.I I -- _.::!iii_!_i_!_;_!_i_i:_i_i_:_:!_!i::_i:_:_:!:!:i!iii_!_i_i!i_i!ii!;!!!_!!!:;::_!_!i;_!!!!!-i:i:_!:!:[:_!!!_!!i;_;!ii!:;_;_!i_!!_.<br />

..................... ..... .... ._................. ............. .............. ......... ...........<br />

_._- - _ ........ "....... __on'.sor:drzeaman s . _az/_ is The series will be introduced [ ..y..y..._...>:.:.:.:_:.:_.._.:.:_:.:._.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:_..:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:%..:..:.:.:...:.:..:.:_:.:+:._.:+:.:.:.:+_.:.:.:¢q+:.:._<br />

v • oy me varents and mode rated by Calvm" J-<br />

":::::: _!i:!::,..<br />

I .... !_._f.._d,. "i,._SOD _ ,ions oo_d,...._co,,o_i_.n_ in Children," "Short-cover _ the totalrange towhich' [-:.:-:-:.: " " ii!i!<br />

rained ore mmrmatmn by calling 886-1221. may be oh- will On be March "Investments" 19, the subjectI and]_:i:_:i:i: :!:i:i:i.'.: _. :_i!i.:.:'iii . ....<br />

I extends thanks to all who submitted t-, the lecturer will be Thomas { :_:!:i:i:i _. :!:!:!:i:i<br />

entries in our Village Valentine Contest. r-, • _,, Mutual Securities Co. J:i:!:_:] ,4_ I ne J_a[uralalre. !i:.ii!i_ii<br />

second lecture on ':':':':':'!;i:!:i:i: _d[llll_/_Wl,q " :_:_:_-'i:!'i'!'!; ]<br />

[ TheGrossePointe_<br />

i VillageAssociation_ ., r'o, nte'" _llross_ "'" "l'_ews ....... _nannon.The<br />

w. Brubaker, president of[i:!:i:i:i: ,_:_ ril'_i _T . • • ::::::::::<br />

' WEWO"" ,,-r vn eu.=_",'-,,,,,=r wvru vnv, p ..... March 26 will involve Bank-[ :i:_:i:i:i _ li by H. Freemon & Son :!:i:_:;':<br />

i UI.U I.l_tL ,U unnuK /HIO UII,. ,, ..... , ..... nlt>.snea by Robt. v.;very B. Edgar Thursday in_" ,_ -, with representatives . - - • of!:':':':::: + .-v.: _1_ :.:¢...,:<br />

- the Nahona, Bank o, Detrm, I....v... . _._ ,_ . ::.:::::..:<br />

v.v,-<br />

!<br />

i<br />

.... ITMAKES USPRO UO ,.,, '<br />

Thenominationwassubmiiiedby Fly LonesKo[ $i. btaii"Shor,s<br />

• 99 yer¢.h_vaLAvenuoe "<br />

DfB/A<br />

uro=._ rom.e<br />

Anteeb°<br />

....c......<br />

hblishers<br />

3.a<br />

PhoneTU 2-_900<br />

S.¢*n_ ¢1,, P*,,,,, ,*m *t<br />

tation will be by David Ras. I i:;:_:i-'.::<br />

in<br />

mu;_cn,<br />

charge. "<br />

attorney<br />

The final<br />

an&<br />

presenw:"<br />

_<br />

"<br />

_":':':':':<br />

':':""' !!iiiii!ii<br />

vo_,.o ............... "Distr _,ti.n ,f A[,...... _,_ I.:.:.:.:. ".'.'.'.'<br />

" And Risk ' Management.' ....... :':':':': :::::5::: .....<br />

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Pine woowns, me tatlorm ,<br />

_ fine :¢tv/in_ .. o' Tbat'_• the<br />

story of our /1'Naturalaire g<br />

i:,_!ii<br />

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I Between Cadieux and Neff _'*_;_,,_'._.%.SS.00 • m=u. p,, v,*, wihAfter de time each for teeture answering there I _:"..:.:-;. :_:!:i:!:i J_ /__, : " " traditional suit " i:!$':':.:: ::5:::::;<br />

Ck=n • o_ specific qtleStl0lls from the<br />

9 I A¢4ros= ,o,mt $|79 t. 1 ":':':':': __ .... ' ,. \ :':::_:':'<br />

i i Addr,== ¢111 Mall $ub_:rlptlens, .. . :':::::::: ..%-...,<br />

is a fasbion.bL, elegant memorable<br />

With speciaL, y shopsand shops<br />

place _<br />

decor<br />

I All odvcrfl.l[ng<br />

nl r_lw$Ofuce<br />

.¢opzmustbe<br />

=y ]ucsa=y noon<br />

In<br />

!o' _*"__ Insurt InlerlJon. .o... -......<br />

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For<br />

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Calf OO1-,O11. •<br />

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information<br />

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i _i_ ik:::::::;J_ :: .. _1_' u,ogl andPotvester '::::::::::<br />

I cuisine and high fashion and crafts !_ l[l_lli_ll_l_ IL ll ,_.,,,. . .::::::: _=_ padvrn.* , ana , co,ors. , ....v... ...::::::::<br />

!! .......... _tl_:_:i:i:! ___ i:i:i::i:<br />

and much more -- )) MOWll I (( ;':':-:.:. ::::::5:::_" !::::_•:_ .... Naturalaire--tloe :::::::::: :,:.3:.:<br />

I There old-fashioned service and help can be had- i( ni_"_,_ ---" - _- - " * )i ::!:::i::: ;'"" _ ...... := ..... fme. r t example of the ::::::2: :':':':':"<br />

'1 Shot) in this sbace and like ma _+n,,_Tlbe £/ad/<br />

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This is my choice --,my one sublime -- II )) I] 777-61840 ,,,, t " V,uare _ I::::::::_ _ ;i!!iiii<br />

! tll|1[! I'll ,.,.,,,.i_. ,air sin,,._ ,_,.,,. "tl II1 t,:':':::': 1:::::>:" ._ -- _ i:]:i:::: .,-,-,-."<br />

W/by/ i ..... ,,...,. I<br />

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t,<br />

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I,,. a.e _rosse Poin,e v ,,.=ge<br />

Village You're My Valentine:<br />

Iil II iiiiili!<br />

I<br />

i<br />


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