Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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Tkursda7, Msr_k ! 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Paq_.Twen*wOne<br />

Women's Page-by, of and for Palate Women<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Garden Club to Meet Fashio eros Short and to the Palate tt AnZveningon Hot Wheel'si eommu.ieaUons and eduea-M'_.e! March g<br />

Mrs.JamesOgden witlbe gram,'Ttowersin <strong>History</strong>,"TO Be ;gt_own I ............. i - - -<br />

hostess for Windmill Pointe will be pi'_,_ed by Mary --for adults only_at Skatel tion, serves _; a clearing<br />

Garden Oluh% meotlng ...... ne_t Lo_,t .... _,,.._ Urban) Boresch> Mrs, Johz, _Z.=, of Lake. (Continued from Page 15) World of Troy Mo,day,[ house for the exchange of Y.,cLL=wozi,ei, will .meet<br />

' C'ARF,Y A, T'C:._. _ig2,. avenue, plays the flute .in the :4arch :4 ,.','ill benefit '_" i i-_._m.:-.,'4_n on tas'..e_, trends next Th.r_.a.av. M.reh 8. at<br />

Wedne_ay,,,t L_hmc_orMarChc!ub.7'Theat nOOnpro, weil-knoW_;Quester groups.'_a gazdening and shore road, is chairing "Gems tee ef MR, and "2..P3. HeR- Alma C_iiegc ..,_... ................. :;:,,,,] Archives ..t _,-o=H-_an ,_rt ,!and falchion d,,,,:',pm_:,.s<br />

,nd the Fashion Group, Inc. ilckets for the party m_y . . _<br />

.........<br />

_: .. _ _- . .<br />

Ilvlttlq''iER<br />

I<br />

! 17670 MACK<br />

a_w _ =E_'NER _<br />

' i we, J" Coiffu<br />

AVE. 881-7297 or °o85-2_66<br />

Metropolitan Detroit'r an.<br />

.,,o. nual luncheon o,Women', and Club._ fashion<br />

show, f.o be p re sen tedat Thursday, March 22, at the<br />

Detroit M_ Yacht Elias Club. who is also<br />

[!c.f Fashion 19';',,q,"t,_e Federdrive,<br />

is a freshman Busi- i concert December 8.<br />

ACV:C.._ORD, uess major at Skidmore of Fair Aere: Co!-[ which p-¢se_,t_ * * *<br />

logo, Saratoga Springs, N.Y,, MARYANNE BOZICIi, a fall terma where she received approval I University Liggett School<br />

to serve a January month- graduate, daughter of MR.<br />

long ........ internship P:n ........... at Ro__ RoyI '................. and MRS. ANTHONY.a.... BOo'clock<br />

with beginner los- checks, payable to the Ar- a talk on. r-revere,on t<br />

sons, TheParty iun time starts is 7:30, at with 6:30 [ he chives _btalned oI _mer!can by sending z., Great.t,a,es,_,_,,' HearLcn,sease" by _Uo CharleS<br />

eeiet_.itv disca aam_.¢ ¢-"h,-_-[ along wit_ s,amped self-ad- .,d. r.oner, z..m., .t t:r , '=<br />

uled for 8 30 and a contest ] dressed envelopes to 5200 ,_.,_.,,lgan -.,_., _ ,-,.soc,ahcn.<br />

to choose ........... the Best Roller Woodward avenue, Detroit. , Hostesses....... are Jean Bartos,<br />

Skating Ensemble at 9 Tickets also may be picked Marlene Bohlinger, Lee lr.<br />

a ..... - 8 in the e.,onin_, at the<br />

I<br />

--proudly announce _ means chairman, is being<br />

the"federation's ways and<br />

assisted by Mrs, Richard<br />

observing marketing<br />

,'_*ave_ n, ,_ _.,_,<br />

ures, , • •<br />

proeed-] received her nurse's cap and<br />

_ ..... ,I _tt.n, ot ,_u,t. ,_,_. ......<br />

_pin during ceremonies at<br />

Admission<br />

o'etoek<br />

per person<br />

donation is $12 saner Center or Birmingham.<br />

" up at Hattie's in the Renaistax<br />

deductible. _<br />

Strey and Alice Piggott.<br />

win, Margery Randall, duyce<br />

Eugene Hunter, federation HAUGHTON, Wayne State l __ the event _[or the Archives, _/ _,,'_<br />

vice-president and p a r t y University vice-president for I Rosemary Barmen for the ['t _']<br />

.......<br />

I _<br />

::<br />

is back from Italy<br />

ticket chairman, Mrs. Richard Urban Affairs, is overseeing I<br />

ginia,<br />

SuccessFailure<br />

Arlington. Forum<br />

Looten,Mrs.MichaelMozer, WSU's Center for Urban IIS SlatedforMarch 3<br />

Mrs. James Nugent, Mrs. Studies' .$33,250 e o n t r a c t I<br />

Fashion Group<br />

- ' •<br />

. The Archives of American<br />

t' .._<br />

" '<br />

Detroit s Most<br />

I _!_<br />

with new<br />

haircutting &perm<br />

Nathaniel liana Kabbush, Banks, Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Wil-<br />

Holmes, Mrs. Theodore Huewith<br />

Department t h e Detroit to establish Planninga I on"The Success Organization'# and Failure" Impact will<br />

City University Consortium. be discussed by author and<br />

affiliated with tb-Smith.son-<br />

Art, man Institution, a national organization collects, records<br />

and makes available to<br />

,_cclalmeo<br />

It • _o ¢" • *<br />

waterfront<br />

.<br />

Luxury<br />

It s • -- "J<br />

_partments<br />

-.<br />

_':=<br />

&lit<br />

:<br />

l:_! _<br />

.... _ -<br />

waving<br />

•<br />

techniques benthal,<br />

Mrs. Donald<br />

Mrs. Virgil<br />

Koralash,<br />

Cuingan,<br />

Mrs. PHILIP<br />

* * *<br />

SMYKA, son<br />

sociologist Rosabeth<br />

of I Kanter Saturday, March<br />

Moss<br />

3, at<br />

scholars original documents<br />

and materials on American<br />

Elegant apartments with 24-hour doorman.<br />

valetparking and Penthouse Club<br />

:_: ,?:_:_::i::::!:- ......... _-=._ Peter Montagne, Mrs. Joseph MR. and MRS. STANI._Y [ a noon luncheo_ and forum arts and crafts, overlookingthe river.<br />

I _tk_ [ We Specialize _ scanlan<br />

Mrs,<br />

and Mrs, Ralph Urso.<br />

Banks will play (he<br />

S M Y K A, of<br />

drive, has been<br />

Sunningdale Iat<br />

the Engineering<br />

admitted to Detroit.<br />

Society of It is a non-profit organiza.<br />

tion, dependent on private<br />

Only 7 minutes from Downtown.<br />

Studio, one, G two bedrooms<br />

I ___ _ i_ _ piano to accompany the pa- the degree-granting program [ Fee for the program, joint- support and fund raising ac- from $300<br />

] APPOINTMENTSAVAILABLE_IINIPERM I rade of fashions from Maria of Michigan State Univer-[ ly sponsored by Marygrove tivities. CaIi:$24_288<br />

{_........... ._ Dinon, sity'sCollegeof VeterinaryIColleges Women in Manage- The FashionGroup,an h-t. tot_nar._tme_<br />

I TIIUR$.&Rll. BEgINg$ ----_-..-..-..-_-_-.._-..-..-.=_ Mrs, Arthur Wier is cur- Medicine, • • • " meat and New Options Per- ternational professional as- 820o East Jefferson A...enve<br />

i , • Free Parking <strong>At</strong> Rear s rent arianpresident of Women's of Clubs. the Feder- Alma<br />

MARY<br />

C o 11 e g e junior<br />


sonnel, groups<br />

Ticket<br />

of is' four $30, or($25more), for<br />

reservations and fursociation<br />

tires who ofrepresent women execu- every<br />

phase of fashion manufaetur-<br />

Exci_s_e,_'_n. __ r_I, t_v*a_<br />

,,,,=_ate. of MB.. _ MRS. ther information may be ob- ing, m a r k e t i n g, retailing,<br />

i FLOOR SAMPLE SOFA """ "" Palate Quester Group to Meet _llr._aelp. /(erra_td,Mr._qoh#d14.laid<br />

Traditional Chapter M_ of Questers of GrosseNumber Pointe Mrs. the people, El'win places W. Gaming and cus. on I • are pieased to a##oun¢¢<br />

and tomorrow,<br />

147 will meet<br />

Friday,<br />

a week<br />

March<br />

from<br />

g,<br />

at 10 in the morning in the<br />

toms<br />

Luncheon<br />

of the Aran<br />

will follow.<br />

Isles,<br />

Mrs.<br />

I<br />

t<br />

Gox_aing's presentation. Mq-z.[<br />

l]'1¢ _#_H/tta Off<br />

)<br />

l<br />

Early<br />

American<br />

Shore Club home of Mrs.<br />

Pierre Palmentier for a busi.<br />

hesssessionand program by<br />

M. L. VanDagens and Mrs.<br />

Hazen Keith will assist as<br />

co-hoste_es.<br />

_(_17'<br />

a#d I¢¢id "_rat'd_ar_aratia#<br />

Styles Bring Hawaii Woman's Club (/o_er/t_"CaratVracd Semite. ,lm:)<br />

To The Palate Group to Meet _ t(erc_mai Avmue<br />

s399 r h e Merry-Go-Rounders, Members of the Grosse<br />

ShoresBunk • Trundle rRierurn"'u"tiredo, .,0_.. will bring theslushandcoldor ,ndless Hawaii to winter, the PointeWoman'sClubBridge Group nesday, willgathernext. March 7, at noon Wedin<br />

', _ra,$, POi#M_ar.,, _l'chi_at¢ 48236<br />

Grosse Pointe Yacht Club the Reception Room of the . (M_) 882-2002<br />

23155 M,.,,,KA" ST.<br />

773 •n2650 CLAIR SHORES this Chairman Saturday, Mrs. MarchAnthony 3.<br />

Stocldhas deliciousislanddinner arranged .£orand a<br />

Grosse rial's Alger Pointe HouseWar for aMemo- sand-,<br />

with precedingan and dessert afternoon buffet of<br />

___-=<br />

.....<br />

_---_"-_%%_<br />

_...........<br />

dancing to music by Phil<br />

Cole,.plusentertainmentby<br />

cards.<br />

Members may make reser-<br />


*'",o, l"'w"n<br />

l '' '<br />

i ,hi<br />

r" of course, ."dress Haw,,iian" day, or Mrs. Chester Bog_n<br />

l/'' ''' _r_ •<br />

SUN. 12-$<br />

891,1720<br />

for the night,<br />

dancers, '.<br />

prior to Saturday, March 3.<br />

vationsby calling Mrs. Harts ___ -_. , _ _<br />

_bJ_rd,k.<br />

._5800 EAST EIGHT MI./MOUND ROADS *- _ _ __, _ ._ _, I!| II t_<br />

" HARRY J.L.UYND 81 t<br />

[___ :::' i ;:: :::[t:::i_: • I[ _t1'0 Neff R_d' Gr-- P°int* _l| lltl I<br />

.... _ Fine traditional furniture by Baker _II irIi !<br />

[i_ _ and others on sale Ill IIIf '<br />

i....'_"_':_'::: t SATURDAY, MARCH 3 ill !/E!<br />

I_ ;_ froml0a.m, _l! ' L[[-| i<br />

" STALKER<br />

ANDBOOSIll i:, i<br />

Wl NTER ' _ 2110N. Woodward Birmingham _j| l" __ I |<br />

846-4560 ] ": j<br />


Solid wood with walnut __'''I'"l last<br />

panels. Includes: 80" t _a_/ILIIMILiMI IlIill I _]1<br />

;3 aa\/ "<br />

full/queen headboard and __la, _]]1'1,,_1_ ,=_. _? "_ _ _ _ -r ._ , _t ' r i if[i'<br />

Reg. $699 Armoire $519 W!TH. /_..#.JO_ C/CA_gO _r ___l t_¢<br />

ii ::"_%i<br />

i _ _aiL _:i|ii!iiii/ i<br />

'411',__ I ,,) _tl _k_ ; lllltl_ I<br />

INCREDIBLESALE OF PERFECTSLEEPERS! ' !r_.. .......... : __ !1 :,_I1fl i_la_'-,_Ill!jl!i I<br />

• cosEOUTS ........<br />

BELOW 1978 PRICES! _'_" '*_°_ _= : '" "_' _ "I*,,, -<br />

, I _ lill _llt!l_ !<br />

I IT ..q.4 TRADITION. !<br />

I _lr'Ll_-I__.!!!_- F0_SiE_'$i_TESIORS ii ........... j<br />

_1___ sole! When the present inven-<br />

L.... _ .,;.__"_* •_ tory o| our entire line of<br />

_.'___:__==:_ Perfed Sleepersore gone, V V L_L_L_L_L__L( II Caravan by Schrock is desigrted with the I<br />

__'_'_'__--_C..___ so are these prices! New _ = v- _ t l graceful lines of cathedral doors sculpted l<br />

_ ' / • "_" ..... _ models are coming and _ 1 /i I • • {I into the rich grainof oak, The beauty of I<br />

-_'__:[_j'_ r_r_,,.k_l_l,i _Jr prices are going up. Now _ / • " 1 li j !I yourCaravan kitchen hides *-uggedly j<br />

: "- . " l#_'I.j save up ,o$aO,.,,-,a_e; _ _ l! _ II constructed cabinets. Come in and see !<br />

__ the original 15 year war- _. "I _ ! • 1 • ! I theseotJtstandino features: oak doors and •<br />

_------_._. _-_ ,o,-,,,. ,.,m.,. qooo,,,,., k_ & Jk JL_ JL__ I ._w,_.oo,_. _i_e-r_o,.,o_ed<br />

..... _,_we, _,,_e_ |<br />

, I for smooth drawer action, ano a variety ot I<br />

___"_ (_[_._/1_.,,_i_ "_1 in all sizes-- Hurry! sMe en@s$.lutday, M.rch 3_ [ t I cabinet kitchen styles just 1othat yourlets liking. you See customize our Caravan a m_ I<br />

SAVE $40 PER SET!<br />

' I kitchen disp,ay today, i<br />

The _ "<br />


I re's stiff time to save, but hurry in now. I !<br />

I I D_qiGHpp_ t . ",",-, -'o'_ e<br />

$129.95_A. PC. $- --95 $!$9.95EA. PC. $ 95 Lo ......... "_ x //I OJZU<br />

SAVE $50 PER SET SAVE $80 PERSET _.I_ _vr_,v ,//_r_[ I Pf'_MS_INU _'___1_!_ I M°___':: _-%_ I<br />

• %.,Vi'lrl'li I I _"_i _ T_,.. ,_.._. ,_urs ,,-o •<br />

QUEEN SIZE REG. KING SIZE REG. _2c,0 ttALL ROAD (M-Sg) • STERLING HE GHTS, M CHIGAN o 739-510C I ^,... .......... IE I" _ -"' "; i<br />

S_LE PRICED.......... _t_"1'_I ' SALEPRICED.......... "1'_1'7 . _,0_,_ _MO;JD I'I'BRPt:R i_ i -- SUN 12-5<br />



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