Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...

Taxi Business Both Sides Fighting Repeal At Meeting - Local History ...


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i Page Twenfy GRO$SI= POINTE NEWS Thursday,March I, 1979<br />

f<br />

Society Yews Gathered from the Poites<br />

IV<br />

AAU<br />

; ,_<br />

_,',,<br />

1.f"<br />

l_ie_'_E<br />

[SacredHear<br />

ITo View DIA Exhibition<br />

[<br />

I<br />

".<br />

,.._r_<br />

"<br />

i<br />

, , •<br />

._;I_-__ i L_ L,,.o..........<br />

_tate ttepresea:adv: c.,,-kirbYlthe Moo: program will fc.t-': I..<br />

Z ] t! I=: :+:.. ,_ Holmes, of Utica, will focus l election of delegates and el.<br />

(Continued from Page 18) meeting .',i.7:30 that evetfiftg ] The Parent¢ Beard of the ] ' ! on "Changing Times" at u i ternates to the National DAR<br />

of WJBK's "Good Morning,<br />

Detroit!," will discuss cur.<br />

rent trends in television unin<br />

the Chalfonte avehae home [ A e a d e m y of the Saured<br />

of Joyce. Edwards. Co-hostess I !de_rt. B!oc:nfield "Hills, is<br />

is Jean Obenauer, --he w:i; { ._vunsu|'ing -a evening at the<br />

:} meeting of the Elizabeth<br />

Chapter, Daughters of<br />

American Revolution,<br />

Cuss ! _'m_iinental Congre_, to be<br />

the I hetd in April irLWashington_<br />

next ID.C. , ,<br />

TV der the Come 2_neral of Age?" topic of"Has open yard home her Huntington Thursday, March boule-i Detroit Inst:tute of Arts to Monday, March 5, at the Ox-[ Mrs. Ralph Arndt. regent_<br />

22, at 1 o'clock for a Play _ view "Ta_ Second Empire: ford road home of Mrs. Wil- I will preside. Mrs. John Finct_<br />

met Reservations Dinner Saturday, for a March Gout-<br />

17, at 7 o'clock, must be made<br />

Reading meeting.<br />

Ella Chester is<br />

]A_ leon in Ill," Prance tomorrow, under Friday, Napeco-hostess<br />

] March 2.<br />

:<br />

-....<br />

tiara TheHill. bust'hess portion of[co-hostesses [and Mrs. Howard for the Reed day. are' :<br />

calling 886-359? or 882-6344. Milne's one-act drama: "The cocktails and a slide show MARCH is "Wicker Month" at<br />

Ugly Duckling." Leader will at 6:30 o'clo_:k, followed by<br />

Painting on canvas is the be Harriet Helms. dinner and a.short lecture by<br />

program for Daytime Stitch- Studio Arts and Crafts Dr. Frederick Cummings, 10% OFF<br />

ery's meeting Tuesday, March members will focus on dec- I D1A director, before the ex-<br />

20, at g in the morning in,orated ceramic eggs at their I hibit tour.<br />

the Canterbury road home of [<br />

meeting Monday, March 26, I<br />

Joyee bythisMonday,<br />

Walker who March will5,byt[_or,hereadingofA.A. be]a t 9-15 in the morning in [ herThcp_o_ambeginswitl, p_ogram cn drying and<br />

assisted by co-hostess Mary [ Phyllis Rabbldeau's home in Ipreserving flower_ and plant<br />

Louise Krebs • [ Touraine road. More infer- I materials, with suggestions<br />

_.<br />

_-_.. "......<br />

'<br />

J_st Arrived!<br />

tissue<br />

<strong>At</strong>E WICKER<br />

M_<br />

liE<br />

"7<br />

Ne_'mirrors, $helvel,<br />

holders, baskels.<br />

program Gerry MullenwillleadaJmationmaybe on Voltaire's "Can- calling 886-2234. obtained bY<br />

dide" at a Book Discussion Happy [,owden wilt presen_<br />

arrangements, ror theirusesother_hanin at G re e n<br />

Thumb's meeting Tuesday,<br />

March 27, at 9:15 in lhe<br />

" The<br />

. 369<br />

BATH<br />

FISHER<br />

SHOP<br />

882-$760<br />

/ morning in the Brys drive<br />

home of Bonnie Woods. Ella City of DetroitPhoto<br />

VIIHILL$O_ROM[ C__J__ Chester meets that isco.hostess. evening, at 7:30 Junior League of Detroit Presi- tributions made by the Junior League ONE DAY ONLY,<br />

o'clock in lane Mertz' I!amp- I of Trombley road, accepts a Detroit improved the cultural and recrea- i_|_rd_ M_r_ 3 _| ]| _,_,<br />

ton road home. Mary Louise I City Council Testimonial Resolution tional climate of the City of Detroit"<br />

Krebs is co-hostess. Mary / honoring the league :for its dediea- from Detroit City Council member AUCTION<br />

___l_R<br />

k.J/_tr •<br />

_IGN<br />

FIL!PPO'_('_ ,<br />

Contemporary Literature<br />

Bell interpretationvi_ finger, Taylor will of Isaac presentBashe-[ her_.<br />

dent ANN (Mrs. Douglas H.)WEST, of Detroit which have significantly<br />

lion fOrandallc_t_n..people_<br />

"to improving ""-_neintheextraordinaryCity<br />

the way of Detroit"con_ of life troit DAVIDCityEBERHARD Council meeting, at a recent De-<br />

f_t_ r"<br />

..... ,.... u,mg<br />

LORiO-ROSS rently<br />

projects.<br />

working<br />

League<br />

on three<br />

members<br />

new<br />

tion<br />

Service,<br />

in<br />

which<br />

small criminal<br />

offers media-<br />

mat-<br />

ENTERTAINMENT AGKHCY, are developing and negotiat- ters, will open in March at<br />

Versatile music to satisf_ a:: ages. ing for a ,,eov.,_ Care.<br />

_!_ Benefits, Weddings, Private Parties ity in coalition with Beret Service Center. .<br />

o-,,-,, o o.o,,o, BOTTLES<br />

'_" Cindy Navarre, G..P. Rep. 884-0300 Human Services/Family Cen- The league also is involved Over1,000to be offered,includingAntiqueDRUG<br />

i.<br />

'- . .........<br />

..... ter<br />

Child<br />

for<br />

_Abut,= ....<br />

the<br />

and<br />

Pxevention<br />

Neglect.<br />

of in<br />

procuring<br />

selecting,<br />

an<br />

res_archin_<br />

exciting "hands.<br />


finean_fcollectit_leobjectswifl beinclude,.Comefor<br />

JARSLManyolher<br />

! ....." ............ [<br />

_._i._ p,o_.¢u,_,,._.._ WANT SOMEONE TO TALK TO? funding and volunteers, an troll Science Center.<br />

_,,_.,.,_,.o,t,_ho_o_ Need Help With A Problem? " and on<br />

'" :: ...... Because of Junior League on exhibit for the new De- a greatone dayof auctionaction.<br />

;ss=oMtCKave. aa=-:s¢o CallS_-LIIFE Dinner Opens Artrain Drive i Saturday, March 1Oat 11a.m.<br />

o,.o ,,,, - , ,,,. "'""<br />

I<br />

STA M P A U C T! 0 N<br />

gun's First I_.dy, will be hen- I its commitment to participate lncNded:U.S.,Canadianand Europeanstampsfroman<br />

ored today, Thursday, March I in the March 1 tribute. _"In important collectionoblalne0by ourphilatelicexpert<br />

= ' ='" _ Llfe-klno . Helen W. Millikan, Michi-[ support for Mrs. Milliken in<br />

GOOD dinner dance at the Detroit , this affair," she predicts. ,<br />

" BYE SNOW li_ _ I Plaza Michigan 1' at aH°tel blacktie Artrain. sp°ns°red testim°nial[ bY 'I fact' theThe Renaissance weexpecta tribute" t° Ballroom be' sell°utfor held at in DuMouchelle<br />

Furtk,rInf0rmllo,.ph0n,963-0248.r ARTGALLERIES 963.6255 CO,<br />

Th_ s-.a ..ill s.........<br />

' '<br />

AV<strong>At</strong>,aaF<br />

.......<br />

ALL TRIPS.<br />

JUT HURRY!'<br />

_,,,.._|1<br />

I1<br />

_<br />

"<br />

I<br />

_<br />

_ I t<br />

_ 1 _<br />

r--ll_"'-<br />

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--<br />

U<br />

"_"<br />

U[rm_ _<br />

---ri<br />

I ficial kickoff<br />

--= -<br />

for<br />

^<br />

Artrain's<br />

,<br />

t _w,:y_ar, v£o0,uuu co.orate<br />

I _una urive, wne _raveling murseu_will<br />

attempt to raise<br />

_.;hD_7_a_lisaZa _ v_i_0bv;_.<br />

: "<br />

lowed by dinner and danelng<br />

to the strains of the w,_,,_,<br />

Ruhl Orchestra, reput"e-d"to ,<br />

401)<br />

LawrenceF.OuMouchelieJoan<br />

East Jefferson Ave.<br />

Walker ErnestJ<br />

Detroit,<br />

DuMouche<br />

Mich.<br />

Art _ Es,,t, _,,,,,,,,....... ._ = .... ;'_..o<br />

- .............................<br />

.... /<br />

;_'_'Jl[,_ll I I _ _ ' mm I that amount in private con- be the Millikens' favorite " _ _ :<br />

1(4_'I_ !' - .._l I _ rtriU.t,:onsto marciag=.t dance orchestra. Testimon-II/ml_/A__'_ I<br />

I • _ _ _i//lllk_ _ !from the I-Ierbert H.. and ials will end the program. [ IllamlJl(UUllll... I<br />

[ [ I _ _ " _ " 1 t u_ce _.. _.w..yg_m(l_l.on.,: :: in co.njuacUgn_ with the I |"__ !m !w' ll lib 4<br />

4,=-- I I _] I: _ ;._t": " .... I-::l::: ":t. ASe..-_.rwe__a_2_rng'-a_ee_ .dvent, &hfairi,wifllm. loeatedl __<br />

E/l/l/ i • I _ _ "_,-,., _li_Tr'il_,'_w-. : . , _ . ., J vY _uuam U ._trgus_n. ex- I 0n theGrand Trunk com-II --',__t_.,-u i'<br />

I/,//// _l_::= | li ll _ . ,,,l_e,_,. ,:: __ , _. ...! _?.,_e "_zce.p,e_,e ....?-.dr rhuter raLlroad tracks east of, _'='._qN,.. 1'2':_," : " [<br />

]_/r//// _I _ _ - _ AI_IO _v - _'-g_-D L.JI I .chief o_peratmg officer, Mich.[ the Renaissance Center on I I I<br />

_ _ _¢,_lkl _.=tt'_=- .. l_ll_!_,l_" llgan Dell r¢Icpkgqe Com.|March 1 itwillbe open for[l[ II_l'rl_l#,_lP_/irqrir_ll, l _J_=i_, I<br />

atom _ ._..j _ _[_t_' .,, I_l_[_,,lr r- -, .,, _ J pan,:,,. Jackie Gordon and f tourin__)vdinner _ue_t¢be-J ! IINI/KUUU_,,/IUI_ :)ALl ! I<br />

I" - _,_, =-_ _ I"- H" _[", Iw _ _, imd[ Jeanette . Weiss , are . co-chair-'tw . een__._0 _r and 6:30 ° o_-- clock. . 1<br />

'..J '_I t4._. ..,- at'tO ,-- I,n=the tmbute droner. I o.,'oooo, ....,o,,oo Ii so,,, o, ou,.os, _,o,ous I<br />

m - _/_ - I | I' Mrs.Weiss pointsoutthat will be provided between I B|DROO_$ ARE X-RATED ... I<br />

U r---__-- _ __ I_:len_-._,_il.l..i_:in.-,,.h2sa_.r_o_d::<br />

....... =- _';"_-=-_....... "]<br />

I Ar!rai.n<br />

_ilau time<br />

and the Plaza duringII Weo,,o,o,o '"-rated' bedrooms,Western I<br />

I'll@AM IIIIM . . . • ,.. ¢Jl J_l_J Itrain since lO71 ,,'hen thet Tick.t.',^**..._. ......... II .hrillersoMcustom-plonl:vedroomsforfl,,een,ire I<br />

ouri - ' , ...... = u=u=_.,u _ru I family--plus secial rou 1 s for the ch=ldren<br />

I_'_iE,il Ililll isezntr0nt , _1_. e_l._l.q I_ t ng art museum was $100 per person All eontri- I . . __ _._ p.o....... I<br />

............. VEIl /PVilll LUW RI$ , ' • [] ' -o,_-aed : ,',.... I bution s ar e " [ax " ueuuc[ime _ . .. I • _esoTer "1 .... c setsfor me nouveaurume o one ola 1<br />

rll] V[ H_els8 Days _v I _m_ t She has become k-own as T" ke_'-..a ¢...._,_. ,....... " I _o.ey..,_,t .ow,so.e_O,o_o_o_ yo_,<br />

_---', ..... . -- ..... - : 11==I Ia gu!dingforee, in the.arti tion'AZ'd:";_;_;_;F'_;:L! :o'octo,. Conven..entterms. JL i<br />

J<br />

_<br />

i<br />

•ilii iiaiII NKai T_ T1 IAIB B _ [V_ _[. _ _iilV_ ] ii_ I "N"v°rl_l'" says _Mrs. weiss.• calling Michigan Artratn' " I I rree oefivety ,,no_<br />

:; --- 1%,/ 1H1 IH !11 _ZSmlt _taW I _ motivation to n u m e r o u s . -<br />

-- " i ' " ' I 1 l: ": _11"1 ll [<br />

....... / est bush their own ar_seotin./._m._.-.,_rar - - -.- I 1 Come -et 'Jlllrrll_:_lll_ 1<br />

i L1IO1./IIUnlM rl_ I __ _is9 I Days ¢ LowAs _Jhkill I..11 U Mia_higanc°mmu")tiest°lll_l| ci]s and activities, but she "INTRODUCTIONSALE--___ acquamted ._<br />

I<br />

U _ SUnPr[flc_¢.,S _ __ i has also been instrumental • ' ,, tlaUnmmmll ond save<br />

__ I<br />

': _" Visit _a_! AS r_ in Artrain's national tours.<br />

,......l_.ml_ !u ! ThruMar. 31st. I<br />

, _.._;|l._fi _z__. iS[l_j § g_.¥.$ LUll _l_i • VV ] Imm I ldichi_an's business commu_- [[ 4 ,n,nt3nm _ nt a3 I I __i":Ji______l[_ i<br />

L.%-... -:: "- --=........... "-" _ . --I _ i ity ba_ _Ireadv shP.,: ..... ,-o,::, _i :AbUI_I'I/_DI,[, i ii F__<br />

_ I .,<br />

m IitMttl III II LitdWaikikiAs AOIm Friedman to Discuss I.neh=^n_ _u_:2mpl_<br />

inUnULULU LowAS d_!m I I Available ,lli _,,,_:,<br />

_--- 'f'_ ' " -'" ' F..v0fyS_t • -....................... '- - " "11I! Private [!! _ • F ...... !" :'_'_ _ :__r_L! _<br />

I<br />

Women _nd buccess _ -_<br />

_" _" ' " " ":'" - Dr Sonva Friedman psy QQlJ OKAf| _ | , rein .,. , 48 ' __1_ |<br />

r'i<br />

rl<br />

II • -- • • - -- II •<br />

,,_11111==<br />

Hfl/flll__4<br />

liJ_lllrlill<br />

....<br />

tll<br />

_<br />

-- __ I1_.'_,_1il:dl,,_,, UIIILI_I HII IlllG3 " " _ ....<br />

I1_1 rim ,. ¢'IIA<br />

I%1_% _olulu,M_i, .s _I/IlU<br />

lil_l-L_] _ Kona11DaysLowAs I_<br />

_. i H I,II<br />

Inl<br />

1 i<br />

_<br />

chologist 'and lecturer' wili OOl"Od3tW<br />

s_a_onWomonandS_ccess<br />

for the Sunday Forum of the<br />

Center for New Thinking<br />

Sunday, March 18, at 2:30<br />

o'clock at Management Eduil<br />

I I<br />

Ii<br />

_---<br />

BUYERS<br />

" _<br />

of DIAMONDS<br />

-<br />

"::_:_"-- I<br />

---<br />

D[<br />

!HAWA!!g!<br />

....<br />

¢.VfGA-<br />

, . __ Uni_AirlinesAs......<br />

ill lilt lii_ll IV I Illi =V _O_iSii_ys AS__<br />

. LJ<br />

cation Center in West Lake<br />

tion<br />

creasingly<br />

has exposed<br />

to the<br />

women<br />

harsh,<br />

in.....................<br />

Fine Jewelry & Estates<br />

;<br />

The age 'of female libera- • On_. _,O_._. or _. _._11_._tJ_ I[<br />

=ARUB A D<br />

011_Dot6 011[Y.arch ,7-,4<br />

_$1QQ<br />

--0<br />

competitive<br />

tional skills for<br />

world<br />

dealing<br />

of work<br />

with<br />

com_tition, many 3ield to<br />

andplay.Withouthetradi-<br />

Immeaiate payment-Confidential<br />

..... The Center for New Think.<br />

r_ _ B.chF_ H_els8 _ys LowAs __ I'i f_ihire edmund t. AHEE jewelry<br />

!-___ -- ____-,, __ _,,.m_m__m__m [netnr Waak .... ing was established two years<br />

- ago to provide a ioram for<br />

al l MIIni/IFN ,.,,.Mqq new and inspiring ideas in<br />

i_ iV 1 • g|lnnll ==ill H0tsis 6 Bays .0w ,,$ "T_iW =_ theamlarts.life.._LyleSeiences'<br />

546-8928 to make reserva-<br />

L_ H01d Px_ges,_JRFA_EOflLY tions. Cost is $6 per person.<br />

.- ILAS VEGAS 6_3Ni_ $179 _ tending the lecture may call<br />

rl<br />

_._ _,_, ._.,_._._v_ too,st_,,, JETFARE,lsl CLASS<br />

.""2.<br />

....vhiIosovhv Grosse886.4600Pointe Woods<br />

Pcople interested in at-<br />

JOSEPHP. PERSEwith<br />

TSAN.$FERS,Bg6S, ETC., Frc., ETC. O •<br />

ALl rr t,"'"'"" ,u,<br />

,,,:0,, L&@II _<strong>At</strong> C Co<br />

a CALL (313) 557-5145 p ,<br />

I"I ----SUNOAVC<strong>At</strong>.L_7-8_ (m _.M.TO_ P.M.)I r 0RMXltmlS,0-OeLm_n0N r_uP0t_t01}_Y! ] HOME * Serv/¢;ng ,be Poinfes/o¢ 25 years<br />

1<br />

D OUTSTATETOLLFREE"800"482"7270<br />


1PLEASESENDMEPLENTY II ", '";-'- o.-.,....._.. ., _ _, ..... _';-_"_,<br />

ABOUTANd.M.H.F.TOUR 10FINFORMATION fin .............................. ._ -- =::

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