R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive


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foreword<br />

<strong>The</strong> 12 months since publication of the 1998 Network Management Statement have been momentous for the industry.<br />

• Passenger and freight volumes have continued to grow strongly.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Gove rn m e n t ’s Integrated Tra n s p o rt Policy White Paper has set out new opportunities and direction for the rail industry.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Deputy Prime Minister’s two Rail Summits have provided a catalyst for the industry – Railtrack and train opera t o rs – to come<br />

together to address the problem of train punctuality.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> issue of growth and the creation of the right financial incentives to facilitate this have been placed fi rm ly on the agenda.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> creation of the Strategic Rail A u t h o rity has moved forward with the appointment of Sir Alastair Morton as Chairman designate.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Gove rnment has offered franchise renegotiation on the basis of key cri t e ria at the second Rail Summit.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Channel Tunnel Rail Link has been rescued by a deal between the Gove rnment and Railtra c k , and construction has begun.<br />

Perhaps the key thing for me, however, is the growing recognition of our interdependence as players within the newly structured<br />

industry.To deliver the more reliable, faster services that the user wants,requires effective collaboration between us,train operators,<br />

and our suppliers.<strong>The</strong> adversarial approach does not work.<br />

This 1999 Network Management Statement is primarily about growth – how we provide for the additional capacity in the<br />

network to overcome current constraints and to accommodate the future demands for passenger and freight.<br />

<strong>The</strong> balance of our ten-year programme reflects this shift of priorities away from merely maintaining and renewing the existing<br />

network towards providing more capacity and improved capability. £11bn (40%) of our £27bn expenditure plan that we have set<br />

out in this Statement is for network enhancement.This scale of investment will allow us to accommodate a 30% growth in passenger<br />

traffic over the next ten years along with major growth in freight traffic – and thereby bring about significant benefits to society from<br />

reduced emissions, congestion and improved safety.This annual growth rate of 3% is in line with the Deputy Prime Minister’s target.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se plans are underpinned by support from our customers – the train operators – and are in line with what we believe<br />

our wider stakeholders – rail users,central and local governments – want.Indeed,based on the extensive consultations that we have<br />

carried out, we see this very much as an industry plan for development of the rail network.<br />

Over the coming months, there will be discussions with governments and the Rail Regulator, over priorities and funding<br />

requirements. Central to this is the Rail Regulator’s periodic review of access charges which has to provide the right financial<br />

framework to enable delivery of the investment needed.<br />

This is the challenge that we, in conjunction with the new Strategic Rail Authority, must now rise to. We look forward to<br />

concluding this framework so that we can get on and deliver our part of the deal.<br />

Sir Robert Horton.Chairman

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