R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive


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outputs<br />

5.1<br />

We are planning<br />

to deliver further<br />

improvements of<br />

2.5% per year in<br />

delays per train<br />

movement for<br />

2001/02–2005/06<br />

5.1 Performance and reliability<br />

Since 1995/96, the year prior to flotation, we have<br />

reduced the total direct delays that we cause to<br />

o p e ra t o rs ’t rains by over 40%, despite an increase<br />

in train movements of around 10% over this<br />

p e ri o d .<br />

48<br />

At the start of 1998, we embarked on a new<br />

phase of our perfo rmance management including<br />

rigorous new continuous improvement processes.<br />

This approach focuses on an enhanced<br />

u n d e rstanding of the root causes of delay, d own to<br />

individual asset and component leve l , and the<br />

i d e n t i fication of the critical locations and ‘ g o l d e n<br />

a s s e t s ’where improved infra s t ructure reliability is<br />

p a rt i c u l a rly import a n t .Such analysis allow s<br />

p ri o ritisation of improvement projects to these<br />

locations and assets.<br />

O ver the past ye a r, this approach has been<br />

bolstered by our Process for Pe r fo rm a n c e<br />

I m p r ove m e n t ,creating accountability for delay s<br />

across the operational management of the<br />

c o m p a ny. Local managers are invo l ved in genera t i n g<br />

i n i t i a t i ves to reduce delay s , and hold ‘ bu d g e t s ’o f<br />

i m p r ovements for which they are held accountabl e.<br />

Local Area Delive ry Groups have been establ i s h e d<br />

as cross-functional teams with access to inve s t m e n t<br />

funds and to a current best-practice toolkit of<br />

t e c h n i q u e s .Across the company, m a n a g e rs seek to<br />

wo rk closely with all of our customers and<br />

s u p p l i e rs to ensure close co-operation on the<br />

selection and delive ry of initiative s .<br />

We have completed the second year of this<br />

p e r fo rmance budgeting process, and signifi c a n t<br />

enhancements are in place to both processes and<br />

the supporting info rmation systems.<br />

<strong>The</strong> success of this initiative in 1998/99 has<br />

c o n t ri buted to an expected ove rall improve m e n t<br />

of around 7% in the delay per train move m e n t<br />

a t t ri bu t a ble to factors within our control.This has<br />

b e n e fited both passenger services and freight,<br />

although the improvement for the latter was<br />

p a rt i c u l a rly marke d .<strong>The</strong> last year would have seen<br />

a larger improvement in perfo rmance had it not<br />

been one of the wo rst ye a rs for flooding in some<br />

p a rts of the country.This has occurred despite<br />

f a s t e r-than-expected growth in train kilometres<br />

although this growth also caused us to fall short of<br />

some of our track asset condition measures<br />

forecast over the past ye a r.<br />

More recently, we played our part in<br />

establishing the National Performance Task Force,<br />

which works on cross-industry initiatives with<br />

train operators to find joint solutions to some of<br />

the complex problems on the network. We have<br />

taken the lead on the transfer of industry best<br />

practice, on the identification of national delay<br />

‘hot spots’,and in working with train operators<br />

to build enhanced recovery plans to mitigate the<br />

impact of major incidents.<br />

On 15 January, we published our new<br />

targets of a further 7.5% improvement in delays<br />

per train movement for 1999/2000 with a further<br />

5% reduction planned for the following year<br />

(see Table A).<br />

We are planning to deliver furt h e r<br />

i m p r ovements of 2.5% per year in delays per tra i n<br />

m ovement for the ye a rs 2001/02–2005/06.W h i l e<br />

some of these improvements can be achieved from<br />

p u rsuing continuous improvement in our planning<br />

and operation of the netwo rk , these targets will<br />

also require a significant contri bution from our<br />

maintenance contra c t o rs .We have already set<br />

enhanced targets for perfo rmance improvement in<br />

the maintenance contracts recently let, and will be<br />

discussing similar improvements with bidders fo r<br />

c o n t racts being let over the next two ye a rs .<br />

With some parts of the netwo rk operating at<br />

close to full capacity, each additional tra i n<br />

m ovement can lead to a disproport i o n a t e ly larg e<br />

impact on delay s .<strong>The</strong> actual impact on ave ra g e<br />

d e l ays to trains will depend on the location and<br />

nature of this growth and our ability to put in place<br />

additional route capacity to enhance the robu s t n e s s<br />

of the netwo rk .<br />

Future growth in the level of train move m e n t s<br />

represents a significant influence on ove ra l l<br />

p e r fo rm a n c e, and we support the principle of<br />

enhanced train services both in terms of frequency<br />

and reliability.<br />

Building on our recognised success in<br />

performance improvement, we are committed to<br />

playing our part, working closely with industr y<br />

partners,in delivering a high-quality railway<br />

service for the future.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Franchising Director has requested that<br />

we look at the potential for an improvement of 5%<br />

per year in delays per train movement for the<br />

ye a rs 2001/02–2005/06. Our initial view is that we<br />

would be prepared to commit to agreed<br />

p e r fo rmance levels on a route-by-route basis,<br />

although this may well require additional funding,<br />

which we will discuss with the Franchising Director<br />

in the coming months.

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