R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive


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sustaining<br />

We are determined to<br />

seize this opportunity<br />

to improve the quality<br />

of life for travellers<br />

and non-travellers in<br />

the UK<br />

44<br />

4.8<br />

4.8 Environment<br />

Environmental vision<br />

This NMS is the first in a new era for the railways.It is an<br />

opportunity for us to explain how we will take forward the<br />

exciting new challenges of the White Paper A New Deal for<br />

Transport:Better for Everyon e which describes ‘the potential<br />

for a railway renaissance’.<strong>The</strong> NMS maps out investments<br />

which will be crucial to delivery of sustainable mobility in<br />

GB.We are determined to seize this opportunity to improve<br />

the quality of life for tr avellers,and non-travellers,in the UK.<br />

Achieving a sustainable transport network presents a<br />

serious challenge. In 1998,the Royal Commission on<br />

Environmental Pollution reported that,in the 1980s alone, an<br />

area of 10,500 hectares,equivalent to the size of Bristol,was<br />

taken for road-building and parking.Furthermore, the<br />

Government has published figures which show that up to<br />

24,000 vulnerable people are estimated to die prematurely<br />

each year because of exposure to air pollution, much of<br />

which is due to road traffic.This is in addition to the 120<br />

deaths and injuries which occurred every day in accidents on<br />

UK roads in 1997.<strong>The</strong>se figures are unsustainable. In<br />

contrast,the railways offer efficient transport at much lower<br />

environmental and social cost.<br />

For example, freight tonne-kilometres have increased by<br />

30% in the past two ye a rs and passenger kilometres on ra i l<br />

h ave increased by 15% over the same peri o d . Had these<br />

increases been on the road netwo rk , this growth would have<br />

resulted in the emission of an extra 1.5M tonnes of carbon<br />

d i ox i d e. If other impacts, including reductions in air pollution,<br />

a c c i d e n t s , congestion and noise are calculated using standard<br />

unit values, the benefit delivered by the ra i lw ays relative to<br />

the roads, for this passenger and freight growth alone, w a s<br />

a p p r ox i m a t e ly £470M. F u rt h e rm o r e, we have estimated that,<br />

by 2011, g r owth of passenger and freight tra f fic could be<br />

wo rth £4.6bn annu a l ly in social and environmental benefi t s .<br />

Given that demand for transport in the UK is growing<br />

rapidly, and that the UK’s fastest-growing contributor to<br />

climate change is through carbon dioxide emissions,the<br />

savings achievable through a modal shift from road to rail will<br />

be key to the Government achieving its objectives for<br />

environmental protection.<strong>The</strong> Government has described<br />

traffic growth as ‘the greatest global threat facing the<br />

international community’.<strong>The</strong> rail network can provide a<br />

major part of the solution to these environmental problems.<br />

At the Rail Summit on 25 February 1999, John Prescott said,<br />

‘I believe most of the industry shares my vision for a modern<br />

railway . . . playing its part in an integrated transport system<br />

and contributing to a sustainable society’.<br />

<strong>The</strong> opportunity for the rail industry is tremendous.For<br />

example, while more than 80% of domestic freight currently<br />

travels by road, we now have support from a government<br />

which wants to see a real increase in freight movement by<br />

rail.Our investment plans have been geared to deliver<br />

environmental benefits.<strong>The</strong> Deputy Prime Minister has been<br />

actively looking for companies prepared to join the<br />

Government in shaping ‘a new future for sustainable<br />

transport’. We have taken up that challenge.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Government has backed these demands with firm<br />

financial commitments.It will boost the take-up of freight<br />

grants,and put more money into support for new<br />

investment proposals that produce wider benefits for both<br />

integration of the transport network and shifting traffic from<br />

road to rail.<strong>The</strong> Shadow Strategic Rail Authority will also be<br />

a key player. It is likely to have a responsibility to oversee<br />

rail’s contribution to sustainable development objectives.<br />

We are fostering a more productive relationship with<br />

the Environment Agency, by seeking the Agency’s advice to<br />

help us prevent adverse environmental impacts.Last year, we<br />

signed the first-ever memorandum of understanding with the<br />

Environment Agency, putting our relationship on a clear and<br />

open footing.<br />

We now look forward to constru c t i ve regulatory support<br />

at the highest leve l .In return , we can offer commitments and<br />

action in six areas which are outlined below.

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