R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive

R A I LT R AC K - The Railways Archive


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42<br />

Freight-only routes SOUTHERN ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES<br />

DRS; EWS; Freightliner.<br />

Route characteristics<br />

DESCRIPTION This geographically dispersed group of routes conveys freight<br />

trains only. Linespeeds are low, generally 20–30mph.<br />

Route development and customer requirements<br />

Over the past two years, southern England and South Wales have seen an<br />

increase of 30% in rail freight traffic. We forecast that, nationally over the next ten<br />

years, traffic carried will increase by around 300% and the number of trains will<br />

double.<br />

Our goal is, at least, to provide the infra s t ructure to cater for this rate of<br />

future growth and to encourage even higher rates of future grow t h .<br />

To encourage rail freight growth, we will provide reliable infra s t ructure at a<br />

cost which keeps rail freight competitive. We will also increase gauge cleara n c e s ,<br />

axle weights and speeds wherever pra c t i c a bl e, within the constraint of maintaining<br />

cost competitive n e s s .<br />

Freight terminals have been reopened at Brandon, Ipswich Lower Yard (and<br />

connection to the Upper Yard), Bury St Edmunds, Eccles Road, Tilbu ry Rive rs i d e,<br />

Dereham, Slough, Impress Siding at Rhy m n e y, Brynteg (Seven Sisters ) , Towe r<br />

C o l l i e ry, Carm a rthen Goodrington, Heathfield, Newton Abbot and Ply m o u t h .<br />

At Felixstowe, the north and south terminals will be connected as part of<br />

the new signalling system due for completion at Easter.<br />

Wo rk has started on providing a connection to the South Marston freight<br />

t e rminal near Swindon. Wo rk is under way on the new terminal for Royal Mail at<br />

B ristol Pa rk w ay. Site wo rks have begun at Avonmouth Euroterminal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> route between Marchwood and Fawley has been cleared for W8 gauge.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Meldon Quarry Line has been reopened to regular tra f fi c.<br />

U p g rading wo rks and speed improvements are continuing on the We s t e rn<br />

Valley Line (between Newport and Ebbw Va l e ) .<br />

<strong>The</strong> possibility of European grant funding for wo rks associated with<br />

i m p r ovements at the port of Wisbech is being inve s t i g a t e d .<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are the route improvements we plan to deliver<br />

Route vision<br />

Our vision for these freight-only routes is to encourage and cater for growth in<br />

rail freight by providing connections to the network at the most favourable,<br />

strategic locations.<br />

We are examining capacity issues on the Isle of Grain in connection with<br />

increased tra f fic from Thamesport and Foster Yeoman. We are also wo rking with<br />

Associated British Po rts to develop a rail link into the proposed new terminal at<br />

Dibden Bay, Southampton.<br />

We will complete our evaluation of reopening the Po rtishead Branch fo r<br />

freight in part n e rship with the Bristol Po rt Company by May this ye a r.<br />

We are evaluating reopening the Cwm branch from Llantrisant to Cwm<br />

Coking Wo rks and capacity improvements on the East Usk branch in Newport to<br />

cater for new tra f fi c.<br />

A number of options are being evaluated for improving capacity and<br />

reliability on the Vale of Glamorgan Line, in part n e rship with South Wa l e s<br />

I n t e g rated Fast Transit. <strong>The</strong>se improvements will make it more suitable as an<br />

a l t e rn a t i ve route for freight between Cardiff and Bridgend, and the line may also<br />

see scheduled passenger services and new stations.<br />

In part n e rship with Argent, deve l o p e rs of the London International Freight<br />

Exchange at Colnbrook near Heathrow, we are undertaking a feasibility study<br />

i m p r ovement of capacity on the Great We s t e rn Main Line and a connection to<br />

the Colnbrook branch for a proposed major new Euroterminal serving the<br />

London marke t s .<br />

<strong>The</strong> Vale of Neath and Onllwyn lines have been opened to 24-hour<br />

o p e ration to cater for additional tra f fi c. Track relaying has also been carried out.<br />

Track relaying has been completed on the Cwmbargoed Line.<br />

We have upgraded some branch lines in Cornwall to enable Class 66<br />

l o c o m o t i ves to haul china-clay tra f fi c, and we are evaluating improvements on<br />

other lines in the area.<br />



Various new freight sidings and loading points Track & associated signalling as necessar y Ongoing<br />



Up to 35mph 495 495 495 499<br />

40–75mph 190 190 190 190<br />

80–105mph 0 0 0 0<br />

110–125mph 0 0 0 0<br />

Over 125mph 0 0 0 0<br />

TOTAL 686 686 686 689<br />

GAUGE (km of route)<br />

W6A 523 523 523 523<br />

W7 469 469 469 469<br />

W8 308 308 308 308<br />

W9 0 0 0 0<br />

W10 0 0 0 0<br />

AXLE WEIGHT (km of track)<br />

Up to 20.3 tonnes 36 36 36 38<br />

20.4 tonnes to 23.4 tonnes 250 250 250 250<br />

23.5 tonnes to 25.4 tonnes 400 400 400 402<br />

TOTAL 686 686 686 689<br />


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