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HAER No. PA-115<br />

(Page 150)<br />

into the furnace, a turntable was installed on the floor in the<br />

middle of the hoist bucket pit. The bucket, resting on the<br />

turntable, was rotated after filling so as to insure the even<br />

distribution of large and small pieces of material. 7<br />

After rotation, the bucket was hoisted up an inclined track<br />

resting on a reinforced bridge to the furnace top by means of<br />

electrified equipment placed in a relocated hoist house at each<br />

blast furnace. The hoist house was moved upwards, closer to the<br />

center of gravity of the hoisting system, from the ground to the<br />

top of a steel framed platform at an elevation of 4O'-0". In<br />

addition, a counterweight hoist tower extending upwards from the<br />

stockhouse floor was constructed just south of each hoist house.<br />

By using this design, plant engineers were able to significantly<br />

lessen the workload of the hoisting machinery. The electrified<br />

hoisting machinery converted alternating electrical current drawn<br />

from plant power stations by means of a direct current motor-<br />

generator set before transferring the converted current to a<br />

motor/drive/winch drum assembly which hoisted the bucket up the<br />

incline. Regulating the speed of hoist travel was made easier by<br />

the use of direct current and by the attachment of automatic<br />

governing equipment to each motor/drive/winch drum assembly.<br />

Finally, steam operated equipment for regulating the large bell<br />

was installed in the stockhouse and on top of each furnace. 8<br />

Between 1924 and 1953 adjustments to the individual blast<br />

furnace raw materials delivery systems were relatively minor. In<br />

the 1930s, for example, vibrating coke screens operated by 2 hp<br />

motors (manufactured by The W. S. Tyler Company), replaced the<br />

stationary screens in the coke breeze separation process and a<br />

small motor/drive/winch drum assembly was installed in each hoist<br />

house for the stockline recorder. The period between 1953 and<br />

1962, however, witnessed a second major reconstruction and<br />

upgrading of the system. It consisted of replacing the Neeland<br />

system at blast furnaces numbers 3 and 4 with a system designed<br />

by the Arthur G. McKee Company of Cleveland, Ohio, dismantling<br />

blast furnaces numbers 5 and 6, the construction of a new blast<br />

furnace number 6 (Dorothy 6), and the alteration of the coke<br />

breeze removal process.<br />

The Neeland arrangement was replaced at the time of the<br />

scheduled relining of blast furnaces 3 and 4 in 1953 and 1959<br />

respectively, because the McKee system allowed furnace men to<br />

significantly increase iron production by increasing the capacity<br />

of raw materials charged into the furnace over each twenty-four<br />

hour period. This was especially evident at blast furnace number<br />

4 where the inclined bridge of the Neeland design was replaced by<br />

a bridge designed to support two 267 cu. ft. capacity skip cars.<br />

The new bridge was made possible because skip cars could be

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