Documents Workplace Relations 10.14379.pdf - Chief Minister's ...

Documents Workplace Relations 10.14379.pdf - Chief Minister's ...

Documents Workplace Relations 10.14379.pdf - Chief Minister's ...


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3. Do staff in other parliaments in Australia receive such a bonus.<br />

It is understood this question refers to the payment of the LAMS allowance.<br />

There are a variety of arrangements in other jurisdictions that compensate parliamentary<br />

staff for additional hours worked. These include, either singly or in combination, paid<br />

overtime, time off in lieu and an allowance.<br />

In the Commonwealth, for example, parliamentary staff receive an allowance as<br />

compensation for reasonable additional hours of work, over and above their ordinary hours<br />

of 3 7.5 hours per week. The Connnonwealth parliamentary staff allowance ranges from<br />

$16,400 per annum for lower level staff to $27,500 per ammm for senior staff. The<br />

allowance increases in line with salary increases, which will include a 3% increase from<br />

April 2011. Staff who, for personal or family reasons do not frequently work additional<br />

hours, may elect to accrue TOIL instead of receiving the allowance.<br />

In relation to LAMS, the 7% LAMS allowance equates to around $3,500 - $4,300 per<br />

ammm for an Adviser level 1 and around $6,200 - $8,000 per annum for a Senior Adviser.<br />

While this is well below the Commonwealth parliamentary staff allowance it is in addition<br />

to the accrual of TOIL. The allowance is to compensate staff for the first two hours of<br />

overtime over and above their ordinary hours of36.75 hours per week. While LAMS staff<br />

currently are not required to work a minimum of38.75 hours a week to receive the<br />

allowance, they do not start to accrue TOIL until they have worked 38.75 hours in a week.<br />

Extension of LAMS Allowance to Annual Leave<br />

As indicated at 2. above there are other ACTPS allowances that are currently paid during<br />

periods of paid leave, including annual leave.<br />

The initial staff claim was for the current 7% LAMS allowance to be paid on all forms of<br />

paid leave.<br />

What is suggested for consideration is reducing the rate of the LAMS allowance to 6.5%<br />

and, in exchange, paying the allowance on periods of paid annual leave alone. In this way,<br />

only where staff use their full annual entitlement to four weeks annual leave during the year<br />

they will receive the equivalent ammmt. Where staff use less than four weeks annual leave<br />

during the year they will receive less than the equivalent amount under cunent LAMS<br />

allowance, resulting in a saving.<br />

Recommendation<br />

That you:<br />

• note the response to the questions you raised with regard to the brief of 28 January 2011.<br />

• indicate your preference to either:<br />

or<br />


(a) maintain the existing negotiating position of TOIL capped at under 100 hours;<br />

the introduction of ACTPS equivalent annual leave management plans; and<br />

no termination payment for staff whose Member does not seek re-election.<br />


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