Documents Workplace Relations 10.14379.pdf - Chief Minister's ...

Documents Workplace Relations 10.14379.pdf - Chief Minister's ...

Documents Workplace Relations 10.14379.pdf - Chief Minister's ...


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Recommendation<br />

That you agree to the Government Negotiators finalising negotiations following the inprinciple<br />

agreement of LAMS Staff Negotiators, consistent with the approach outlined<br />

above, and bringing the matter to a staff vote as soon as possible.<br />

Jolt Sta1tlzope MLA ........................ .. . .. ......... I I<br />


Without Prejudice<br />

Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010-2011<br />

The Government's Position:<br />

1. Quantum of Pay Increase<br />

2.5% increase from 1 July 2010 plus a $650 sign-on bonus to eligible employees .<br />

once agreement is reached.<br />

2. Duration of Agreement<br />

A short-term Agreement which will terminate on 30 June 2011.<br />

3. Termination Payments<br />

In accordance with the Auditor General report requirements wording of the current<br />

Agreement clause 13.2 to be revisited and clarified.<br />

Management initially wanted changes in accordance with the attached document.<br />

However, over the life of the negotiations mana·gement has pared that back to<br />

wanting now to only remove termination payments for new employees whose<br />

employing MLA chooses not to contest a general election and where there is<br />

significant advance warning that staff will not be re-engaged.<br />

All existing staff.would be grandfathered and protected from this change which<br />

would only apply to new staff engaged after the Agreement is made.<br />

4. Time Off In Lieu<br />

Accumulation of TOIL credit to be capped at below 100 hours.<br />

5. Annual Leave<br />

Bring excessive annual leave credit handling in line with methodology used in the<br />

ACTPS.<br />

6. Minimal change<br />

Minimal changes to be made apart from those changes mentioned above and<br />

others legally required by the Fair Work Act 2009.

Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Subject:<br />

Hi Peter,<br />

Tegg, Warren<br />

Wednesday, 16 February 2011 2:01PM<br />

Gillin, Peter;.'michael.white@alliance.org.au'; Matt.Taylor@cpsu.org.au;<br />

'leila.walter@cpsu.org.au'; 'labourunityact@gmail.com'; Layland, Penelope; Moody,<br />

Patrick; Hunter, Andrew; Hagan, ian; Huetter, Pierre; Viney, Sandra; Mallett, Jim<br />

Gratton, ian; Coyles, Laurel; May, Chris<br />

RE: LAMS negotiations- new management position<br />

Could I please get some clarification on the issue of termination payments, is the management suggestion that there<br />

would be literally no change to the text in that section of the Agreement, rather than a change in the wording to<br />

clarify the current entitlement and remove the confusion that the Attorney General highlighted?<br />

Further, there is no mention of the 2.5% pay rise, back pay from 1 July 2010 and the $650 sign on bonus which I<br />

assume are included in the offer, but just for sake of clarity I thought I should ask and make sure.<br />

Cheers,<br />

N<br />

From: Gillin, Peter<br />

Sent: Wednesday, 16 February 2011 1:53 PM<br />

To: 'michael.white@alliance.org.au'; Matt.Taylor@cpsu.org.au; 'leila.walter@cpsu.org.au';<br />

'labourunityact@gmail.com'; Layland, Penelope; Tegg, Warren; Moody, Patrick; Hunter, Andrew; Hagan, Ian; Huetter,<br />

Pierre; Viney, Sandra; Mallett, Jim<br />

Cc: Gratton, Ian; Coyles, Laurel; May, Chris<br />

Subject: RE: LAMS negotiations- new management position<br />

Importance: High<br />

Dear all<br />

the following is a new management position in regard to the LAMS negotiations.<br />

Termination payments<br />

Management proposes to defer the negotiations on this issue until the next round of bargaining. This means that<br />

the current provisions of the existing agreement will be carried over into the new agreement.<br />

TOIL<br />

Management proposes that TOIL provisions be changed and reduced to a maximum retention of 100 hours.<br />

Annual leave management<br />

Management proposes the adoption and immediate introduction of ACT Public Service (ACTPS) equivalent annual<br />

leave management plans i.e. similar plans which are articulated in ACTPS common terms and conditions clauses<br />

F7.20 to F7.23.<br />

Bargaining representatives claim to extend LAMS allowance to all forms of paid leave<br />

Management proposes to defer the negotiations on this issue until the next round of bargaining. Management<br />

suggests that this issue be included in the joint review of the LAMS allowance, timesheets and TOIL arrangements<br />

during the life of the new agreement.<br />

ACTPS common terms and conditions improvements<br />

Should agreement be given on all of the foregoing management will flow through to a new LAMS agreement ACTPS<br />

common terms and conditions improvements recently negotiated in ACTPS agreements in relation to:<br />

• bereavement leave- increased by 2 days;<br />

• Paid maternity leave- increased by 4 weeks.<br />


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\_ · ' :-.. · • .. -Paid primary care giver leave- increased by 4 weeks and expanded to include long term fostering<br />

'-· arrangements and keeping in touch provisions of the National Employment Standard.<br />

"' • Paid bonding leave- increased by 5 days and expanded to include long term fostering arrangements.<br />

• Unpaid parental leave- expanded to include long term fostering arrangements and keeping in touch<br />

provisions of the NES.<br />

• Public Holidays- amended to include Family and Community Day.<br />

• Mature Age Payment- a payment made instead of employer superannuation contributions for eligible<br />

employees.<br />

• Request for Flexible Work Arrangements- to care for children under school age or with a disability, a NES<br />

provision.<br />

• Special maternity leave- access to unpaid leave where an employee is unfit for work due to a pregnancy<br />

related illness or termination of pregnancy, a NES provision.<br />

• Grandpa rental leave- access to 52 weeks unpaid leave to undertake a primary·care giving role.<br />

• Voluntary community service- access to 3 days paid leave to engage in a recognised voluntary community<br />

service activity, a NES provision.<br />

• Flexibility term- agreement to vary the application of specified provisions of the enterprise agreement to<br />

meet the needs of the Agency and individual employees, consistent with the FW Act.<br />

Should you wish to discuss any element of this new position please contact me on x50307.<br />

Kind regards<br />

Peter<br />

Peter Gillin<br />

Alg Senior Manager<br />

<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

Public Sector Management and Industrial <strong>Relations</strong> Group<br />

ACT <strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

tel: (02) 620 50307<br />

fax:(02) 620 50334<br />

email: peter.gillin@act.gov.au<br />


3. Do staff in other parliaments in Australia receive such a bonus.<br />

It is understood this question refers to the payment of the LAMS allowance.<br />

There are a variety of arrangements in other jurisdictions that compensate parliamentary<br />

staff for additional hours worked. These include, either singly or in combination, paid<br />

overtime, time off in lieu and an allowance.<br />

In the Commonwealth, for example, parliamentary staff receive an allowance as<br />

compensation for reasonable additional hours of work, over and above their ordinary hours<br />

of 3 7.5 hours per week. The Connnonwealth parliamentary staff allowance ranges from<br />

$16,400 per annum for lower level staff to $27,500 per ammm for senior staff. The<br />

allowance increases in line with salary increases, which will include a 3% increase from<br />

April 2011. Staff who, for personal or family reasons do not frequently work additional<br />

hours, may elect to accrue TOIL instead of receiving the allowance.<br />

In relation to LAMS, the 7% LAMS allowance equates to around $3,500 - $4,300 per<br />

ammm for an Adviser level 1 and around $6,200 - $8,000 per annum for a Senior Adviser.<br />

While this is well below the Commonwealth parliamentary staff allowance it is in addition<br />

to the accrual of TOIL. The allowance is to compensate staff for the first two hours of<br />

overtime over and above their ordinary hours of36.75 hours per week. While LAMS staff<br />

currently are not required to work a minimum of38.75 hours a week to receive the<br />

allowance, they do not start to accrue TOIL until they have worked 38.75 hours in a week.<br />

Extension of LAMS Allowance to Annual Leave<br />

As indicated at 2. above there are other ACTPS allowances that are currently paid during<br />

periods of paid leave, including annual leave.<br />

The initial staff claim was for the current 7% LAMS allowance to be paid on all forms of<br />

paid leave.<br />

What is suggested for consideration is reducing the rate of the LAMS allowance to 6.5%<br />

and, in exchange, paying the allowance on periods of paid annual leave alone. In this way,<br />

only where staff use their full annual entitlement to four weeks annual leave during the year<br />

they will receive the equivalent ammmt. Where staff use less than four weeks annual leave<br />

during the year they will receive less than the equivalent amount under cunent LAMS<br />

allowance, resulting in a saving.<br />

Recommendation<br />

That you:<br />

• note the response to the questions you raised with regard to the brief of 28 January 2011.<br />

• indicate your preference to either:<br />

or<br />


(a) maintain the existing negotiating position of TOIL capped at under 100 hours;<br />

the introduction of ACTPS equivalent annual leave management plans; and<br />

no termination payment for staff whose Member does not seek re-election.<br />


LL<br />

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- 0:::<br />

co<br />

Date<br />

To<br />

$[February 2011<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> Minister<br />

o <strong>Chief</strong>Executive ·<br />

• Deputy <strong>Chief</strong>Executl e, Governance<br />

From Director Public Sector Management<br />


1.1 FEB 2011<br />

. in <strong>Chief</strong>Minillt:e1·'s Office<br />


Subject Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Comparison of Entitlements<br />

Purpose<br />

To brief you on the entitlements of Legislative Assembly Members' (LAM) staff.<br />

Background<br />

You requested a brief on the entitlements of LAM staff compared to their counterparts in other<br />

jurisdictions. '<br />

A request was forwarded to other jurisdictions on 24 January 2011, seeking details of the<br />

entitlements of parliamentary staff in the other States and the Northern Territory. A response to this<br />

request is expected by 11 February 2011.<br />

In the meantime, a summmy has been prepared comparing the entitlements of LAM staff with<br />

employees in the ACT Public Service (Attaclmtent A).<br />

Issues<br />

LAM staff enjoy a number of enhancements or flexibilities over ACTPS employees, including:<br />

• TOIL - currently capped at 140 holliS. Provisions for TOIL and flextime in the ACTPS vary·<br />

from Agency to Agency but are generally capped at 2 weeks (73.5 hours to 76 hours).<br />

• LAMS allowance - 7% of salary paid in lieu of the first two hours ovetiime per week. Some<br />

composite pay rates apply in the ACTPS that include a paid ovetiime component. Generally<br />

additional hours worked in the ACTPS, with the exception of Senior Officers, is either paid as<br />

overtime or accmed as flextime.<br />

• Work-related expenses- reimbursement for approved mobile phone expenses.<br />

e Annual leave loading- employees may elect to receive payment by fortnightly instalment.<br />

• Long service leave- employees may elect to receive an allowance in lieu ofLSL accrual. This<br />

is not available in most ACTPS Agencies.<br />

• Superannuation -maintenance of 16% employer contribution for existing employees at the<br />

commencement of the 2007-2010 agreement.<br />

A number of enhancements were made to the entitlements of ACTPS employees in the sixth round<br />

that are not covered by the current LAMS collective agreement. These include, among others:<br />

• Bereavement leave - increased by 2 days;<br />

• Paid maternity leave- increased by 4 weeks.

From: Gillin, Peter<br />

Sent:<br />

Tuesday, 25 January 2011 12:37 PM<br />

To:<br />

McAiary, Luke<br />

Cc:<br />

Gratton, ian; Layland, Penelope; Viney, Sandra; Coyles, Laurel<br />

Subject:<br />

RE: LAMS Negotiating Positions<br />

Importance: High<br />

Luke<br />

further to my previous email and the comment received from Sandra. I suggest we change the management position<br />

to:<br />

• 2.5% increase, sign bonus and flow on of employment conditions realised through ACTPS round eg mat and<br />

bonding leave increases if they agree to whole package;<br />

• TOIL capped at less than 100 hours;<br />

• Adoption of annual leave management plans;<br />

• the LAMS allowance paid on paid annual leave, but not accumulated annual leave on termination or other<br />

forms of paid leave, at the rate of 6.5%; and<br />

• the retention of the existing 2007-10 agreement termination provisions.<br />

Should that position fail! recommend we apply to FWA for assistance.<br />

Are you ok with this.<br />

·From: Gillin, Peter<br />

Sent: Monday, 24 January 2011 10:15 AM<br />

To: McAiary, Luke<br />

Cc: Gratton, Ian; Layland, Penelope; Viney, Sandra; Coyles, Laurel<br />

Subject: FW: LAMS Negotiating Positions<br />

Importance: High<br />

Luke,<br />

Clarification was sought, at the LAMS negotiation meeting with staff and union representatives on Friday, with<br />

regard to the respective staff and Government negotiating positions.<br />

As you are aware there had been an approach to the <strong>Chief</strong> Minister following an impromptu meeting between<br />

myself and Warren Tegg on Thursday.<br />

Warren Tegg advised the negotiation meeting of the current staff position.<br />

Staff are prepared to accept:<br />

• TOIL capped at 110 hours; and<br />

• Annual leave management plans<br />

in exchange for:<br />

• LAMS allowance paid on all forms of paid leave at the current rate of 7%; and<br />

• No change to termination payments.<br />

The issue was also raised in relation to grandfathering arrangements for those staff who have TOIL credits in excess<br />

of the cap.<br />

In regard to the LAMS allowance payment claim for paid leave Warren Tegg claimed that he had raised it with me on<br />

Thursday. I maintain he did not- what he had raised was that they would forego their claim in respect to it and<br />

would reduce TOIL to 110 hours if we would forego our position on termination payments.<br />


<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

Public Sector Management and Industrial <strong>Relations</strong> Group<br />

ACT <strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

tel: (02) 620 50307<br />

fax:(02) 620 50334<br />

email: peter.qillin@act.gov.au<br />


u.<br />

w<br />

- 0:::<br />

00<br />

Date<br />

To<br />

From<br />

Subject<br />

b). (f.-December 20 liD<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> Minister<br />

• <strong>Chief</strong> Executive<br />

Director, Public Sector Management<br />


Response to letter from LAMS Enterprise Bargaining Representatives<br />

Critical Date and Reason<br />

Staff bargaining representatives are seeking responses from MLA's to the current management<br />

position before 14 January 2011.<br />

Pm·posc<br />

You have sought advice on (i) the most recent letter from LAMS bargaining representatives<br />

(Attachment A) and (ii) how negotiations can be progressed towards arbitration.<br />

Background<br />

On 20 December you wrote to Mr Warren Tegg (Attachment B) outlining the Government's<br />

position on the tlu·ee contentious negotiation matters:<br />

• a reduction in the TOIL cap from 140 hours to 80 hours;<br />

• the introduction of excess mmual leave management provisions where credits exceed those<br />

accrued in two years; and<br />

• the rectification of the provisions relating to termination paynients which were the subject of<br />

adverse comment by the Auditor-General in 2009.<br />

The most recent letter from bargaining representatives to all MLA's and staff argues:<br />

• a reduction in TOIL will reduce flexibility in MLA offices, the taking of TOIL at inopportune<br />

times or the falsification of attendance records. Fmther that it is inappropriate to match LAMS<br />

TOIL provisions with those of the ACTPS;<br />

• changes to annual leave provisions equivalent to the ACTPS will impact on the workings of<br />

MLA Offices similar to the proposed TOIL changes; and<br />

• the removal of termination payments in the event that an MLA chooses not to contest an<br />

election will remove the incentive to remain working for a retiring MLA. Fmther that staff<br />

employed by Federal politiCians enjoy this benefit and its removal will act as a disincentive in<br />

attracting experienced staff.<br />

Issues<br />

It is clear on the basis of the latest exchanges that the negotiations have reached an impasse and that<br />

staff are seeking to progress matters outside of the formal bargaining process. Given this, you have<br />

sought advice as to how the matter can be moved towards arbitration.

Jon Stanhope MLA<br />







Mr .Warren Tegg Mr Patrick Moody<br />

ALP Executive Staff Representative Greens Staff Representative<br />

Mr Ian Hagan Mr Andrew Hunter<br />

Liberal Staff Representative ALP Non-. Executive Staff Representative<br />

Dear Sirs<br />

I write in response to your letter of 23 December 20 I 0 conceming current enterprise<br />

negotiations and the remaining contentious issues of time in lieu, annual leave and<br />

tetmination payments.<br />

I regret that staff have not recognised the significant concessions made by the<br />

Management Negotiating Team in respect of these issues and that there appears to have<br />

been a decision taken to prosecute this matter away from the bargaining table.<br />

The suggestion that management's position in respect of TOIL and the administration of<br />

excess amiualleave will impinge upon the flexible operation of MLA offices is simply<br />

incotTect. Where good management practices are applied, all offices will be able to<br />

operate effectively under the proposed changes. It is notable that in various areas of the<br />

ACT Public Service business needs, including long and irregular hours, dictate patticular .<br />

TOIL arrangements, yet none are so .generous as those provided to MLA staff. Moreover,<br />

MLA's should be concerned over any practice which facilitates the inappropriate use of<br />

atmualleave for purposes other than which it was intended.<br />

The argument that MLA staff should be provided with the equivalent increased pay and<br />

conditions negotiated for the ACT Public Service in mid 2010, yet not subject to similar<br />

reasonable administrative practices when it comes to time in lieu and annual leave<br />

equally appears to be little more than 'cherry picking'.<br />

I would also reiterate that the suggested changes to termination payments arise from the<br />

findings of the 2009 Auditor-General report into the administration of employment<br />

arrangements in the Legislative Assembly. Fwther, that while equivalent termination<br />

provisions may currently be found in the Federal Parliam.ent, practice varies across all<br />

other Australian jurisdictions.<br />


London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601 GPO Box 1020, Canberra ACT 2601<br />

Phone (02) 6205 0104 Fax (02) 6205 0433 Email stanhope®act.gov.au

If these arguments are not accepted, I am proposing that we jointly make application to<br />

Fair Work Australia (FWA) under section 240 of the Fair Work Act 2009 to deal with<br />

this dispute.<br />

While it is regrettable that FWA must be troubled to deal with what should otherwise be<br />

resolved through good faith bargaining, I can foresee no other alternative. Indeed it would<br />

be unfortunate if public confidence in the operations of the Legislative Assembly were<br />

undermined by a failure to follow the available and proper mechanisms for dealing with<br />

industrial disputes and if this matter was to be prosecuted otherwise.<br />

Accordingly, should you not agree to this course of action, I will instruct the<br />

Management Negotiation Team to proceed with an application regardless.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Jon Stanhope MLA<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> Minister<br />

cc. All MLA's, All LAMS Staff, Ian Ryall CPSU, Leila Walter CPSU, Michael<br />

WhiteMEAA<br />

2 4 DEC 2010

Gnitton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Subject:<br />

me too.<br />

ian Hagan<br />



Office of Zed Seselja MLA<br />


n 0419 287 817<br />

p 6205 3669<br />

f 6205 3001<br />

Hagan, ian<br />

Wednesday, 8 December 201010:18 AM<br />

Tegg, Warren; Gillin, Peter; Gratton, lan; Layland, Penelope; Coyles, Laurel; Viney,<br />

Sandra<br />


With regard to the management of annual leave, the Govenunent's position is consistent with<br />

the arrangements applying In the ACTPS that employees have an annual leave usage plan in<br />

place if their credits exceed those accmed in two years. The adoption of this provision is to<br />

encourage the use of annual leave, and is not dependent on any review of TOIL arrangements.<br />

In relation to the accrual of TOIL, the Government's position is that an 80-hour cap is more<br />

than sufficient, on the basis that senior officers in the ACTPS do not have access to such<br />

generous arrangements, ihat the salaries of LAMS employees are somewhat in advance of their<br />

ACTPS counterparts as reflected in the 2002 Marshall Repod, and that compensation for<br />

additional hours worked is incorporated into these salaries.<br />

The Govemment' s position on these three unresolved matters is ·not unreasopable. Better<br />

management to avoid the excessive accrual of ammalleave and TOIL are important from an<br />

occupational health and safety perspective. Amending and clarifying the termination payment<br />

provision will go some way to addressing the reconm1endation in the Anditor-General's 2009<br />

report on the Adminislratiml of employine111 issues .for staff of Members of the Legislative<br />

Assembly and the subsequent criticisms levelled at government and unions.<br />

While the Government position in relation to these matters has moved, it appears that the staff<br />

and unions have to date been 1mprepared to make any concessions. It is tltis unwillingness of<br />

staff and unions to 1i1ake concessions on these matters that has prevented the parties reaching<br />

agteement, not delays attributed to the govenn11ent negotiatii1g team. I therefore request that<br />

staff reconsider their position in relation to these matters and I reaffirm my commitment to<br />

continued negotiations.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Jon StanhopeMLA<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> Minister<br />

CC: All !viLAs, All LAMS Staff, Michael White (MEAA), Matt Taylor (CPSU),<br />

Leila Walter (CPSU)<br />

2 0 DEC 2010

Date 24 September 2010 ·<br />

To <strong>Chief</strong> Minister<br />


• <strong>Chief</strong> Executive I<br />

a Deputy <strong>Chief</strong> Executive, Governance<br />

From A!g Director Public Sector Management<br />

. Subject Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement -Negotiations<br />

Critical date and reason<br />

Confirmation of a negotiating position is required as soon as possible and desirably ahead<br />

of your leave.<br />

Purpose<br />

To confirm the management negotiating position on key issues for the replacement LAMS.<br />

enterptise agre.enient.<br />

Bacl,ground<br />

The followitig three key issues have been the subject of discussion and negotiation in the<br />

proposed 20 I 0-2011 LAMS enterpdse agreement:<br />

Issues<br />

o A cap on accrued time of in lieu ("fOIL);<br />

o A cap on accrued annual leave; and<br />

• Termination provisions and entitlements.<br />

Following discussion with you, the management negotiating position on these three issues<br />

has been fmther refined. For the 2010-2011 Agreement the proposed management position<br />

is:<br />

• the cap on TOIL should be reduced from 140 hours to 80 hours;<br />

• annual leave credits should be managed in a manner consistent with the<br />

arrangements applying in the ACTPS and employees should have a plan in place if<br />

their credits exceed those accrued in two years; and<br />

• subject tq agreement on the TOIL and annual leave provisions above,. reinstate the<br />

Termination Provisions into the agreement but exclude payment being made to new<br />

staff employed during the life of this Agreement if their employment ceases as a<br />

result of the MLA not contesting a general election.

Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Subject:<br />

Gillin, Peter<br />

Monday, 29 November 2010 11:04 AM<br />

Tegg, Warren; Gratton, ian; Layland, Penelope; Coyles, Laurel; Viney, Sandra<br />

michael.white@alliance.org.au; leila.walter@cpsu.org.au; ian Ryall; Hagan, ian; Hunter,<br />

Andrew; Mallett, Jim; Moody, Patrick<br />

RE: LAMS negotiations - Staff Response<br />

Good morning Warren<br />

your response is being considered by management. I will inform you further when I have received a management<br />

response.<br />

Kind regards<br />

Peter<br />

Peter Gillin<br />

A/g Senior Manager<br />

nkplace <strong>Relations</strong><br />

Public Sector Management and Industrial <strong>Relations</strong> Group<br />

ACT <strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

tel: (02) 620 50307<br />

fax:(02) 620 50334<br />

email: peter.gillin@act.gov.au<br />

From: Tegg, Warren<br />

Sent: Monday, 29 November 2010 11:01 AM<br />

To: Tegg, Warren; Gillin, Peter; Gratton, Ian; Layland, Penelope; Coyles, Laurel; Viney, Sandra<br />

Cc: michael.white@alliance.org.au; leila.walter@cpsu.org.au; Ian Ryall; Hagan, Ian; Hunter, Andrew; Mallett, Jim;<br />

Moody, Patrick<br />

Subject: RE: LAMS negotiations - Staff Response<br />

Good morning,<br />

I am writing to follow up on my email below and ask when we might expect a response as I have received questions<br />

from a number staff last week and again this morning.<br />

Regards,<br />

Warren Tegg<br />

From: Tegg, Warren<br />

Sent: Wednesday, 17 November 2010 4:11PM<br />

To: Gillin, Peter; Gratton, Ian; Layland, Penelope; Coyles, Laurel; Viney, Sandra<br />

Cc: 'michael.white@alllance.org.au'; 'leila.walter@cpsu.org.au'; 'Ian Ryall'; Hagan, Ian; Hunter, Andrew; Mallett, Jim;<br />

Moody, Patrick<br />

Subject: LAMS negotiations - Staff Response<br />

Hello all,<br />

Please see below for the staff response to the management offer.<br />


Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Subject:<br />

Attachments:<br />

Gratton, ian<br />

Thu.rsday, 11 November 2010 11:49 AM<br />

McAiary, Luke; Gillin, Peter; Layland, Penelope; Viney, Sandra; Gayles, Laurel; Wilson,<br />

Chris<br />

LAMS TOIL Statistics<br />


Attached for your information .and comment is a summary of TOIL statistics from 2008 and 2010 for a sample of<br />

Executive and Non-executive staff.<br />

The figures compare the accumulation of TOIL in an election year (2008) compared with a non-election year (2010),<br />

in accordance with the undertaking given at the last LAMS negotiation meeting on 29 October.<br />

The main observations are that the figures for this sample of staff do not support the contention that staff work<br />

significantly more hours in an election year (see footnote 3), and that the majority of the employees had TOIL<br />

credits of less than 60 hours including during the 2008 election year (see footnote 4).<br />

ian Gratton<br />

<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

Ph: 02 6205 0361<br />

Email: ian.gratton@act.gov.au<br />

Tracking:<br />


Recipient<br />

McAiary, Luke<br />

Gillin, Peter<br />

Layland, Penelope<br />

Viney, Sandra<br />

Coy!es, Laurel<br />

Wilson, Chris<br />

2<br />

Delivery<br />

Delivered: 11/11/2010 11:49 AM<br />

Delivered: 11/11/201 o 11:49 AM<br />

Delivered: 11/11/2010 11:49 AM<br />

Delivered: 11/11/2010 11 :49 AM<br />

Delivered: 11/11/2010 11:49 AM<br />

Delivered: 11/11/2010 11:49 AM

Could you please provide some more detailed figures on TOIL for ministerial staff, as agreed at the last negotiation<br />

meeting.<br />

To be consistent with the information provided for non-Executive staff, can you please provide TOIL balances for a range<br />

of<br />

Adviser Ievell, Adviser level 2, Senior Adviser Ievell and Senior Adviser level 2 staff, preferably who have been<br />

continuously<br />

employed, for the following pay periods:<br />

February 2008 = 6/2/08, 20/2/08 and 5/3/08<br />

August 2008 = 6/8/08, 20/8/08 and 3/9/08<br />

October 2008 = 1/10/08, 15/10/08 and 29/10/08<br />

February 2010 = 3/2/10,17/2/10 and 3/3/10<br />

August 2010 = 4/8/10, 18/8/10 and 1/9/10<br />

October 2010 = 29/9/10, 13/10/10 and 27/10/10<br />

let me know if you have any difficulties in providing the information, or require further clarification.<br />

Thanks<br />

ian<br />

From: Coyles, laurel<br />

Sent: Friday, 29 October 2010 12:08 PM<br />

To: Gratton, Ian<br />

Cc: Gillin, Peter; Viney, Sandra<br />

Subject: TOIL<br />

ian -the Executive have one <strong>Chief</strong> of Staff and two Senior Advisers ll that have in excess of 80hours TOIL but intend to<br />

clear the slate-SA's L1 next month and COS in April 2011.<br />

In addition, there are four staff who I understand have in excess of 80 hours with no plans to reduce in the immediate<br />

future (1 x SAL2, 2 x Adviser l2, 1 x ALl( upper)).<br />

regards<br />

j!.au.'r.el foJLLeh<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Support & Protocol<br />

Ph: 61 2 620S 0192<br />

Fax: 61 2 6205 0289<br />

email: laurel.coyles@act.gov.au<br />

From: Viney, Sandra<br />

Sent: Friday, 29 October 2010 10:37 AM<br />

To: Gratton, Ian<br />

Cc: Gillin, Peter; Coyles, laurel<br />

Subject: RE:<br />

Ian<br />

There are 4 non-Exec staff (2 X AL2 and 2 Senior Advisers) with balances above 80 hours.<br />


Sandra Viney<br />

Ass Mng HR & Work Env I Corporate Services I Legislative Assembly for the ACT<br />

GPO Box 1020 I CANBERRA ACT 2601<br />

p 02 6205 0150 If 02 6205 0442 I e sandra.viney@parliament.act.gov.au<br />

From: Gratton, Ian<br />

Sent: Friday, 29 October 2010 8:55AM<br />

To: Coyles, Laurel; Viney, Sandra<br />

Cc: Gillin, Peter<br />

Subject:<br />

laurel and Sandra,<br />

Prior to the LAMS negotiation meeting this afternoon, can you please advise how many staff currently have TOIL<br />

balances in excess of 80 hours.<br />

1<br />


Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Subject:<br />

Ian<br />

Viney, Sandra<br />

Monday, 1 November 2010 4:48 PM<br />

Gratton, Jan<br />


Attached is some data on TOIL credits for non-Exec Members from 2008 and 2010.<br />

fjj<br />

Lams TOIL Audit<br />

1Nov10 (2).xls ...<br />

·Sandra Viney<br />

Ass Mng HR & Work Env I Corporate Services I Legislative Assembly for the ACT<br />

GPO Box 1020 I CANBERRA ACT 2601<br />

p 02 6205 0150 If 02 6205 0442 I e sandra.viney@parliament.act.gov.au<br />


.,.,<br />

d"<br />

AL1<br />

AL1<br />

AL1<br />

AL2<br />

AL2<br />

AL2<br />

AL1<br />

SAL1<br />

SAL1<br />

AL1<br />

AL1<br />

AL1<br />

AL1<br />

selection of time sheets received<br />

31/10/2007 14/11/2007 28/11/2007 12/12/2007<br />

AL 1 125.31 124.54 124.54 129.04

Gratton, lan<br />

From: Gayles, Laurel<br />

Sent:<br />

Friday, 29 October 2010 12:08 PM<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Gratton, lan<br />

Gillin, Peter; Viney, Sandra<br />

Subject:<br />

TOIL<br />

lan- the Executive have one <strong>Chief</strong> of Staff and two Senior Advisers L1 that have in excess of 80hours TOIL but intend<br />

to clear the slate- SA's L1 next month and COS in April 2011.<br />

In addition, there are four staff who I understand have in excess of 80 hours with no plans to reduce in the<br />

immediate future (1 x SAL2, 2 x Adviser L2, 1 x AL1(upper}}.<br />

regards<br />

J!.au.'t.eL foJILe.A<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Support & Protocol<br />

Ph: 61 2 6205 0192<br />

61 2 6205 0289<br />

email: laurel.coyles@act.gov.au<br />

From: Viney, Sandra<br />

Sent: Friday, 29 October 2010 10:37 AM<br />

To: Gratton, Ian<br />

Cc: Gillin, Peter; Coyles, Laurel<br />

Subject: RE:<br />

Ian<br />

There are 4 non-Exec staff (2 X AL2 and 2 Senior Advisers) with balances above 80 hours.<br />

Sandra Viney<br />

'ss Mng HR & Work Env I Corporate Services I Legislative Assembly for the ACT<br />

_;po Box 1020 I CANBERRA ACT 2601<br />

p 02 6205 0150 If 02 6205 0442 I e sandra.viney@parliament.act.gov.au<br />

From: Gratton, Ian<br />

Sent: Friday, 29 October 2010 8:55 AM<br />

To: Coyles, Laurel; Viney, Sandra<br />

Cc: Gillin, Peter<br />

Subject:<br />

Laurel and Sandra,<br />

Prior to the LAMS negotiation meeting this afternoon, can you please advise how many staff currently have TOIL<br />

balances in excess of 80 hours.<br />

I an<br />


Gratton, fan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Subject:<br />

Attachments:<br />

Importance:<br />

Gillin, Peter<br />

Tuesday, 19 October 201 0 5:04 PM<br />

'michael.white@alliance.org.au'; Matt.Taylor@cpsu.org.au; 'leila.walter@cpsu.org.au';<br />

'labourunityact@gmail.com'; Layland, Penelope; Tegg, Warren; Moody, Patrick; Hunter,<br />

Andrew; Hagan, lan; Huetter, Pierre; Viney, Sandra; Mallett, Jim<br />

Gratton, lan; Wilson, Chris<br />

LAMS negotiations- new management position<br />

LAMS agreement negotiations - revised management position October 201 O.doc;<br />

Termination Payments- new management position Oct 10.doc<br />

High<br />

Dear all<br />

please find attached a new management position in respect to the LAMS negotiations. It predominantly relates to<br />

termination payments. I am willing to meet this Friday if you think you have had sufficient time to consult staff<br />

and/or union members.<br />

Kind regards<br />

Peter<br />

. •eter Gillin<br />

A/g Senior Manager<br />

<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

Public Sector Management and Industrial <strong>Relations</strong> Group<br />

ACT <strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

tel: (02) 620 50307<br />

fax:(02) 620 50334<br />

email: peter.gillin@act.gov.au<br />


Termination payments<br />

Without Prejudice<br />

Management is willing to forego some elements of previous claims in respect to termination payments.<br />

Management will alter its termination payment claims subject to agreement on a reduction in the cap on<br />

TOIL from 140 hours to 80 hours and an acceptance of annual leave management being adopted which is<br />

consistent with arrangements applying in the ACTPS.<br />

To dispel doubt this means that termination claims will be paid to existing and/or new staff should:<br />

e a MLA contest a general election but is not elected; and<br />

e a MLA is re-elected but the employee's contract is not renewed.<br />

Termination claims will be paid to existing staff should:<br />

e a MLA not contest a general election.<br />

However, new staff employed after the new agreement is approved will not be eligible should:<br />

o a MLA not contest a general election.<br />

The table used to reflect management's position on the overall eligibility of termination payments has<br />

been altered accordingly and is attached.<br />

Improvements to ACTPS conditions<br />

Management will agree to provide staff the entitlement improvements afforded general ACTPS staff as<br />

sought in the staff claim. However, that provision is contingent on the acceptance of management's<br />

claims in regard to TOIL, annual leave 'management and termination payments.

From: Coyles, Laurel<br />

Sent:<br />

Tuesday, 19 October2010 4:35PM<br />

To:<br />

Gillin, Peter; Viney, Sandra<br />

Cc:<br />

Gratton, ian; McAiary, Luke; Layland, Penelope<br />

Subject:<br />

RE: new management LAMS positions<br />

Peter- normally there would be quite a few staff with TOIL in excess of 80 hours in the Executive however, I know<br />

many staff have taken leave over the past couple of months, and some will be on leave in the coming months so the<br />

provision of 80 hours cap may only end up affecting a couple of staff. Not working in my usual position I have not<br />

seen any time sheets recently, but can check if you think necessary.<br />

J!.a.u.tr.e.l t:Pale.b<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Support & Protocol<br />

Ph: 61 2 6205 0192<br />

Fax: 61 2 6205 0289<br />

email: laurel.coyles@act.gov.au<br />

From: Gillin, Peter<br />

Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 4:25 PM<br />

To: Viney, Sandra<br />

Cc: Gratton, Ian; McAiary, Luke; Coyles, Laurel; Layland, Penelope<br />

Subject: RE: new management LAMS positions<br />

ok I don't think I have a problem with that. In any event isn't there only one or two that have in excess of 80?<br />

From: Viney, Sandra<br />

Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 4:17PM<br />

To: Gillin, Peter<br />

Cc: Gratton, Ian; McAiary, Luke; Coyles, Laurel; Layland, Penelope<br />

Subject: RE: new management LAMS positions<br />

Thanks Peter<br />

1m happy with the revised management position. The question will be raised about how to deal with any TOIL<br />

accrued above 80 hours. The last agreement included a provision where the employee could set aside this·<br />

credit and use it before the end of the 6th Assembly. If we are going to go down this path then I suggest<br />

that employees can set aside any hours above the 80 hour cap, which need to be used before the agreement<br />

expires next June.<br />

Regards<br />

Sandra Viney<br />

Ass Mng HR & Work Env I Corporate Services I Legislative Assembly for the ACT<br />

GPO Box 1020 I CANBERRA ACT 26011 www.parliament.act.gov.au<br />

Phone: 02 6205 0150 I Fax: 02 6205 0442 I email: sandra.viney@parliament.act.gov.au<br />

From: Gillin, Peter<br />

Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2010 4:03 PM<br />

To: Layland, Penelope; Viney, Sandra; Coyles, Laurel<br />


LAMS agreement negotiations- revised management position- October 2010<br />

Termination payments<br />

Management is willing to forego some elements of previous claims in respect to termination<br />

payments.<br />

Management will alter its termination payment claims subject to agreement on a reduction in the<br />

cap on TOIL from 140 hours to 80 hours and an acceptance of annual leave management being<br />

adopted which is consistent with arrangements applying in the ACTPS.<br />

To dispel doubt this means that termination claims will be paid to existing and/or new staff should:<br />

• a MLA contest a general election but is not elected; and<br />

• a MLA is re-elected but the employee's contract is not renewed.<br />

Termination claims will be paid to existing staff should:<br />

• a MLA not contest a general election.<br />

However, new staff employed after the new agreement is approved will not be eligible should:<br />

• a MLA not contest a general election.<br />

The table used to reflect management's position on the overall eligibility of termination payments<br />

has been altered accordingly and is attached.<br />

Improvements to ACTPS conditions<br />

Management will agree to provide staff the entitlement improvements afforded general ACTPS staff<br />

as sought in the staff claim. However, that provision is contingent on the acceptance of<br />

management's claims in regard to TOIL, annual leave management and termination payments.

Attachment A<br />

The proposal to reduce the cap on the amount of accrued TOIL to 80 hours in the 20 I 0-<br />

201 I LAMS agreement would be more consistent with the provisions that apply in the<br />

ACTPS. ACTPS staff have access to flextime provisions and it should be noted that there<br />

are differences betweeJi the accrual of TOlL by LAMS staff·and flextime by ACTPS staff.<br />

In general terms, LAMS staff may accrue TOIL for time worked outside of' normal hours'<br />

that would usually be paid as overtime payment to ACTPS staff.<br />

Notwithstanding the differences between TOIL accrued by LAMS staff and flextime<br />

accrued by ACTPS staff, the concepts are similar and could be managed in a similar way .<br />

. The ACTPS Agreement flextime provision states: An employee may have a maximum<br />

t1extiine credit equal to the employee's nm'mal weekly hours of duty, at the end of the<br />

settlement period. This may be varied by agreement between the manager/supervisor and<br />

the employee. In the AC:fPS, the settlement petiod is 4'wecks. In effect, ACTPS<br />

·employees are limited to having a maximum t1ex credit equivalent to one week (36 Y.i<br />

hours) at the end of every four week period.<br />

As noted previously, there are a number of claims around TOIL, payment of the ·LAMS<br />

allowance for extra hours worked and on-call provisions. There is an interrelationship<br />

between the accrual of TOIL and the payment of LAMS allowanq: and it is proposed that a<br />

commitment is give11 to reviewing matters relating to the LAMS allowance (including<br />

payment during leave), TOIL (including the cap), and on-call arrangements (including<br />

allowances) for consideration in the next round of negotiations.<br />

Annual Leave<br />

Annual leave usage should be managed in a manner consistent with the arr-angements<br />

applying in the ACTPS and the LAMS agreement should mirror the provisions in the<br />

ACTPS agreements that state:<br />

• lf an employee has accrued two years wm1h of annual leave credits and unless<br />

exceptional operational circumstances exist, the employee and relevant<br />

manager/supervisor must agree, and implement an ahnualleave usage. plan to ensure<br />

the employee's accrued leave credit will not exceed a two and a half years worth of<br />

annual leave credit.<br />

• If an employee does not agree to a reasonable annual leave usage plan the <strong>Chief</strong><br />

Executive may direct an employee who has accrued two and a half years wm1h of<br />

annual leave credit to take annual leave to the extent that the employee's annual<br />

leave credit exceeds two and a half years wot1h of credit, subject to giving the<br />

employee one calendar month notice. This clause does not apply to an employee<br />

who is on graduated return to work following compensation leave.<br />

The ACTPS agreements also have some t1exibility in transitional arrangements (ie<br />

recognizing that there may be staff who may already have well in excess of two years

I<br />


Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement- Staff and Unions' Log of Claims<br />

LAMS Staff and Unions' Claims Government Team's Response<br />

1. Quantum of pay increase and sign on bonus<br />

We request a pay rise and sign on bonus of the Agreed.<br />

same quantum as that proposed in the draft<br />

Agency Enterprise Bargain Agreements between .<br />

the ACT Government and its employees.<br />

2. Provision of mobile phones<br />

We request that it be left to the discretion of Agreed. The Government team understands that<br />

members, in consultation with their staff, to this claim relates in part to the provision of<br />

decide where provision of a mobile phone with blackberry technology. Currently access to<br />

email compatibility could improve productivity. blackberry technology is provided for <strong>Chief</strong>s of<br />

Staff and Media Advisers only. It is agreed that<br />

guidelines may be changed that allow access to<br />

other staff at the discretion of the Member. This is<br />

on the understanding that the cost is met from the<br />

Member's DOA.<br />

3. On-call allowance<br />

The above undertaking would need to be Not Agreed. This is already incorporated into<br />

accompanied by an "on-call allowance", of an salaries, which are 'somewhat in advance' of<br />

agreed percentage of salary, to account for the ACTPS equivalents. Staff can also claim TOIL for<br />

additional time outside of work hours that LAMS this purpose. The Government team may<br />

staff are required to be available. The increased reconsider an overall LAMS allowance which has<br />

cost to budget is more than offset by productivity on call and existing LAMS allowance elements as<br />

gains through the use of this technology. a substitute for TOIL. The Government team is<br />

unconvinced that an on call allowance would be<br />

offset by productivity gains.<br />

4. Administration of the LAMS allowance<br />

We request that the LAMS Allowance be paid as an Agreed. The Government team is prepared to<br />

all purpose allowance, that is, on all days employed, change the methodology used to calculate the<br />

rather than days worked, to reflect the additional LAMS allowance over a full year. This would<br />

availability required of LAMS staff. This would mean include times when staff are on paid leave but not<br />

that the LAMS Allowance is paid each day unless at times when on unpaid leave. However, this<br />

the employee is on leave without pay. This should would be on the understanding that the payment<br />

result in a small increase in the size of the LAMS would be at a reduced rate and not paid on<br />

allowance but a significant reduction 'in the termination monies. The Government team does<br />

' administrative burden of calculating the fortnightly not agree that this will result in a significant<br />

variations in the LAMS allowance. This should have reduction in the administration of the allowance. .<br />

no net budQet impact.<br />

5. LAMS allowance and TOIL<br />

we·request that management should provide us Under consideration. The Government team is<br />

with a model of payment that could be offered to looking at cost and agreement arrangements in<br />

staff if they chose to opt out of TOIL. This should place elsewhere. It is worthwhile exploring as an<br />

allow for an increase in the LAMS allowance that alternative for TOIL or for the reduction in the cap<br />

adequately compensates the individual for the on TOIL, particularly for Senior Advisers.<br />

additional hours that they are required to work due However, some form of time recording would still'<br />

to the nature of the employment in this area. This need to occur. There would need to be an agreed<br />

would be revenue neutral as the increase in LAMS mechanism preventing staff who could continue to<br />

allowance would be compensated by the hours of take time off in lieu in addition to receiving the<br />

leave that do not need to be funded and the allowance.<br />

decreased cost of administration due to the removal<br />

of the need to process timesheets for these staff.<br />

However, staff must be offered the choice between Not Agreed. Difficulty in administering two<br />

additional LAMS allowance with no access to TOIL systems, particularly where staff can swap<br />

or the current system with timesheets and access to between them. If there is going to be a change it<br />

TOIL and also be able to change between these would need to apply to all staff, or to specific<br />

schemes once per year to reflect their changing classifications (such as all Senior Advisers and<br />

circumstances. above).

)<br />




• Management will, in consultation with staff representatives and unions through the LAMS<br />

consultative committee, undertake·a review of the management of timesheets, TOIL, and the<br />

LAMS allowance.<br />

• The purpose of the review is to:<br />

examine the effectiveness of the relevant provisions in this Agreement and related issues;<br />

examine equivalent arrangements in other jurisdictions and their relevance to the ACT; and<br />

develop options in relation to these matters to inform negotiations for a replacement<br />

Agreement.<br />

• The review will commence as soon as a project plan is agreed by the LAMS consultative<br />

committee.<br />

• The review will be completed by 30 June 2011.<br />

• The outcomes of the review will be implemented only with the joint agreement between<br />

management, unions and staff representatives.

Collective Agreement- Staff Log of Claims<br />

1) Quantum of pay increase, sign on bonus and term of Agreement<br />

We request a2.5% percent pay rise and a $650 sign on bonus and an Agreement that<br />

terminates on 30 June 2011.<br />

2) Confirmation of current entitlement to all current and future staff to<br />

Termination Payments as they are currently delivered<br />

We request that the current clause within the EBA be clarified to ensure that all current and<br />

future staff enjoy the current termination payment conditions.<br />

3) Administration of the LAMS Allowance<br />

We request that the LAMS Allowance be paid as an all purpose allowance, that is, on all days<br />

paid (i.e. annual leave and sick leave), rather than days worked, to reflect the additional<br />

availability required of LAMS staff during leave. This would mean that the LAMS Allowance is<br />

paid at 7% each day unless the employee is on leave without pay. We further believe that<br />

this will encourage staff to take annual leave (which is a stated goal of management in this<br />

process) as employees will no longer be disadvantaged if they do so.<br />

The practice of not paying out LAMS allowance on leave which is paid out at the termination<br />

of employment would continue.<br />

4) Review of Time Sheets, TOIL, on-call allowances and the LAMS Allowance<br />

We request that a working group with staff, management and union representatives be set<br />

up immediately after the signing of this Agreement and meet at least monthly during the life<br />

of this Agreement. Its goal must be to develop a series of options to present to staff before<br />

the next Agreement in relation to the management of time sheets, TOIL, on-call allowances<br />

and the LAMS allowance.<br />

This group should aim to develop modern, flexible solutions that take account the different<br />

needs of staff, the high pressure environment in which we work and the value of all time that<br />

is worked by staff in the Assembly.<br />

5) Application of the same additional conditions as the rest of the ACTPS<br />

We request that the following changes be made to the LAMS agreement:<br />

• The mature age payment in lieu of employer superannuation contributions for<br />

employees over 70 years of age.<br />

• The additional 5 days personal leave for bonding purposes (to a total of 15 days).<br />

• The additional 2 days bereavement leave per occasion (to a total of 5 days).<br />

• The commitment to pay all allowances on the appropriate payday.<br />

• The increased vacation childcare payments of $52 per day and maximum of $260 per<br />

child.<br />

We request that these conditions be applied to the LAMS Agreement as staff believe that they<br />

should form part of the negotiated wage outcome of 2.5% (as had been the case with the<br />

ACTPS Agreement) and should fairly apply to all staff, public servants or others, who agree<br />

to that same wage increase.

The Government's Position (with staff response in bullet points):<br />

1. Quantum of Pay Increase<br />

2.5% increase from 1 July 2010 plus a $650 sign-on bonus to eligible employees.<br />

• Agreed<br />

2. Duration of Agreement<br />

Short-term Agreement terminating on 30 June 2011.<br />

• Agreed<br />

3. Termination Payments<br />

In accordance with the Auditor General report requirements wording of the current<br />

Agreement clause 13.2 to be revisited and clarified.<br />

• Rejected<br />

• The proposed changes to reduce eligibility for termination payments for Members'<br />

staff will have a significant human toll, especially given that roughly 1/3 of staff<br />

are likely to become unemployed at any given election. These newly unemployed<br />

members - many who would have had a reasonable expectation of ongoing<br />

employment after the election are told on election night that their services are no<br />

longer needed. In these cases, with no payment in lieu of notice or termination<br />

payment, staff only have their annual leave pay out to make ends meet until they<br />

are able to find new work. This situation is unacceptable to staff.<br />

• Even with the suggested grandfathering of the current entitlement for existing<br />

staff, LAMS employees reject any change to their current entitlements.<br />

• The proposed reduction in termination eligibility will only exacerbate the existing<br />

problems with staff accruing significant amounts of annual leave as this will be<br />

their only buffer against sudden and unexpected unemployment after an election<br />

if the proposed changes were to be accepted<br />

• We note that the MOU between Government and Unions in relation to the<br />

negotiation of agency agreements states that this is to be a no-disadvantage<br />

agreement. This was due to the paltry salary offer (below CPI) and the short<br />

duration of the proposed agreements. The proposed changes would lead to a<br />

significant reduction in staff entitlements and you are offering us less overall than<br />

what is being offered to ACTPS.<br />

4. Time Off In Lieu<br />

Accumulation of TOIL credit to be capped at 110.25 hours.<br />

• Refer to working group<br />

• Staff believe that any discussion to the reduction of the TOIL cap must be part of<br />

a wider ranging review of the TOIL system as set out in our log of claims.<br />

5. Annual Leave<br />

Bring excessive annual leave credit handling in line with methodology used in the ACTPS.<br />

• Not agreed, given concerns around the proposed changes to Termination<br />

Payments.<br />

• However, agreed if done in conjunction with the LAMS Allowance rationalisation<br />

and termination payment as set out in the staff claim.

LL<br />

w<br />

-a:<br />

00<br />

Date Se tember 2010<br />

To<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> Minister·<br />

• <strong>Chief</strong> Executive<br />


• Deputy <strong>Chief</strong> Executive, Governance<br />

From Director Public Sector Management<br />

Subject · Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement- Negotiations<br />

Critical date and reason<br />

Agreement to a negotiating position is required ahead of the.next meeting on 6 September 2010.<br />

Purpose<br />

To brief you on the status of negotiations for a replacement LAMS enterprise agreement, and<br />

to seek yonr agreement to a negotiating position on the key issues.<br />

Background<br />

Five meetings have been held with staff and union representatives to date.<br />

A summary of staff claims and the management team's response is provided at Attachment A.<br />

It is understood that you wish to pursue three claims:<br />

• A reduction in the cap on TOIL more consistent with the ACTPS.<br />

• A cap on annual leave accrual.<br />

• Restricting termination payments to bona fide redundancies.<br />

Issues<br />

TOIL and LAMS Allowance<br />

The issues of TOIL, including the cap, and the LAMS allowance for additional hours worked<br />

are interrelated and not straightforward. Both parties consider the most appropriate way<br />

forward would be to undertake a review so that these matters can be proper! y addressed in the<br />

next agreement. The review would also examine the administration of the LAMS allowance<br />

in the context of the staff claim for the allowance to be paid during paid leave.<br />

Annual Leave<br />

Currently the LAMS allowance is only paid on days worked and not on any form of paid or<br />

unpaid leave. Paying the allowance on paid leave would remove the current financial<br />

disincentive to staff taking annual leave. In order for this to be cost neutral the allowance<br />

would need to be reduced proportionately. The staff representatives argue that reducing the<br />

rate of the allowance would result in staff being financially penalised if they do not use their<br />

full annual leave entitlement. On the other hand, paying the allowance on annual leave<br />

without reducing the rate of the allowance would result in an additional cost of around<br />

$27,000 pa if all staff used their fnll annual leave entitlement. If agreed, the allowance<br />

would only be paid on leave taken, and not on accrued leave paid out on termination.<br />


Gratton, lan<br />

From: Duckworth, ian<br />

Sent:<br />

Wednesday, 1 September 2010 12:36 PM<br />

To:<br />

Gillin, Peter<br />

Cc:<br />

Gratton, ian; Viney, Sandra; Wilson, Chris<br />

Subject:<br />

RE: Draft LAMS EA Brief<br />

Folks<br />

I agree with Chris' sobservations.<br />

Please excuse me if I am not fully across the matters but, although it was very clear the TOIL issue has been on the<br />

table, I was not aware of the proposal for 15% for Senior Advisers and above and, if that is a serious option, I<br />

genuinely belive it may need to be given further thought as my hunch is that it may solve one problem and cause<br />

others. So I tend to agree with Chris's suggestion that the brief be simplified to: (a) advise the CM that the proposal<br />

from staff that they be entitled to "have their cake and eat it too" has been rejected; and that the agreement include a<br />

commitment to conduct a review for the next round. It could be observed that this issue has raised its head in every<br />

LAMS agreement.<br />

Re the termination payment, we have been mindful that, even if there is "no change", the clause needs re-writing to<br />

Jvercome the fact that it does not currently convey the intended positon (ie as at the last agreement). Of course,<br />

there is a change proposed and, while we recognise that, theorietically, the A-G/GSO observation that termination<br />

payments should be confined to genuine redundthere is a long history of these payments and so we have supported<br />

grandfathering. It has been unclear to us whether, if staff do as they advocat

Date August 2010<br />

To<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> Minister<br />

• <strong>Chief</strong> Executive<br />


• Deputy <strong>Chief</strong> Executive, Governance<br />

From Director Public Sector Management<br />

Subject Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement- Negotiations<br />

Critical date and reason<br />

Agreement to a negotiating position is required ahead of the next meeting on 6 September 2010.<br />

Purpose<br />

To brief you on the status of negotiations for a replacement LAMS enterprise agreement, and<br />

to seek your agreement to a negotiating position on the key issues.<br />

Background<br />

Five meetings have been held with staff and union representatives to date.<br />

A summary of staff claims, and the management team's response to those claims, is provided<br />

at Attachment A.<br />

It is understood that you wish to pursue three claims:<br />

• A reduction in the cap on TOIL more consistent with the ACTPS.<br />

o A cap on mmualleave accrual.<br />

o Restricting termination payments to bona fide redundancies.<br />

Issues<br />

TOIL and LAMS Allowance<br />

The issues of TOIL and the LAMS allowance are intenelated. The management team has so<br />

far rejected the staff claim to give staff a choice between having access to TOIL or being paid<br />

a bigger allowance in lien of TOIL, as well as the provision of an "on-call allowance" to<br />

compensate staff for the time spent responding to phone calls outside work hours.<br />

However, as staff at the Senior Adviser level and above tend to accrue larger amounts of<br />

TOIL than lower level staff, it may be worthwhile to consider offering an increase to the<br />

allowance (say from 7% to 15% similar to South Australia) in place of all TOIL for Senior<br />

Advisers and above. It may be possible to offset the additional cost of increasing the<br />

allowance for Senior Advisers, by removing the current allowance from lower level staff.<br />

This would need to be compensated by removing the requirement for lower level staff to work<br />

the additional two hours a week before accruing TOIL, andmechanisms implemented to<br />

prevent Senior Advisers from continuing to take TOIL. If accepted, the additional cost would<br />

be in the order of $42,000 pa, compared to $210,000 with no offset. It is also more likely that<br />

agreement could be reached on a reduced TOIL cap for lower level staff.<br />


Legislative Assembly JVlembers' :Stan Enterprise Agreement uratt Without Yrejudice<br />

is committed the concept<br />

of work and life balance and recognises the<br />

importance of employees balancing work and<br />

personal life.<br />

40.2 The parties acknowledge that aU employees have<br />

commitments outside the workplace. These<br />

commitments may relate to family, to the<br />

community and to genl':ral health and wellbeing.<br />

Given the diverse nature of the workforce in the<br />

ACf public sector, the parties recognise that<br />

employees have different needs at different times.<br />

40.3 The parties recognise the need to provide suft1cient<br />

support and flexibility at the workplace to assist<br />

employees in achieving work and life balance.<br />

While familY friendly initiatives are important<br />

aspects of work and life balance, it is also important<br />

that all employees, at all stages in the employees'<br />

working lives, are supported in this manner.<br />

40.4<br />

40.5 The Member will only deny an employee's request<br />

for leave or variation to workplace arrangements<br />

provided under this Agreement where t)1ere arc<br />

operational reasons for doing so. Where a request<br />

is not approved the Member will, if so requested in<br />

writitlg by the employee, provide the reasons for<br />

that decision to the employee in writing. Where a<br />

request is not approved the Member will consult<br />

with the to detem1ine mutually<br />

I<br />

importance of employees balancing work and<br />

personal life. The appropriate balance is a critical<br />

element in developing and maintaining healthy and<br />

productive workplaces. While it is acknowledged<br />

that peak workload periods may necessitate some<br />

extra hours being \VOrked by some employees, this<br />

should be regarded as the exception rather than the<br />

mle.<br />

41.2 Members and employees have a responsibility to ·<br />

minimise the extent to which.excessivc hours are<br />

worked. In the circumstances where work pressures<br />

result in the employee being required to work, or is<br />

likely to work, excessive hours over a significant<br />

period, the Member and employee together must<br />

reView workloads and priorities and detennine<br />

appropriate strategies to address the situation. In<br />

doing so, the Member will consider and implement<br />

one or more of the following strategies to reduce the<br />

. amount of excessive hours being accumulated:<br />

(a) review of workloads and priorities;<br />

(b) re·allocation of resources;<br />

(c) consideration of appropriate arrangements for time<br />

off in lieu or other recompense;<br />

(d) review staffing levels and/or classifications within<br />

the work group.<br />

41.3 The relevant corporate areas wilt consult with the<br />

LAMS Consultative Committee about the<br />

development and implementation of appropriate<br />

strategies to deal with issues associated with<br />

and<br />

concept<br />

of work and life balance and recognises the<br />

importance ofcmployees balancing work and<br />

personal life.<br />

El.2 All employees have commitments outside the<br />

workplace. These commitments may relate to family,<br />

to the community and to general health and<br />

wellbeing. Given the diverse nature of the workforce<br />

in the ACT public sector, it is recognised that<br />

employees have different needs at different times.<br />

EIJ The Territory recognises the need to provide<br />

sufticient support and flexibility at the workplace to<br />

assist employees in achieving work and life balance.<br />

While family friendly initiatives are important<br />

aspects of work and life balance, it is also important<br />

that all employees, at all stages in the employees'<br />

working lives, arc supported through this Agreement.<br />

E1.4 The Member will only deny an employee's request<br />

for leave or variation to wortqJ!ace arrangements<br />

provided under this Agreement where there arc<br />

operational reasons for doing so. Where a request is<br />

not approved the Member will, if so requested in<br />

writing by the employee, provide the reasons for that<br />

decision to the employee in writing. Where a request<br />

is not approved the Member will consult with the<br />

employee to detennine mutually convenient<br />

alternative arrangements. ·<br />

balancing work amqJ

.r<br />

Without Prejudice<br />

Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010-2011<br />

The Government's Position (with staff response in bullet points):<br />

1. Quantum of Pay Increase<br />

2.5% increase from 1 July 2010 plus a $650 sign-on bonus to eligible employees.<br />

• Agreed<br />

2. Duration of Agreement<br />

Short-term Agreement terminating on 30 June 2011.<br />

o Agreed<br />

3. Termination Payments<br />

In accordance with the Auditor General report requirements wording of the current<br />

Agreement clause 13.2 to be revisited and clarified.<br />

o The proposed changes to reduce eligibility for termination payments for<br />

Members' staff will have a significant human toll, especially given that<br />

roughly 1/3 of staff are likely to become unemployed at any given election.<br />

These newly unemployed members- many who would have had a<br />

reasonable expectation of ongoing employment after the election are told<br />

on election night that their services are no longer needed. In these cases,<br />

with no payment in lieu of notice or termination payment, staff only have<br />

their annual leave pay out to make ends meet until they are able to find<br />

new work. This situation is unacceptable to staff.<br />

e Even with the suggested grandfathering of the current entitlement for<br />

existing staff, LAMS employees reject any change to their current<br />

entitlements. ·<br />

• The proposed reduction in termination eligibility will only exacerbate the<br />

existing problems with staff accruing significant amounts of annual leave as<br />

this will be their only buffer against sudden and unexpected unemployment<br />

after an election if the proposed changes were to be accepted<br />

e We note that the MOU between Government and Unions in relation to the<br />

negotiation of agency agreements states that this is to be a nodisadvantage<br />

agreement and the proposed changes would lead to a<br />

significant reduction in staff entitlements. Considering you are offering us<br />

no more than what is being offered to ACTPS employees we want the<br />

same guarantee to apply to LAMS.<br />

4. Time Off In Lieu<br />

Accumulation of TOIL credit to be capped at 110.25 hours.<br />

• Staff believe that any discussion to the reduction of the TOIL cap must be<br />

part of a wider ranging review of the TOIL system as set out in our log of<br />


Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010-2011<br />

Outcomes of Negotiation Meeting Held on<br />

Friday, 13 August 2010, at 10.30 am<br />

ATTENDANCE: Michael White (MEAA), Jan Ryall (CPSU), Leila Walter (CPSU),<br />

Warren Tegg (Ministerial staff/CPSU), Jan Hagan (Opposition staff),<br />

Patrick Moody (Greens staff), Penelope Layland, Peter Gillin (CMD),<br />

Jan Gratton (CMD), Chris Wilson (CMD), Sandra Viney (Secretariat)<br />

APOLOGIES: Andrew Hunter (Government Backbench), Pierre Huetter (Ministerial staff/CPSU).<br />

OUTCOMES of 6 August Meeting and Actions Arising:<br />

o A record of the outcomes of the 6 August 2010 meeting were circulated on 12 August 201 0 ..<br />

o A copy of the proposed Annual leave clause was circulated prior to the meeting on 13 August 2010.<br />

o Statistics on accrued TOIL were circulated prior to the meeting on 13 August 2010.<br />

a Peter Gillin advised that the summary of the changes to the common terms and conditions was<br />

still being finalised, and will be circulated when completed.<br />

• Warren Tegg advised that a written response will be provided in relation to the Government<br />

position early next week, after further consultation with staff.<br />


Peter Gillin outlined the Government's response as follows:<br />

e Quantum pay increase and sign on bonus -Agree to the same quantum as ACTPS employees.<br />

e Mobile phones are left to the discretion of Members -Agree to amend the guidelines to provide<br />

for this discretion on the understanding that the cost is met from the Member's DOA<br />

o Introduce an on-call allowance- Not agreed. Already provided for in salaries and TOIL The<br />

Government may, however, reconsider the LAMS allowance as a substitute for TOIL<br />

" LAMS allowance on paid leave -Agree to change the methodology for calculating the allowance<br />

to incorporate paid leave on the understanding that this is at a reduced rate (6.5%) and not paid<br />

on accrued leave on termination.<br />

e Increased LAMS allowance in lieu of TOIL- Under consideration with regard to cost and<br />

arrangements elsewhere, specifically in relation to Senior Advisers. There would need to be<br />

some form of time recording and an agreed mechanism to prevent staff taking TOIL, and apply to<br />

all specified staff.<br />

" Higher duties allowance is mandated - Not agreed. Discretion to pay HDA already exists in the<br />

current agreement and is a matter for individual Members. Warren Tegg advised that staff agree to<br />

withdraw this claim, however there is a need to educate staff and Members about this entitlement.<br />

o Subsidised transport and parking -Agree to provide salary sacrifice bus fares. Bicycle racks are<br />

already provided, as are a limited number of staff car parks. Not agreed to extending free parking<br />

on the basis of significant additional cost.


e Quantum pay increase and sign on bonus- Government position agreed by staff.<br />

e Mobile phones be left to the discretion of Members -Government position agreed by staff.<br />

o Introduce on call allowance- Staff agree to this being included as a part of a broader review of<br />

the LAMS allowance and TOIL.<br />

0 LAMS allowance on paid leave- Government position still to be put to staff. ·<br />

o Increased LAMS allowance in lieu of TOIL- Government position still to be put to staff.<br />

0 Higher duties allowance be mandated - Government position still to be put to staff.<br />

0 Proposed annual leave clause- Government position still to be put to staff.<br />

0 Restrict eligibility for termination payments - Government position overwhelmingly opposed by<br />

staff. Peter Gillin advised that legal advice had been sought on various aspects of the claim, and<br />

that further information and rationale will be provided following receipt of the legal advice.<br />


0 Next meeting Friday 20 August 2010, at 10.30 am.<br />

0 Patrick Moody advised that an alternate staff representative will be attending the next meeting.

Without Prejudice<br />

Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010-2011<br />

Annual Leave<br />

F7.17 If an employee has accrued two years worth of annual leave credits and unless<br />

exceptional operational circumstances exist, the employee and relevant<br />

Member must agree, and implement an annual leave usage plan to ensure the<br />

employee's accrued leave credit will not exceed two and a half years worth of<br />

annual leave credit.<br />

F? .18 If an employee does not agree to a reasonable annual leave usage plan the<br />

Member may direct an employee who has accrued two and a half years worth<br />

of annual leave credit to take .annual leave to the extent that the employee's<br />

annual leave credit exceeds two and a half years worth of credit, subject to<br />

giving the employee one calendar month notice. This clause does not apply to<br />

an employee who is on graduated return to work following compensation leave.<br />

F7.19 An employee who has an annual leave credit in excess of two and a half years<br />

of entitlement:<br />

(a) at the commencement of the Agreement; or<br />

(b) on joining, or returning to, the Assembly; or<br />

(c) on returning to duty from compensation leave;<br />

will have twelve months to reduce the employee's annual leave balance to two<br />

and a half years of entitlement or below.<br />

F7.20 An employee may not be directed under clause F7.18 to take annual leave<br />

where the employee has made an application for a period of annual leave<br />

equal to or greater than the period specified in clause F? .18 in the past six<br />

. months and the application was not approved. The Member and the<br />

employee may agree to vary an annual leave usage plan.<br />

TOIL Credit as at the end of June 2010 Executive Non-Executive<br />

(based on available records) Employees Employees<br />

Nil 1 9<br />

Less than 1 week (36. 75 hours) 5 18<br />

More than 1 week but less than 2 weeks (73.5 hours) 5 11<br />

More than 2 weeks but less than 3 weeks (110.25) 3 3<br />

More than 3 weeks but less than 140 hours 2 1<br />

140 hours 1 1<br />

Total 17 43

Collective Agreement- Staff and Unions' Log of Claims- Government reponse<br />

1) Quantum of pay increase and sign on bonus<br />

We request a pay rise and sign on bonus of the same quantum as that proposed in the draft<br />

Agency Enterprise Bargain Agreements between the ACf Government and its employees.<br />

• Agreed.<br />

2) On-call Allowance<br />

We request that it be left to the discretion of members, in consultation with their staff, to<br />

decide where provision of a mobile phone with email compatibility could improve productivity.<br />

• Agreed. The Government understands that this claim relates in part to the provision<br />

of blackberry technology. Currently access to blackberry technology is provided for<br />

chief of staff and media advisers only. It is agreed that guidelines may be changed<br />

that allow access to other staff at the discretion of the Member. This is on the<br />

understanding that the cost is met from the Member's DOA.<br />

This undertaking would need to be accompanied by an "on-call allowance", of an agreed<br />

percentage of salary, to account for the additional time outside of work hours that LAMS staff<br />

are required to be available. The increased cost to budget is more than offset by productivity<br />

gains through the use of this technology.<br />

• Not agreed.<br />

• This is already incorporated into salaries, which are 'somewhat in advance' of ACfPS<br />

equivalents.<br />

• Staff can also claim TOIL for this purpose.<br />

• The Government may reconsider an overall LAMS allowance including which has on<br />

call and existing LAMS allowance elements as a substitute for TOIL.<br />

• The Government is unconvinced that an on call allowance would be offset by<br />

productivity gains.<br />

3) Administration of the LAMS Allowance<br />

We request that the LAMS Allowance be paid as an all purpose allowance, that is, on all days<br />

employed, rather than days worked, to reflect the additional availability required of LAMS<br />

staff. This would mean that the LAMS Allowance is paid each day unless the employee is on<br />

leave without pay. This should result in a small increase in the size of the LAMS allowance but<br />

a significant reduction in the administrative burden of calculating the fortnightly variations in<br />

the LAMS allowance. This should have no net budget impact.<br />

• Agreed. The Government is prepared to a change in methodology to calculate the<br />

LAMS allowance over a full year. This would include times when staff are on paid<br />

leave but not at times when on unpaid leave. However, this would be on the<br />

understanding that the payment would be at a reduced rate and not paid on<br />

termination monies.<br />

• The Government does not agree that this will result in a significant reduction in the<br />

administration of the allowance.<br />

4) Time Sheets<br />

We request that management should provide us with model of payment that could be offered<br />

to staff they chose to opt out of TOIL. This should allow for an increase in the LAMS<br />

allowance that adequately compensates the individual for the additional hours that they are<br />

required to work due to the nature of the employment in this area. This would be revenue<br />

neutral as the increase in LAMS allowance would be compensated by the hours of leave that<br />

do not need to be funded and the decreased cost of administration due to the removal of the<br />

need to process timesheets for these staff.

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Under consideration. Looking at cost and agreement arrangements in place<br />

elsewhere.<br />

It is worthwhile exploring as an alternative for TOIL or for the reduction in the cap on<br />

TOIL, particularly for Senior Advisers. However, some form of time recording would<br />

still need to occur.<br />

There would need to be an agreed mechanism preventing staff who could continue to<br />

take time off in lieu in addition to receiving the allowance.<br />

However, staff must be offered the choice between additional LAMS allowance with no access<br />

to TOIL or the current system with timesheets and access to TOIL and also be able to change<br />

between these schemes once per year to reflect their changing circumstances.<br />

• Difficulty in administering two systems, particularly where staff can swap between<br />

them. If there is going to be a change it would need to apply to all staff, or to specific<br />

classifications (such as all Senior Advisers and above).<br />

5) Higher Duties Allowance<br />

We request that clause 34 to be altered to permit an enforceable 'higher duties' allowance<br />

where a staff member is expected to perform at a higher level to fulfil the duties of a higher<br />

level employee during periods of absence longer than two weeks.<br />

· ·• This discretion already exists at clause 35 of the current agreement.<br />

• Cannot be mandated as it is up to individual Members how they choose to utilise their<br />

salary allocation and resource their office.<br />

• Relates to salary allocations, which is a funding issue, not a negotiation issue.<br />

• Would impose an additional administrative burden/cost in processing extra contracts.<br />

This should be structured such that extended periods leave do not count against Member's<br />

salary caps which will allow other staff to act In their places without disadvantaging the<br />

Member's ability to staff their offices and pay their staff at appropriate levels for the work<br />

they are undertaking.<br />

• There is already provision for the <strong>Chief</strong> Minister to approve requests for<br />

supplementation where extended periods of leave are outside the Member's control<br />

and require back filling (such as maternity leave). Relief component is included in<br />

the salary component for smaller offices.<br />

Sf Equitable access to subsidised transport and parking<br />

We request that all staff have access to a range of options which minimise the cost of<br />

transport to and from work, whether that be via public transport, private vehicle or bicycle.<br />

This should acknowledge that only a limited number of staff have access to free parking at<br />

present while others are forced to pay significant out of pocket expenses for transport and<br />

parking costs.<br />

• Agreed in part.<br />

o The Government is to provide salary sacrifice arrangements for bus fares, through<br />

ACTPS common terms and conditions and is willing to flow this through to LAMS.<br />

o Bicycle racks are already provided. The Government contends that this is not an<br />

agreement matter.<br />

• There are a limited number of staff car parks made available to non-executive<br />

Members (1), the Leader of the Opposition (2) and the Speaker (2). The Government<br />

acknowledges that Ministerial staff, either have access to free basement parking in<br />

the Nara building, or free voucher parking in the public car park. Most local ACTPS<br />

staff do not have access to free parking.<br />

• If free parking was to be introduced it would be at a significant cost, including FBT.

Without Prejudice<br />

Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010-2011<br />

The Government's Position:<br />

1. Quantum of Pay Increase<br />

2.5% increase from 1 July 2010 plus a $650 sign-on bonus to eligible employees.<br />

2. Duration of Agreement<br />

Short-term Agreement terminating on 30 June 2011.<br />

3. Termination Payments<br />

In accordance with the Auditor General report requirements wording of the current<br />

Agreement clause 13.2 to be revisited and clarified.<br />

4. Time Off In Lieu<br />

Accumulation of TOIL credit to be capped at 110.25 hours.<br />

5. Annual Leave<br />

Bring excessive annual leave credit handling in line with methodology used in the<br />

ACTPS.<br />

6. Minimal change<br />

· Minimal changes to be made apart from those changes mentioned above and<br />

others legally required by the Fair Work Act 2009.

Collective Agreement- Staff Log of Claims<br />

1) Quantum of pay increase and sign on bonus<br />

We request a pay rise and sign on bonus of the same quantum as that proposed in the draft<br />

Agency Enterprise Bargain Agreements between the ACT Government and its employees.<br />

2) On-call Allowance<br />

We request that it be left to the discretion of members, in consultation with their staff, to<br />

decide where provision of a mobile phone with email compatibility could improve productivity.<br />

This undertaking would need to be accompanied by an "on-call allowance", of an agreed<br />

percentage of salary, to account for the additional time outside of work hours that LAMS staff<br />

are required to be available. The increased cost to budget is more than offset by productivity<br />

gains through the use of this technology.<br />

3) Administration of the LAMS Allowance<br />

We request that the LAMS Allowance be paid as an all purpose allowance, that is, on all days<br />

employed, rather than days worked, to reflect the additional availability required of LAMS<br />

staff. This would mean that the LAMS Allowance is paid each day unless the employee is on<br />

leave without pay. This should result in a small increase in the size of the LAMS allowance but<br />

a significant reduction in the administrative burden of calculating the fortnightly variations in<br />

the LAMS allowance. This should have no net budget impact.<br />

4) Time Sheets<br />

We request that management should provide us with model of payment that could be offered<br />

to staff they chose to opt out of TOIL. This should allow for an increase in the LAMS<br />

allowance that adequately compensates the individual for the additional hours that they are<br />

required to work due to the nature of the employment in this area. This would be revenue<br />

neutral as the increase in LAMS allowance would be compensated by the hours of leave that<br />

do not need to be funded and the decreased cost of administration due to the removal of the ·<br />

need to process timesheets for these staff.<br />

However, staff must be offered the choice between additional LAMS allowance with no access<br />

to TOIL or the current system with timesheets and access to TOIL and also be able to change<br />

between these schemes once per year to reflect their changing circumstances. ·<br />

5) Higher Duties Allowance<br />

We request that clause 34 to be altered to permit an enforceable 'higher duties' allowance<br />

where a staff member is expected to perform at a higher level to fulfil the duties of a higher<br />

level employee during periods of absence longer than two weeks.<br />

This should be structured such that extended periods leave do not count against Member's<br />

salary caps which will allow other staff to act in their places without disadvantaging the<br />

Member's ability to staff their offices and pay their staff at appropriate levels for the work<br />

they are undertaking.<br />

6) Equitable access to subsidised transport and parking<br />

We request that all staff have access to a range of options which minimise the cost of<br />

transport to and from work, whether that be via public transport, private vehicle or bicycle.<br />

This should acknowledge that only a limited number of staff have access to free parking at<br />

present while others are forced to pay significant out of pocket expenses for transport and<br />

parking costs.

Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Subject:<br />

Wilson, Chris<br />

Monday, 2 August 2010 9:53AM<br />

Gillin, Peter; Gratton, ian<br />

McAiary, Luke; McDonald, Wendy<br />

FW: TOIL slats so far<br />

It has not been possib(e to get all of the TOIL stats as we are having some difficulty getting the info from Ministers'<br />

offices. The data below represents information provided by 3 ministers' offices.<br />

Chris<br />

Advisor Levell<br />

Advisor Level 2<br />

Senior Advisor Levell<br />

Senior Advisor Level2 & <strong>Chief</strong> of Staff<br />

June<br />

Av. 32 hours<br />

Av. 59.35 hours<br />

Av. 75.02 hours<br />

Av. 84.43 hours<br />

January<br />

Av. 7.85 hours<br />

Av. 8 hours<br />

Av. 28.29 hours<br />

Av. 56.32 hours<br />

T1ocre is only one staff member with a TOIL level of 140 hours (COS). There is no one exceeding 140 hours.<br />


From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Subject:<br />

Ian<br />

Viney, Sandra<br />

Thursday, 29 July 2010 8:34AM<br />

Gratton, ian<br />

LAMS Timesheets<br />

Attached is a spreadsheet with timesheet records for non-Exec members' staff including their TOIL balance at<br />

the end of June (or their last timesheet).<br />

Sandra<br />

Timesheets<br />

09-10(2).xls<br />


Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Subject:<br />

Layland, Penelope<br />

Monday, 26 July 2010 5:30 PM<br />

Gratton, !an; McAiary, Luke<br />

LAMS EBA<br />

The <strong>Chief</strong> Minister has indicated he would like to take the opportunity to wind back those<br />

selected enti tlehtents identified on the list of termination payments, in the course of<br />

regularising termination payments more generally.<br />

He is also more than happy t6 pursue capping annual leave and further reducing TOIL<br />

entitlements as part of the up-coming negotiations, to bring them more into line with PS<br />

practices.<br />

Cheers<br />

Penelope<br />




1. Quantum of pay increase<br />

As with previous LAMS agreements to date, there should be a flow on to LAMS Act employees of the same<br />

quantum pay increase that applies to staff covered by all core ACTPS enterprise agreements, namely 2.5% and<br />

$650 sign-on bonus.<br />

2. Duration of Agreement<br />

As with previous LAMS agreements to date, there should be a flow on to LAMS Act employees of the same<br />

agreement duration that applies to staff covered by all core ACTPS enterprise agreements, namely a twelve<br />

month agreement terminating on 30 June 2010.<br />

3. Core terms and conditions<br />

As with previous LAMS agreements to date, there should be a .flow on to LAMS Act employees of the same .<br />

terms and conditions, where applicable, that apply to staff covered by all core ACTPS enterprise agreements. In<br />

the context of the current enterprise negotiations, these include:<br />

Decisions already agreed by the ACT Government<br />

• The inclusion of Grandpa'rentalleave- up to 52 weeks unpaid;<br />

• Maternity leave- increased from 14 to 18 weeks paid leave;<br />

• Primary Care Giver leave- increased from 14 to 18 weeks paid leave;<br />

• Bonding leave- increased .fro in 5 to 10 days paid leave;<br />

• The inclusion of Community Service leave- 4 days paid Voluntary Emergency Management leave and 3<br />

days paid Voluntary Community Service leave; and<br />

• Enhanced scope to access disputes resolution provisions.<br />

Changes that have been bargained at a whole of government level<br />

• Bereavement leave - increased from 3 to 5 days paid leave;<br />

• All Schedule C allowances- adjusted by the percentage increase in pay;<br />

• New requirement that employees' ordinary fortnightly allowances be paid on the appropriate payday;<br />

• Increases in vacation childcare program payments;<br />

• Time Off in Lieu- TOIL can be used for absences below 1 day;<br />

• Personal leave- the employer may request an employee provide a statutory declaration as an<br />

alternative to requesting a medical certificate;<br />

• The inclusion of Family and Community Day in the Public Holidays clause.<br />

4. LAMS-specific terms and conditions<br />

Terms and Conditions of Employment<br />

Given the need for fiscal restraint and the short duration of the agreement there should be no, or at most<br />

minimal change to existing terms and conditions of employment consistent with the core conditions and<br />

subject to there being no net financial cost.<br />

Termination Payments<br />

Given the questionable legal status the entitlement of LAMS Act employees to termination payments should<br />

be clarified to address the issues identified by the Auditor-General, and any proposed changes to current<br />

custom and practiCe.<br />

Quarantined TOIL<br />

The reference to quarantined TOIL should be removed as this ceased to apply on the date of expiration of<br />

the 2007-2010 Agreement, on 31 March 2010.<br />

Executive Equivalent Positions<br />

Consistent with all core ACTPS enterprise agreements, Executive equivalent positions should be excluded<br />

from the LAMS agreement. This will minimise issues arising should a decision be made to engage an<br />

Executive <strong>Chief</strong> of Staff in future.

Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Subject:<br />

Attachments:<br />

Coyles, Laurel<br />

Saturday, 24 July 2010 2:37PM<br />

Gratton, ian<br />

Blackberry costs<br />

Classification Flex Sheet data 2009-1 O.xls<br />

Hi ian -the Executive enter into a 2 year service agreement with InTACT for each blackberry. The monthly remote email<br />

service fee is $120.85 for each blackberry and includes the handset. Mobile calls are additional to this cost each month.<br />

There is an internal policy that the only individuals eligible for a blackberry are Ministers, <strong>Chief</strong>s of Staff and Media<br />

Advisers. Other advisers can be issued with a mobile phone if requested by the relevant <strong>Chief</strong> of Staff. The cost<br />

associated with blackberries and mobile phones comes out of each <strong>Minister's</strong> budget.<br />

I have also attached a spreadsheet on the submission oftimesheets against classification level for 2009-10. The<br />

information is in no particular order and I have categorised <strong>Chief</strong>s of Staff as SAL2 for anonymity. It is obvious who is<br />

the outgoing and incoming Office Holder but the spreadsheet demonstrates most staff are submitting time sheets.<br />

Hope to have the other information to you on TOIL and annual leave credits/usage before COB Tuesday.<br />

cf.a.u!r.eL eo3L.u<br />

<strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Support & Protocol<br />

Ph: 61 2 6205 0514<br />

Fax: 61 2 6205 0289<br />

email: laurel.coyles@act.gov.au<br />


Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:·<br />

To:<br />

Subject:<br />

Ian.<br />

Layland, Penelope<br />

Friday, 2 July 2010 3:57PM<br />

Gratton, lan<br />

LAMS EBA<br />

The <strong>Chief</strong> is happy to pursue capping annual leave entitlements, regularising termination<br />

payments (as discussed) and pursuing further reform of TOIL (avenue dependent to some<br />

extent on whether staff come to a position on timesheets). ·<br />

I have faxed him the staff wish list. He will get me some feedback on that tomorrm< and I<br />

will drop you an email before I head off to China on Sunday.<br />

Cheers<br />

Penelope<br />




1. Quantum of pay increase<br />

As with previous LAMS agreements to date, there should be a flow on to LAMS Act employees of the same<br />

quantum pay increase that applies to staff covered by all core ACTPS enterprise agreements, namely 2.5% and<br />

$650 sign-on bonus.<br />

2. Duration of Agreement<br />

· As with previous LAMS agreements to date, there should be a flow on to LAMS Act employees of the same<br />

agreement duration that applies to staff covered by all core ACTPS enterprise agreements, namely a twelve<br />

month agreement terminating on 30 June 2010.<br />

3. Core terms and conditions<br />

As with previous LAMS agreements to date, there should be a flow on to LAMS Act employees of the same<br />

terms and conditions, where applicable, that apply to staff covered by all core ACTPS enterprise agreements. In<br />

the context of the current enterprise negotiations, these include:<br />

Decisions already agreed by the ACT Government<br />

• The inclusion of Grandparentalleave- up to 52 weeks unpaid;<br />

• Maternity leave- increased from 14 to 18 weeks paid leave;<br />

• Primary Care Giver leave- increased from 14 to 18 weeks paid leave;<br />

• Bonding leave- increased from 5 to 10 days paid leave;<br />

• The inclusion of Community Service leave- 4 days paid Voluntary Emergency Management leave and 3<br />

days paid Voluntary Community Service leave; and<br />

• Enhanced scope to access disputes resolution provisions.<br />

Changes that have been bargained at a whole of government level<br />

• Bereavement leave- increased from 3 to 5 days paid leave;<br />

• All allowances- adjusted by the percentage increase in pay;<br />

• New requirement that employees' ordinary fortnightly allowances be paid on the appropriate payday;<br />

• Increases in vacation childcare program payments;<br />

• Time Off in lieu- TOIL can be used for absences below 1 day;<br />

• Personal leave- the employer may request an employee provide a statutory declaration as an<br />

alternative to requesting a medical certificate;<br />

• The inclusion of Family and Community Day in the Public Holidays clause.<br />

4. LAMS-specific terms and conditions<br />

Terms and Conditions of Employment<br />

Given the need for fiscal restraint and the short duration of the agreement there should be no, or at most<br />

minimal change to existing terms and conditions of employment subject to there being no net financial cost.<br />

Termination Payments<br />

Given the questionable legal status the entitlement of LAMS Act employees to termination payments should<br />

be clarified to address the issues identified by the Auditor-General, on the basis of no change to current<br />

custom and practice.<br />

Quarantined TOIL<br />

The reference to quarantined TOIL should be removed as this ceased to apply on the date of expiration of<br />

the 2007-2010 Agreement, on 31 March 2010.<br />

Executive Equivalent Positions<br />

Consistent with all core ACTPS enterprise agreements, Executive equivalent positions should be excluded<br />

from the LAMS agreement. This will minimise issues arising should a decision be made to engage an<br />

Executive <strong>Chief</strong> of Staff in future.

Gratton, lan<br />

From: Gratton, !an<br />

Sent:<br />

Wednesday, 24 February 2010 4:32PM<br />

To:<br />

Lasek, Jeremy<br />

Cc: Gillin, Peter<br />

Subject: LAMS Agreement<br />

Hello Jeremy,<br />

With regard to the upcoming negotiations for a replacement LAMS Agreement, can you advise whether there are<br />

any matters that the <strong>Chief</strong> Minister is looking to pursue.<br />

You will recall that the <strong>Chief</strong> Minister had a particular issue with regard to capping TOIL in the current Agreement,<br />

which is also likely to be an issue that is raised by staff.<br />

I am not sure at this stage what claims staff will be raising, but these may include an on-call allowance and provision<br />

of mobile phones for media advisers.<br />

The present level of the LAMS allowance may also be an issue.<br />

'"'1 Gratton<br />

<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Chief</strong>. <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

Ph: 02 6205 0361<br />

Email: ian.gratton@act.gov.au<br />

Tracking:<br />


Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Subject:<br />

Tracking:<br />

Sandra and Laurel,<br />

Gratton, Jan<br />

Tuesday, 8 December 2009 9:58AM<br />

Viney, Sandra; Coyles, Laurel<br />

Lasek, Jeremy; McAiary, Luke; Gillin, Peter<br />

FW: TOIL Credit<br />

Recipient<br />

Viney, Sandra<br />

Coyles, Laurel<br />

Lasek, Jeremy<br />

McAiary, Luke<br />

Gillin, Peter<br />

Delivery<br />

Delivered: 08/12/200910:02AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/200910:02 AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/2009 10:02 AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/200910:02 AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/200910:02 AM<br />

Further explanation to my previous email (below), it should be noted that TOIL credit accrued under the current<br />

collective agreement (ie. since 9 October 2007) can continue to be utilised beyond the expiry of the Agreement and,<br />

subject to the outcome of negotiations over a replacement agreement, will be able to be rolled over.<br />

Jan<br />

From: Gratton, Ian<br />

Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 2009 9:34AM<br />

To: Viney, Sandra; Coyles, Laurel<br />

Cc: Lasek, Jeremy; McAiary, Luke; Gillin, Peter<br />

Subject: TOIL Credit<br />

Sandra and Laurel,<br />

Could you please remind all LAMS employees at your earliest opportunity of the provision in the current collective<br />

agreement, the ACT Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Union Collective Agreement 2007-2010, which requires all TOIL<br />

credit as at the date of lodgement of the Agreement on 9 October 2007 to be fully utilised by the date of expiration of<br />

the Agreement on 31 March 2010, otherwise any such TOIL credit remaining at the date of expiration if the Agreement<br />

will be forfeited (clause 20.12 of the Agreement refers).<br />

It, implicit in this provision that all TOIL credit as at the date of lodgement of the current Agreement is identified and<br />

has been certified by the employing MLA (or his or her delegate).<br />

Jan Gratton<br />

<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

Ph: 02 6205 0361<br />

Email: ian.gratton@act.gov.au<br />


Gratton, lan<br />

From:<br />

Sent:<br />

To:<br />

Cc:<br />

Subject:<br />

Tracking:<br />

Sandra and Laurel,<br />

Gratton, lan<br />

Tuesday, 8 December 2009 9:34AM<br />

Viney, Sandra; Coyles, Laurel<br />

Lasek, Jeremy; McAiary, Luke; Gillin, Peter<br />

TOIL Credit<br />

Recipient<br />

Viney, Sandra<br />

Coy!es, laurel<br />

Lasek, Jeremy<br />

McAiary, Luke<br />

Gillin, Peter<br />

Delivery<br />

Delivered: 08/12/2009 9:34AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/2009 9:34AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/2009 9:34AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/2009 9:34AM<br />

Delivered: 08/12/2009 9:34AM<br />

Could you please remind all LAMS employees at your earliest opportunity of the provision in the cyrrent collective<br />

agreement, the ACT Legislative Assembly Members' Staff Union Collective Agreement 2007-2010, which requires all TOIL<br />

credit as at the date of lodgement of the Agreement on 9 October 2007 to be fully utilised by the date of expiration of<br />

t'· Agreement on 31 March 2010, otherwise any such TOIL credit remaining at the date of expiration if the Agreement<br />

Wnl be forfeited (clause 20.12 of the Agreement refers).<br />

It is implicit in this provision that all TOIL credit as at the date of lodgement ofthe current Agreement is identified and<br />

has been certified by the employing MLA (or his or her delegate).<br />

lan Gratton<br />

<strong>Workplace</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Chief</strong> <strong>Minister's</strong> Department<br />

Ph: 02 6205 0361<br />

Email: ian.gratton@act.gov.au<br />


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