Canning Rules & Regulations - Thon

Canning Rules & Regulations - Thon

Canning Rules & Regulations - Thon


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<strong>Canning</strong> <strong>Rules</strong> &<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong><br />

Tips to avoid penalization for<br />

improper canning

Steps for Registering a Location<br />

• Storefronts<br />

o Utilize the call script provided, be sure that you obtain the contact<br />

information for the store manager, and fill out all of the required paperwork.<br />

o These can be found under “Students” then “Documents” on THON.org<br />

o Each store may have different rules and regulations, make sure that you are<br />

following the expectations that the manager has set out.<br />

• Intersections<br />

o Utilize the call script when contacting the borough/municipality in the area<br />

you would like to can.<br />

o The can be found under “Students” then “Documents” on<br />

THON.org<br />

o If a permit is required, make sure that you arrange to pick it up if it needs to<br />

be on your person in that particular area.<br />

o Some areas will request an approximate number of canners, please have that<br />

information at hand before making a phone call.

<strong>Canning</strong> Violations<br />

• Standing in medians, paved or unpaved, and standing<br />

in the street<br />

o It is strictly forbidden to stand on medians or in the street while canning. All<br />

intersection canning must take place from sidewalks on the outside of traffic lanes.<br />

<strong>Canning</strong> at traffic circles or highway off-ramps is also prohibited.<br />

o Please see appendix B of the THON Rulebook and/or contact<br />

alternative.fundraising@thon.org with any questions.<br />

o Appendices F and G of the Rulebook will provide clear examples of misconduct and<br />

penalties associated therewith.<br />

• Unregistered canning trips<br />

o All canning trips must be registered on THINK by 11:59 pm the Friday of the<br />

canning weekend. The ability to register trips will be disabled after this time.<br />

o When registering trips, make sure that the trip leader and THON chair information<br />

is updated. If a trip leader is not designated, the primary will be contacted.<br />

o Please see section of the THON Rulebook for questions<br />

o Appendices F and G of the Rulebook will provide clear examples of misconduct and<br />

penalties associated therewith.

<strong>Canning</strong> Violations<br />

• <strong>Canning</strong> with non-approved materials<br />

o Only approved canning materials distributed by THON may be used.<br />

Homemade signs, can wraps or other media are forbidden<br />

o Materials Distribution takes place Wednesday through Friday the week<br />

before each of the four <strong>Canning</strong> Weekends<br />

o Signing up for a Materials Distribution timeslot is required on<br />

THINK prior to registering <strong>Canning</strong> Trips<br />

o Please see section of the THON Rulebook for questions<br />

o Appendices F and G of the Rulebook will provide clear examples of<br />

misconduct and penalties associated therewith.<br />

• <strong>Canning</strong> without organization’s name displayed<br />

o All signs must have the FULL organization name displayed and visible at<br />

all times<br />

o Please see section of the THON Rulebook for questions<br />

o Appendices F and G of the Rulebook will provide clear examples of<br />

misconduct and penalties associated therewith.

<strong>Canning</strong> Violations<br />

• <strong>Canning</strong> before/after sunset<br />

o <strong>Canning</strong> can only take place during daylight hours.<br />

o Please see section 2.1.1 of the THON Rulebook for questions<br />

o Appendices F and G of the Rulebook will provide clear examples of misconduct<br />

and penalties associated therewith.<br />

• <strong>Canning</strong> at questionable/non-FTK storefronts<br />

o <strong>Canning</strong> in front of liquor stores, bars, adult themed venues or any other<br />

location of the like is strictly forbidden.<br />

o Please see section of the THON Rulebook for questions<br />

o Appendices F and G of the Rulebook will provide clear examples of<br />

misconduct and penalties associated therewith.<br />

• <strong>Canning</strong> without permits<br />

o Many locations require permits. It is the responsibility of the organization<br />

to obtain permits where necessary.<br />

o Please see section of the THON Rulebook for questions<br />

o Appendices F and G of the Rulebook will provide clear examples of misconduct<br />

and penalties associated therewith.

Rights to Shared <strong>Canning</strong> Locations<br />

• If a permit is required for location:<br />

• If both groups have permits, the first group to arrive at the location has<br />

exclusive rights to that location. HOWEVER, sharing of intersections/<br />

storefronts is highly encouraged.<br />

• If only one group has a permit, that organization is given exclusive<br />

canning rights<br />

• If a permit is not required for location:<br />

• Any group who has a permit has exclusive rights to the location, even if<br />

another organization arrived first.<br />

• The first organization to arrive has exclusive rights to location if neither<br />

organization has obtained a permit.<br />

• Please see section of the THON Rulebook for questions

<strong>Canning</strong> Etiquette<br />

• Remember that you are representing Penn State, your<br />

Organization, and THON so act accordingly<br />

• Always remain calm and humble—nothing will ever be<br />

solved by yelling or getting upset<br />

• If you would not say or do something in front of a Four<br />

Diamonds Family then do not do it while canning<br />

• Alcoholic beverages or similar substances are<br />

STRICTLY prohibited while canning<br />

• Any Organization found in violation of this will have a meeting with<br />

members of the Overall Committee

<strong>Canning</strong> Etiquette With Other<br />

Organizations<br />

• <strong>Canning</strong> is not a competition<br />

• Share locations when possible<br />

• It is NEVER acceptable to harass other Organizations or<br />

members <strong>Canning</strong>.<br />

• Remember that you are all working For The Kids<br />

• If there is a serious issue, please contact the THON Office.

<strong>Canning</strong> Etiquette With Patrons<br />

• It is NEVER acceptable to harass a potential donor for a donation<br />

• ALWAYS be cordial and polite—you never know who someone is<br />

or what they’ve been through<br />

• If a potential donor asks a question about THON, be prepared to<br />

answer knowledgeably!<br />

• EXAMPLES:<br />

• 96.5% of funds raised in THON 2011 went directly to<br />

THON’s sole beneficiary: The Four Diamonds Fund<br />

• Since pairing with the Four Diamonds Fund in 1977, THON<br />

has donated more than $78 million<br />

• In THON 2011 alone, $9.56 million was raised<br />

• THON is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world<br />

• More than 15,000 students and more than 370<br />

Organizations fundraise for THON<br />

• SAY THANK YOU! It may seem simple, but a thank you goes a long<br />


<strong>Canning</strong> Etiquette With Police<br />

• Be polite and calm and cordial<br />

• Introduce yourself when asked and explain that you are a<br />

member of a student organization benefiting the Penn<br />

State Dance Marathon<br />

• If the Police Officer suggests that there is a problem, listen<br />

to him/her and comply with any direction given<br />

• If the Police Officer would like to speak with someone at<br />

the THON Office, you can give them the office number<br />

listed on your canning sign<br />

• If the Police Officer asks you to leave, do so immediately<br />

• If you are issued a citation or are told that the municipality<br />

does not allow canning, please contact the THON Office<br />

so that other organizations in the area can be notified

Contact Us<br />

• If you have any questions, please email us at<br />

fundraising.safety@thon.org<br />

• We are also willing to help educate your organization's<br />

members, so please let us know if you’d like us to visit a<br />

meeting!<br />

• All individuals who are canning must understand the<br />

guidelines in order to avoid violations.<br />

• Thank you for your continued cooperation and all of<br />

your hard work. Together, we will make a difference in<br />

the life of a child.

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