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Vot 87 No. 40<br />

South Atnboy, N.J.<br />

Board Of Public Works To Meet With<br />

City Fathers On tapin Approval<br />

At Tuesday night's meet-<br />

Ing of the board of public<br />

works, It was decided to<br />

request a meeting with<br />

Mayor Richard J, S/chuirs<br />

and the city council to discuss<br />

the legal sums of<br />

the board's approval of the<br />

Ben La pin apartment<br />

project on Feltus St.-<br />

Last month the board approved<br />

Lapin't request to<br />

construct 26 apartment<br />

units on Peltus St. That<br />

approval was granted after<br />

Lapln submitted new design<br />

plans for the apartment<br />

dwelling.<br />

Last week Mayor Schultz,<br />

supported by city attorney<br />

John Mullane, said that the<br />

board's approval of La pin's<br />

proposal was Illegal because<br />

the revised design<br />

plan for the apartment<br />

building had not first been<br />

.presented to the zoning<br />

board of adjustment.<br />

All requests for use variances<br />

must first receive<br />

the recommendation of the<br />

adjustment board before<br />

they are submitted to the<br />

board of public works for<br />

final approval. This is in<br />

accordance with existing<br />

zoning regulations.<br />

Thomas Vail made the<br />

motion asking for a meeting<br />

with the mayor and<br />

council to determine the<br />

legal aspects of the board's<br />

approval to Ben Lapln. "I<br />

think that at this time we<br />

request a meeting<br />

Wilentz, Howard To<br />

Attend Dem Rally<br />

The South Amboy Democrats<br />

will hold a meeting<br />

at headquarters next Wednesday,<br />

October 19 at 8<br />

p.m. The guest speakers<br />

will be Warren Wilentz and<br />

Congressman James J.<br />

Howard.<br />

Dr. Frank Farrell announced<br />

that all members<br />

of the committee, the<br />

mayor and council, members<br />

of all city boards, past<br />

mayors, councilmen, past<br />

chairmen, city workers,<br />

county workers and friends<br />

of Warren Wilentz and Jim<br />

Howard are all expected to<br />

attend and lend a hand in<br />

helping with the campaign.<br />

This meeting will be held<br />

to set the wheels in motion<br />

for the general election,<br />

November 8.<br />

The South Amboy Democratic<br />

Organization will<br />

hold a pre-election dinnerdante<br />

in the Jemee Mill<br />

Inn on Saturday, November<br />

6. Tickets are $2.50 each<br />

or $5.00 per' couple.<br />

Farrell stated that the<br />

committee would like to<br />

see about 1,000 people attend.<br />

Tickets may be obtained<br />

from any member of<br />

the committee. The chairmen<br />

are Agnes Holton and<br />

Chester Ciszewski.<br />

I. J. WrigiD Co., h<br />

*- fewl Brtate * Iuaraiwt<br />

Ctntor)<br />

Td. f Arkwoy 1-1732<br />

This $Mdty<br />

ClessdfsffthsOey<br />

taw<br />

SJ 0 D O Q a) D Q O O O Q B S) BJ ^^ O 9<br />

with the mayor and council.<br />

Somebody has to learn<br />

some law; maybe we do",<br />

Vail said. He suggested<br />

that the* meeting be held<br />

In private with the pres*<br />

excluded.<br />

Vail also suggested that<br />

the board of public works<br />

should have Its own attorney.<br />

The board presently<br />

does not have legal<br />

counsel at Its meetings.<br />

"This same business of<br />

what's legal and what is illegal<br />

la leaving us high<br />

and dry in some circumstances*',<br />

Vail said. "We<br />

don't get the legal advice<br />

that we need. We're the only<br />

board in town that doesn't<br />

have Its own _aorney.<br />

The board agreed to diecuss<br />

that matter further<br />

at its business session on<br />

October 24.<br />

The board also tabled adjustment<br />

board recommendations<br />

for the'granting<br />

of variances to Mary<br />

Stratton for a two-lot subdivision<br />

at 142-144 Second<br />

St., and to Edward J. Munn<br />

for construction of an automatic<br />

car wash on the west<br />

side of Highway 35. The<br />

single-story car wash<br />

building, to be located near<br />

Hlllcrest Ave., will have<br />

off-street parking facilities<br />

for 85 cars.<br />

The board of public works<br />

may decide on those<br />

recommendation* at their<br />

next meeting, October 25.<br />

Final Registration<br />

For Evening Classes<br />

Final In person registration<br />

for the South Amboy<br />

Adult Evening School will<br />

be held thia evening, October<br />

<strong>13</strong>, from 7 to 8:30<br />

p.m. in the Hoffman High<br />

School Auditorium, John St.<br />

Michael E. Poll, Director<br />

of the Evening School, has<br />

listed openings In the 12<br />

courses being offered for<br />

the fall semester. Classes<br />

will begin on Monday, October<br />

17, and continue on<br />

succeeding Mondays for a<br />

period of <strong>10</strong> weeks.<br />

Courses are open to anyone<br />

regardless of placVcf<br />

residence. The courses<br />

offered are: Sewing, Typing,<br />

Shorthand, public<br />

Speaking, Ballroom Dancing,<br />

Physical' Fitness for<br />

Women, New Math for Parents,<br />

Securities and Investments<br />

(no fee), Beginning<br />

Art, Photograpy, Golf, and<br />

Learning About Antiques<br />

(reflnishlng).<br />

Further information or<br />

registration is available by<br />

contacting Mr. Poll at<br />

77-2456.<br />


Sit MIITINO<br />

Mayor Richard J. Schuitz<br />

requested Edward C.<br />

Reilly, City Engineer, to<br />

attend the next business<br />

meeting of the Mayor and<br />

Council. They plan to look<br />

into the possibility of attracting<br />

industry in the<br />

area of the former dry<br />

dump on lower Main St.<br />

Sayrt-Wood Ferd<br />

fata .'Part* a*d Service<br />

„ «f-*.ruMd Cm<br />

||IT, t, MADISON TOWNfWP<br />

I H. ft. * t«yn»—4 feasts O<br />


Advertising Leas Than<br />

ON THE LEVEL - Pictured above<br />

are, left to right, Arthur Holme*,<br />

Frank Seaman, Leon Oti *nd aurk<br />

R. Lattlbert*on of the" Dlaabled<br />

American Veterans John A. Connors<br />

Chapter #67 gathered around the<br />

transit. They had Just finished leveling<br />

the forms and pouring the concrete<br />

The Women's Branch<br />

Auxiliary of the South Amboy<br />

Memorial Hospital announces<br />

that final plans are<br />

being made for Shackamaxon<br />

Country Club in<br />

Westfleld, New Jersey. The<br />

Auxiliary 1* roost honored<br />

to sponsor this affair,<br />

which has • been a most<br />

successful fund-raising<br />

event in previous years,<br />

with all proceeds to go<br />

to tot hospital.<br />

Mr. Donald W. "Ued,<br />

member of the Board of<br />

Governor* and the Executive<br />

Committee .of the South<br />

Amboy Memorial Hospital,<br />

and a successful local businessman,<br />

will act as Master<br />

of Ceremonies, and will<br />

present the lovely girls<br />

Thursday. October \\<br />

footing for the tasadatton for thsir<br />

now veterans home on lower George<br />

St. Jhe land was granted to<br />

the veterans by rhe City of South Amboy.<br />

The members »rc doing the work<br />

themselves.<br />


who will be making their<br />

debut that evening.<br />

Mrs. Arthur Bottone will<br />

accept final registrations<br />

until the deadline date of<br />

Tuesday, October 18. Mrs.<br />

Bottofle may be contacted<br />

at 30 Craesus Drive, Madison<br />

Township, New Jersey.<br />

•<br />

Plans for the evening include<br />

the presentation of<br />

the girls, followed by dinner<br />

and dancing until 1*00<br />

a.m. to die music of Wai\<br />

ter Cross and bis orchestra.<br />

Pictured above, left to<br />

right, aret Mrs. James<br />

Thompson! Miss Norms<br />

Keegan,, Executive Dirertor<br />

of the Branch Auxiliaries;<br />

Mrs. Edward<br />

I Cholewa, CotlUlon Comi<br />

niittec Chairman; Mr*.<br />

Arthur Bottone; and Mrs.<br />

Ned A ma to. Missing from<br />

the picture is Mrs. John<br />

Robinson.<br />

Tickets are available and<br />

may be purchased from<br />

Auxiliary members.<br />

T iATO<br />

is mm<br />


TNT S Crate<br />

r«jt wotxa ovn<br />

Wp-Trml<br />

*M MAfiT " _<br />

rSBTS AttSOT, W. |,<br />

S#«ctolM«<br />

Price SC (Our til Town W)<br />

Ti NiM AIM*1<br />

Imball Batfsit<br />

Ihr annual baaouet for<br />

Little league, Bah* Ruth<br />

league, Softball and Baseball<br />

managers and coaches<br />

win be held on Saturday, '<br />

November |0, §t Johns<br />

Halfway Hous* at 7;SO p.m.<br />

1 he guest speaker will he<br />

ttu popular Jerry Molloy.<br />

j.rry Molloy was aaknown<br />

for his baanfflciatlng<br />

and at<br />

th< present time la Recreation<br />

Director of Hobofcen<br />

and baieball coach of St.<br />

r< (• r'« ( ollege in Jersey<br />

city He i* a personal<br />

M.-nu of KecreatlonDlrtctiir<br />

John Zdanewics and<br />

referred many fames In<br />

South Amboy.<br />

All managers and coaches<br />

of (he various teams are<br />

requited (o contact John<br />

Zdanewicz and report the<br />

exact number of those planning<br />

to attend before the<br />

•nd of the month.<br />

I he Commission, thru the<br />

efforta of Dan Uwla, Maintenance<br />

Superviaor, was<br />

informed that approximately<br />

$800 worth of equipment<br />

was damaged. The<br />

Commission asked the<br />

Council to erect signs of<br />

warning at the playgrounds<br />

that violators will be<br />

proHecutcd or pay for the<br />

g<br />

I he Commission recom-<br />

•flendvd to the Mayor and<br />

Council that the three<br />

pieces of pUygrouadsqyljsment<br />

adjaoent to the City<br />

Halt be removed and installed<br />

on the George Street<br />

and Pupek Road playgrounds.<br />

The present area<br />

could be macadamised and<br />

used very effectively as a<br />

parking area for City Hall<br />

patrons and alleviate a congested<br />

parking condition on<br />

George Street during the<br />

basketball season. It<br />

recommended thatailplaygrounds<br />

be macadamised.<br />



Mr*. Kate OeSantls, proriiKir<br />

of ms DsSantts<br />

avern on Hmt St. WSS<br />

t'UHtl severely beaten at<br />

I p.m. list night.<br />

Mr». OeSantls was found<br />

y Mrs. Alex Mstussewskl<br />

f 77 f'roapect Ave., WoodrMge<br />

and taken to the<br />

erth Amboy GeneralHosita)<br />

where she is In crin<br />

,i! condition. Her assail-<br />

'ft In unknown at this time.<br />

investigating officers are<br />

X. Jcjhn Ouggan, PU. John<br />

Ix-ary and Steve Malkl*ic/..<br />

I he 'nvesUfatlon Is<br />

continuing.<br />


Type O Negative blood la<br />

needed for Councilms* P.<br />

Joaeph Rush who Is S Patient<br />

at the Perth Amboy<br />

Genera] Hospital. Donors<br />

are requested to call<br />

442-3700.<br />

Mali Llfiar Stm<br />

Tifesfle<br />

WeOteVe/. PA<br />

He* yev<br />






For The past two years,<br />

BriggB Chevrolet has been<br />

a staunch supporter of the<br />

High School Driver Education<br />

Program. In keeping<br />

with this support, Daniel<br />

A. Zack today announced<br />

that during the forthcoming<br />

school year Brlggs Chevrolet<br />

is again loaning two<br />

cara to two secondary<br />

schools in this area.<br />

"No one is ever too young<br />

unlearn to be a safe<br />

driver," said Mr. Zack.<br />

"With more and more cars<br />

on the road every day, safe<br />

driving habits and good<br />

manners are a necessity.<br />

Xhe safety of everyone In<br />

our community depends<br />

upon making sure our teenage<br />

drivers are properly<br />

trained to handle an automobile.<br />

We, at Briggs<br />

Chevrolet, are fully behind<br />

this comprehensive program<br />

of driver education<br />

now being offered in over<br />

12,000 schools across the<br />

country."<br />

Schools slated to receive<br />

the cars at the start of<br />

the new semester are: St.<br />

Mary's and Harold G.Hoffman<br />

High Schools In Soutfe<br />

Amboy.<br />

U.TIMATE CITV- Krankly,<br />

I haven't heard a KOO an<br />

effort to demonstrate that in<br />

the cities you can pile federal<br />

aid upon federal aid until you<br />

build a complete federal city,<br />

which belongs entirely to the<br />

taxpayers but which has no<br />

taxpayers to keep it going."<br />

• • •<br />


In submitting an amendment<br />

which would have allowed communities<br />

with 150,000 persons<br />

or fewer to vote on urban renewal,<br />

Rep. Florence Dwyer<br />

(R.-N. J.) says: "This is not<br />

an anti-renewal amendment...<br />

All too often, however, the people<br />

of a community have been<br />

the missing ingredient in urban<br />

renewal. The peopl* have a<br />

right to know and to participate<br />

in making the community's<br />

decision about urban<br />

renewal, and urban renewal<br />

needs the enlightened understanding<br />

of the community."<br />

ImpuUtv«<br />

Would you mgre» that moat<br />

marriage proposals are made<br />

oo the purr of the moment?<br />

Sayreville Superintendent Of<br />

Schools Set To Retire<br />

Vincent I. Abl>;itiello<br />

After forty years in the<br />

field of education as a<br />

teacher and administrator,<br />

Vincent J. Abbatlello, Superintendent<br />

of Schools in<br />

Sayreville, handed In his<br />

CAMPAIGN MI:I:TIN(; AND t,:ooK-<br />

(JUT - Republicans ^ither al the<br />

home of former mayor Thorvald Olson<br />

for a campaign meeting and cookout.<br />

Olsen just returned from a trip to<br />

the west coast and lost no time in<br />

calling his supporters together.<br />

Final Registration<br />

-2-<br />

resignation. His retirement<br />

will go into effect<br />

June 30, 1967,<br />

Mr. Abbatlello wa,s In the<br />

employ of the SayrevHle<br />

School System for twentynine<br />

years. He - advanced<br />

from teacher and coach to<br />

director of athletics, to<br />

principal and then to the<br />

Superintendence of the system.<br />

Mr. Abbatlello notified the<br />

school board that his<br />

retirement was s«ely for<br />

personal reasons. He said<br />

that he felt it was necessary<br />

to notify them at this<br />

time so that they would have<br />

ample time in the selection<br />

of his successor.<br />






Faff tirm of <strong>10</strong> weeks, beginning Monday, October 17, <strong>1966</strong><br />

Registration: Thursday, October <strong>13</strong> from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at H. G.<br />

• Hoffman High School Auditorium. IN PERSON ONLY.<br />

Courses are open to anyone regardless of place of residence.<br />

All courses to be held pn Mondays from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. or'from<br />

8:40 p.m. to <strong>10</strong>:<strong>10</strong> p.m. Fe>e Per Course $<strong>10</strong>. .<br />







SEWING<br />

GOLF<br />

TYPING<br />




For further information' or registration, contact My. Poll, Adult School<br />

Director at 727r2436. . % ' ' -.<br />



Commissioner Robert A.<br />

Roe of the New Jersey Department<br />

of Conservation<br />

and Economic Development<br />

has lifted the conservation<br />

order banning the issuance<br />

of permits for all open fires<br />

In the woodlands of the<br />

State.<br />

According to the Commissioner,<br />

rainfall during the<br />

past week has been sufficient<br />

to permit cancellation<br />

of the order, issued on July<br />

19 when lack of rain, low<br />

humidity, and drying winds<br />

created extremely hazardous<br />

conditions in the State's<br />

wooded areas, particularly<br />

in northern counties. Commissioner<br />

Roe commended<br />

the citizens of New Jersey<br />

for their outstanding cooperation<br />

in complying with<br />

the no fire ban that has<br />

materially reduced the<br />

number of forest fires during<br />

these past few months<br />

which have been the driest<br />

in the State's history.<br />



Pictured above, left to ri^ht, are:<br />

Nelson Thomson; Les Batchelor;<br />

Thorvakl Olsen (showing the famous<br />

"V" for victory); Joseph Bradley<br />

(Olsen's running mate who is seeking<br />

the office of Councilman-at-Large);<br />

and Henry Blilemeyer, Municipal<br />

Chairman of Sayreville.<br />




Plumbing<br />

and Heating<br />

GAS<br />


Unit. Installed<br />

j , 359 Henry Street<br />

• • • SOUTH AMBOY •<br />

\ Tel. PArkway 1-0118}<br />

••••••••••»»•»»•••••+••••••••»<br />

POTTS' \<br />

.PArkway 14781<br />


SOUTH AMBOr, N J. «'<br />

t (Near S. Amboy Hospital) '"<br />

Hoffman Assembly<br />

Hoiiofs Columbus<br />

Hoffman High School acted<br />

as host to the Varsity Choir<br />

and Girls Chorus of Carteret<br />

High on 1 uesday afternoon,<br />

October <strong>10</strong>, in the<br />

school . gymnasium. The<br />

assembly was the school's<br />

annual tribute to Christopher<br />

Columbus.<br />

The Varsity Choir of Carteret<br />

is made up of sixty<br />

boys and girls, students<br />

from grades <strong>10</strong> thru 12,<br />

The Girls Chorus If composed<br />

of thrity-flve young<br />

ladies who sing in three<br />

part harmony. Both groups<br />

performed at the assembly<br />

presenting a delightful<br />

repetbire of folk songs,<br />

selections .from outstanding<br />

musicals, religious<br />

numbers, and closing with<br />

a stirring rendition of The<br />

Battle Hymn of the Republic.<br />

Hoffman honored their<br />

guests with a standing ovation.<br />

The director of the<br />

Carteret group is Miss<br />

Joan Bressman who holds<br />

a B. L. -A. in music from<br />

(Jarnegie Institute of Technology.<br />

T hursday, October <strong>13</strong>, <strong>1966</strong><br />

CALfNOAR<br />

OF rVfNTS<br />

A pancake breakfast will<br />

be held at the Masonic<br />

Temple, 268 Main St.r on<br />

Saturday, October IS, from<br />

7 to 11 a.m. Serving the'<br />

breakfast will be the Advisory*<br />

Board of the Reinbow<br />

Girls. Donation if on*<br />

dollar - and all you can<br />

eatl<br />

The Woman's Auxiliary<br />

of the South Amboy Memorial<br />

Hospital will hold a<br />

cake sale on Friday, October<br />

14 from 1 to 7 p.m.<br />

and on Saturday, October<br />

15 from <strong>10</strong> a.m. until all<br />

cakes are sold.<br />

The annual pilgrimage<br />

sponsored. by the Ladies<br />

Auxiliary Hi Ancient Order<br />

of Hibernians will take<br />

place on Sunday, Oct. 16<br />

to the National Shrine of<br />

Mary Help of Christians,<br />

West Haverstraw, N. Y,<br />

Tto Umg aad Short «( It'<br />

In •print • young min'a<br />

fancy Uinu to Incom* ttx«i<br />

and other forma.<br />

On the Lawn<br />


A friend of mine called me recently and<br />

complained that n certain weed-control<br />

product "wasn't any goad." He had used<br />

it on his lawn and it didn't work. Since I<br />

was the one who had recommended it, I<br />

decided to investigate.<br />

Had he followed the suggestions in the<br />

directions-folder? No he hadn't noticed<br />

them. When had he used the product? He<br />

said he had put it on just before it rained,<br />

figuring- this would be best. And when I<br />

told him that it was the worst possible<br />

time because the granules are intended to<br />

stick to the weed leaves and be absorbed,<br />

he was crestfallen.<br />

When weed controls "fail to work,"<br />

nine times out of ten it is because they<br />

were improperly applied. It is no use trying<br />

to eliminate dandelions, plantain,<br />

chickweed and the like when it's too cold<br />

or too dry for the weeds to be growing<br />

vigorously. On the other hand it is no use<br />

using a pre-emergence spring control for<br />

crab-grass in the summer when the plants<br />

are flourishing. Instead, use Clout. So be<br />

sure to read the instructions before you<br />

fill your spreader. .<br />

Considering 1 how many people there<br />

are who won't read instructions, it has<br />

always surprised me that a company like<br />

Scotts, who make numerous weed controls<br />

and fertilizers, is able and willing to<br />

guarantee their effectiveness on a moneyback<br />

basis and no questions asked.<br />

JO-TOMS<br />

will celebrate its<br />


for the benefit of the<br />

South Amboy First Aid Squad<br />

Thursday, Oct., 27th<br />


One-half of proceeds wijl be donated<br />

fo ffce Sqyedj^ jo hi'« mokm thi$<br />

a good year tor the boys.<br />


• i<br />

<strong>13</strong>4 So. Pin Avintii South Aalty, N. J.<br />

Phone 727-2331

Tfc* *«1 Tti AMP«Y<br />

The following area birth*<br />

have been recorded at the<br />

South Amboy Memorial<br />

Hospital:<br />

Son to Mr. k Mra. James<br />

Sbarra, West Access Rd.<br />

Bldf. 11, Apt, 16, Parlin.<br />

* Daughter to Mr. & Mra.<br />

Loui* Henyecx, 46 Shorn<br />

Rd., Edison.<br />

Dtughter to Mr. *. Mra.<br />

Gtenn Kupacb, IS Elaen*<br />

bower Dr., Sayreville.<br />

Daughter to Mr. « Mra.<br />

Prank Puccio, 5 Lovely<br />

Drive, South Amboy.<br />

don to Mr. fc Mra. Edward<br />

Volk, 532 A Fidgeway<br />

Ave., South Amboy.<br />

Daughter to Mr. & Mra.<br />

John Buckler, 292 Stevens<br />

Ave., Morgan.<br />

Son to Mr. & Mrs. Fred<br />

Koove, 1518 Vermeer Dr.,<br />

South, Amboy.<br />

Son to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph<br />

Novak, 146 White head Ave.,<br />

South River.<br />

Son to Mr. & Mrs. Frank<br />

MutiUtis, 722 Convery<br />

Blvd., Perth Amboy.<br />

Son to Mr. & Mrs. Robert<br />

Kenny, 339 David St.,<br />

South Amboy.<br />

Daughter to Mr. & Mrs.<br />

Thomas Leobold, Circle L<br />

Trailer Ct., RD 1, Box 27,<br />

Old Bridge.<br />

The following area births<br />

have been recorded at the<br />

Perth Amboy General Hospital:<br />

A son to Mr. and Mrs.<br />

William Hach, 732 Laurence<br />

Parkway, Laurence<br />

Harbor.<br />

A daughter to Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Thomas Jewell, <strong>10</strong>8<br />

So. Broadway, South Amboy.<br />

A daughter to Mr. and<br />

Mrs. John. Pawlowski, 6<br />

South Amboy Rd., South<br />

Amboy.<br />

A son to Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Robert Magnani, 187 Axcess<br />

Rd., Parlin.<br />

A daughter to Mr. and<br />

Mrs.. Herminlo Santiago,<br />

' 968 Matawan Rd., Laurence<br />

Harbor.<br />

The following area birth<br />

has been recorded at St.<br />

Peter's General Hospital,<br />

New Brunswick:<br />

A daughter to Mr. and<br />

Mrs. John Haag, <strong>10</strong> Krumto<br />

St., Sayreville.<br />

Planning<br />

a Wedding<br />

JURSKI<br />


Waddings - Proms<br />

• Club Dates<br />


Wear A Palm Beach<br />

Celtbrity Formal<br />

Whatever the occasion<br />

demands, be impeccably<br />

tailored*, comfortably<br />

correct and you'll enjoy<br />

yourself Just that much<br />

more.<br />

CAU<br />

M .. .... CAU |<br />

HI 2-71<strong>10</strong><br />

311 SMITH ST ftlTH AMI0Y<br />

Pvbllth** fv*y<br />

by th*<br />

So. Amboy Publishing Co., Inc.<br />

4J3 AwfMtla St.. South Aaboy, N. J.<br />

1112<br />

J. ft. Wojciechowtki<br />

Phone PArkwoy LOOO'4<br />

Intmtmd «l<br />

Savtk Aatoy toil<br />

M«ttar •»<br />

A0 t» MM* i. It**<br />

ThU<br />

MM y*m • ft pm<br />

1 • • ^<br />

ifMiw *VMY Prat* kum.)<br />

Hitfital Anil<br />

At the last meeting of<br />

the South Amboy Memorial<br />

Hospital; Woman's Auxiliary,<br />

Sayrawoods Chapter,,<br />

election of officer* for the<br />

year took place. The new<br />

officers are: Chairman,<br />

Mrs. Eileen Franklin;<br />

Vice-Chelrman, Mrs. Sue<br />

Paul; Secretary, Mrs.<br />

Dorothy Grant; Treasurer,<br />

Mrs. Nellie KubieUkj<br />

Program, Mrs. Sue Paul;<br />

Baby Alumni, Mrs. Ann<br />

MoGulre; Publicity, Mrs.<br />

Carolee Paczkowski.<br />

Activities listed for the<br />

coming year are as follows.<br />

At the November meeting<br />

a Ceramic demonstration<br />

will be featured by Mrs.<br />

Helen Scherrer of North<br />

Plairifleld. She will show<br />

how various ceramic articles<br />

are made, types of<br />

glazes, etc.<br />

The Annual Cotillion<br />

sponsored by all chapters<br />

of the auxiliary will take<br />

place on November 19 at<br />

the Shackamaxon Country<br />

Club, Scotch Plains. Anyone<br />

Interested In obtaining<br />

tickers may contact Mrs.<br />

Eileen Franklin at<br />

721-3193 after 6 p.m.<br />

The annual Christmas<br />

Party for the Say re woods<br />

Chapter will be held on<br />

December 7. There will be<br />

an exchange of gifta.<br />

try Lists Plus :<br />

The annual membership<br />

drive wlU take patcetfi Janwry.<br />

A TM «U1 doee the<br />

event it the February<br />

Mrs.$oaal* Valentino,<br />

Chairman, and Mrs. Sue<br />

Paul, Co-chairman, have<br />

announced that the Annual<br />

Fashion Show will take<br />

place on March 18, 1967<br />

at the Schackamaxon<br />

Country Club. More Information<br />

will be available<br />

at a later date.<br />

A cooking demonstration<br />

will be held on April 5,<br />

1967 at the Jersey Central<br />

Ppwera Light Co. Mrs.<br />

Carolee Paczkowski. and<br />

Mrs. Sue Paul are In charge<br />

of the affair.<br />



The. Ladiea Aid Society<br />

of the First Presbyterian<br />

Church will hold a homemade<br />

-bread sale on October<br />

19 from 2 to 4 p.m.<br />

On Tuesday, October 23,<br />

the ladies will meet at the<br />

"church where they will<br />

leave for a visit to Miss<br />

Wells at the Belvedere<br />

Home, Belvedere, N. J.<br />

At the November 7 meeting,<br />

a linen demonstration<br />

will be held.<br />

-s-<br />

SAVICVillE SftAK Till<br />

The Sayrtttlle Shads Tree<br />

Comnlaalon la again offering<br />

trees for sate to<br />

borough -residents tor sidewalk<br />

plaatijif within the<br />

dedicated Hf right-of-way,<br />

it was announced by Mr*.<br />

Ceal Wlanteweld, secretary.<br />

The trees will be<br />

planted on the Inside of<br />

the sidewalk, and not*between<br />

the curb and sidewalk.<br />

Residents will hive their<br />

choice of tiowertng<br />

Japanese Cherry (upright<br />

tree form) and Northern<br />

Red Oak, at a cost of $9.00<br />

per tree, with quantities<br />

limited to two trees per<br />

residence. The trees will<br />

be delivered and planted by<br />

the borough. Care and<br />

maintenance of the trees<br />

la left to the property<br />

owner, with no guarantee<br />

attached. Property owners<br />

are urged to water their<br />

newly planted shade trees<br />

dally, giving them at least<br />

a bucket of water each day,<br />

' right up until the time the<br />

ground freezes.<br />

Orders for trees, accompanied<br />

by a check or<br />

money order for $3.00 payable<br />

to the Borough of<br />

Sayreville, should be,<br />

mailed to the commission<br />

in care of Mrs. Ceal Wis-<br />


aiewsJd. secretary, «2<br />

Scott Avenue, Sot** Amboy.<br />

(Orders should not be<br />

mailed to tht Municipal<br />

Building).<br />

The trees will bt planted<br />

in late November, depending<br />

on weather conditions.<br />

Replacements of trees<br />

planted last year will also<br />

be mad* at this time. Cteeing<br />

date for receiving orders<br />

for planting this fall<br />

is October 21, <strong>1966</strong>.<br />

CMI MII sum IT<br />

•wim MIUMIT<br />

Womea's<br />

ft* Sow* Amboy itbny Memorial<br />

Hospital will 111 he* a cake<br />

sale at tfte Psodtowii Msr-<br />

on Friday. October 14,<br />

from I to 7 n,m, and on<br />

Saturday, October 19, from<br />

<strong>10</strong> a.m, until all cake*<br />

ar* sold. If »nyons> would<br />

Ilk* to donate • cake), b>*y<br />

may oomect Mr*. Albert<br />

Helm, cbalrlsdy.<br />


The South Amboy Junior<br />

Woman's Club held their<br />

meeting on Monday, October<br />

<strong>10</strong>, at the Protection<br />

Flrthous*.<br />

Final plans for Tag Day<br />

which will be held tomor-<br />

.»*. October 14, van<br />

mads. Mrs, Mward Condi<br />

racci la ohalrtady.<br />

The next meting will b*<br />

held on Monday, October,<br />

24, at di* Protection Pirahous*.<br />

<strong>13</strong>1 N. BROADWAY, SO. AMBOY<br />

let. PArkway 1-0476<br />


lei. PArkway 1-M70<br />

takes<br />

auts to write<br />

onest<br />

an<br />

. The newspaper man is liable to pressure from all directions<br />

—government, business, labor, minorities, advertisers, general<br />

public opinion. Any one of them can be a frightening force,<br />

and yet none of them ore above responsible criticism. It often<br />

takes a high degree of professional couroge to print on honest<br />

editorial point of view thot may tread'on inftuentiol toes. Such<br />

courage is vital to a free press which, in turn, is vital to all of our<br />

basic freedoms. We take this advertising space during Not*<br />

ionat Newspaper Week to express our support of the free press"<br />

Hi our state and across the notion. . .<br />

¥.'"•••<br />

JCP»L<br />

*KTBI<br />

iSVtfTM-e«Mt OK1BK<br />

NJM<br />

Tfcr NOITI AMMV I'lTIEBW -4- Thuraday, October <strong>13</strong>, <strong>1966</strong><br />



Recently Americans from<br />

coast to coast were<br />

charmed by the finalists In<br />

the Miss America Pageant<br />

at Atlantic City. All suecesi<br />

stories have a beginning<br />

somewhere, ana in<br />

Middlesex County, Miss<br />

Middlesex, who will be our<br />

contestant In the Miss New<br />

Jersey Pageant, will be<br />

chosen at a Pageant In<br />

Middlesex Borough High<br />

School on Saturday, November<br />

26, <strong>1966</strong>.<br />

Middlesex Borough Javcees;<br />

who sponsor the<br />

County level Pageant, Invite<br />

young ladies who wish<br />

to apply to contact Entries,<br />

Chairman, -James Me-<br />

Gonigle, <strong>10</strong> Starlit Drive,<br />

Middlesex (469-3944) or<br />

General Chairman, John<br />

Pohl, 412 Clinton Avenue,<br />

Middlesex (469-1299).<br />

In order to apply, a young<br />

lady should be not less than<br />

eighteen or more than<br />

twenty-eight by September<br />

1967. She must be a High<br />

school graduate by that<br />

date. By the Pageant date,<br />

November 26, she must<br />

have been a resident, or a<br />

student In Middlesex<br />

County for six months, or<br />

since May 26. This is an<br />

excellent opportunity, for<br />

talented co-eds to win a<br />

scholarship to help pay for<br />

their education.<br />

Screening for semi-final -<br />

ists will be on October 22<br />

so all applications must be<br />

made before then.<br />

The Pageant winner will<br />

be chosen by a panel of<br />

judges on the basis of<br />

talent, charm, personality,<br />

poise, Intellect, and beauty.<br />

Prizes will Include<br />

trophies for finalists and a<br />

scholarship for the winner.<br />

Film Fact<br />

Nowadays . moat movies fit<br />



Miss Sharon R. Kuchna of<br />

229 A Henry Street, is<br />

among 440 students who<br />

are members of the Day<br />

Session freshman CUBS at<br />

Union Junior College,<br />

Cranford. •<br />

Union Junior College is<br />

a two-year community college<br />

of the academic disciplines,<br />

offering majors<br />

in liberal arts, engineering,<br />

science, and business<br />

administration. UJC's enrollment<br />

of 1,400 students<br />

is about evenly divided between<br />

the Pay and Evening<br />

Sessions.<br />

About 85 percent of Union<br />

Junior College's graduates<br />

transfer with advanced<br />

standing as juniors<br />

to more than 400 colleges<br />

and universities throughout<br />

the United States. Union<br />

Junior College is accredited<br />

by the Middle<br />

States Association of Colleges<br />

and Secondary<br />

Schools and is authorized<br />

by the State Board of Education<br />

to award the Associate<br />

in Arts degree.<br />

' The members of the Class<br />

of '68 will be the first to<br />

use the $1 million, fullyair<br />

conditioned Science<br />

Building and the William<br />

Miller Sperry Observatory,<br />

which are now under<br />

construction. The Science<br />

Building, the first air-conditioned,electricallyheated<br />

college building In<br />

New Jersey, will enable<br />

Union Junior College to<br />

increase Its fulltlme enrollment<br />

by about 300 students.<br />

Miss Kuchna, a graduate<br />

of H. G, Hoffman High<br />

School, is a liberal arts<br />

major.<br />

for famiU«« are those made at<br />

home. '<br />

A DICK WILLIAMS Society Orchestra will provide<br />

music for the "Miss Teenage Central Jersey Pageant"<br />

to be held at the J?P. Stevens High School, October 15th.<br />

Twenty-eight central Jersey young ladies will compete<br />

in the contest. The winner will take home a five hundred<br />

dollar wardrobe from E. J. Korvetteandwillgo to Dallas,<br />

Tsxas to compete in the national finals.<br />

The focal local finals will have a Dick Williams orchestra<br />

providing music for the pageant which will -feature<br />

professional entertainment, an appearance by the Rutgers<br />

eejsaial color guard, plus the talent of the 28 contestants.<br />

Free tickets for the event are available through WCTC<br />

radio in New Brunswick.<br />

Married At Local Church<br />

Miss Theresa Leonard, daughter of Mrs. John Bilas<br />

of 320 Parker Ave., and Mr. John Leonard of 114<br />

David St.. was married on Sunday, October 9, at 3 o'clock<br />

in Sacred Heart R. C. Church to Mr. Francis Barbieri,<br />

son of Mrs. Fred Barbieri and the late Mr. Barbieri<br />

of 355 Augusta St. Rev. Myron P. Gayda officiated at<br />

the double-ring ceremony.<br />

The bride was given in marriage by her brother,<br />

Mr. Michael Leonard.<br />

Mrs. Anthony Barbieri, the groom's sister-in-law,<br />

was the matron of honor. The bridesmaids were: Mrs.<br />

Joe Deak of Cliffwood Beach; Miss Jean Render of<br />

Morgan; and Miss Dot Waskiewicz of Madison Park.<br />

The junior bridesmaid was • Mias Lorraine Vanni of<br />

South Amboy. Miss Diane Zullo of Carteret, niece of<br />

the bride, was the flower girl.<br />

Mr. Anthony Barbieri, borther of the. groom, was<br />

the best man. Ushering were:* Robert Cuthbertson,<br />

Martin Tremarco and Harold Evans, all of South Amboy.<br />

Master Kenneth Brzozowski of Carteret was the Junior<br />

usher. Master Jack Weir of Iselin, the groom's nephew,<br />

was the ring bearer.<br />

I<br />

The bride's gown was of imported sequined lace.<br />

Her Tom Jones coat was of silk peau de sole with<br />

boll sleeves trimmed in lace. Her removable silk<br />

peau de sole fan train was attached to the shoulders.<br />

A sequin at* pearl crown held her removable threer<br />

tic-red veil. The gown and headdress were designed<br />

and made by the Cabellino-'s of Port Reading.<br />

The bride is a graduate of Hoffman High School,<br />

Class of 1962. She also was graduated from the DeLalne<br />

School of Beauty Culture and Is presently employed<br />

by the Carousel, Parlln.<br />

Mr. Barbieri is a 1959 graduate of St. Mary's High<br />

School* He attended LaSalle College. He served 2<br />

years in the U. S. Army and was recently awarded the<br />

Bronze Star. He is currently employed by E. I. DuPont,<br />

Photo Products Dept., Parliru<br />

* Following a reception at the Jernee Mill Inn, the<br />

couple left on a wedding trip to Hawaii. For travelling<br />

the bride wore a pink suit with pink accessories.<br />

Upon their return, the Barbieris will reside at 320<br />

Parker Ave., South Amboy.<br />

HOUSE<br />

OF LORDS<br />

*J7 *<br />

Scotch<br />

Whisky<br />

66 PROOF<br />

NOW<br />

Bottled in<br />

Scotland<br />

Impoittd solely by<br />

International Brands. Htmik N J<br />

Zf JULIE'S<br />

Beauty Parlor<br />


Speclallilnj in<br />

TINTING and 1 MINUTE<br />


(No Chemlcali)<br />

118 So, SMvena Ave.<br />

South Amboyv N«w Jeraey<br />

PhoM PArkinay 1-0H7<br />

/Over 26 Yeara Experience)<br />


JULIE DOWNS, Prop.<br />

Making the Rounds<br />

"My father can beat your<br />

father!" a little boy threatened<br />

his playmate.<br />

"Big deal," sneered the other<br />

moppet. "Bo can my mother."<br />

Drolc Quartet To<br />

Appear At Rutgers<br />

The Drolc Quartet, noted<br />

Euorpean string ensemble,<br />

will open the Voorbees<br />

chape] Series Monday<br />

night, Oct. 17, in the Chapel<br />

on the Douglass College<br />

campus.<br />

l he Drolc performance<br />

will be the second concert<br />

in two days on Rutgers<br />

University campuses here.<br />

On Sunday, Oct. 16,<br />

Maurice and Marie-<br />

Madeleine Durufle, a husband<br />

and wife team, will<br />

give the first recital In a<br />

three-event Sunday Evening<br />

Organ Series in Kirkpatrick<br />

Chapel on Rutgers<br />

College's Queens Campus.<br />

Both concerts will begin at<br />

8:30 o'clock.<br />

The Drolc program will<br />

consist of three' quartets,<br />

»F. Minor, Opus 95<br />

by Beethoven; B-Flat<br />

Major, Opus 67, No. 3 by<br />

Brahms, and D. Minor,<br />

Opus Posthumous by Schubert.<br />

The last is best known<br />

by its descriptive title.<br />

"Death and the Maiden/'<br />

Founded by Eduard Drolc"<br />

who received his musical<br />

training in Dortmund, Munich<br />

and Paris, theQuartet<br />

has been a concert group<br />

since 1952. •<br />

In addition to its fpunder<br />

and first violinist, from<br />

whom it derives its name,<br />

the Quartet has as members<br />

Walter Peschke,<br />

violin, Stefano Passaggio,<br />

viola, and Georg Donderer,<br />

cello.<br />

Following the Drolc Quartet<br />

in the Voorhees Series<br />

will be Julian Bream,<br />

guitarist and lutenlst, on<br />

Nov. 17; the Early Music<br />

Quartet on Dec. 8; the<br />

Netherlands Chamber<br />

Choir, Feb. 2, and Evelyne<br />

Crochet, French pianist<br />

and now pianist-in-residence<br />

at Rutgers University,<br />

on March 7.<br />

Tickets for the Voorhees<br />

Series may. be obtained<br />

through the University<br />

Concerts Office, 542<br />

George St., New Brunswick,<br />

or at the door the<br />

night of the concert.<br />

The durufles' organ recital<br />

will include works by<br />

Bach, Couperin, Clerambault,<br />

Buxtehude, Franck,<br />

Tournemire and Maurice<br />

Durufle.<br />

Mr. Durufle has been organist<br />

of the Grand Orgue<br />

de St. Etienne-du-Mont,<br />

Paris, since 1930. Hie wife<br />

has been co-organist with<br />

him since 1953. Both are<br />

composers and have toured<br />

in France, the United States<br />

and Russia.<br />

The remaining events in<br />

the Sunday Organ Series<br />

will be concerts by Carl<br />

Weinrich, March 5, and<br />

Francis Jackson, April 9.<br />

Admission to the Organ<br />

Series' is free.<br />




Carrying A Full Line of<br />


Fre»h Vtg-etablea — Ice Cream — Proitn Food!<br />


LUNOI<br />

HBATINO Oil.<br />

For Free Delivery Dial PArkway 1-0226<br />

61 YEARS OF<br />


SEftVICt<br />


1 G. Manvel AppWjfate and Soni<br />

Fuel Oil - Kerosene • Coal and Ice Cubes<br />


b.f<br />

HEAT<br />

Oil Burner Salts I Sirvici<br />


PArkway 1-OS40<br />


mnmim<br />

Mrs. Theima Parkinson<br />

Sharp, President of thft New<br />

Jersey Department of Civil<br />

Service, announces the issuance<br />

of an examination<br />

announcement bulletin lor<br />

County Case Worker. Ttas<br />

requirements for adi<br />

slon to the test are<br />

zenshlp, 12 months residency<br />

In New Jersey and<br />

possession of a Bachelor's<br />

Degree or expected graduation<br />

from college .by October,<br />

<strong>1966</strong>.<br />

Mrs. Sharp stated, "The<br />

social case worker Is the<br />

foot soldier in the war on<br />

poverty, ignorance, apathy<br />

and many of the other social<br />

disorders that afflict<br />

our times, Just as the Peace<br />

Corps man fights these<br />

common enemies abroad/'<br />

"The tab of Case Worker<br />

offers the qualified man or<br />

woman an opportunity to be<br />

of service; a clearly defined<br />

purpose in life, and<br />

a chance of great personal<br />

satisfaction.<br />

There presently are openings<br />

for County Case<br />

Worker in all 21 counties.<br />

An applicant may file an<br />

application for openings in<br />

any one or more counties<br />

in the State. Two lists will<br />

be promulgated. One list<br />

will contain the names of<br />

the successful candidates<br />

from their home county and<br />

then a list containing the<br />

names of the successful<br />

non-resident candidates.<br />

The resident list will take<br />

precedence. Though an applicant<br />

may Indicate a desire<br />

to work in more, than<br />

one county, it is necessary<br />

to file but one application.<br />

Applications must be filed<br />

no later than October 28,<br />

<strong>1966</strong>. Those interested in<br />

receiving the County'Case<br />

Worker Informational<br />

brochure and application<br />

for examination should<br />

write or visit the main<br />

office. New Jersey Department<br />

of Civil Service,<br />

State House, Trenton,<br />

or any of the three<br />

branch offices located at:<br />

80 Mulberry Street, Newark;<br />

316 Eaat State Street,<br />

Trenton; City Hall, Camden.<br />

This material may also be<br />

obtained at any local State<br />

Employment Office or<br />

County Welfare Board. It<br />

is important to file early<br />

because in the event of a<br />

tie, the applicant who filed<br />

earlier is placed higher on<br />

the list.<br />

Coup d'etat: A brilliantly engineered<br />

stroke.<br />

Sneaky trick: When you're<br />

not to* enjtnm.<br />

VOTE<br />

DFMOrRATir<br />

RICHARD J.<br />


rOR MAYOR<br />


For<br />

Councilman - At - lor§•<br />



For<br />

Councilman 9rtf Ward

Tfc* MM TB 4M|fV < ITf tCM -5-<br />

JIRSIY ftLUlf<br />

MARK 20 YIAtt<br />

This week, the 50th Armored<br />

(Jersey Blues) Division<br />

of the New Jersey<br />

Army National Guard<br />

marks Its 20th Anah^<br />

tary. It was federally<br />

recognized as the first armored<br />

division In the Army<br />

National Guard on October<br />

14, 1946. The successor to<br />

New Jersey's famed 44th<br />

Infantry Division of World<br />

War II, It traces a proud<br />

heritage through all of our<br />

country* a wart to New Jersey's<br />

earliest volunteer<br />

troops, the "Jersey Blues"<br />

which fought engagements<br />

against the French In 1746.<br />

This tradition of volunteer<br />

service Is carried on<br />

by the modem-day "Jersey<br />

Blues" who comprise<br />

one of the two top priority<br />

armored divisions In the<br />

Army's reserve force.<br />

Lt. Gen. William F. Train,<br />

commanding general of the<br />

First. U. 5. Army, this<br />

week congratulated the division<br />

for "consistent high<br />

standards of Individual and<br />

unit performance." He said<br />

the division "contributes<br />

greatly to the strength of<br />

the deterrent forces dedicated<br />

to the security of our<br />

nation."<br />

Getting ready and staying<br />

ready is a complicated and<br />

exacting business for the<br />

50th, a major element in<br />

our nation'slmmediate Reserve<br />

Force. It demands<br />

sacrifice of families and<br />

friends, employers and coworkers.<br />

For the Guard to<br />

accomplish Its vital mission,<br />

there has to be complete<br />

understanding and cooperation<br />

all along the line.<br />

Never In our history has<br />

it been more essential that<br />

I the Guard be trained,<br />

V equipped, and READY<br />

WHEN NEEDED to give<br />

us the immediate response<br />

capability to cope with fast<br />

breaking world crises.<br />

Every citizen has reason<br />

co be- grateful for the continued<br />

dedication of our<br />

Guardsmen.<br />

To serve as a member<br />

of the 90th Armored Division<br />

at a time when world<br />

peace is threatened by<br />

forces of aggression is co<br />

lay it right on the line.<br />

The "Jersey Bluei"<br />

Guardsman of today, like<br />

his citizen-soldier predecessors,<br />

says loud and<br />

clear: "I'm ready when you<br />

need me/'<br />

Mrvns ir.to u<br />

CM IteMHtr IMMIW «Nk "<br />

j. p, Fotna * SONS<br />

•EAHHt£ IEMKS Ml<br />

con fa<br />

Eligible young men ere<br />

reminded that Dec IS. 1946<br />

Is the deadline for submitting<br />

applications to compete<br />

for appointment as<br />

Cadet* U, S. Coast Guard.<br />

The 91st annual competition<br />

for admission to the<br />

U. S. Coast Guard Academy<br />

at New London. Conn., will<br />

begin with the Dec. 3, <strong>1966</strong><br />

administration of the College<br />

Entrance Examination<br />

Board Tests.. Appointments<br />

are mads solely on a competitive<br />

basis, with no Congressional<br />

appointments or<br />

geographical quotas. Application<br />

deadline for the<br />

tests Is Nov. 1, <strong>1966</strong>.<br />

• An applicant mutt be an<br />

unmarried high school senior<br />

or graduate who has<br />

reached his 17th but not his<br />

22nd birthday by July 1,<br />

1967. Applicants must have<br />

earned 19 units by June 30,<br />

1967, including the following<br />

units: Three In English,<br />

two In algebra, and one In<br />

plane geometry.. Applicants<br />

must be in excellent physical<br />

condition, between 64<br />

and 78 inches in height,<br />

with proportionate weight,<br />

and have at least 20/30<br />

In each eye, correctable ro<br />

20/20.<br />

Those appointed will recalve<br />

a four year course<br />

of training and educationleading<br />

to a Bachelor of<br />

Science degree and a commission<br />

as Ensign.<br />

Additional Information<br />

and application forms can<br />

be obtained from high<br />

school guidance counselors<br />

or by writing to the Director<br />

of Admissions, U. .S<br />

Coast Guard Academy, New<br />

London, Conn., o6320.<br />


' Joseph C. Doyle. 291 Bordentown<br />

Ave., successfully<br />

completed an Instructor's<br />

Course In First Aid given<br />

by die Chapter of the American<br />

Red Cross in New<br />

Brunswick.<br />

This course consists of<br />

fifteen hours of public<br />

speaking and practice<br />

teaching In order to prepare<br />

the students to be<br />

first aid Instructors.<br />

Mr. Doyle is a member<br />

of die South Amboy First<br />

Aid and Safety Squad.<br />

<strong>10</strong>* H. IMA0WAY<br />

Open Dailyi * a.m. - 4i«5 p+m,<br />

Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday<br />

6»3O to 7i30 p.m,<br />

Saturday: I a.m. to It, noon<br />

;<br />


. PArkway 1-2121<br />


Miss Carol Ann DeBtaoe, daughter of Mrs. Thomas<br />

DeBiase of 2 Dolan'Ave., Morgan, was married laai<br />

Saturday to John Peter Meazaroa Jr., aon of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. John Meszaros of ISCreenbrook Ave., Keasbey.<br />

The ceremony took place in St. Lawrence's R. C.<br />

Church, Laurence Harbor. Rev. Melvln Stancxewski<br />

officiated.<br />

The bride was given In marriage by her uncle,<br />

Frank Sura of Morgan.<br />

Mrs. Donald Iwanskl of Franklin was matron of<br />

honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Elaine Deyak of Keasbey,<br />

and Miss Marsha Mes,zaros, sister of the bridegroom.<br />

Ronald P. Cyrus of Keasbey served as best man.<br />

Ushering were Robert Meszaros of Keasbey, cousin<br />

of the bridegroom, and Thomas DeBiase, the bride's<br />

brother.<br />

Mrs. -Meszaros is a graduate of SayrevtUe High<br />

School, Temple University and the American Academy<br />

of Funeral Service In New York City.<br />

Her husband was graduated from Middlesex County<br />

Vocational and Technical High School and the American<br />

Academy of Funeral Service In New York City. He<br />

is a funeral director for the Go wan Funeral Home.<br />

Following a reception at the Royal Oaks, Edison,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Meszaros left on a wedding trip to<br />

Bermuda. Upon their return, they will live at 233<br />

Somerset St.<br />

SL I<br />

axlns<br />

been istlvad. Laat year,<br />

"Blue" had s ehon-ltved<br />

life due to me ieotrucrtow<br />

of prospective eosaanta in<br />

the fire. Moierattag me<br />

magazine will be English<br />

department Instructor, Mr.<br />

Ronald Lucas.<br />

September 21, the first<br />

student Council Meeting<br />

waa held. This year die<br />

Council la stressing a<br />

"United Effort for School<br />

Spirit." In order mat me<br />

entire student body may<br />

participate, the "Booster<br />

Club" - spear - headed<br />

by Dennis Zegan has been<br />

formed. The main purpose<br />

of the moatloaad will be<br />

to promote school spirit<br />

at games, dances, and various<br />

school events.<br />

Also, at mis meeting Student<br />

Council Committee<br />

chairmen ware named.<br />

They are: P. Howarth,<br />

spiritual; K. Matarsnglo,<br />

hostess) K. Conochan,<br />

proctors; snd R. Harrtgan,<br />

athjetlc. Congratulations I<br />

Too, on this day, me Girls<br />

Glee Club met to enlist<br />

new members snd plan mis<br />

year's list of activities<br />

October 1L 5. and 8 saw<br />

St. Mary's Forensic Members<br />

traveling ro St.<br />

Joseph's, Metuchen, to take<br />

part in the <strong>1966</strong>-1967 Debate<br />

Topic discussions, sn<br />

extemporaneous spesklng<br />

meet snd s practice<br />

Student Congress. Accompanying<br />

mess members<br />

were Forensic moderators<br />

Mr. J. Dowd, Mr. R. Msger.<br />

snd Mr. S. Nestinger.<br />

Mr. ( Mager, English II<br />

teacher, attended a Reeding<br />

Institute st Rutgers University<br />

on September 17<br />

and 27.<br />

The junior class stationery<br />

protect Is now In<br />

full swingl Quality, monogrsmmed<br />

writing paper<br />

may be obtained at a price<br />

of either $1 or S3 per box.<br />

Congratulations are in order<br />

for the <strong>1966</strong> "Sceptre"<br />

staff. Last year's book waa<br />

Pulaski Parade Couscil Baiouit Held at Walter* Astoria<br />

twumtr of flu rwlaail ***** la^mV. Mr. H&mrBm&timkL<br />

Parade Council waa held at the<br />

Waldorf Astoria in New York City,<br />

Sunday, October •.<br />

Pictured above are a few of those<br />

who attended die banquet front South<br />

Amber. Front row, left to right, arei<br />

air. John Skarxynski, Mrs. Chester<br />

- Ciesewski, Mrs. Cheater Ctszewski,<br />

Mrs. Victor MackleL Mrs. Henry<br />

^SmoUnski, Mrs. Stanley Dobnynskl.<br />

Back row, toft to right, are: Mr.<br />

ed special awards. The title<br />

of Dr. Optuenors speech<br />

wss "A New Breed of<br />

Scholars."<br />

At the Honors Coavocs-<br />

Uon, presided o*er by<br />

Sister it Pierre, R.S.M.,<br />

President of Georgian<br />

Court College, prises uf<br />

$<strong>10</strong>0 were awarded to the<br />

Mrs, Victor MackieL sad Mr. Stanley<br />

Dobrxynski. Not present when me<br />

Joseph Hsiml Jr., and Mr. snd Mrs.<br />

WUUam Neteus,<br />

The emptycnalr was left for Cardinal<br />

WyezvnskY<br />

The main speaker for the affair wsa<br />

Cardinal Speilman of New York.<br />


Oa Wednesday, October 5,<br />

Dr. Blaise J. Oputonte, Executive<br />

Vice-President of<br />

St. John's University, addressed<br />

the annual Honors<br />

Convocation at Georgian<br />

Court College, Lakewood,<br />

N.J., at which the outstanding<br />

scholars of the preceding<br />

collegiate year recelv-<br />

In each<br />

DeeVs Scholars who<br />

msfsrslasd as «verage of<br />

9.5 or above were tOcsreoogaised,<br />

r*e Scholars<br />

South Amboy area U Miss<br />

Margaret Howarth of<br />

SayrevUle. She is a member<br />

of the Class of 196V.<br />

UN<br />

ey Monies<br />

awarded en "All"<br />

Rating*" j j<br />

eble award gnseji by me<br />

Catholic Press.<br />

Congraislstlona too, to<br />

Gloria Aftanekt onmeeottricstlon<br />

of her seeestsjiae<br />

to its Philadelphia Got.<br />

left of Pharmacy aai Idenee.<br />

CongratMltflofl,<br />

Glorlal<br />

Bewmra. )«»torel<br />

P,S,A.T? O^Ul O<br />

Seholaatic Aadnae Tes<br />

are to be sdnUntstered<br />

Sr. at Valerian,<br />

director on T y, October<br />

II.<br />

A reminder that<br />

row night at • p.m. s* ttea<br />

Out" will be sMeaoreaTf<br />

will be heldbT me<br />

gymnasium ami edmteeio*<br />

Kit.<br />


8IAt! AlAiST<br />


Most adults think of rheumatic<br />

fever as s major<br />

disease of childhood because<br />

it usually affects<br />

children la their teeas or<br />

younger. Dr. Paul B. Jennings,<br />

president of tbe Middlesex<br />

County Heart Association,<br />

stated today. Unlike<br />

most other, Hmttt<br />

acquired in childhood,<br />

rheumatic fever can com*<br />

back, and each attack la *<br />

an added threat to tbe bean*<br />

The heart damage that may<br />

result from rheumatic<br />

fever causes more chronic<br />

disability in children than<br />

any othsr disease, aatf<br />

takes a serious toll among<br />

grownups who bad rheumatic<br />

lever in childhood*<br />

"We must do everything<br />

In our power to prevent<br />

rheumatic fever end toprotect<br />

the haartaofouramldran,<br />

aad to safeguard tbi<br />

beans and lives of youaa<br />

adults ]um emertnf ult or<br />

productivity snd leadership,"<br />

Dr. Jennings said.<br />

With parrots* cooperation<br />

and with modern drug<br />

therapy, doctors now have<br />

the mean* to prevent Initial<br />

attacks in many cases, and<br />

to prevent reccurent attacks<br />

of rheumatic fairer<br />

in moat cases.<br />

The key to prevention of<br />

rheumatic fever lies la tbe<br />

fact that moet attacks occur<br />

two or three weejke<br />

aJter a "strep" isJecUoa-<br />

•ore throat, scarlet fever<br />

or infection of tbe middle<br />

ear. If we can protect a<br />

child from strep laJsctloaay<br />

then we can be reasonably<br />

sure of preventing rheumatic<br />

fever. Take your<br />

child to your family doctor<br />

at the first signs of<br />

a cold or sore throat so<br />

treatment can start Immediately<br />

if a strep infection<br />

is present, ONLY your<br />

doctor'can determine this.<br />

Always see your doctor<br />

for medical advice. For<br />

further information a free<br />

booklet "Now You Can Protect<br />

Your Child Agalast<br />

Rheumatic Fever la<br />

available from the Middlesax<br />

County Heart Aeeocla*<br />

rfewJ-<br />

THOMAS '<br />

•tW Ca>«J-Pv«f<br />

3QM<br />

141 WM**ie. Aim*<br />

iMtllHwf ^<br />

Cliff*. 7

Tbe/ftOITH AMIOV «ITIIB!%' rhursday, October <strong>13</strong>,<br />

R. M. SPRAGUE SR.<br />


Russell M. Sprague Sr..<br />

155 Liberty St., Morgan,<br />

passrtd away suddenly on<br />

October <strong>10</strong>. He was 70<br />

years of age.<br />

Born in South Am boy, he<br />

WII the son of the late<br />

Jacob and Sophie Ott<br />

Sprague.<br />

He had retlred'Ss a mechanic<br />

in 1961 from E. I.<br />

DuPont Photo Products Di^<br />

vision, Parlln, after 28<br />

years of service.<br />

Mr. Sprague was a U. S.<br />

Army Veteran of World<br />

War I. He waa a member<br />

of Christ Episcopal<br />

Church.<br />

Survivors Include h 1 s<br />

wife, Mrs. Lillian Blanch.<br />

ard Sprague; two sons,<br />

Russell M. Jr. and Police<br />

Capt. Douglas A., both of<br />

Morgan; one daughter,<br />

Mrs, Audrey McCormack<br />

of South Amboy; one sister,<br />

Mrs. Mildred Kath of Morganj<br />

two brothers, Howard<br />

L. of Hazlet, and Herbert<br />

A. of Deerfield Qeach,<br />

Florida; 9 grandchildren<br />

and 3 great-grandchildren.<br />

Funeral services were<br />

held this afternoon at 1:30<br />

p.m. from the Mason-Wilson<br />

Funeral Home followed<br />

by a service at Christ<br />

Episcopal Church at 2 p.m.<br />

The Rev. Edward R. Cook,<br />

Rector of Christ Church officiated.<br />

Interment was<br />

held in Christ Church<br />

Cemetery.<br />

Air Electric I<br />



5TATI LIC UN j<br />

W» •»»alr All M«|IM •» AMIIMW<br />


PArkway 1-0096<br />

Clifford 4-0087<br />


i<br />

ANNA T. WEIP<br />

Mrs. Anna 1. Weir<br />

formerly of 222 So. Pine<br />

Ave~ died Monday at the<br />

Perth Amboy General Hospital<br />

after a long illness.<br />

Born in South Amboy. she<br />

was. the daughter of the<br />

late' Mr. and Mrs. John<br />

J. O'Nell.<br />

She was a communicant<br />

of St. Mary's R. C. Church<br />

and was a member of the<br />

Altar-Rosary Society.<br />

Mrs. Weir was the wife<br />

of the late Frank P. Weir.<br />

Survivors include 2 sons,<br />

Frank C. of Edison, and<br />

John J. of Iselln; 1 sister,<br />

Mrs. James Delehanty of<br />

Scotch Plains; and 3grandchildren.<br />

Funeral services will be<br />

held tomorrow morning at<br />

8:30 a.m. from The Gundrum<br />

Service Home for<br />

Funerals to St. Mary's<br />

R. C. Church where a High<br />

Requim Mass will be offered<br />

at 9 a.m.<br />

Interment will be held in<br />

Calvary Cemetery, Parlin.<br />



AM<br />

MRS. SARAH<br />

Readings and Advice<br />

308 Smith Street<br />

Perth Amboy, N. J.<br />

HI 2-9891<br />


Garden News<br />


The Norway maple is so<br />

popular almost everywhere<br />

that it's like throwing rocks<br />

to mamma to call attention<br />

to some of its shortcomings.<br />

For one thing, have you<br />

ever noticed that you can<br />

keep the crease in your<br />

shorts If you duck under<br />

a Norway maple in a summer<br />

shower? (Not that It's<br />

a good idea in a thunderstorm.)<br />

Those flat, dense leaves<br />

of the Norway, overlapping<br />

each other, shed water like<br />

a shingle roof. You stay<br />

dry while water drips all<br />

around the outer spread of<br />

branches.<br />

Then the sun comes out<br />

and you enjoy dense shade,<br />

as if nature provided a<br />

giant beach umbrella.<br />


Meanwhile, the lawn<br />

you're trying to grow under<br />

your Norway maple is getting<br />

equal "protection,"<br />

Little moisture from a<br />

shower, not much sunlight.<br />

In its search for water,<br />

the Norway maple puts out<br />

millions of tiny halrlike<br />

roots that come up nearly<br />

to the surface of the soil,<br />

among the grass roots.<br />

This is a form of me<br />

too-ism that tends to discourage<br />

you if yod had<br />

dreams of a lush lawn under<br />

your Norway maple. The<br />

tree's roots simply take<br />

away the moisture and fertilizer<br />

that you intended<br />

for the grass.<br />


If you now have a Norway<br />

maple problem you can<br />

partially overcome It by<br />

having your tree thinned out<br />

so that it make filtered<br />

shade rather than solid<br />

-shade.<br />

This thinning out will also<br />

let a certain amount of<br />

rain get through to the soil<br />

surface.<br />



Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned,<br />

the Collector of Revenue of the City of' South Amboy,<br />

Middlesex County, N. J,, will sell at public auction<br />

at the Collector's office in the City Hall xon the 9th<br />

day of November, <strong>1966</strong> at <strong>10</strong>:00 A.M. the following<br />

described lands.<br />

Said lands will be sold to realize the amount of<br />

~~ municipal liens chargeable against the same on the<br />

first day of July <strong>1966</strong>J as included in the following<br />

list with the interest on said amount as computed on<br />

a quarterly basis from February 1, May 1, August 1<br />

and November 1, whenever and wherever applicable,<br />

together with costs of sale. The subscriber will sell<br />

, in fee to the person who bids the amount due subject<br />

to redemption of the lowest rate of interest, but in<br />

•no case exceeding eight (8) per centum per annum.<br />

The payment for the sale shall be made before the<br />

conclusion of the sale or the property will be resold.<br />

Cash or certified check only will be accepted in payment.<br />

Any parcel of real estate property for which there'<br />

shall be no purchaser will be struck off, and sold to<br />

the City of South Amboy, N. J. for redemption of eight<br />

per centum per annum and the municipality shall have<br />

the Bame remedies and rights as other purchaser's^<br />

including the right to bar or foreclosure the right of<br />

redemption.<br />

The sale will be made and conducted in accordance<br />

with the provisions of the. statute of the State of New<br />

Jersey entitled. "An act concerning unpaid taxes and<br />

: assessments and other municipal charges on real<br />

property, and providing for the collection thereof by<br />

the creation and enforcement of liens thereon (Revision<br />

of 1919)" and acts supplementary thereto and amendatory<br />

thereof.<br />

At any time before the sale the undersigned will<br />

receive payment of the amount due on any -property<br />

with interest and costs up to the time of payment.<br />

The said lands so subject to sale described in<br />

accordance with the tax duplicate including the name of<br />

the owner is shown on the last tax duplicate and the<br />

aggregate of taxes, assessments, and other municipal<br />

charges which were a lien thereon the first day of<br />

July <strong>1966</strong> are as listed below,<br />

MARY WENZEL, Collector<br />


TW Mil TV ANItY CITISIN -7- Thuradty, October <strong>13</strong>, <strong>1966</strong><br />

M11• > Square I<br />

For all you fishermen -here's<br />

a tip — we hear<br />

they're catching mackerel<br />

off the Boat Club docks.<br />

Birthday congratulations<br />

go out to Pvt. Raymond T.<br />

Kurzawa who is celebrating<br />

his 21st birthday. The<br />

young soldier Is currently<br />

serving with the U. S. Army<br />

In Vietnam.<br />

Best wishes for a speedy<br />

recovery go to Councilman<br />

P. Joseph Rush who Is currently<br />

a patient at toe Perth<br />

Amboy General Hospital.<br />

. We also wish a speedy<br />

recovery to Frank Faczkowski<br />

St. who is currently<br />

a patient at the South<br />

Amboy Memorial Hospital.<br />

Ruth B. McCarthy is a<br />

surgical patient at the<br />

South Amboy Memorial<br />

Hospital. Best wishes for<br />

a speedy recovery.<br />

Birthday greetings go to<br />

"Ike" Longstreet of 4<strong>10</strong><br />

Woodland Ave., Morgan,<br />

who celebratea his birthday<br />

today.<br />


TEST SET<br />

According to as<br />

ment made today by COIOMI<br />

Joseph T. Avelk, State Director,<br />

the Selective Service<br />

Qualification Test<br />

scheduled tor November<br />

II, aad 19, <strong>1966</strong>, as prepared<br />

and administered by<br />

Educational Testing Serv-<br />

IIICT orticits<br />

At a moettnf held at tht<br />

Anchor Cafe in Penh Amboy,<br />

Raritan f <strong>10</strong> National<br />

Atsocitdon of Power Enginttrt<br />

hold their installation<br />

of officers.<br />

Tht officers were Installed<br />

by State President<br />


Nav> commander trass*<br />

j. i huilli. son of Mr. Mi<br />

Mr». H. CbuUtt Of 111<br />

Stockton St.,<br />

wan retevtwi by<br />

n>«no«r o. J. Krttoartt,<br />

tSN, aa CommumML Off-.<br />

fk< r of the USS 0*HAM<br />

-3A9) in cbarftof ooai*<br />

ceremonies htJd on<br />

O'HAKB<br />


The M»|?TB AMMY C IT1ZKM Thursday, October <strong>13</strong>,<br />



Suadtaf • «• of Oct. 6,<strong>1966</strong><br />

Cook. Meth. A<br />

1st M«h. A<br />

lit Bapt.<br />

lit Presby. C<br />

Conk. Meth. B<br />

Trin. Pres.A<br />

S. A. Meth.<br />

1st Pres.A<br />

1st Pres.B<br />

Christ Ch.B<br />

Christ Ch.A<br />

Trin. Pres.B<br />

Mr<br />

to\<br />

9V\<br />

9 ><br />

8 V<br />

7 *4 7 8889<strong>10</strong><br />

7<br />

7<br />

6 5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

3r<br />


J. Cottrell-217; R.Morriss<br />

- 216; M,. Holmes -<br />

2<strong>13</strong>; W. Ketmar - 207;<br />

H. Rushworth - 207.<br />



Standings as of Oct. 6, <strong>1966</strong><br />

Gun. Serv.<br />

Ed. Fr. Serv.<br />

Jul. A. Body<br />

S. A. Tr. Co.<br />

Briggs* Chev.<br />

Kozy Lanes<br />

W.<br />

n<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

5<br />

L.<br />

4<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7 9<br />

11<br />


HI Sets - Iris Murphy -<br />

<strong>13</strong>9 - 166 - 181 - 506;<br />

Esther Jurski - 148-170-<br />

182 - 500.<br />

HI Games - Nancy Fiala -<br />

181; June O'Leary - 179 -<br />

167; Ruth White - 166;<br />

Betty Howley - 166; Marie<br />

Sorrentlno - 164; Jerry<br />

McQuarrle - 161.<br />


Three game winners:<br />

Gundrum Service over<br />

Kozy Lanes; Julian's Auto<br />

Body over Briggs' Chevrolet.<br />

Two game winners:<br />

Eddie's Friendly Service<br />

over South Amboy Trust<br />

Company.<br />




Standings as of Oct. 9,<strong>1966</strong><br />

W. L.<br />

Jul. A. Body 11 4<br />

Frank's Radio 91/2 51/2<br />

Astarita Fl, 9 6<br />

Forda Spt. 9 6<br />

Stan. Bevt 8 7<br />

W. & B. £880 8 7<br />

Oasis Motors 8 7<br />

Brigg's Chev. 7 8<br />

J. J. Harrigan 7 8<br />

Sup. R. Serv. 7 8<br />

G. Men's Shop 61/2 81/2<br />

Kozy Lanes 6 9<br />

S. A. Trust Co. 6 9<br />

Bui. Shell 4 11<br />


»Men - J. Olsen Jr. -<br />

214; B. Poulson - 209;<br />

R. Thomson - 195 - 171 -<br />

518; K. Porter - 199 -<br />

162 - 508; J. Pearson -<br />

164; A. Zeisler - 162.<br />

Women - Helen Poulson -<br />

181; Mary Herleg - 160.<br />


Three game winners:<br />

Wally & Bumps Esso.<br />

Two game winners:<br />

Julians's Auto Body over<br />

Frank's Radio; Oasis Motors<br />

over Astarita Florist;<br />

Bulman's Shell over<br />

Brigg's Chevrolet.<br />


INC. MIXED<br />

Standings as of <strong>10</strong>/<strong>10</strong>/66<br />

'N SPARES<br />

W. L. .<br />

Jursli F. Wear <strong>10</strong> 5<br />

Heidi's Dr. In 9 6-<br />

Supsrior Oil 9 6<br />

"Blue Fl. Oil 8 7<br />

Kozy Lanes 7 8<br />

Morgan Phar. 6 9<br />

Harvey's Str. 6 9<br />

Vida Com. 5 <strong>10</strong><br />


Men - T. Harvey - 223 -<br />

215 - 176 - 614} J. Hansell<br />

- 214; H. Kraszewski<br />

- 2<strong>10</strong>; R. Nelson -<br />

200.<br />

Women • M. Osmanskl -<br />

170 - 154 - 214 - 538;<br />

E. Urbanskl - 167 - 198;<br />

B. Kardos - 179 - 180;<br />

G. Pierato - 183; F. Swallick<br />

- 174; F>, Wohlgenmuth<br />

- 163; B. Sager -<br />

179; T. Wisniewski - 173;<br />

E. Jurski - 165; M, Herceg<br />

- 161.<br />

RESULTS /<br />

Three game winner>*f<br />

Harvey's Strikers over<br />

Morgan Pharmacy.<br />


Standings as of <strong>10</strong>/<strong>10</strong>/66<br />

Marie's Deli<br />

Hillcrest<br />

Peter Pank<br />

Mil. & Kurtz<br />

Geant<br />

Mason Wilson<br />

W.<br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

9<br />

7 7<br />

7<br />

5<br />

L.<br />

5<br />

6<br />

.8 88<strong>10</strong><br />


C. Dean - 211; M. Gendiek<br />

- 189; C. Rehfus -<br />

167; P. Dean - 173; J.<br />

McCormack - 167 - 166;<br />

M. Mundy - 163; M. Mathisen<br />

- 163; J. Gendlek -<br />

198 - 204 - 159 - 561.<br />

Two game winners:<br />

Marie's Dell; Milter<br />

& Kurtz; Geant.<br />


Standings as of <strong>10</strong>/12/66<br />

Eng. Chev.<br />

Sup. Carpets<br />

Roddy's Tav.<br />

Cook's Shell<br />

Cipo Elec.<br />

Bottle Stop<br />

Kozy Lanes<br />

Anton & Chuck's 8<br />

ZebroAssn.<br />

A. Sea Food<br />

B. Highlander<br />

Gr, M. Shop<br />

w.<br />

16<br />

12<br />

12<br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

7<br />

Top Amusement 7<br />

Wonder Bar 5<br />

L.<br />

2<br />

6 6<br />


Bob Mytnick 2<strong>10</strong> - 224 -<br />

193 - 627; John Seppi -<br />

232 - 192 - 199 - 623;<br />

John Nemeth - 197 - 2<strong>13</strong> -<br />

207 - 617; Bot)Shorosky<br />

-<br />

207 - 211; R. Kurowsky -<br />

225; R. Gomolka - 218;<br />

S. Marwinskl - 215; S.<br />

Becza - A. Grundman -<br />

-2<strong>13</strong>; S. Egnat -K. Szard -<br />

212; R. Chrzan - 204; J.<br />

Poulson - J. Guiro - R.<br />

Nebus - 203; C. Ricci -<br />

201; R. McGowan - E. Nebus<br />

- 200.<br />


Three game winners:<br />

English over Top. Superb<br />

ober Anton & Chuck's.<br />

Two game winners:<br />

Cook's over Cipo's. Kozy<br />

over Green's. Zebro over<br />

Albern's. Highlander's<br />

over Bottle Stop. Roddy's<br />

over Wonder Bar.<br />

9 9<br />

9 <strong>10</strong><br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

11<br />

11<br />

<strong>13</strong><br />


iMtttraat - ItalleMawkn<br />

(Ivsry Nit* S PJL-Sndcya wi Hslldays 2 FJL)<br />


Catering to<br />

Weddings - Banquets<br />

Parties *. Social Functions<br />

km <strong>10</strong> H 259 •*#{•<br />

•T. 3S - FA 1*7<strong>10</strong> - MORtAN<br />



Standings as<br />

Enterprise<br />

Mad. Pk. #1<br />

Prog.<br />

Pres. Pk.<br />

Ind.<br />

Protection<br />

Summit v<br />

L. Har. FfrV<br />

Mad. Pk. #2<br />

R art tan<br />

COUNTY<br />

LEAGUE<br />

of <strong>10</strong>/6/66<br />

W.<br />

<strong>13</strong><br />

12 n<br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

9<br />

9 854<br />

4<br />

L.<br />

2<br />

3 4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6 7<br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

11<br />

11<br />


B. O'Leary - 204 - 198 -<br />

223 - 625; G. Freeman -<br />

248 - 192 - 171 - 611;<br />

L. Gruska - 224; T. Phillips<br />

- 212; L. McMahon -<br />

2<strong>10</strong>; F. Feulner - 206;<br />

R. McGowna - J. Jankowskl<br />

- 203; J. Nemeth -<br />

N. Thomsen - 202; J. De-<br />

Mauro - 200.<br />


Three game winners:<br />

Madison Park #1 over<br />

Laurence Harbor Exempts*.<br />

Progressive over Madison<br />

Park #2. Independence over<br />

Laurence Harbor Fire.<br />

Two game winners:<br />

Enterprise over protection.<br />

Summit over President<br />

Park. Rarltan over<br />

S. A. First Aid.<br />



COLUMBUS #426<br />

Standings as of <strong>10</strong>/11/66<br />

Wonder Bar<br />

J. J. Harrigan<br />

Gr. M. Shop<br />

Amer. Window<br />

Astarita Fl.<br />

Mikes Tavern<br />

Jackln & Cross<br />

Park. Liquors<br />

Bulmans Shell<br />

Don. Photog.<br />

Kurzawa Fun. H<br />

Gomolka A. Bd.<br />

Bay City Liq.<br />

Love & Kare<br />

W.<br />

11<br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

L/<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

9 81/2 61/2<br />

8 7<br />

7 8<br />

6 9<br />

51/2 91/2<br />

5 <strong>10</strong><br />

4 11<br />

4 11<br />


F. Fierro - 224; J. Coty-<br />

220; R. Chuilli - 215; R.<br />

Nebus - 214; F. Beaudry -<br />

207; J. Katona - 202; J.<br />

Patella - 201; C. lllaria -<br />

200.<br />


- Three game winners:<br />

Kurzawa Funeral Home<br />

over Love &. Kare.<br />

Two game winners:<br />

Wonder Bar over Gomolka"<br />

Auto Body. J, J. Harrigan<br />

over Bulmans Shell.<br />

Greens Men Shop over Donnelly<br />

Photography. American<br />

Window over Bay City<br />

Liquors.<br />

Two game winners:<br />

Astarita Florists over<br />

Jackin & Cross. Mikes<br />

Tavern over Parkway<br />

Liquors.<br />

My Neighbors<br />

"Have you any without<br />

bristles for use in disciplinary<br />

action?"<br />

Gomolka'f<br />


Body & Fender Work<br />

Complete Reflniihini. WtMIng<br />

(DuPont Spray • Glsilftg)<br />


Phone PArkway 1-ftlM<br />

mile pait S. Amboy Hospital<br />


For the second week in a<br />

row the South Amboy<br />

Sabres were on the road,<br />

this time travelling to Keyport<br />

to face the Keyport<br />

Blackbirds at tbe Keyport<br />

High School Field. In an<br />

awesome display of power,<br />

the Sabres mauled the home<br />

forces 47-0. Enroute to<br />

victory the Sabres kept<br />

their undefeated and unscored<br />

upon record entact.<br />

1st QUARTER<br />

Keyport kicked off to the<br />

Sabres and JoeyGraber ran<br />

the ball back to the Sabre<br />

35 yard line. A pass,<br />

Graber to end Tom Wortley,<br />

was good for 11 yards.<br />

Ed Skarzynski made <strong>13</strong><br />

yards to an end run. Bruce<br />

Bucklewicz advanced the<br />

ball to the Keyport 6 yard<br />

line, on an off tackle slant.<br />

Skarzynski circled right<br />

end for the T.D. and also<br />

added the extra point on<br />

the identical play. Score<br />

7-0. Joey Belmonte kicked<br />

off for South Amboy to<br />

the Keyport 42 yard line.<br />

After a series of running<br />

plays failed, Keyport found<br />

itself on its own 30 yard<br />

line. A short kick by Keyport<br />

gave the Sabres the<br />

ball on the 30 yard line.<br />

Wasting no time, on the<br />

first play, Joey Graber<br />

found Bruce Buckle wicz in<br />

the clear and passed for<br />

the T.D. Skarzynski made<br />

the extra point. 14-a. Belmonte<br />

kicked to Keyport.<br />

Pete Kenny broke thru the<br />

Keyport forward wall and<br />

Spilled the ballcarrier for a<br />

6 yard loss. Keyport* s kick<br />

carried to the 40 yard line.<br />

On a double reverse,<br />

Graber to Buckle wicz to<br />

Belmonte, resulted in another<br />

T.D. as Belmonte<br />

sped around the left flank<br />

outdistancing the safety<br />

man into the end zone. A<br />

pass, W o r 11 e y from<br />

Graber, was short for the<br />

extra point. Score 20-0.<br />

2nd QUARTER<br />

The Sabre PeeWee backfield<br />

of Gene Berardo,<br />

Skippy Minnick, Dave"<br />

Keenan and Marty Graber<br />

took the field at the start<br />

of the .secondquarter. Keyport<br />

was unable to move<br />

the ball and was forced to<br />

punt. Berardo was thrown<br />

for a 2 yard loss. Sabres<br />

failed to make the yardage<br />

and Berardo punted<br />

to Keyport. With the ball<br />

back on the Keyport 30<br />

yard line, they were forced<br />

to punt but Dave Rehn broke<br />

thru and blocked the kick<br />

with end Tom Wortley<br />

scooping up the ball and<br />

prancing 30 yards for the<br />

T.D. Skarzynski made the<br />

extra point. Score 27-0.<br />

Belmonte kicked off and the<br />

half ended.<br />

3rd QUARTER<br />

Belmonte kicked off to the<br />

Keyport 40 yard line where<br />

a clipping penalty was assessed,<br />

Keyport moving the<br />

ball to the 25 yard line.<br />

Keyport was penalized 5<br />

yards for off sides. With<br />

the ball on the 15 yard<br />

line, Keyport was forced<br />

to kick. The Sabre line<br />

swarmed the kicker and the<br />

ball came to rest on the<br />

12 yard line. On a triple<br />

reverse, Graber to Bucklewicz<br />

to Vincent Coakley,<br />

the score was raised to<br />

33-0. Belmonte on a buck<br />

lateral make the extra<br />

point, score 34-0. Ensuing<br />

kick off had Keyport on<br />

their own 29 yard line. Ed<br />

Skarzynski threw Keyport<br />

for losseB on two connective<br />

plays and South Amboy<br />

took over on the 28 yard<br />

line. A swing pass, Graber<br />

to Skarzynski added another<br />

6 points, score 40-0.<br />

Belmonte made the extra<br />

point. 41-0.<br />

tugene A. Morris<br />

Palate, Oila and Vanishes<br />

Brukw, Glaaa, BroasM<br />

Gold Leaf. SUIM.SU.<br />


33 Firtt Street, South Amboy<br />

Dial PArkway 1-0466<br />

Sabres Shoot Down Blackbirds 470<br />

4th QUARTER<br />

Belmonte ran a Keypcrt<br />

punt back 22 yards to Keyport's<br />

38 yard line. Skippy<br />

Minnick made 20 yards on<br />

"" end run but the Sabres<br />

-ere detected clippy and<br />

rere penalized 15 yards,<br />

iouth Amboy off side. Gene<br />

Berardo passed to Tom<br />

Wortley for 8 yards. On<br />

a 4th down, a Berardo pass<br />

to Minnick fell incomplete<br />

and the Sabres had<br />

to surrender the ball. Keyport<br />

was unable to move<br />

the ball and gave It upon<br />

their 41 yard line. Dave<br />

Wlsnewskl on a reverse,<br />

from Bucldeweicz circled<br />

right end for 32 yards before<br />

being knocked out of<br />

bounds on the 9 yard line.<br />

Belmonte on a buck lateral<br />

covered the remaining 9<br />

yards for a T.D. Graber on<br />

a keeper failed for the extra<br />

point. Belmonte kicked<br />

to Keyport as the game<br />

ended with a score of 47-0.<br />



Gene Berardo kicked off<br />

for South Amboy to the<br />

Keyport 42. Keyport made<br />

a 1st down on the South<br />

Amboy 41 yard line. The<br />

next play netted 5 yards<br />

but on the next play, Gene<br />

Berardo broke thru and<br />

split Keyport for a 6 yard<br />

loss. Keyport forced to kick<br />

to the South Amboy 31 yard<br />

line. A Berjrdo pass to<br />

Kevin Larsen fell incomplete.<br />

With a crushing block<br />

by Tom Szatkowskl, Skippy<br />

Minnick was sprung loose<br />

around right and for 31yards<br />

and a T.D. Dave<br />

Keenan circled left end for<br />

the extra point, score 7-0.<br />

Berardo, kicked off for<br />

South Amboy which was<br />

fumbled and recovered by<br />

South Amboy. Ed Szaro on<br />

the Keyport 41^ Dave<br />

Keenan made 4 yards up<br />

the middle, 5 more on the<br />

same play. Skippy Minnick<br />

turned right end for the<br />

T.D. but an illegal use of<br />

the hands nullified the<br />

score and South Amboy was<br />

penalized J.5 yards.'<br />

Berardo on a keeper was<br />

held to no gain, Berardo<br />

passed to Minnick for 16<br />

yards. With the ball on the<br />

29 yard line, Minnick circled<br />

left end for the T.D.<br />

Minnick added the extra<br />

point on an end run, score<br />

14-0. Berardo kicked to<br />

the Keyport 38 as the quarter<br />

ended.<br />

2n«UARTEF<br />

With the ball on .aeir<br />

38 yard line, Keyport was<br />

thrown for a loss by Mark<br />

Abatlello, forcing them to<br />

kick. Walter Nebus made<br />

2 yards and Ed Szaro 8<br />

more for a first down.<br />

Nebus made 2 more yards<br />

and Szaro 3 more. A pass,<br />

Rene Picchini to Marty<br />

Bergin was incomplete. On<br />

a broken play, Picchini<br />

made 3 yards but the Sabres<br />

lost the ball. Jim Fitzmorris<br />

threw Keyport for a<br />

7 yard loss and Keyport was<br />

forced to punt to the South<br />

Amboy 41 yard line as the<br />

half ended.<br />

3rd QUARTER<br />

, Keyport kicked off to South<br />

Amboy*s 40 yard line. Berardo'<br />

s pass was no good.<br />

No gain for Keenan. A Berardo<br />

pass to Marty Bergin<br />

was good for 6 yards. Then<br />

Berardo passed to Minnick<br />

which was good for 16<br />

yards. On the next play<br />

South Amboy was detected<br />

clipping and were penalized<br />

15 yards and had to go<br />

back to the 28. An offlsde<br />

penalty pushed them back<br />

to the 33. Dave Keenan<br />

made <strong>13</strong> yards, Berardo 7<br />

yards on a keeper and<br />

Keenan 8 yards to the 6<br />

yard line. South Amboy was<br />

penalized 5 yards for offsides.<br />

Minnick was held for<br />

no gain on the next play,<br />

as the quarter ended.<br />

4th QUARTER<br />

With the ball on the 5<br />

yard line Minnick circled<br />

end for a T.D. but Marty<br />

Bergin was detected for<br />

illegal use of the hands and<br />

the Sabres drew a 15 yard<br />

penalty. A pass, Berardo to<br />

Mike Kilcomons was incomplete.<br />

Berardo'a pass<br />

to Larsen on a fourth down<br />

fell incomplete as the Sabres<br />

lost the ball on the<br />

21 yard line. Keyport advanced<br />

the hall to the 17<br />

yard line but Kevin Larsen<br />

broke thru on the next play<br />

and pushed Keyport back to<br />

the 11 yard line. Keyport<br />

punted and South Amboy had<br />

the ball on the- 38 yard<br />

line. Keenan made 8 yards<br />

on an off tackle slant.<br />

Keenan swept left end for<br />

30 yards and a T.D. Minnick<br />

made the extra point,<br />

score 21-0. Berardo kicked<br />

to Keyport on the 35 yard<br />

line and Keyport mustered<br />

their best offensive effort<br />

of the day, advancing the<br />

ball to the Sabre 36 as time<br />

ran out ending the game.<br />

Next Sunday the Sabres<br />

will play host to the South<br />

River Little Knights at Veteran's<br />

Field. It will be<br />

Homecoming Day for all<br />

ex-Sabres. The PeeWee<br />

game is slated to get underway<br />

at 12:30 p.m. while<br />

the Midget game is scheduled<br />

to start at 2 p.m.<br />

f AMIS SIT<br />


The first annual HOME-<br />

COMING GAME of the South<br />

Amboy Sabres will be<br />

played on Sunday, October<br />

16, at Veterans Field. The<br />

PeeWee game is slated to<br />

get underway at 12:30 p.m<br />

and the Midgets at 2 p.m.<br />

The Sabres will face the<br />

South River Little Knights<br />

Pop Warner Team.<br />

Former Sabres' players<br />

will be honored at half<br />

time. In case of rain, the<br />

ceremonies will be postponed<br />

until Sunday, October<br />

23.<br />

Everyone is urged to come<br />

out and support their team.<br />

SPORTS<br />

AFIELD<br />

methods vary somewhat,<br />

depending on the species<br />

of fish and the depth at which<br />

they are feeding. The turbulence<br />

created by the wake of a<br />

moving boat will attract school<br />

tuna to strike.fairly short lines;<br />

as a rule, however, bluefish will<br />

generally be caught on long<br />

lines that are trolled beyond the<br />

wake.—Sports Afield<br />

More ducks will fly south, this<br />

fall. Hunting will be improved<br />

over last year. About 25 percent<br />

more ducks returned to Canada<br />

last spring. Water conditions<br />

were greatly improved almost<br />

everywhere.—Sports Afield<br />

You see a lot of handguns<br />

aboard sport-fishing boats: .38s,<br />

.44 magnums and of course<br />

Army auto .45s. Guys will unlimber<br />

them from time to time<br />

for « try at shark shooting.—<br />

but most are kidding themselves.<br />

When you figure a moving<br />

target, a moving shooting<br />

platform and several pounds, of<br />

iron at the end of your arm—<br />

the shark is reasonably safe.—<br />

Sports Afield<br />

The airlines, in conjunction<br />

with the federal regulatory<br />

agencies, ask that hunters traveling<br />

as airline passengers package<br />

their sporting weapons in<br />

strong, well-padded shipping<br />

casA, caddies or trunks which<br />

are suitable for normal airline<br />

baggage handling and check<br />

their gun cases as baggage rather<br />

than carry them aboard the<br />

airliner into the passenger cabin—Sports<br />

Afield<br />


DOHSniOTIiH<br />

M MOW T0WMS SlftYtd<br />

• mom<br />

• mxm<br />


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