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Harmonia celeste are somewhat more revealing. The dedicatory addresses of these<br />

two anthologies are paired with dedicatory music: madrigals that glorify patrons, thus<br />

offering an aural, musical counterpart to the penned prefaces they follow. Anthologies<br />

were particularly well suited to provide the combination of a flattering dedication<br />

and musical selections that reflected well on a patron. Phalèse follows his dedication<br />

of Musica divina with the four-voice madrigal Fra l’altre virtu, also dedicated to<br />

Bartolomei. Together, the dedication and dedicatory madrigal form a double-opening<br />

(folios 1v–2r). Though the madrigal is unattributed in the 1583 edition of Musica<br />

divina, the headline in the 1588 edition names Peuernage as the composer. This link<br />

between Bartolomei and Pevernage suggests the composer may have served as the<br />

point of contact between the dedicatee and the compiler/printer, Pierre Phalèse.<br />

This hypothesis is supported by the fact that later in 1583 Pevernage himself compiled<br />

the next anthology in the series, Harmonia celeste. He dedicated the volume to<br />

the Milanese merchant Cesare Homodei, who was active in Antwerp prior to becoming<br />

a citizen of Cologne on 19 August 1585. 26 Two madrigals by Pevernage, Qvando la<br />

voce al dolce canto and Con humilatto sta fatica mia, follow the dedication. They<br />

each bear the headline Al Molto Magnifico S.[ignore] Cesare Homodei. A final dedicatory<br />

madrigal, Cesar gentil degno da loro (also by Pevernage), opens the six-voice<br />

settings on folio 23 verso with praise of Homodei’s love of music.<br />

The strongest link between compiler and dedicatee is found in Symphonia<br />

angelica, addressed to the senator and treasurer of Antwerp, Cornelius Pruenen. 27 As<br />

a northerner of high social standing, Pruenen was a model dedicatee with well-honed<br />

musical skills, tastes, and spending habits. 28 Pruenen had supported several local musicians,<br />

including Waelrant, and in 1582 purchased madrigal books from the Plantin<br />

shop. 29 In fact, Waelrant’s dedication of Symphonia angelica honours an association<br />

26 H. STEHKÄMPER, Kölner Neubürger 1356–1798. Erster Teil: Neubürger 1356–1640, (Mitteilungen<br />

aus dem Stadtarchiv von Köln, 61), Cologne, 1975, p. 156, cited in K. DERDE and S. WILLAERT,<br />

Andreas Pevernage, p. 174, n. 61. Despite the move, Homodei remained a significant patron of Antwerp<br />

music books: Jean de Castro’s Madrigali... con doi canzoni (Antwerp, Phalèse & Bellère, 1588) also<br />

bears a dedication to him.<br />

27 For biographical information on Pruenen, see I. GHIJS, art. Pruynen, Cornelis, in Nationaal Biografisch<br />

Woordenboek, 13 (1990), columns 670–672.<br />

28 On the musical literacy of Antwerp audiences, see HOEKSTRA, The Reception and Cultivation of the<br />

Italian Madrigal, pp. 147, 152–156. On the education of Antwerp citizens in general, see G. MARNEF,<br />

Antwerp in the Age of Reformation: Underground Protestantism in a Commercial Metropolis,<br />

1550–1577, Baltimore, 1996, pp. 33–37; and J. MURRAY, A smackering of... Grammar, in Antwerp<br />

in the Age of Plantin and Brueghel, Norman, Oklahoma, pp. 96–113.<br />

29 A payment to Huybrecht Walravens sanger dates from 1567 (Stadsarchief Antwerpen, Vierschaar 330,<br />

Processtukken Pieter Matheuss: Van Dyck tegen de Stad Antwerpen, quoted in PERSOONS, De Genealogie<br />

van de Antwerpse Toonkundige Hubertus Waelrant [1517–1595], pp. 153–154). An entry in Plantin’s<br />

Grand livre 1582–1589 (7 June 1582) confirms that Pruenen acquired the Secondo libro di Regnard<br />

and Madrigali di prenestim from the Officina Plantiniana (Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Grand<br />

livre 1582–1589, Arch. 20, fol. 50).

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