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172 RICHARD FREEDMAN Royaume que bon luy semblera la Musique de son invention estant par luy reveuë et remise en tel ordre qu’il adviseroit et aussi de faire imprimer celle qui n’a encores esté par cy devant mise en lumiere sans que pendant le temps de dix ans aucun autre imprimeur que celuy auquell ledit de lassus auroit baillé ses copies et permission se puisse ingerer d’en imprimer ne mettre en vente ne porcion d’icelle si ce n’estoit du consentement de l’un ou de l’autre soubz les peines contenues esdittes lettres, et qu’en mettant ledit privilege ou extraict d’icelluy au commencement ou à la fin desditz livres imprimez il soit tenu pour bien et deuëment signifié à toutes personnes que besoin seroit et tout ainsi que si la notification leur en avoit esté particulierement faitte. Donné à Fontainebleau le XXV. jour de Iuillet l’an de grace mil cinq cens LXXI. et de son regne l’unziéme. Par le Roy Signé de Neufville soub le contrescel de la Chancellerie en cire Iaune. Translation: Extract from the privilege. It has pleased the King to grant to ORLANDE DE LASSUS, master composer of music, privilege and permission to have printed by such printer of this realm he deems suitable, the music he has composed, being reviewed and put in such order as he should advise and also to have printed that which has not previously been brought to light. Excepting that during a period of ten years, no other printer than the one to which the said Lassus will have entrusted his copies and permission, will be able to undertake to print them, nor to put them on sale, nor even a portion of them, if this is done without the consent of one or the other, upon punishment as contained in these letters. And that in putting the said privilege or an extract from it at the outset or the end of the said printed books, it will stand as well and duly indicated to all persons to be on guard, and that they will have been especially notified of this. Given at Fontainebleau, on the 25th day of July, in the year of grace, 1571 and of his reign the eleventh. By the King, signed by de Neufville upon the counterseal of the chancery in yellow wax. Document 4. Lasso’s Special Authorial Privilege, 1571 (as quoted in an imprint of 1577). Quoted in LASSO, Missae variis concentibus ornatae, ab Orlando de Lassus. Cum cantico beatae Mariae. Octo Modis Musicis variato, Paris, 1577. Par lettres patentes du Roy données à Fontainebleau le vingtcinquiesme jour de Julliet, M.D.LXXI. Signées par le Roy, de Neufville: et scellées du grand seau en cire jaune sur simple queuë. Et par autres lettres patentes de confirmation du Roy Henry, données à Paris le vingtcinquiesme jour d’Aoust M.D.LXXV. aussi signées, de Neufville: Il est permis au sieur Orlande: de faire imprimer par tel

WHO OWNED LASSO’S CHANSONS? Imprimeur ou Libraire que bon luy semblera, toutes et chacunes les Oeuvres qu’il a faictes et composées, et pourra cy aprez faire et composer, jusques au temps et terme de dix ans, à compter du jour qu’elles seront achevées d’imprimer. Avec defenses tresexpresses à toutes personnes de quelque qualité qu’elles soyent, de les imprimer, faire imprimer, ou mettre en vente, sans le congé et consentement dudict Orlande, ou de celuy auquel il aura baillé ledict congé: Sur peine d’amende arbitraire contre les contrevenans, confiscation des livres, despens, dommages et interests. En outre veut ledict Seigneur que mettant au commencement ou à la fin desdictes livres un extraict sommaire desdictes presentes, elles soyent tenues pour suffisamment notifées et venues à la cognoissance particuliere de tous Libraires, Imprimeurs, ou autres, sans qu’ils en puissent pretendre cause d’ignorance. Translation: By Lettre patentes of the King given at Fontainebleau the 25th day of July 1571, signed by the King, by de Neufville on behalf of the King, and sealed with the great seal on yellow wax on a simple ribbon. And by other Lettre patentes of confirmation of King Henry given at Paris the 25th day of August 1575 likewise signed by de Neufville. Granted to Mr. Orlande to have printed by whichever printer or bookseller he deems suitable, each and every work which he has made and composed, and may be able to create or compose in the future, for a term of ten years, counting from the day that they appear in print. With express prohibitions to all persons of any sort to print, to have printed, or to put on sale these works only with the approval and agreement of the said Orlande, or someone to whom he will have designated the said approval. Upon punishment of amends to be determined against the violators, confiscation of books, expense, damages, and interest. Furthermore the said Seigneur, in putting at the outset or conclusion of the said books a summary extract of what is said in this document, all booksellers, printers and others will thereby be sufficiently notified and informed of it, and cannot pretend ignorance. Document 5. Lasso’s Imperial Privilege, 1581. From a patent issued by Emperor Rudolph in Prague, 15 June 1581. Quoted in POHLMANN, Frühgeschichte des musikalischen Urheberrechts, p. 271, after the title page of the Superius part of Teutsche Lieder mit fünff Stimmen, Nürnberg, 1583. Thun unnd geben Ihme auch hiemit von Römischer Kayserlicher Macht wissentlich inn Krafft diss Brieffs also dass non hinfüro alle unnd jede Compositionen unnd Gesäng so gedachter Orlandus di Lassus hievor gemacht oder noch künfftig 173


Royaume que bon luy semblera la Musique de son invention estant par luy reveuë<br />

et remise en tel ordre qu’il adviseroit et aussi de faire imprimer celle qui n’a<br />

encores esté par cy devant mise en lumiere sans que pendant le temps de dix ans<br />

aucun autre imprimeur que celuy auquell ledit de lassus auroit baillé ses copies<br />

et permission se puisse ingerer d’en imprimer ne mettre en vente ne porcion d’icelle<br />

si ce n’estoit du consentement de l’un ou de l’autre soubz les peines contenues<br />

esdittes lettres, et qu’en mettant ledit privilege ou extraict d’icelluy au<br />

commencement ou à la fin desditz livres imprimez il soit tenu pour bien et deuëment<br />

signifié à toutes personnes que besoin seroit et tout ainsi que si la notification<br />

leur en avoit esté particulierement faitte. Donné à Fontainebleau le XXV.<br />

jour de Iuillet l’an de grace mil cinq cens LXXI. et de son regne l’unziéme. Par<br />

le Roy Signé de Neufville soub le contrescel de la Chancellerie en cire Iaune.<br />

Translation:<br />

Extract from the privilege.<br />

It has pleased the King to grant to ORLANDE DE LASSUS, master composer<br />

of music, privilege and permission to have printed by such printer of this realm<br />

he deems suitable, the music he has composed, being reviewed and put in such<br />

order as he should advise and also to have printed that which has not previously<br />

been brought to light. Excepting that during a period of ten years, no other printer<br />

than the one to which the said Lassus will have entrusted his copies and permission,<br />

will be able to undertake to print them, nor to put them on sale, nor<br />

even a portion of them, if this is done without the consent of one or the other,<br />

upon punishment as contained in these letters. And that in putting the said privilege<br />

or an extract from it at the outset or the end of the said printed books, it will<br />

stand as well and duly indicated to all persons to be on guard, and that they will<br />

have been especially notified of this. Given at Fontainebleau, on the 25th day<br />

of July, in the year of grace, 1571 and of his reign the eleventh. By the King,<br />

signed by de Neufville upon the counterseal of the chancery in yellow wax.<br />

Document 4. Lasso’s Special Authorial Privilege, 1571 (as quoted in an imprint<br />

of 1577). Quoted in LASSO, Missae variis concentibus ornatae, ab Orlando de<br />

Lassus. Cum cantico beatae Mariae. Octo Modis Musicis variato, Paris, 1577.<br />

Par lettres patentes du Roy données à Fontainebleau le vingtcinquiesme jour de<br />

Julliet, M.D.LXXI. Signées par le Roy, de Neufville: et scellées du grand seau<br />

en cire jaune sur simple queuë. Et par autres lettres patentes de confirmation du<br />

Roy Henry, données à Paris le vingtcinquiesme jour d’Aoust M.D.LXXV. aussi<br />

signées, de Neufville: Il est permis au sieur Orlande: de faire imprimer par tel

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