Prospectus - Notowania

Prospectus - Notowania Prospectus - Notowania
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Factoring S.r.o. (€ 10 million), HVB Banca Pentru Locuinte (€ 8 million) and Weilburg Grundstuck M.B.H. (€ 4 million). As at December 31, 2007, income relating to companies subject to significant influence included revaluations on companies valued with the equity method totalling € 206 million. Contributions to this amount came mainly from CreditRas Vita (€ 43 million), Oberbank (€ 30 million), Osterreichische Kontroll Bank (€ 30 million), Bank fur Tirol und Voralberg (€ 25 million), Aviva (€ 19 million) and BKS Bank (€ 19 million). The income from sale of companies subject to significant influence on the whole amounted to € 41 million and included, inter alia, those from the sale of Giro- Bank Kartya (€ 11 million), Anica System (€ 5 million), Adria Bank (€ 4 million), Aviso (€ 3 million) Synesis (€ 2 million) and Optima Financial Services (€ 2 million). Write-downs due to impairment of companies subject to significant influence on the whole amounted to € 15 million and included, inter alia, those relative to HVB Banca Pentru Locuinte (€ 8 million ) and Internasyonal Turizm (€ 4 million). As at December 31, 2006, income relating to companies subject to significant influence included revaluations on companies valued with the equity method totalling € 230 million. Contributions to this total came mainly from Consortium (€ 51 million), CreditRas Vita (€ 38 million), Aviva (€ 13 million), CreditRas Assicurazioni (€ 5 million), Synesis (€ 7 million), Oberbank (€ 31 million), Osterreichische Kontroll Bank (€ 16 million), Bank fur Tirol und Voralberg (€ 22 million) and BKS Bank (€ 14 million). The income from sale of companies subject to significant influence on the whole amounted to € 100 million and included, inter alia, those from the sale of Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano (€ 20 million), Cassa di Risparmio di Saluzzo (€ 26 million), Cassa di Risparmio di Bra (€ 19 million), Banca Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano (€ 13 million), Pirelli Pekao Real Estate (€ 4 million), Modus (€ 3 million) and Iniziative Urbane (€ 3 million). Write-downs due to impairment of companies subject to significant influence included an adjustment of € 30 million relating to Ramius, an associate of HVB. Income Statement Data as at December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 per business segment The key income statement data are shown below, broken down by business segment on the basis of the reclassified income statement, as shown in section D of the consolidated financial statements of the different reference financial years. It should be pointed out that certain interim results may differ from the results in the accounts; in order to check said differences, reference should be made to the reconciliation between the financial statements and reclassified financial statements shown at the end of this Chapter. For the purposes of comparison, with reference to the financial year ended at December 31, 2007, the following tables contain reconstructed data, i.e. include the Capitalia group for the entire year despite the business combination being completed on October 1, 2007. In this regard, it should be noted that, for comparative purposes, the consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2008 present a reclassified income statement as at December 31, 2007 in the notes to the financial statements, inclusive of the Capitalia group for the entire year despite the business combination - 232 -

eing completed on October 1, 2007. Lastly, it should be pointed out, for the purpose of providing a more informative comparison relative to the performance in the last two years (2007-2008), that the variations relating to 2006 and 2007 shown in the following tables are less significant given that the first items are reconstructed data including the effect on the whole year of the merger with Capitalia while the 2006 amounts refer to the UniCredit group in its original structure. As a result, in the comments on the 2006-2007 changes, where significant and determinable, provision has been made to give an indication of the changes that took place based on like-forlike data, i.e. excluding the effect of Capitalia consolidation for 2007. Lastly, it should be pointed out that, an examination of the performance per business segment was carried out based on the organisational model adopted in financial years 2007-2008, which envisaged the identification of Retail, Corporate, Private Banking, Asset Management, Markets & Investment Banking, Poland’s Markets and Central- Eastern Europe. Data for business segments as at December 31, 2006 were obtained from the Financial Statements for year ended December 31, 2007 which saw the division of the results of the Private and Asset Management segments that were previously combined. Therefore, said data per business segment as at December 31, 2006 was not subject to auditing. However, the methods for restating this data and the information presented in the Notes to the Financial Statements, as regards the changes made, were examined by the External Auditors for the purposes expressing their opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements as at December 31, 2007, and so as shown in the report issued on April 9, 2008. The presentation of the results is carried out on the basis of the reclassified income statement for which the reconciliation with the accounts is shown at the end of this Chapter. ( in millions of Euros) % Change RECLASSIFIED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 2008 - 233 - 2007 Reconstruct ed 2006 2008/2007 2007/2006 2007 historical Net interest 18,373 16,199 12,155 13.4% 33.3% 13,965 Dividends and other income from equity investments 1,012 920 705 10.0% 30.5% 878 Net interest income 19,385 17,119 12,860 13.2% 33.1% 14,843 Net fees and commissions 9,093 10,694 8,347 -15.0% 28.1% 9,430 Trading, hedging and fair value income (1,980) 1,280 1,922 -254.7% -33.4% 1,057 Balance of other expenses/income 368 409 334 -10.0% 22.5% 563 Income from brokerage and other income 7,481 12,383 10,604 -39.6% 16.8% 11,050 OPERATING INCOME 26,866 29,502 23,464 -8.9% 25.7% 25,893 Staff expenses (9,918) (9,670) (7,845) 2.6% 23.3% -8,210 Other administrative expenses (6,019) (5,790) (4,431) 4.0% 30.7% -4,938 Expense reimbursements 557 593 285 -6.1% 108.1% 360 Write-downs on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (1,312) (1,289) (1,267) 1.8% 1.7% -1,298 Operating costs (16,692) (16,155) (13,258) 3.3% 21.9% -14,086 OPERATING PROFIT 10,174 13,347 10,206 -23.8% 30.8% 11,807 Write-downs on goodwill (750) (1) (9) n.a. -88.9% -1 Provisions for risks and charges (344) (753) (473) -54.3% 59.2% -663 Integration costs (140) (1,308) (465) -89.3% 181.3% -1,174 Write-downs on loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments (3,700) (2,468) (2,233) 49.9% 10.5% -2,152 Net profit from investments 218 1,694 1,184 -87.1% 43.1% 1,533 PROFIT BEFORE TAX FROM CURRENT OPERATIONS 5,458 10,510 8,209 -48.1% 28.0% 9,350 Income tax for the period (627) (3,221) (2,138) -80.5% 50.7% -2,732 NET PROFIT FROM CURRENT OPERATIONS 4,831 7,289 6,072 -33.7% 20.0% 6,618 Profit (loss) of disposal groups classified as held for sale after taxes - - 56 n.a. n.a. n.a.

eing completed on October 1, 2007. Lastly, it should be pointed out, for the purpose<br />

of providing a more informative comparison relative to the performance in the last<br />

two years (2007-2008), that the variations relating to 2006 and 2007 shown in the<br />

following tables are less significant given that the first items are reconstructed data<br />

including the effect on the whole year of the merger with Capitalia while the 2006<br />

amounts refer to the UniCredit group in its original structure. As a result, in the<br />

comments on the 2006-2007 changes, where significant and determinable, provision<br />

has been made to give an indication of the changes that took place based on like-forlike<br />

data, i.e. excluding the effect of Capitalia consolidation for 2007.<br />

Lastly, it should be pointed out that, an examination of the performance per business<br />

segment was carried out based on the organisational model adopted in financial years<br />

2007-2008, which envisaged the identification of Retail, Corporate, Private Banking,<br />

Asset Management, Markets & Investment Banking, Poland’s Markets and Central-<br />

Eastern Europe. Data for business segments as at December 31, 2006 were obtained<br />

from the Financial Statements for year ended December 31, 2007 which saw the<br />

division of the results of the Private and Asset Management segments that were<br />

previously combined. Therefore, said data per business segment as at December 31,<br />

2006 was not subject to auditing. However, the methods for restating this data and the<br />

information presented in the Notes to the Financial Statements, as regards the changes<br />

made, were examined by the External Auditors for the purposes expressing their<br />

opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements as at December 31, 2007, and so as<br />

shown in the report issued on April 9, 2008.<br />

The presentation of the results is carried out on the basis of the reclassified income<br />

statement for which the reconciliation with the accounts is shown at the end of this<br />

Chapter.<br />

( in millions of Euros) % Change<br />



STATEMENT 2008<br />

- 233 -<br />

2007<br />

Reconstruct<br />

ed 2006 2008/2007 2007/2006<br />

2007<br />

historical<br />

Net interest 18,373 16,199 12,155 13.4% 33.3% 13,965<br />

Dividends and other income from<br />

equity investments 1,012 920 705 10.0% 30.5% 878<br />

Net interest income 19,385 17,119 12,860 13.2% 33.1% 14,843<br />

Net fees and commissions 9,093 10,694 8,347 -15.0% 28.1% 9,430<br />

Trading, hedging and fair value<br />

income (1,980) 1,280 1,922 -254.7% -33.4% 1,057<br />

Balance of other expenses/income 368 409 334 -10.0% 22.5% 563<br />

Income from brokerage and other<br />

income 7,481 12,383 10,604 -39.6% 16.8% 11,050<br />

OPERATING INCOME 26,866 29,502 23,464 -8.9% 25.7% 25,893<br />

Staff expenses (9,918) (9,670) (7,845) 2.6% 23.3% -8,210<br />

Other administrative expenses (6,019) (5,790) (4,431) 4.0% 30.7% -4,938<br />

Expense reimbursements 557 593 285 -6.1% 108.1% 360<br />

Write-downs on property, plant and<br />

equipment and intangible assets (1,312) (1,289) (1,267) 1.8% 1.7% -1,298<br />

Operating costs (16,692) (16,155) (13,258) 3.3% 21.9% -14,086<br />

OPERATING PROFIT 10,174 13,347 10,206 -23.8% 30.8% 11,807<br />

Write-downs on goodwill (750) (1) (9) n.a. -88.9% -1<br />

Provisions for risks and charges (344) (753) (473) -54.3% 59.2% -663<br />

Integration costs (140) (1,308) (465) -89.3% 181.3% -1,174<br />

Write-downs on loans and<br />

provisions for guarantees and<br />

commitments (3,700) (2,468) (2,233) 49.9% 10.5% -2,152<br />

Net profit from investments 218 1,694 1,184 -87.1% 43.1% 1,533<br />


CURRENT OPERATIONS 5,458 10,510 8,209 -48.1% 28.0% 9,350<br />

Income tax for the period (627) (3,221) (2,138) -80.5% 50.7% -2,732<br />


OPERATIONS 4,831 7,289 6,072 -33.7% 20.0% 6,618<br />

Profit (loss) of disposal groups<br />

classified as held for sale after taxes - - 56 n.a. n.a. n.a.

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