Prospectus - Notowania

Prospectus - Notowania Prospectus - Notowania
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weighted assets (RWA). Risk Cost One of the main indicators used to calculate the risk of the bank’s assets provided by the ratio of the provisions to the allowance for possible loan losses to average net loans to customers. Discount Brokerage Securities broking with an incidence of the commission lower than average. FTE Acronym of Full Time Equivalent, staff calculation for the hours effectively worked and/or paid by the Group. Home Banking Banking service addressing households which envisages the possibility of carrying out banking transactions directly from the user’s domicile, via online connections. ICAAP Acronym of Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process, internal corporate process for the assessment of the capital adequacy envisaged by EU legislation on a consistent basis with the matters indicated by the New Basel Agreement on Capital (so-called “Basel II”). Impairment Test Test envisaged by the IFRS standards relating to any reductions in the value of the balance sheet assets. Investment Banking Brokerage activities for the purchase/sale of financial instruments and portfolio management activities carried out together with or separately from the same. IPV Acronym of independent price verification, process used for the classification of the financial instruments. Lifelong Learning Policy for promoting permanent training and learning. LPAC transactions Specialized loans linked to leverage finance (loans for acquisitions using leverage finance), project finance (loans for industrial projects), aircraft finance (aircraft loans), commodity finance (loans in the raw materials sector). Tier I capital The paid-in capital, the reserves, the innovative capital instruments and the net profit for the period make up the capital elements of primary quality. These are joined by the positive “prudential filters” of Tier I capital. The total of the afore-mentioned elements, net of shares or treasury stock, intangible assets, the loss for the period and that registered in previous periods, as - 18 -

well as the negative “prudential filters” of Tier I capital, make up the “Tier I capital”. The Bank of Italy may request that other elements are deducted which, due to their characteristics, may lead to a “diluting” of the Tier I capital. For greater details, see the Instructions for the compilation of the reporting on the Regulatory capital and on the prudent ratios issued by the Bank of Italy. Regulatory Capital or Total Capital The capital of the banks valid for regulatory legislation purposes, represented by the sum of the Tier I capital – allowed in the calculation without any limit – and the Tier 2 capital, which is allowed up to the maximum limit of the Tier I capital less, involving specific and detailed methods, the equity investments and the shareholdings held in other banks and/or financial institutions. The Bank of Italy, in the Regulatory Instructions and in the Instructions for the compilation of the reporting of the Regulatory Capital and on the prudent ratios, indicates detailed limits and methods for the calculation of the Regulatory Capital. For greater details, see the Instructions for the compilation of the reporting of the Regulatory Capital and on the prudent ratios issued by the Bank of Italy. Tier II capital The valuation reserves, the innovative capital instruments not calculated in the Tier I capital, the hybrid equity-linked instruments, the subordinated liabilities, the implicit net capital gains on equity investments, and the other positive elements represent the secondary capital elements. These are joined by the positive “prudential filters” of the Tier II capital. The total of the afore-mentioned elements, less the implicit net capital losses on equity investments, the other negative elements and the negative “prudential filters” of Tier II capital represent the Tier II capital. For greater details, see the Instructions for the compilation of the reporting on the Regulatory capital and on the prudent ratios issued by the Bank of Italy. Plain Vanilla Transaction Transactions with a simple financial structure lacking derivative components, which lead to the issuer’s obligation to reimburse the investor 100% of the notional value on maturity together with the payment of interest calculated in accordance with a specific calculation method. - 19 -

well as the negative “prudential filters” of Tier I capital,<br />

make up the “Tier I capital”. The Bank of Italy may<br />

request that other elements are deducted which, due to<br />

their characteristics, may lead to a “diluting” of the Tier<br />

I capital. For greater details, see the Instructions for the<br />

compilation of the reporting on the Regulatory capital<br />

and on the prudent ratios issued by the Bank of Italy.<br />

Regulatory Capital or Total Capital The capital of the banks valid for regulatory legislation<br />

purposes, represented by the sum of the Tier I capital –<br />

allowed in the calculation without any limit – and the<br />

Tier 2 capital, which is allowed up to the maximum<br />

limit of the Tier I capital less, involving specific and<br />

detailed methods, the equity investments and the<br />

shareholdings held in other banks and/or financial<br />

institutions. The Bank of Italy, in the Regulatory<br />

Instructions and in the Instructions for the compilation<br />

of the reporting of the Regulatory Capital and on the<br />

prudent ratios, indicates detailed limits and methods for<br />

the calculation of the Regulatory Capital. For greater<br />

details, see the Instructions for the compilation of the<br />

reporting of the Regulatory Capital and on the prudent<br />

ratios issued by the Bank of Italy.<br />

Tier II capital The valuation reserves, the innovative capital<br />

instruments not calculated in the Tier I capital, the<br />

hybrid equity-linked instruments, the subordinated<br />

liabilities, the implicit net capital gains on equity<br />

investments, and the other positive elements represent<br />

the secondary capital elements. These are joined by the<br />

positive “prudential filters” of the Tier II capital. The<br />

total of the afore-mentioned elements, less the implicit<br />

net capital losses on equity investments, the other<br />

negative elements and the negative “prudential filters”<br />

of Tier II capital represent the Tier II capital. For<br />

greater details, see the Instructions for the compilation<br />

of the reporting on the Regulatory capital and on the<br />

prudent ratios issued by the Bank of Italy.<br />

Plain Vanilla Transaction Transactions with a simple financial structure lacking<br />

derivative components, which lead to the issuer’s<br />

obligation to reimburse the investor 100% of the<br />

notional value on maturity together with the payment of<br />

interest calculated in accordance with a specific<br />

calculation method.<br />

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