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(PDF, 101 mb) - USAID

(PDF, 101 mb) - USAID


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BOMBAY: -'The' Bo<strong>mb</strong>ay, CR ' zonal of ice has i'nsi's ted that 'alI<br />

consignee s make, a; f ive- year. Developrnent Plan: and,"submi t' it toth<br />

zonal: off ice See Appendi Fl. If any cjonsignee -faTl s.! to," subm it,<br />

s a'an ah is- assumed(hth ~ o n rse nteF<br />

P-gaand :he drpe rmte Is list of .consignees. ,-hei zonal;<br />

office approves project,,applications only, if- the6y- were,_part -of,;the<br />

6rigi al ,5-year plan stbmitted" by tec~cnsin and 'provided they<br />

~conform t o the CRS policy of approving only integrated communty<br />

projects.<br />

2 The zonal office~ha 7stipulated deadlines for the, receipt of~the<br />

_5yea lna el fr~thje submission of -annual,,project<br />

P rpoal. Se Appedix IteChoi Diocese of Indore FiveYa<br />

~Socio Economic~Planning Programme 1-~987 to lg9l.)<br />

~4.4 Planiin8- A~New Process Within CRS<br />

~~Althogh the CRS zonal offices have come toget'her inpast. years v<br />

to detemine the'Annual Estimt of Rqiremnents, (AER), thi's has not~<br />

~ been don on the basi s of~any real 'assessment of needs-a'sI deter-mined:<br />

-at the grass-roots level. ,The AER was geared to the commodity­<br />

-~allocationis as communicated t'o CRS by <strong>USAID</strong>. As such -it,has been ani<br />

~ annual exercise in resource allocation, rather than a bottoms-up,<br />

needs-based planining exercise., -t-<br />

Planning for developmen~t started within CRS/India -only -two ,or,<br />

three yearsago. Thje need~for planning, and' conseqjuently, the nee'd<br />

for moioigadvlain has become crystalized only in,the-very ,<br />

-recent past.<br />

The PM&E Grant, was a~ positive intervention which came at.an<br />

appropriatepint in time; to help CRS focus its:Program to achieve,<br />

greater. development imipact.<br />

As a consequence of the fundamental shif t i'nprogramiming<br />

0bjecti~ves, the'introduction for thef~irst time of, plianning as an<br />

integral part of the operati.ons of CRS, and the use of monitoring<br />

'mechanisms~ and evaluation tools~wi1 need much expe r Ience and time, to<br />

become instfiutinalzed.:<br />

4.5- Benieficiary Selection -<br />

The evlation ' team's observat on isthat~thesi t -i emphasis<br />

i.n ORS in-favor o~f community projects, as~against indi'vidua I~ r at<br />

ha resulted in a~shift, in,ephai in the, crtei for,the~eeti e.<br />

of benef icbiaies as well. -<br />

BY -their er au commuinity-projectsentofcan a<br />

7<br />

com ad'm rr maj afecting,pep. I htpo ,hr<br />

a-patentconcern to addrsa ,he ;pro btms of the poo and: weaker<br />

ro pher* re - as also. evierge& ,hel needfor, proper 'lann<br />

n mn oringof,projects<br />

g<br />


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