2006 Annual Report - Second Harvest Heartland

2006 Annual Report - Second Harvest Heartland 2006 Annual Report - Second Harvest Heartland


Individual and Family Donors of $250 to $999, continued Mr. Daniel J. Esch Mr. and Mrs. Titus Carr Evans Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Fair Dr. and Mrs. Richard Faivre Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Falconer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Faltesek Ms. Ann Fankhanel Mr. and Mrs. James Faustgen Mr. David E. Feinberg Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Feit Ms. Gail E. Felland Mr. Mark J. Fellman and Ms. Robin E. Caplan Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ferris Mr. and Mrs. David A. Feste Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Fetyko Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fickle Mr. Robert L. Fiedler Ms. Susan Figueroa Mrs. Janet S. Filter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Findorff Mr. Bruce A. Finzen Ms. Carolyn Fiterman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. William Flynn Mrs. Thelma S. Folstad Ms. Norma A. Forbord Mr. and Mrs. Don Foss Mr. and Mrs. George Foulkes Ms. Jeanne C. Foussard Ms. Kristine K. Fowler Ms. Maureen K. Franz Mr. Everett Franzen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Franzwa Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Frattallone Mr. Brent Fredrick Ms. Cassondra Fredriksen Ms. Bobbie A. Fredsall Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Freidl Mr. and Mrs. William and Louise French Ms. Elizabeth A. French Ms. Linda H. Fried Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Frishberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Fruin Ms. Julaine Fuith Mr. James Fuller and Ms. Lee Gartner Mr. Stephen J. Fulmek Ms. Lynn L. Fumuso Ms. Catherine Furnberg Mr. and Mrs. Blaine C. Fyksen Mr. Jeffery Gacek and Alyn M. Shannon Ms. Pamela Galanter Ms. Deborah Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gangl Ms. Arlene K. Ganley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K Gannaway Mr. Greg Gardner Ms. Elizabeth Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Garin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garris Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Gartner Mr. William A. Garwood Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Gaul Ms. Anne R. Gearity Ms. Amy Geary The Gegax Family Ms. Emilie George Mr. Jack Gherty Mr. and Mrs. David Gibbens Ms. Janet Gilbert Ms. Melanie Gilbertson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Gilles Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gilsdorf Mr. and Mrs. David J. Girk Ms. Christine Given-Collins Mr. and Mrs. Gary R and Theresa M Glaeser Mr. and Mrs. William Gleason 12 Mr. and Mrs. John Glieden Ms. Mary M. Glynn Mr. Robert S. Goedken Mr. Michael Goertz Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gogins Ms. Terri Goldblatt (DBA Ms.Terri Gold) Ms. Naomi R. Golv Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon Mr. Jack Gordon Ms. Lynne E. Gorlinsky Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gowdy Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Graber Ms. Sara K. Graffunder Dr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Gramer Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Grande Ms. Kristin Grangaard and Mr. Thomas Prather Mr. George K. Granse Ms. Michele Granse Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Grau Mr. and Mrs. John M. C. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Gray Ms. Valerie R. Green Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Greene Mr. Cliff Greene Ms. Carol A. Greenland and Mr. Dean Bachmeier Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Greenwald Mr. David M. Gregg Mr. Stewart Gregg Ms. Alison Grey Mr. Michael P. Griffi n and Ms. Bonnie K. Faber Mr. and Mrs. John R. Griffi ths Ms. Karen E. Grimm and Mr. Jude Hallamek Ms. Amy L. Gudmestad Mr. Brian J. Guidera Mr. and Mr. Robert N. Guimont Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Gulden Mr. Gary W. Gullikson and Ms. Carol M. Tollefsrud Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Gulstad Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Gunderson Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. J. Cameron Guthrie Mr. Larry B. Guthrie and Ms Pamela N. Korell Ms. Nancy S. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Gutzmann Mr. and Mrs. Philip Haan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Halbach Ms Jennifer A. Halcrow Mr. and Mrs. Martin Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hammer Ms. Susan Hammerstrom Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Hammond Ms. Tina Ham-Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Lowell L. Hancuh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Hanger Mr. Patrick Hanily Mr. Todd Hanks Mr. Paul Hanley and Ms. Cassandra Davids Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hansch Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hansen Ms. Patricia Hansen Mr. Denison Hansen Mr. Chris Hanson and Ms. Anne Conroy Ms. Kim Harbinson Mr. Richard C. Hardes Ms. Patricia M. Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Harms Mr. E. James Harrell and Louise A. Mattson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hart Mr. Bryan Hart Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Steven Haugland Mr. Paul Havel Ms. Margaret Hawkenson and Ms. Barbara England Mr. Bryan Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes Ms. Dana R. Headley Mr. Daniel J. Healy Mr. Robert P. Hebbel and Ms. Charlotte Pancake Ms. Jean Hedberg Mr. Stephen J. Hedberg Ms. Mary Jane Hedstrom Jeff and Lucy Heegaard Mr. Thomas A. Heie Mr. Robert W. Heili Mr. James Heimer and Ms. Teresa Sierzant Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heisler Mr. and Ms. John and Margaret Heitlinger Ms. Wendy L. Hellerstedt and Mr. Thomas J. Ryan Mr. James F. Hellrigel Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Hemann Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hendrickson Ms. Janet L. Herbert Ms. Cathy Herfi ndal Mr. and Mrs. John Herman Mr. Todd E. Hermann Ms. Connie M. Hertz Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hesch Ms. Mildred Heyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Hillenbrand Ms. Emily Erusha Hilleque Dr. and Mrs. Randall A. Hillson Mr. Jeffrey Hinck Mr. Erik C. Hinkie and Ms. Ericka S. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Hirigoyen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hirsch Ms. Sandra Hitch Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. Hoaglund Mr. John Hoch Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoekstra Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Hokanson Mr. and Mrs. John Holahan Dr. Joel S. Holger Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Hollerbach Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Holman Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hols Ms. Cheryl A. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Hood Mr. James Hoops Mr. Travis Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. David Hoplin Ms. Sara Horne Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Horwitz Ms. Ellyn Hosch Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hoska Mr. and Mrs. Christian M. Houdek Ms. Helen House and Mr. Robert Hovde Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Hovey Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hovland Mr. Michael Howell Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Howes Mr. and Mrs. Grim Howl Mr. John Hubbling and Ms. Lynn Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Hughes Ms. Josephine A. Hughes Ms. Diane Robinson Hunt Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunter III Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Hutchinson Ms. Gretchen M. Ibele Ms. Rachel Imbrock Mr. Robert Ingram Mr. and Mrs. John Ittner Mr. Keith A. Jablonski Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Jackson Ms. Rosamond T. Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. David Jaeger Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Janni Mr. Greg Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Jarboe Mr. Robert Jarvis Ms. Suzanne P. Jebe Mr. and Mrs. Marc Jenkins Multi Service Agencies, continued Harbor Light Mankato Food Shelf Soup Kitchen Youth Programs Minneapolis Central Corps Minneapolis Parkview Corps Need North Offi ce Northbrook Corps South Offi ce St. Cloud West Food Shelf Soup Kitchen Sharing and Caring Hands, Inc. Soup Kitchen Mary My Hope Daycare Mary My Hope Teen Center Mary’s Place Shelter Shiloh Temple Int’l Ministries Soup Kitchen Youth Programs Union Gospel Mission Association of St. Paul Christ Recovery Center Christ Recovery Center II Naomi Family Shelter & Daycare Union Gospel Mission Shelter University of Minnesota Anoka County Extension Chisago County 4-H Chisago County Extension Dakota County Extension Hennepin County Extension Isanti County Extension Lac Qui Parle County Extension Morrison County Extension Murray County Extension Pine County 4-H Pine County Extension Ramsey County Extension Todd County Extension Urban 4-H Washington County 4-H Unity Temple Outreach Ministries Soup Kitchen Youth Programs Volunteers of America of MN Ashland Group Home Bar None Residential Treatment Services Portland Group Home Southwest Senior Center Western Community Action The Kitchen Table Food Shelves - Marshall The Kitchen Table Food Shelves - Tracy Western Community Action Headstart Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Wilder Bush Memorial - Bush Children’s Center Wilder Bush Memorial - Holcomb House Wilder Bush Memorial - Spencer House Wilder Child Development Center Wilder Social Adjustment Program for Southeast Asians Wilder Violence Prevention and Intervention Services YWCA 28th Street Downtown Midtown North Commons Phillips Uptown Youth Achievers Program (YAP) Y’s Kids Club (YKC)

Individual and Family Donors of $250 to $999, continued Mr. and Mrs Michael D. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. David Jerde Ms. Carol A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Curtis G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson Mr Gregory Johnson Ms. Helen H. Johnson and Ms. Jolene K. Fluegge Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John and Alice Johnson Ms. Lois Johnson Ms. Pamela Johnson Ms. Rachel E. Johnson and Mr. Thomas L. Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson Mr. Robert Johnson and Ms. Bonnie Young Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnson Mrs. Sally Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson Mr. Wayne C. Johnson Mr. Wayne Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Jones Dr. Heidi L. Joos MD and Ms. Ivy B. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Jorgensen Mr. Marcel Jouseau and Yung Kang Jouseau Ms. Patricia S. Juaire Mr. Michael G. Julkowski Mr. and Ms. Larry A. Kaasa Mr. Roger W. Kaercher Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kain Dr. and Mrs. James W. Kalb Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kaloides Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Kammermeier Mr. Michael R. Kangas Mr. Wayne Kaniewski Mr. Steven Kantner Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Kapsner Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Karels Mr. Roger W. Karlson Dr. and Mrs. Bert Kasiske M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kassan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Kastel Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kaufman Ms. Patricia H. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kawalek Ms. Mary Keefer Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keegan Ms. Ashley Kees and Ms. Mary Kees Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith Ms. Mary H. Keithahn Ms. Audra Keller Ms. Carrie L. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kelley Ms. Joan Kelly Ms. Mary M.Q. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kelly Mr. Thomas J. Kelley and Ms. Kathleen A. Stack Mr. Warren P. Kelly Mr. Griff Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kepner Ms. Marilyn M. Kern Mr. Thomas A. Kestner Ms. Susan Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. David Kiewatt Ms. Mary Leah Kimmes Mr. Don Kincaid Mr. Mehmet F. Kinoglu and Ms. Barbara Davis Mr. Andrew Kiragu Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kirchner Mr. John Kirchner Ms. Judy Y. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kirscher Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirscht Ms. Michelle Klegon Dr. Karen L. Klein MD Mr. Robb C. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Kloker Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Knapp Ms. Marybeth A. Knoll K. C. Knutson Dr. and Mrs. Anders M. Knutzen MD Ms. Karen A. Kobey Ms. Karen Kobey - West Mr. and Mrs. Donald Koch Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Kohler Mr. Bruce Earl Kolcinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koop Mr. Stephen A. Korducki and Ms. Joyce M. Buss Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kothbauer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kottke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kozloff Mr. James J. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Krantz Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Krebs Mr.and Mrs Michael J. Krejci Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kreuter Ms. Anne Krmpotich and Mr. Robert Marolt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kronholm Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kudelka Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Joanne Kuebler Mr. and Mrs. David Kuhnau Mr. Joseph Kurcinka Mr. Larry La Bonte and Ms. Kathryn Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Labrosse Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lach Ms. Susan M. Lach Tom and Marie LaForce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lallier Mr. Paul Lamb Mr. David Lange and Ms. Nancy Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Beverly Larsen Ms. Vivian E. Larson, Ms. Lynne M. Addison and Mr. Dean R. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Larson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Larson Ms. Shirley Mae Lathrop, Mr. Richard J. Rivet and Mr. Steven Rivet Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Laufenberg Mr. Gil Lautenshlager Mr. Steven L. Law Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence III Mr. and Ms. Al and Kathy Leach Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Leifheit Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lennox Joseph and Brenda Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Leppert Mr. Peter B. Levine and Ms. Trish la Plante Ms. Nancy L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Lewis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Ley Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lien Ms. Lora J. Liimatta Ms. Vera Likins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lillyblad Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Lindberg Ms. Marsha K. Linden and Ms. Lynne L. Richmond Ms Valerie Lindstrom Ms. Ronna S. Linroth Mr. and Mrs. Serge Litkewitsch Mr. Clinton Little Ms. Barbara Little Mr. Paul Livgard Ms. Suzann Lnu Mr. and Mrs. George W. Loahr Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lockwood Mr. Hans Loedolff Ms. Doris K. Loes Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Loken Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Long Mr. and Mrs. Brian Long Mr. Woody Love Mr. David Lubbers Mr. Brent T. Lucas Mr. Mark Ludwig Mr. Jeffrey Lueth Mr. Robert J. Lukes Mr. and Mrs. William Lund Mr. Jonathan Lundberg Mr. Van Luoma and Ms. Melanie Banta Mr. and Mrs. C. William Lutterman Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyman Mr. Michael Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Lynner Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons Ms. Mary Lystad and Ms. Louise Lystad-Testen Mr. and Mrs. John MacDougall Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Machacek Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mack Mr. and Mrs. John W. Macke Mr. Reed K. Mackenzie Mr. and Mrs. James D. Madison Mrs. Deborah B. Madson Mr. and Mrs. John Magdsick Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Maglich Mr. and Mrs. Peter Magnuson Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Maguire Ms. Maureen Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Marc Manderscheid Ms. Danielle Manella Ms. Joyce D. Manning Mr. Edward Maranda Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marble Ms. Kelly M. Marchwick Ms. Shirley Marcus Mr. Stephen F. Marincel and Ms. Gaye L. Sorenson Mr. Donald C. Mark Jr. Mr. James Marquardt Ms. Ann Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Marti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin Mr. Monty L. Martin and Ms. Debra Joanne Drew Ms. Shannon M. Marting and Mr. David R. Senf Sandy and Arthur Matas Mrs. Margaret V. Maxwell Mr. Jon Mayer Mr. Robert Mayrand Mr. Michael Mazanet Dr. and Mrs. David G. McAlpine Ms. Susan McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. McCarthy Ms. Karen McCarthy Mr. Robert McCauley Mr. and Mrs. Dave S. McCord Ms. Andrea McCormack Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald Ms. Leslie LeMire McDonnell Mrs. Mary H. McDonough Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDonough Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDougall Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGlince Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGowan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McGrath Mr. O. Bernard McGuire Ms. Mary McLeod Ms. Anne E. McManus Ms. Elaine McMaster and Ms. Carol McMaster Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McNamara Ms. Trina McNeely Ms. Barbara M. McQuillan Mr. and Mrs. David M. McQuoid Ms. Sandy McWilliams and Mr. Paul Wilson Ms. Sarah Meek Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meisterling Mr. and Mrs. James Mengelkoch Mr. Dave Merrifi eld Ms. Antoinette M. Merth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Messersmith Mr. and Mrs. Josef A. Mestenhauser Mr. and Mrs. L. Cecil Metz Ms. Lynn Metz Residential Care Facilities Alpha Human Services, Inc. American Indian Services Inc. American Indian Housing & CDC Anishinabe Wakaigun Ascension Place Beechwood, Inc. Brown County Evaluation Center Central MN Mental Health Damascus Way Re-Entry Center Green House Recovery Center Harmony House of Pierz Hearthstone of Minnesota Eagan Golden Valley Minnetonka Russell Somerset Zenith Heartland Girls Ranch Hiawatha Manor, Inc. Eternity House Pipestone Home of the Good Shepherd RoseCenter Wellsprings Living Center Hope Haven, Inc. 3rd Avenue SW 3rd Street SW 7th Avenue SW Trosky Road Housing Coalition of St. Cloud Leo A. Hoffmann Center Life Time Transition, Inc. 5600 House 5608 House 5810 House 5820 House 9206 House 9210 House 1005 House McLeod Treatment Programs Franklin House Porchlight Residence Prism House Sheppard House Meeker County Community Homes 4th Street Armstrong Avenue Marshall Avenue Midwest Challenge, Inc. Columbus I Columbus II Park Minnesota Teen Challenge 1st Avenue 2nd Avenue Portland Avenue Mount Olivet Rolling Acres, Inc. Bloomington Richfi eld Victoria New Hope Center New Life Treatment Center The Nu-Way House, Inc. 1st Avenue I 1st Avenue II Omegon, Inc. Orono Woodlands, Inc. People Incorporated Prairie Community Services Applewood Home Cherrywood Home Eastwood Home Inglewood Home Knollwood Home Sandalwood Home Valewood Home Westwood Home Willow Home Windwood Home Mr. Alan G. Meuwissen 13

Individual and Family Donors of $250 to $999, continued<br />

Mr. and Mrs Michael D. Jensen<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Jerde<br />

Ms. Carol A. Johnson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis G. Johnson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson<br />

Mr Gregory Johnson<br />

Ms. Helen H. Johnson and Ms. Jolene K.<br />

Fluegge<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John and Alice Johnson<br />

Ms. Lois Johnson<br />

Ms. Pamela Johnson<br />

Ms. Rachel E. Johnson and Mr. Thomas<br />

L. Hamlin<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson<br />

Mr. Robert Johnson and Ms. Bonnie<br />

Young Johnson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnson<br />

Mrs. Sally Johnson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson<br />

Mr. Wayne C. Johnson<br />

Mr. Wayne Johnson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Johnson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Jones<br />

Dr. Heidi L. Joos MD and Ms. Ivy B. Booth<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Jorgensen<br />

Mr. Marcel Jouseau and Yung Kang Jouseau<br />

Ms. Patricia S. Juaire<br />

Mr. Michael G. Julkowski<br />

Mr. and Ms. Larry A. Kaasa<br />

Mr. Roger W. Kaercher<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kain<br />

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Kalb<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kaloides<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Kammermeier<br />

Mr. Michael R. Kangas<br />

Mr. Wayne Kaniewski<br />

Mr. Steven Kantner<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kaplan<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Kapsner<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Karels<br />

Mr. Roger W. Karlson<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Bert Kasiske M.D.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kassan Jr.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Kastel<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kaufman<br />

Ms. Patricia H. Kaufman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kawalek<br />

Ms. Mary Keefer<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keegan<br />

Ms. Ashley Kees and Ms. Mary Kees<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith<br />

Ms. Mary H. Keithahn<br />

Ms. Audra Keller<br />

Ms. Carrie L. Kelley<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kelley<br />

Ms. Joan Kelly<br />

Ms. Mary M.Q. Kelly<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Kelly<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kelly<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Kelley and Ms. Kathleen<br />

A. Stack<br />

Mr. Warren P. Kelly<br />

Mr. Griff Kennedy<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kepner<br />

Ms. Marilyn M. Kern<br />

Mr. Thomas A. Kestner<br />

Ms. Susan Kiefer<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Kiewatt<br />

Ms. Mary Leah Kimmes<br />

Mr. Don Kincaid<br />

Mr. Mehmet F. Kinoglu and Ms. Barbara<br />

Davis<br />

Mr. Andrew Kiragu<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kirchner<br />

Mr. John Kirchner<br />

Ms. Judy Y. Kirk<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kirscher<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirscht<br />

Ms. Michelle Klegon<br />

Dr. Karen L. Klein MD<br />

Mr. Robb C. Kline<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Kloker<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Knapp<br />

Ms. Marybeth A. Knoll<br />

K. C. Knutson<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Anders M. Knutzen MD<br />

Ms. Karen A. Kobey<br />

Ms. Karen Kobey - West<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Koch<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Kohler<br />

Mr. Bruce Earl Kolcinski<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koop<br />

Mr. Stephen A. Korducki and Ms. Joyce<br />

M. Buss<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kothbauer<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kottke<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kozloff<br />

Mr. James J. Kramer<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Krantz<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Krebs<br />

Mr.and Mrs Michael J. Krejci<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kreuter<br />

Ms. Anne Krmpotich and Mr. Robert<br />

Marolt<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kronholm<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kruse<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kudelka<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Joanne Kuebler<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David Kuhnau<br />

Mr. Joseph Kurcinka<br />

Mr. Larry La Bonte and Ms. Kathryn Shaw<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Labrosse<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lach<br />

Ms. Susan M. Lach Tom and Marie LaForce<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lallier<br />

Mr. Paul Lamb<br />

Mr. David Lange and Ms. Nancy Godfrey<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Beverly Larsen<br />

Ms. Vivian E. Larson, Ms. Lynne M.<br />

Addison and Mr. Dean R. Larson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Larson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Larson<br />

Ms. Shirley Mae Lathrop, Mr. Richard J.<br />

Rivet and Mr. Steven Rivet<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Laufenberg<br />

Mr. Gil Lautenshlager<br />

Mr. Steven L. Law<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence III<br />

Mr. and Ms. Al and Kathy Leach<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lee<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Leifheit<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lennon<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lennox Joseph and<br />

Brenda Lenz<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Leppert<br />

Mr. Peter B. Levine and Ms. Trish la Plante<br />

Ms. Nancy L. Lewis<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Lewis Jr.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Ley<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lien<br />

Ms. Lora J. Liimatta<br />

Ms. Vera Likins<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lillyblad<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Lindberg<br />

Ms. Marsha K. Linden and Ms. Lynne L.<br />

Richmond<br />

Ms Valerie Lindstrom<br />

Ms. Ronna S. Linroth<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Serge Litkewitsch<br />

Mr. Clinton Little<br />

Ms. Barbara Little<br />

Mr. Paul Livgard<br />

Ms. Suzann Lnu<br />

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Loahr<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lockwood<br />

Mr. Hans Loedolff<br />

Ms. Doris K. Loes<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Loken<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Long<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Long<br />

Mr. Woody Love<br />

Mr. David Lubbers<br />

Mr. Brent T. Lucas<br />

Mr. Mark Ludwig<br />

Mr. Jeffrey Lueth<br />

Mr. Robert J. Lukes<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William Lund<br />

Mr. Jonathan Lundberg<br />

Mr. Van Luoma and Ms. Melanie Banta<br />

Mr. and Mrs. C. William Lutterman<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyman<br />

Mr. Michael Lynch<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Lynner<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons<br />

Ms. Mary Lystad and Ms. Louise<br />

Lystad-Testen<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John MacDougall<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Machacek<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mack<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Macke<br />

Mr. Reed K. Mackenzie<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Madison<br />

Mrs. Deborah B. Madson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Magdsick<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Maglich<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Magnuson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Maguire<br />

Ms. Maureen Mahoney<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Manderscheid<br />

Ms. Danielle Manella<br />

Ms. Joyce D. Manning<br />

Mr. Edward Maranda<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marble<br />

Ms. Kelly M. Marchwick<br />

Ms. Shirley Marcus<br />

Mr. Stephen F. Marincel and Ms. Gaye L.<br />

Sorenson<br />

Mr. Donald C. Mark Jr.<br />

Mr. James Marquardt<br />

Ms. Ann Marshall<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Marti<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin<br />

Mr. Monty L. Martin and Ms. Debra<br />

Joanne Drew<br />

Ms. Shannon M. Marting and Mr. David<br />

R. Senf<br />

Sandy and Arthur Matas<br />

Mrs. Margaret V. Maxwell<br />

Mr. Jon Mayer<br />

Mr. Robert Mayrand<br />

Mr. Michael Mazanet<br />

Dr. and Mrs. David G. McAlpine<br />

Ms. Susan McCarthy<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. McCarthy<br />

Ms. Karen McCarthy<br />

Mr. Robert McCauley<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dave S. McCord<br />

Ms. Andrea McCormack<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald<br />

Ms. Leslie LeMire McDonnell<br />

Mrs. Mary H. McDonough<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDonough<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDougall<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGlince<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Roger McGowan<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGowan Jr.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. McGowan<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McGrath<br />

Mr. O. Bernard McGuire<br />

Ms. Mary McLeod<br />

Ms. Anne E. McManus<br />

Ms. Elaine McMaster and Ms. Carol<br />

McMaster<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McNamara<br />

Ms. Trina McNeely<br />

Ms. Barbara M. McQuillan<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David M. McQuoid<br />

Ms. Sandy McWilliams and Mr. Paul Wilson<br />

Ms. Sarah Meek<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meisterling<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Mengelkoch<br />

Mr. Dave Merrifi eld<br />

Ms. Antoinette M. Merth<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Messersmith<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Josef A. Mestenhauser<br />

Mr. and Mrs. L. Cecil Metz<br />

Ms. Lynn Metz<br />

Residential Care<br />

Facilities<br />

Alpha Human Services, Inc.<br />

American Indian Services Inc.<br />

American Indian Housing & CDC<br />

Anishinabe Wakaigun<br />

Ascension Place<br />

Beechwood, Inc.<br />

Brown County Evaluation Center<br />

Central MN Mental Health<br />

Damascus Way Re-Entry Center<br />

Green House Recovery Center<br />

Harmony House of Pierz<br />

Hearthstone of Minnesota<br />

Eagan<br />

Golden Valley<br />

Minnetonka<br />

Russell<br />

Somerset<br />

Zenith<br />

<strong>Heartland</strong> Girls Ranch<br />

Hiawatha Manor, Inc.<br />

Eternity House<br />

Pipestone<br />

Home of the Good Shepherd<br />

RoseCenter<br />

Wellsprings Living Center<br />

Hope Haven, Inc.<br />

3rd Avenue SW<br />

3rd Street SW<br />

7th Avenue SW<br />

Trosky Road<br />

Housing Coalition of St. Cloud<br />

Leo A. Hoffmann Center<br />

Life Time Transition, Inc.<br />

5600 House<br />

5608 House<br />

5810 House<br />

5820 House<br />

9206 House<br />

9210 House<br />

1005 House<br />

McLeod Treatment Programs<br />

Franklin House<br />

Porchlight Residence<br />

Prism House<br />

Sheppard House<br />

Meeker County Community Homes<br />

4th Street<br />

Armstrong Avenue<br />

Marshall Avenue<br />

Midwest Challenge, Inc.<br />

Columbus I<br />

Columbus II<br />

Park<br />

Minnesota Teen Challenge<br />

1st Avenue<br />

2nd Avenue<br />

Portland Avenue<br />

Mount Olivet Rolling Acres, Inc.<br />

Bloomington<br />

Richfi eld<br />

Victoria<br />

New Hope Center<br />

New Life Treatment Center<br />

The Nu-Way House, Inc.<br />

1st Avenue I<br />

1st Avenue II<br />

Omegon, Inc.<br />

Orono Woodlands, Inc.<br />

People Incorporated<br />

Prairie Community Services<br />

Applewood Home<br />

Cherrywood Home<br />

Eastwood Home<br />

Inglewood Home<br />

Knollwood Home<br />

Sandalwood Home<br />

Valewood Home<br />

Westwood Home<br />

Willow Home<br />

Windwood Home<br />

Mr. Alan G. Meuwissen 13

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