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EINSTEIN’S <strong>ANALYSIS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>TWIN</strong> <strong>PARADOX</strong><br />


Tata Institute, Mumbai (Bombay) &<br />

LKB, Paris<br />

GREX 2005<br />


Outline:<br />

1. Historical background to Einstein’s analysis in 1918<br />

2. Einstein’s resolution in 1918<br />

3. Discussion<br />

4. Counter-examples

Background to my interest in the history of this problem<br />

Results of of a theory of relativity with UNIVERSE<br />

as a preferred massive frame, with gravitational<br />

effects of moving through the massive universe is<br />

properly accounted for:<br />

1) Agrees with all known experimental data to date<br />

2) A transported clock can run faster than a clock<br />

stationary in the same frame (if the frame itself is<br />

moving relative to the CMBR/average rest frame of<br />

the matter in the universe, as supported well by<br />

clock comparison experiments)

Background to my interest in the history of this problem<br />

3) Closed path clock comparison is identical in physical content to<br />

closed path interferometry –> Sagnac phase is a cosmic<br />

gravitomagnetic effect, and it is the analogue of Aharonov-Bohm<br />

phase for gravitational vector potential due to motion relative to the<br />

galaxies and other matter<br />

4) In all these physical effects, what matters is not the relative velocity<br />

between observers, but the velocity relative to the matter/CMBR in<br />

the Universe -> The correct theory of relativity seems to replace<br />

Ether of Lorentz with the Universe containing matter and its gravity<br />

Is it logically and physically consistent to work with a theory<br />

meant for empty space in real universe filled with matter,<br />

energy and fields (discovered much later than 1905) ?

"The gist of the principle of relativity is the following. It is in<br />

no wise possible to detect the motion of a body relative to<br />

empty space; in fact, there is absolutely no physical sense<br />

in speaking about such motion. If, therefore, two observers<br />

move with uniform but different velocities, then each of the<br />

two with the same right may assert that with respect to<br />

empty space he is at rest, and there are no physical<br />

methods of measurement enabling us to decide in favour<br />

of one or the other".<br />

M. Planck, 1909

A<br />

“If one of two synchronous clocks at A is moved in a<br />

closed curve with constant velocity until it returns to A,<br />

the journey lasting t seconds, then by the clock that has<br />

remained at rest the travelled clock on its arrival at A<br />

will be ½ tv 2 /c 2 second slow”<br />

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A. Einstein, 1905<br />

If two observers move with uniform but different velocities, then each<br />

of the two with the same right may assert that with respect to empty<br />

space he is at rest, and there are no physical methods of<br />

measurement enabling us to decide in favour of one or the other".<br />

M. Planck, 1909<br />

So, in SR it is always the ‘other clock’ that runs slow

Experimentally,<br />

u<br />

u<br />

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2<br />

Time dilation depends on whether the frame in which the comparison<br />

is being made moves relative to the matter in the universe or not<br />

For example, if Einstein’s 1905 prediction of time dilation was tested<br />

immediately by sending a clock in a closed path (as Einstein said)<br />

around the earth in after 1905, the result would have gone against his<br />

prediction! In fact, a clock send in the route Paris-NY-Mumbai-Paris<br />

would have been seen running FASTER than a clock at rest in Paris<br />

This would have agreed with Lorentz’s relativity though<br />

Lack of such a test till the 1970s (atomic clocks) helped in generating a<br />

firm belief in the theory of relativity based on relative velocities only<br />

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u<br />


WHO ages less? (Both in linear motion for most part of their journey)<br />

Each will infer that the other will age less according a theory of relativity<br />

based on relative velocities, but this answer is paradoxical since they<br />

would meet again…<br />

A concludes that B will be ½ tv 2 /c 2 younger…<br />

B concludes that A will be ½ tv 2 /c 2 younger…

Usual statement:<br />

A<br />

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9<br />

B<br />

3<br />

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5<br />

A: B goes at velocity v for time T, very brief reversal,<br />

and then comes back at v for time T. Total time dilation<br />

is approximately -2Tv2 /2c2 . B ages less than me.<br />

A<br />

12<br />

12<br />

11 1<br />

11 1<br />

10<br />

2<br />

10<br />

2 B<br />

B: A goes at velocity v for time T’, very brief reversal,<br />

and then comes back at v for time T’. Total time dilation<br />

is approximately -2T’v 2 /2c 2 . A ages less than me.<br />

I did feel some force, while at rest, for a brief period.<br />

Important: A’s estimate explicitly assumes that acceleration does nothing<br />

to either clock. So, if both A and B use the same physical laws,<br />

acceleration should be irrelevant (Einstein, 1911, 1914…)<br />

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Some comments at this points:<br />

Acceleration by itself does not generate time dilation,<br />

and proper time is not affected by acceleration<br />

Muons in storage ring at an acceleration of 10 14 cm/s 2<br />

have the same time dilation as muons traveling in<br />

straight line at the same velocity, for the same duration.<br />

Note that there are SEVERAL “resolutions” of the twin clock problem<br />

in text books and physics literature, using different physical and<br />

logical reasoning:<br />

A sure sign of confusion…<br />

As confirmed by Einstein’s analysis much later.

There is no resolution of the twin paradox within special relativity<br />

(Einstein 1918)<br />

Einstein’s resolution of the twin paradox in 1918<br />

A. Einstein, Naturewissenschaften 6, 697 (1918)<br />

‘Dialogue about objections to the Theory of Relativity’<br />

A reply, long overdue, to his vehement critics, like E. Gehrcke and P. Lenard<br />

`The collected papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 7, The Berlin Years:<br />

Writings, 1918-1921', Princeton University Press (2002)

Einstein on twin paradox before 1918:<br />

No specific statement with a calculation available…<br />

“The clock in uniform motion runs slower…but if it undergoes a<br />

change in direction…,then the theory of relativity does not tell us<br />

what happens. However, the longer the clock is moving<br />

rectilinearly and uniformly with a given speed of forward<br />

motion,… the smaller must be the effect of such a hypothetical<br />

sudden change” (1911, Zurich, Also, certainly in 1914…)<br />

So, in contrast to opinion of Langevin and some others, Einstein<br />

in 1911 did not think that acceleration was important in the twin<br />


Response to E. Gehrcke, ~1914<br />

“accelerations are irrelevant for the amount of time difference<br />

between the two clocks, but their presence nevertheless<br />

causes the slowing down of clock B and not clock A.”<br />

Gehrcke continued his nasty criticisms of Einstein, to which Einstein<br />

finally responded in the paper in 1918<br />

He admitted that general theory of relativity and gravitational time<br />

dilation are essential ingredients in the resolution of the paradox.<br />

This part of the history of the problem is mixed with strong<br />

German nationalist feelings and also explicit anti-Semitist<br />

propaganda, supported by some German physicists and also<br />

opposed strongly by some – helped in some balance that<br />

allowed fair debates<br />

There were even some anti-relativity public seminars, which Einstein<br />

attended and responded to…<br />

Also letters to his colleagues (Remarks about anti-Semitism)

Einstein’s resolution of the twin paradox in 1918<br />

A. Einstein, Naturewissenschaften 6, 697 (1918)<br />

‘Dialogue about objections to the Theory of Relativity’<br />

Critic: People like me have often expressed their various doubts about<br />

the theory of relativity in journals; but rarely has one of you relativists<br />

responded…<br />

Let K be an inertial coordinate system. Let U1 and U2 be exactly identical<br />

clocks in K. If one of these clocks, U2 is in a state of uniform translatory<br />

motion, then it shall, according to SR, go at a slower rate than U1… If U2 is<br />

brought back it must be late relative to U1.<br />

Relativist: I agree, absolutely…<br />

Critic: Now comes the snag. According to the principle of relativity,<br />

the entire process must occur in exactly the same way when<br />

represented in reference the coordinate system K’ which partake in<br />

the movement of the clock U2…Even the devoutest adherents of the<br />

theory cannot claim that of two clocks, resting side by side, each one<br />

is late relative to the other.

Relativist: …the entire line of reasoning is not legitimate because,<br />

according to SR, the coordinate systems K and K’ are not at all<br />

equivalent. The theory claims only equivalence of unaccelerated<br />

systems…<br />

Critic: …but if one accepts general theory of relativity, coordinate systems<br />

of arbitrary states of motion are equivalent, and I can describe the<br />

previous process as well with respect to K’ as I can with respect to K…<br />

Relativist: It is certainly correct…But the coordinate systems K and K’ are<br />

not equivalent…

FROM K<br />

1. Clock U2 gets accelerated along<br />

+x axis until it attains velocity V.<br />

Clock U1 remains at rest.<br />

U1<br />

t<br />

t’<br />

U2<br />

U1<br />

2. U2 moves at constant velocity<br />

along positive x for time T.<br />

3. U2 is accelerated along<br />

negative x and it reverses its<br />

velocity to –V and then moves<br />

uniformly.<br />

U2<br />

FROM K’<br />

1. There arises a gravitational field<br />

in the negative x axis in which clock<br />

U1 falls accelerated until it attains<br />

velocity V. Clock U2 is at rest in this<br />

field. The g-field vanishes as soon<br />

as U1 reaches velocity V.<br />

2. U1 moves at constant velocity<br />

along negative x for time T’.<br />

3. There arises a homogeneous<br />

gravitational field along positive x<br />

in which U1 decelerates and falls<br />

towards U2 and reaches velocity<br />

V. U2 remains at rest in the field.<br />

Then the g-field vanishes.<br />

Rest is a repeat of these events in the opposite order.

Relativist: From the frame K’, during the step 2, the clock U1 moving<br />

at velocity V has indeed a slower rate than the clock U2 which is at<br />

rest. But this time lag gets overcompensated by the faster rate of U1<br />

during step 3. Because, according to the general theory of relativity, a<br />

clock has a more accelerated rate the higher the gravitational<br />

potential is at the clock’s location; and during step 3, U1 is indeed at a<br />

higher gravitational potential than U2.<br />

Calculation shows that this running-ahead amounts to exactly twice as<br />

much as the lag-behind during stages of inertial motion. This completely<br />

clarifies the paradox you referred to.<br />

Complete calculation:<br />

C. S. Unnikrishnan<br />

Current Science (Ind. Acad. Sci.), 2005<br />

U1<br />

U2<br />

g<br />

∆ T = Tgh/ c<br />

2<br />

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2<br />

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A<br />


Some comments on Einstein’s analysis in 1918<br />

1. He does not use concepts like ‘change in the line of simultaneity’,<br />

asymmetric doppler shifts, preferential space-time diagrams etc…<br />

2. He justifies a result predicted as part of SR in 1905 with physical<br />

reasoning from a theory constructed in 1910 – 1915<br />

3. He says explicitly that as much as SR is applicable in the situation<br />

the time dilation is symmetrical, and the only asymmetry is<br />

gravitational, to be treated by GR<br />

4. He starts the article by saying that the paradox has not been<br />

addressed adequately before 1918 by relativists<br />

5. In the article he also makes a comment on the ether, that it is not<br />

fully dead, and was in fact resurrected in a different form by GR<br />

And, finally, the 1918 gravitational resolution does not succeed!

Counter example:<br />

Freeze the clock reading whenever there are accelerations (easy<br />

with real clocks)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

12<br />

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2<br />

9<br />

9<br />

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11 1<br />

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5<br />

Restart here<br />

Hold here<br />

No acceleration. The clock B is not running during its turn around, and<br />

therefore the reading is identical to the one at “hold” when restarted.<br />

Remember that B’s turning around cannot physically change A’s rate!<br />

So, we have to conclude that, with real clocks, B’s turning around cannot<br />

change either B’s rate or A’s rate…and therefore, neither rate is affected<br />

due to turning around!

12<br />

11 1<br />

12<br />

11 1<br />

10<br />

2<br />

10<br />

2<br />

1. Clocks are frozen in reading during any acceleration<br />

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2. During relative uniform motion the time dilation is symmetric (SR)<br />

3. Proper Time is an accumulated physical quantity on each clock<br />

independently, and it is the sum of the time accumulated over<br />

smaller parts of the journey. Therefore, no resolution that invokes<br />

physical changes during turn-around works.<br />

4. In particular, Einstein’s resolution in 1918 does not solve the<br />

problem.<br />

C. S. Unnikrishnan<br />

Current Science (Ind. Acad. Sci.), 2005


1. Einstein’s analysis of the twin paradox rejects the idea that it can be<br />

adequately addressed and resolved within special relativity itself<br />

2. His resolution involving pseudo-gravitational time dilation, inspired by<br />

the equivalence principle and general relativity crucially relies on<br />

uninterrupted running of the clocks during accelerations, and this<br />

requirement makes the Einstein resolution is 1918 ineffective,<br />

because clocks can be stopped and restarted, and the result on time<br />

dilation is not significantly changed<br />

3. All standard resolutions of the twin-paradox suffer from a similar<br />

problem and counter examples are easily generated for each<br />

resolution<br />

4. The resolution that the clock that moves more relative to the<br />

matter in the universe ages less due to cosmic gravity works in all<br />

cases without ambiguity, and is indeed the only resolution<br />

consistent with GR and modern cosmology

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