
watervulnerability watervulnerability


Chugach National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Alaska Region (R10) Road density is low (0.12 km/km 2 ) with a total of 25.1 km of road in the watershed. One publication (NOAA 1996) rates this as well within the level of a properly functioning watershed (< 1.2 km/km 2 ). Residential development and roads along the lake have reduced lakeside vegetation. Invertebrates that fall from terrestrial vegetation make up a large part of the diet for juvenile coho salmon and this dietary input will be reduced. The effect on the water temperature of the lake as a whole is probably negligible, given the large areas far from shore and stream inputs. However, cooler, shallow shoreside areas, preferred by juvenile coho salmon for habit and rearing habitat, are reduced. Salmon spawning area in Eyak Lake has been reduced from 63,011 m 2 (Professional Fishery Consultants 1985) to a currently unknown amount. This is a result of housing development, construction of a water treatment plant, and sedimentation from roads in one area. An unknown amount of salmon spawning area exists in the creeks. Culverts have reduced salmon spawning by several hundred meters, but the overall percentage of spawning area is minimal. There are perched culverts that do not prevent access to usable habitat, but do eliminate intergravel flows in alluvial fans in the lake that could be used for sockeye salmon spawning. Cutthroat trout spawning area has been reduced by 35% due to culverts, houses, and roads covering potential spawning areas (Hodges et al. 1995). Another possible stressor is the reduction in the number of returning salmon due to the commercial, sport, and subsistence harvests. This harvest not only reduces the number of spawning fish, but also the availability of salmon for predators and the amount of nutrients provided by the carcasses for organisms throughout the food chain. A greater abundance of nutrients might help populations stressed by climate change in the future. There are anecdotal reports that there used to be more sockeye salmon early in the season, with the first fish reaching the spawning areas in May. This could be an effect of the variability of run sizes. The ADFG generally has the first commercial fishing opener on May 15. There is a need to carefully manage the early part of run to maintain the full genetic diversity. Water use is not seen as a stressor. The only water diversions are for backup municipal water use and for hydroelectric power generation. However, the backup municipal water use is infrequent and the water used for power generation is returned to the channel upstream of fish habitat, so there is minimal effect. Trends The population of Cordova has declined from 2500 residents in 2000 to 2240 residents in 2009. The use of migrant non-resident labor at canneries, decreased government employment, and the lack of other resource jobs are likely to keep the population and development from growing. Almost all of the areas suitable for housing lots and roads in the watershed have already been utilized. Runoff from recently constructed roads and building lots should decrease as raw areas revegetate. The opening of 50 or more residential lots outside of the Eyak watershed will reduce development pressure. Overall, there have been no detectable trends for the salmon populations. The commercial salmon fishery is managed well, and minimum escapements in the watershed have been maintained. Population levels generally follow changes of weather patterns associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the El Nino and La Nina patterns (Chittenden et al. 2009). The sport fishery is not managed closely, but the 280 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

Chugach National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Alaska Region (R10) harvest is still a small percentage of the commercial fishery (Lang 2010). Recreation and subsistence harvest are likely to grow, but data are lacking. Exposure/Risks Hydrologic/Geomorphic Assessing risk is difficult in the Eyak Lake watershed because the weather conditions are highly variable already. At the nearby Cordova airport, the mean annual precipitation from 1949 to 2004 is 96 inches, but the extremes have ranged from 54 to 139 inches (139 being 45% above normal). Thus, predictions that the mean precipitation in the rainier Eyak Lake watershed will increase 3% from 177 to 184 inches do not give a clear indication of how that will affect the hydrologic or geomorphic conditions. Such an increase is well within what might be considered normal. The significant changes are most likely to come from the extreme events, which are predicted to increase and intensify, but aren’t readily quantified. Mass wasting from snow avalanches is likely to increase but predicting such events is also not feasible. Thus, exposure and risk may be best discussed in general terms. The predicted increases in temperature and precipitation are likely to result in higher streamflows throughout the year, more frequent rain-on-snow events in the fall and spring, and changes in the timing of peak spring flows as the snowpack melts earlier. The predicted increase of extreme weather events, including increased storm duration and intensity, will also lead to greater streamflows. Glacial melting is expected to continue or accelerate, adding to flows in the summer, which could compensate for the reduction in flows from an earlier snowmelt. Geomorphically, these changes are likely to lead to increased snow avalanches, landslides, and other erosive processes. Temperatures changing between freezing and thawing at the lower elevations will be especially conducive to increasing snow avalanche danger. Many avalanche and landslide areas transport material directly to Power Creek or Eyak Lake itself, adding to the bedload. Exposed glacial moraines will be subject to erosion and transport by meltwaters. The increased bedload material will be deposited in the Power Creek delta at the head of Eyak Lake, and at Middle Arm and other smaller alluvial deposition areas around the lake. As with many deltas and glacial outwashes, stream channels will fill and shift. The Power Creek delta will most likely extend farther into the lake. The main consequence of the hydrologic and geomorphic changes will be the increased risk of flooding, especially in the subdivision just downstream from the outlet of Eyak Lake. Prolonged storm events in the fall have caused flooding in this area a few times every decade and this is only likely to increase with more precipitation and extreme events. Despite past flooding, development has continued on this floodplain due to the general scarcity of level land on which to build and its location beyond the city zoning areas. The other exacerbating factor is that flows from the glacial Scott River in the adjacent watershed can spill over into Eyak River, about 1/2 mile downstream from the development. As the Scott River deposits sediment into Eyak River, the Eyak channel’s ability to drain its watershed is reduced, resulting in increased flooding (Blanchet 1983, Hitch 1995). Similar increases in flows, bedload transport, and channel shifting in the Scott River are thus likely to affect Eyak River as well. 281 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

Chugach National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Alaska Region (R10)<br />

harvest is still a small percentage of the commercial fishery (Lang 2010). Recreation and subsistence<br />

harvest are likely to grow, but data are lacking.<br />

Exposure/Risks<br />

Hydrologic/Geomorphic<br />

Assessing risk is difficult in the Eyak Lake watershed because the weather conditions are highly variable<br />

already. At the nearby Cordova airport, the mean annual precipitation from 1949 to 2004 is 96 inches, but<br />

the extremes have ranged from 54 to 139 inches (139 being 45% above normal). Thus, predictions that<br />

the mean precipitation in the rainier Eyak Lake watershed will increase 3% from 177 to 184 inches do not<br />

give a clear indication of how that will affect the hydrologic or geomorphic conditions. Such an increase<br />

is well within what might be considered normal.<br />

The significant changes are most likely to come from the extreme events, which are predicted to increase<br />

and intensify, but aren’t readily quantified. Mass wasting from snow avalanches is likely to increase but<br />

predicting such events is also not feasible. Thus, exposure and risk may be best discussed in general<br />

terms.<br />

The predicted increases in temperature and precipitation are likely to result in higher streamflows<br />

throughout the year, more frequent rain-on-snow events in the fall and spring, and changes in the timing<br />

of peak spring flows as the snowpack melts earlier. The predicted increase of extreme weather events,<br />

including increased storm duration and intensity, will also lead to greater streamflows. Glacial melting is<br />

expected to continue or accelerate, adding to flows in the summer, which could compensate for the<br />

reduction in flows from an earlier snowmelt.<br />

Geomorphically, these changes are likely to lead to increased snow avalanches, landslides, and other<br />

erosive processes. Temperatures changing between freezing and thawing at the lower elevations will be<br />

especially conducive to increasing snow avalanche danger. Many avalanche and landslide areas transport<br />

material directly to Power Creek or Eyak Lake itself, adding to the bedload. Exposed glacial moraines<br />

will be subject to erosion and transport by meltwaters.<br />

The increased bedload material will be deposited in the Power Creek delta at the head of Eyak Lake, and<br />

at Middle Arm and other smaller alluvial deposition areas around the lake. As with many deltas and<br />

glacial outwashes, stream channels will fill and shift. The Power Creek delta will most likely extend<br />

farther into the lake.<br />

The main consequence of the hydrologic and geomorphic changes will be the increased risk of flooding,<br />

especially in the subdivision just downstream from the outlet of Eyak Lake. Prolonged storm events in the<br />

fall have caused flooding in this area a few times every decade and this is only likely to increase with<br />

more precipitation and extreme events. Despite past flooding, development has continued on this<br />

floodplain due to the general scarcity of level land on which to build and its location beyond the city<br />

zoning areas.<br />

The other exacerbating factor is that flows from the glacial Scott River in the adjacent watershed can spill<br />

over into Eyak River, about 1/2 mile downstream from the development. As the Scott River deposits<br />

sediment into Eyak River, the Eyak channel’s ability to drain its watershed is reduced, resulting in<br />

increased flooding (Blanchet 1983, Hitch 1995). Similar increases in flows, bedload transport, and<br />

channel shifting in the Scott River are thus likely to affect Eyak River as well.<br />

281 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

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