
watervulnerability watervulnerability


White River National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Rocky Mountain Region (R2) this reason, projected increases in stream temperatures are not carried forward in this process as a potential impact. Step 3. Identify Landscape-Scale Ecological and Anthropogenic Drivers At this point in the analysis, we have a general idea about the magnitude and direction of effects to aquatic systems from climate change. From the exposure data, we can see that temperatures will increase, some elevations will experience more rain than snow, and runoff timing may shift earlier while overall volume may decrease. With these potential changes in mind, we looked at the landscape-level drivers, both inherent to the subwatershed and human-created, that could either exacerbate or buffer these effects. Inherent Attributes of the Project Area Subwatersheds The resiliency of a watershed to any change is largely a function of parent geology, typical climate, topography, and vegetation. For this analysis, these factors were subdivided into more specific attributes that could be queried in GIS by subwatershed. The attributes considered most important for the White River National Forest are as follows: Geochemistry of the parent geology. Aquatic systems are intimately linked with the chemistry of the parent geology. In particular, calcareous geologies contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which dissolves to form ions that influence primary productivity in a stream. The weathering of these rocks also raises the stream pH and produces carbon dioxide for photosynthesis (Staley 2008). Because of the buffering effects to aquatic ecosystems from increased productivity, the percentage of a subwatershed with calcareous parent geology was used as a measure of resiliency to climate change. Extent of glaciation. Glacial processes have made some landscapes more suitable for wetland and riparian area developments by flattening the gradient of high mountain valleys and slowing runoff. Lateral and terminal moraines have created topography that encourages the slow movement and retention of large volumes of snowmelt-recharged groundwater. Consequently, glaciated environments typically have the highest densities of high-quality wetlands on the forest. Since glaciation generally led to a significant local influence on water availability and distribution, the percent of a subwatershed that was glaciated is used as a measure of inherent resiliency to climate change. Aspect. In snow dominated systems, aspect is a key factor affecting the size and longevity of the snowpack. South aspects tend to lose snow to evaporation or sublimation, even in the middle of winter. Subwatersheds dominated by southern aspects are expected to carry less snow for shorter periods under a warming climate scenario. Therefore, the percent of a subwatershed with a south, southeast, or southwest aspect is used as a measure of inherent resiliency to climate change. Hydroclimatic regime. This refers to the typical precipitation regime for a subwatershed. In the central Colorado Rocky Mountains, landscapes below about 7,500 feet typically have much of their precipitation and storm peaks associated with rainfall. Landscapes above about 7,500 feet in elevation typically have most of their precipitation and storm peaks associated with snowfall and snowmelt. As the climate warms, we expect that the transition from a snow-dominated to rain-snow-dominated precipitation regime will migrate upslope. The elevation band from 7,500 to 8,500 feet is considered to be an at-risk zone for snowpack. For this analysis, the percent of a subwatershed within the at-risk snow elevation band is used as a measure of inherent resiliency. Weighted precipitation. This attribute refers to the amount of precipitation that falls on the landscape as either snow or rain. In the Rocky Mountains, precipitation amount varies significantly with elevation and orographic effects. The Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) database 120 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

White River National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Rocky Mountain Region (R2) available from Oregon State University was used to determine composite precipitation values for each subwatershed, weighted by elevation. Since the amount of precipitation a subwatershed receives has a direct effect on aquatic ecosystems, weighted precipitation is used as a measure on inherent resiliency. Extent of surface water features. Groundwater movement and storage plays a large role in maintaining streamflow and stream temperatures. We found that the parent geology was not necessarily a reasonable predictor of shallow groundwater that regularly interacts with surface water. Instead, the presence of surface water and springs from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) GIS layers was used to estimate the percentage of a subwatershed with surface water or springs. Because of the buffering effects shallow groundwater has on aquatic ecosystems, this attribute was also used as a measure of inherent resiliency. Extent of large-scale pine beetle mortality. In snow-dominated systems, vegetation locally affects hydrology through evapotranspiration, canopy interception, and extent of snow scour. As the pine beetle epidemic progresses across western Colorado, we expect to see less evapotranspiration, less canopy interception, and more redistribution of snow as forest openings increase. Because of these effects on the annual hydrograph, the percentage of a subwatershed affected by pine beetle mortality was used as a measure of resiliency to a changing climate. Anthropogenic Influences in the Project Area Subwatersheds Human influences can also affect the resiliency of a subwatershed, depending on the amount of management-related activity that occurs. For the White River National Forest, the following anthropogenic influences were considered to have potentially significant effects on aquatic resources: Water uses. The amount of water withdrawn from a steam has a direct effect on the health of the aquatic system. The more water that is withdrawn, the more stress a system is exposed to and the less resilient it is to additional changes in water supply. Additionally, changes in streamflow have been associated with a competitive advantage for invasive species (Merritt and Poff 2010). In order to capture the cumulative change to the natural hydrology, the number of diversions per square mile was used as a measure of resiliency to climate change. Development (primarily roads). Roads and road ditches can have significant effects on how water is routed across the landscape. Ditches collect surface water (or intercept shallow subsurface water) on hill slopes, and act as tributary extensions of the stream network. Routing water off the landscape more quickly would have the net effect of exacerbating anticipated effects of climate change on runoff. In order to capture the influence of roads on the stream network, the road density, calculated as miles per square mile, was used as a measure of resiliency to climate change. Extent of beetle salvage. Performing salvage logging operations to remove standing dead trees can have additional effects on watershed hydrology. First, removing standing dead trees further reduces the interception of snow and can increase snow scour as openings increase in size. Additionally, most logging operations typically involve some new roads, at least temporarily. These effects may be slightly buffered in the long term since removal of trees may allow for quicker reforestation and subsequent hydrologic recovery. The percentage of a watershed proposed for salvage logging was used as a measure of resiliency to climate change. Step 4. Assess the Relative Vulnerability of the Resource Values In order for the relative vulnerability among subwatersheds to be determined, each inherent and anthropogenic attribute needs to be broken into categories of high, medium or low. Then each attribute 121 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

White River National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Rocky Mountain Region (R2)<br />

this reason, projected increases in stream temperatures are not carried forward in this process as a<br />

potential impact.<br />

Step 3. Identify Landscape-Scale Ecological and Anthropogenic Drivers<br />

At this point in the analysis, we have a general idea about the magnitude and direction of effects to<br />

aquatic systems from climate change. From the exposure data, we can see that temperatures will increase,<br />

some elevations will experience more rain than snow, and runoff timing may shift earlier while overall<br />

volume may decrease. With these potential changes in mind, we looked at the landscape-level drivers,<br />

both inherent to the subwatershed and human-created, that could either exacerbate or buffer these effects.<br />

Inherent Attributes of the Project Area Subwatersheds<br />

The resiliency of a watershed to any change is largely a function of parent geology, typical climate,<br />

topography, and vegetation. For this analysis, these factors were subdivided into more specific attributes<br />

that could be queried in GIS by subwatershed. The attributes considered most important for the White<br />

River National Forest are as follows:<br />

Geochemistry of the parent geology. Aquatic systems are intimately linked with the chemistry of the<br />

parent geology. In particular, calcareous geologies contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which dissolves<br />

to form ions that influence primary productivity in a stream. The weathering of these rocks also raises the<br />

stream pH and produces carbon dioxide for photosynthesis (Staley 2008). Because of the buffering effects<br />

to aquatic ecosystems from increased productivity, the percentage of a subwatershed with calcareous<br />

parent geology was used as a measure of resiliency to climate change.<br />

Extent of glaciation. Glacial processes have made some landscapes more suitable for wetland and<br />

riparian area developments by flattening the gradient of high mountain valleys and slowing runoff.<br />

Lateral and terminal moraines have created topography that encourages the slow movement and retention<br />

of large volumes of snowmelt-recharged groundwater. Consequently, glaciated environments typically<br />

have the highest densities of high-quality wetlands on the forest. Since glaciation generally led to a<br />

significant local influence on water availability and distribution, the percent of a subwatershed that was<br />

glaciated is used as a measure of inherent resiliency to climate change.<br />

Aspect. In snow dominated systems, aspect is a key factor affecting the size and longevity of the<br />

snowpack. South aspects tend to lose snow to evaporation or sublimation, even in the middle of winter.<br />

Subwatersheds dominated by southern aspects are expected to carry less snow for shorter periods under a<br />

warming climate scenario. Therefore, the percent of a subwatershed with a south, southeast, or southwest<br />

aspect is used as a measure of inherent resiliency to climate change.<br />

Hydroclimatic regime. This refers to the typical precipitation regime for a subwatershed. In the central<br />

Colorado Rocky Mountains, landscapes below about 7,500 feet typically have much of their precipitation<br />

and storm peaks associated with rainfall. Landscapes above about 7,500 feet in elevation typically have<br />

most of their precipitation and storm peaks associated with snowfall and snowmelt. As the climate warms,<br />

we expect that the transition from a snow-dominated to rain-snow-dominated precipitation regime will<br />

migrate upslope. The elevation band from 7,500 to 8,500 feet is considered to be an at-risk zone for<br />

snowpack. For this analysis, the percent of a subwatershed within the at-risk snow elevation band is used<br />

as a measure of inherent resiliency.<br />

Weighted precipitation. This attribute refers to the amount of precipitation that falls on the landscape as<br />

either snow or rain. In the Rocky Mountains, precipitation amount varies significantly with elevation and<br />

orographic effects. The Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) database<br />

120 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

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