
watervulnerability watervulnerability


White River National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Rocky Mountain Region (R2) Figure 1. Schematic of the climate change vulnerability assessment process ANALYSIS PROCESS Determination of the relative vulnerability of each subwatershed involves the following steps, which are discussed in detail below: 1) identify the aquatic resource values of concern; 2) quantify the anticipated exposure from a changing climate; 3) identify the relative influence of the ecological drivers and anthropogenic influences for each subwatershed; and 4) assess the relative vulnerability of the resource values based on the interaction of the ecological drivers, anthropogenic influences, and the anticipated climate change exposure. Step 1. Identify the Resource Values of Concern Initial brainstorming on prominent aquatic resources gave a laundry list of potential values. These included aquatic habitat, water uses, infrastructure (roads, trails, and campgrounds) in streams or floodplains, wetlands, and water dependent recreation. This list proved to be overly ambitious and was eventually pared down. The final list of aquatic resource values to be considered includes the following. 1. Aquatic Habitat - specifically for Colorado River cutthroat trout and boreal toads 2. Water Uses - irrigation and water supply 3. Infrastructure - culverts and bridges at road-stream crossings 114 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

White River National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Rocky Mountain Region (R2) This abbreviated list was considered comprehensive enough to cover the most significant aquatic issues while not generating redundant information across a long list of resource values. It became apparent that narrowing the list of resource values was justified since there is only modest variability in the final relative vulnerability of the three selected resource values. Step 2. Quantify the Anticipated Exposure from Climate Change Exposure is the term used to describe the amount of anticipated change in climate over time. The types of exposure typically considered for the mountainous West include changes in air temperature, changes in precipitation, and changes in runoff. Exposure estimates are not only highly variable but are highly uncertain as well. Variability of exposure estimates arise primarily from differences in carbon emission scenarios and the time frame of concern. High (A2) and low (B1) emission scenarios give very different exposure results when modeled at midcentury (often shown as year 2040 or 2050) versus those modeled at the end of the century. Uncertainty is also a major factor in estimating exposure. Exposure estimates, whether for temperature, precipitation, or runoff, are generated from global circulation models that attempt to predict weather patterns around the globe simultaneously for any given emission scenario. These large-scale global estimates are then down-scaled to smaller areas of concern, such as a state or some smaller region. A single model is rarely used to estimate exposure in a given locale. Rather, many different models are run and the exposure value presented is often the median of the predictions, along with a potential range of values. Since water supply is such a significant issue in the arid west, many states have compiled summaries of climate change predictions in order to assess future water supplies. Colorado is one of those states. For this analysis, climate change exposure data were taken from the 2008 report for the Colorado Water Conservation Boards entitled Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management and Adaptation (Ray et al. 2008). Predicted changes to temperature, precipitation, snowpack, and runoff (Christensen and Lettenmaire, 2006) are shown below in Figures 2 through 5. Figure 2 shows that air temperatures are predicted to increase over time. For the high-emission scenario (A2), the median predictions suggest an increase of 2.5 to 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit for mid- and late-century timeframes, respectively. This is in addition to an estimated 2 degree increase that has occurred over the last 30 years. Summers are projected to warm more than winters; winter projections show fewer extreme cold months, more extreme warm months, and more strings of consecutive warm winters (Ray et al. 2008). These warmer temperatures are likely to influence precipitation type, stream temperatures, and stream flow rates. 115 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

White River National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Assessment, Rocky Mountain Region (R2)<br />

This abbreviated list was considered comprehensive enough to cover the most significant aquatic issues<br />

while not generating redundant information across a long list of resource values. It became apparent that<br />

narrowing the list of resource values was justified since there is only modest variability in the final<br />

relative vulnerability of the three selected resource values.<br />

Step 2. Quantify the Anticipated Exposure from Climate Change<br />

Exposure is the term used to describe the amount of anticipated change in climate over time. The types of<br />

exposure typically considered for the mountainous West include changes in air temperature, changes in<br />

precipitation, and changes in runoff.<br />

Exposure estimates are not only highly variable but are highly uncertain as well. Variability of exposure<br />

estimates arise primarily from differences in carbon emission scenarios and the time frame of concern.<br />

High (A2) and low (B1) emission scenarios give very different exposure results when modeled at midcentury<br />

(often shown as year 2040 or 2050) versus those modeled at the end of the century.<br />

Uncertainty is also a major factor in estimating exposure. Exposure estimates, whether for temperature,<br />

precipitation, or runoff, are generated from global circulation models that attempt to predict weather<br />

patterns around the globe simultaneously for any given emission scenario. These large-scale global<br />

estimates are then down-scaled to smaller areas of concern, such as a state or some smaller region. A<br />

single model is rarely used to estimate exposure in a given locale. Rather, many different models are run<br />

and the exposure value presented is often the median of the predictions, along with a potential range of<br />

values.<br />

Since water supply is such a significant issue in the arid west, many states have compiled summaries of<br />

climate change predictions in order to assess future water supplies. Colorado is one of those states. For<br />

this analysis, climate change exposure data were taken from the 2008 report for the Colorado Water<br />

Conservation Boards entitled Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources<br />

Management and Adaptation (Ray et al. 2008).<br />

Predicted changes to temperature, precipitation, snowpack, and runoff (Christensen and Lettenmaire,<br />

2006) are shown below in Figures 2 through 5. Figure 2 shows that air temperatures are predicted to<br />

increase over time. For the high-emission scenario (A2), the median predictions suggest an increase of 2.5<br />

to 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit for mid- and late-century timeframes, respectively. This is in addition to an<br />

estimated 2 degree increase that has occurred over the last 30 years. Summers are projected to warm more<br />

than winters; winter projections show fewer extreme cold months, more extreme warm months, and more<br />

strings of consecutive warm winters (Ray et al. 2008). These warmer temperatures are likely to influence<br />

precipitation type, stream temperatures, and stream flow rates.<br />

115 Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change

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