Issue 1 - april 2012 - Sava dd

Issue 1 - april 2012 - Sava dd Issue 1 - april 2012 - Sava dd


Congratulations on 27 April, Day Day of of Uprising against Occupation and 1 May, May, the international labour day. Management Board of Sava d.d. SAVA GROUP NEWSPAPER • Issue 1, April 2012 • Year LII

Congratulations on 27 April,<br />

Day Day of of Uprising against<br />

Occupation and<br />

1 May, May,<br />

the international labour day.<br />

Management Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d.<br />

SAVA GROUP NEWSPAPER • <strong>Issue</strong> 1, April <strong>2012</strong> • Year LII

IN FOCUS<br />

MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

Our goal is to form a new, the renewed <strong>Sava</strong>,<br />

a more solid and efficient one<br />

In 2011, the exacting economic environment strongly affected the operations of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group.<br />

At the end of last March, we, the Management Board members, succeeded the then long-time<br />

management team, and formed a short-term measures programme for tackling the economic<br />

crisis, which we upgraded into the restructuring strategy of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group until 2014, and we<br />

also began to negotiate about coordinating the maturity of high financial liabilities with the banks.<br />

Record achievements of Rubber Manufacturing,<br />

Tourism more efficient<br />

The achieved results of <strong>Sava</strong>’s divisions, Rubber Manufacturing<br />

in particular, fill us with optimism and energy for<br />

the future. The sales revenues of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group totalled<br />

€193.8 million, which was a 10% improvement on the previous<br />

year, while the business plan was achieved and the<br />

level of Group’s revenues with regard to the period before<br />

the crisis was surpassed.<br />

2011 was the most successful year in the entire – 10-year<br />

history – of <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o. and the Rubber Manufacturing<br />

division in general. The latter generated the greatest (62%)<br />

share of total Group’s sales revenues. The sale of quality<br />

industrial rubber products repeatedly grew significantly,<br />

this time by 10%, and surpassed the business plan by 6%.<br />

Total profit of the division grew to reach €8.3 million, which<br />

was twice as much as in the previous year and by a quarter<br />

better as planned. Besides a fast recovery of certain<br />

markets after the crisis, the success of the division results<br />

from a varied sales mix, innovative R&D achievements, orientation<br />

to the new market niches and market restructuring,<br />

and the efficient risk management of price rises as well as<br />

limited availability of certain raw materials and rational cost<br />

management in general.<br />

Tourism companies made one third share in sales revenues<br />

of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group. Despite a lower purchasing power<br />

and, as a consequence, a declined demand in the traditional<br />

markets and competitors’ pressure on prices, the<br />

sales plan was achieved and sales revenues grew by<br />

7% in comparison with the previous year. The number of<br />

overnight stays by foreign guests increased and so did<br />

the average price, whereas due to the fierce price competition<br />

in the Slovene market a drop in prices could only<br />

be balanced through enhancing the number of overnight<br />

stays. The expected positive business result for the division<br />

shifted into a loss of €3.6 million mainly due to the formed<br />

provisions for the not utilised work hours and holidays, and<br />

severance pays upon the reorganisation, which thus will<br />

show in lower labour costs and a higher price competition<br />

in the coming period.<br />

2<br />

Rea Estate and Other Operations generated a minor part<br />

of total sales revenues, only 5% in total. Owing to a general<br />

decline in demand in this sector and a lower availability of<br />

finance sources, the amount of revenues in Real Estate was<br />

lower with regard to the previous year. The achieved loss of<br />

€10.2 million was to a great extent due to the impairment<br />

of inventories in Slovenia and Croatia. Sales revenues of<br />

Other Operations, whose main share referred to the energy<br />

management, were 7% lower than in 2010, the generated<br />

loss being otherwise lower than in the previous year.<br />

If the effects of single extraordinary events – impairments in<br />

Real Estate and provisions in Tourism, had been excluded,<br />

the subsidiaries of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group would have generated<br />

an operating profit of €11.7 million, meaning that the profit<br />

generated in the previous year would have been doubled.<br />

We are looking ahead at <strong>2012</strong> with content as we plan to<br />

further improve the results of the current operations.<br />

Operating result again affected by the impairments<br />

of financial investments<br />

Further plummeting of stock exchange prices, which strongly<br />

affected the <strong>Sava</strong> share price too, and the deterioration<br />

of the economic environment significantly affected the<br />

real and banking sectors, and requested for further impairments<br />

of financial investments of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. in the amount<br />

of €158.1 million. In 2011, the company made a net loss of<br />

€156.1 million, the balance sheet total lowered by 27% and<br />

capital by 63%. The share of capital in liabilities reduced<br />

to 21%.<br />

Due to impairments of financial investments of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d.,<br />

and to a lesser extent also due to impairment of inventories,<br />

the <strong>Sava</strong> Group generated a negative operating<br />

result of €146.3 million, while the value of impairments at<br />

Group’s level totalled €149.5 million.<br />

The operating result of the parent company of the Group<br />

was decisively affected by the impairments in connection<br />

with operations of the associated companies, mostly Abanka<br />

Vipa d.d., NFD Holding d.d. and Maksima Invest d.d.;<br />

€118.9 million or three quarters of total impairments made<br />

by <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. were due to the aforementioned companies.

Besides the impairments of financial investments, the<br />

generated financial result was also affected by financing<br />

expenses as a result of a 16% increase in interest rates.<br />

With regard to the previous year and also to the plan, financial<br />

revenues totalling €17.2 million halved, since in<br />

the given economic environment the planned disposal of<br />

a 23.8% equity stake in Abanka Vipa d.d. was not doable.<br />

The value of received dividends totalled €11.3 million<br />

and mainly referred to the dividends paid by the associated<br />

companies Gorenjska Banka d.d. and Abanka Vipa d.d.<br />

Mirroring the general movements in the capital markets in<br />

2011, the <strong>Sava</strong> share price greatly decreased and reached<br />

about €12 per a share at the end of the year. The book value<br />

of the <strong>Sava</strong> share was almost half the value of the previous<br />

year and stood at €90.0 at the end of the year, thereby<br />

significantly surpassing the prices in the stock exchange<br />

market.<br />

<strong>Sava</strong> d.d. covered the principal portion of the loss made<br />

in 2011 by using the retained profit from the previous years<br />

and other capital components that could be used for<br />

this purpose; a part of loss totalling €9.3 million remained<br />

uncovered.<br />

We put liquidity and arranging relations<br />

with the lending banks at the forefront<br />

The effects of plummeting prices of securities in some consecutive<br />

years, a decrease in the amount of received dividends,<br />

a high volume of financial liabilities of <strong>Sava</strong> and a<br />

generally lower availability and deteriorated conditions for<br />

obtaining funds substantially aggravate the ability of assuring<br />

liquidity and have a significant impact on the financial<br />

position of the parent company and the entire <strong>Sava</strong> Group.<br />

In the past business year, the provision of liquidity for undisturbed<br />

operations and implementation of measures for<br />

consolidating the financial position were the priority tasks.<br />

Along with the efficient implementation of the measures for<br />

internal business consolidation, improved cost efficiency<br />

and financial risk management, we concentrated on arranging<br />

the relations with the lending banks of <strong>Sava</strong>.<br />

In the mi<strong>dd</strong>le of the year we managed to agree on postponement<br />

of principal for all loan liabilities of the Group, at<br />

which we committed ourselves to regularly settle the interests,<br />

and also a<strong>dd</strong>itionally insured <strong>Sava</strong>’s loan liabilities.<br />

In line with the presented strategy and the produced plan<br />

of business-financial restructuring, the standstill agreement<br />

for liabilities originating from principals will in <strong>2012</strong> be upgraded<br />

with a long-term agreement, which will facilitate us<br />

to carry out the activities in the financial investments area<br />

without any great time pressures and in a stable liquidity<br />

situation. This and regular repayment of liabilities will provide<br />

the conditions for maximising the value of transactions,<br />

thereby enhancing the value for all <strong>Sava</strong> stakeholders.<br />

Our goal is a suitable structure and maturity of liabilities<br />

of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group over a longer period of time and a decrease<br />

in the volume of indebtedness to reach a long-term<br />

sustainable level. The key element for provision of liquidity<br />

and financial soundness of <strong>Sava</strong> on a long-term basis<br />

can only be a successful implementation of divesting<br />

programme.<br />

In 2011, total financial liabilities of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. decreased by<br />

€5.0 million to reach €309.3 million, and that of the <strong>Sava</strong><br />

Group by €10.7 million to reach €371.3 million. Despite adverse<br />

economic circumstances <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. regularly repays<br />

it financial liabilities in 2011.<br />

In accordance with the strategy and the financial restructuring<br />

plan, we plan a more substantial volume of deleveraging<br />

in <strong>2012</strong>, which will be facilitated by further disposals<br />

of financial assets of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d., and a<strong>dd</strong>itional activities for<br />

generating a free cash flow in <strong>Sava</strong> Group companies.<br />

Implementation of the restructuring strategy –<br />

all commitments fulfilled in 2011<br />

In a<strong>dd</strong>ition to provision of liquidity and the activities for<br />

making an agreement for a<strong>dd</strong>itional harmonisation of deadlines<br />

for financial liabilities, the intense implementation of<br />

the adopted strategic policies took place in other business<br />

areas too. In last October, we established the Directorate<br />

for managing the <strong>Sava</strong> Group. Its goal is to improve the<br />

quality and efficiency of corporate governance and strategic<br />

supervision over the Group.<br />

<strong>Sava</strong> d.d. began <strong>2012</strong> with a renewed organisational structure<br />

and consolidated in terms of personnel. The employee<br />

number almost halved. The previous 13 competence centres<br />

in the parent company were replaced by seven professional<br />

services, while the ICT services were transferred in a<br />

new company <strong>Sava</strong> IT d.o.o.<br />

A new management team in Tourism was appointed and<br />

already before the end of the year, we successfully concluded<br />

the second complex project: merging Tourism companies<br />

in one uniform company <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem d.d. Already in<br />

this year. The merger will enable business consolidation,<br />

improve cost efficiency, enhance sales synergies, and reinforce<br />

global competitive power this division.<br />

In <strong>2012</strong>: more disinvestments and an accelerated<br />

restructuring of investments<br />

The activities in divesting and restructuring of the investment<br />

portfolio began already in 2011 by carrying out a<br />

comprehensive analysis of the strategic portfolio of investments<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d., and the beginning of procedures for<br />

market testing of possible disposals. The entire investment<br />

portfolio of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. was included in the process of examining<br />

the strategic possibilities.<br />

IN FOCUS<br />

3 MAY <strong>2012</strong>

Members of the<br />

Management Board<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d.<br />

MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

Presently, numerous investments are being divested, and<br />

projects are in various implementation phases. After selling<br />

the total, 27% equity stake in the associated company<br />

Job d.o.o., <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. finalised the sale of its total, 14.6%,<br />

equity stake in Terme Maribor d.d. at the end of this March.<br />

The procedure for selling the company <strong>Sava</strong> IP d.o.o.,<br />

and thus a prevailing portion of <strong>Sava</strong>’s real estate business,<br />

is in progress too.<br />

We continually pursue the economic environment and<br />

adapt our plans to the emerging situation. Thus based on<br />

the report by the financial advisor we made a decision in<br />

January to stop the procedure for a joint sale of a qualified<br />

stake of Abanka Vipa d.d.<br />

As one of the most favourable scenarios for restructuring<br />

the bank portfolio of investments and enhancing the assets<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d., we find and support a tie-up between this<br />

bank and Gorenjska Banka d.d.<br />

<strong>Sava</strong>’s business operation in the first three months of <strong>2012</strong> encouraging<br />

4<br />

We design a new, the renewed <strong>Sava</strong><br />

Our goal is to design a new, the renewed <strong>Sava</strong>, which will<br />

be more sound and successful. The creation of conditions<br />

for the future growth began in 2011, is now being in progress,<br />

and will be carried out with intensity in the following<br />

two years.<br />

We have a really difficult business year behind us. Despite<br />

shown business result I am proud of what has been accomplished<br />

even though the effects of the enormous efforts invested<br />

by the entire management team and all employees<br />

at <strong>Sava</strong> will show only over a longer period of time.<br />

Dear shareholders and partners, I would like to express my<br />

sincere thanks for the trust you have shown and your further<br />

support, which <strong>Sava</strong> in this eventful year will definitely need.<br />

Matej Narat, MSc<br />

President of the Management Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d.<br />

(Extract from the letter by the President of the Management Board in the 2011 Annual report)<br />

In the first quarter <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. operated with a profit, the operating result of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group significantly surpasses<br />

the achievements of the past year as well as plans.<br />

Despite a record growth in the past year, the sales of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group enhanced and surpassed the plans.<br />

The consolidated report on the business operations of the <strong>Sava</strong> Group and <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. in the period January-March<br />

<strong>2012</strong> will be prepared in May and published on 24 May <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

New Workers’ Councils<br />

in <strong>Sava</strong> d.d., <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o. and SMS d.o.o.,<br />

SchäferRolls d.o.o. for the term of office <strong>2012</strong>-2016<br />

On 3 April <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>Sava</strong> d.d., <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o., SMS d.o.o. and SchäferRolls d.o.o.<br />

elected the new members of Workers’ Councils.<br />

In <strong>Sava</strong> d.d., the associates elected three members as follows: Jasmina Kovačič, Gregor<br />

Rovanšek and Petra Sever.<br />

<strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o. and <strong>Sava</strong> Medical in Storitve d.o.o. agreed to form a common Workers’<br />

Council consisting of 13 members.<br />

A three-member Workers’ Council was elected in SchäferRolls d.o.o. as follows: Matjaž<br />

Drinovec, Anton Klančnik and Darijo Kondić.<br />

Irena Ropret<br />

The Workers’ Council of <strong>Sava</strong>tech and SMS consists of:<br />


VELO<br />

Robi Kavčič<br />

Marija Žižek<br />

PROFILES: Franci Vehovec<br />

CONVEYOR BELTS: Zoran Žgajnar<br />

PRINT: Boris Horvat<br />

EKO: Miro Martinovič<br />

GTI: Roman Kostanjevec<br />

MIXING PLANT: Robert Posavec<br />

ELASTOMERS: Nataša Gašperšič<br />


Atina Miklavčič<br />


SMS<br />

Darko Zorko<br />

Erik Drolc<br />

Irena Ropret

Members of the Supervisory Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d.<br />

The Supervisory Board about the operation and the<br />

work of the Management Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. in 2011<br />

In 2011, <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. has suffered the most serious consequences<br />

of the financial crisis so far, at which the Management<br />

Board - given the indebtedness volume and a<br />

low availability and high price for loans - had to face the<br />

hazards in maintaining current liquidity.<br />

The Supervisory Board points out that the agreement with<br />

the lending banks on postponing the payment of Group's<br />

loan liabilities was one of the remarkable successes of<br />

2011 that resulted from the short-term measures for maintaining<br />

liquidity and strengthening the financial position.<br />

In <strong>2012</strong>, the company management plans to complement<br />

the programme with an arrangement, by way of which the<br />

maturity of <strong>Sava</strong>’s financial liabilities over a longer period of<br />

time will be coordinated. The latter is one of the pre-conditions<br />

for implementing the business-financial restructuring<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> until 2014.<br />

One of more significant contributions by the Management<br />

Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. in the past business year is, undoub-<br />

tedly, the preparation of the business-financial restructuring<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> until 2014 adopted last September, which was<br />

unanimously supported by the Supervisory Board. <strong>Sava</strong>’s<br />

strategy Renewed for the Future sets clear guidelines for<br />

facilitating a more successful development of the company<br />

based on the strengthened financial platform, and the Supervisory<br />

Board firmly believes that this is the path, which<br />

leads <strong>Sava</strong> in the right direction also in the present circumstances<br />

of the volatile economic environment. Its effective<br />

implementation thus greatly depends on the full support by<br />

the financial partners – lending banks, which the Supervisory<br />

Board expects to receive in the future too.<br />

The Supervisory Board establishes in its report that given<br />

the circumstances and limitations in doing business<br />

in 2011, the Management Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. efficiently<br />

managed the company and the entire <strong>Sava</strong> Group. The<br />

Supervisory Board further points out that in <strong>2012</strong> the<br />

strategic guidelines defined in the restructuring strategy<br />

adopted in last September will have to be followed with<br />

the utmost consistency.<br />

At its meeting on 19 April <strong>2012</strong>, the Supervisory Board dealt with and adopted the annual report of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. and<br />

the <strong>Sava</strong> Group as well as the proposed Agenda and the proposed resolutions of the 18th Shareholders’ Meeting<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d., which will be held on Thursday, 24 May <strong>2012</strong>, whereas the call for the Shareholders’ Meeting was<br />

announced on 23 April <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

The Supervisory Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. will propose the Shareholders’ Meeting to appoint the members of the Supervisory<br />

Board – shareholder representative for the next four-year term of office starting on 29 June <strong>2012</strong>, as follows:<br />

Miran Kalčič, Janko Kastelic, Jože Obersnel, and Stanislav Valant, MSc. All the proposed candidates have been<br />

the members of the Supervisory Board of <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. so far.<br />

IN FOCUS<br />

5 MAY <strong>2012</strong>

EVENTS<br />

MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

The mayor of Kranj visited <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o.<br />

On occasion of the 10th anniversary of <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o, its directors, Vena Čadež and Igor<br />

Hafnar, invited Mohar Bogataj, the mayor of the municipality of Kranj, to visit the company. The<br />

visit took place on 10 April <strong>2012</strong> and included a presentation of the company’s operation and<br />

a guided tour through individual programmes.<br />

Last year <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o. made outstanding results in sales<br />

and business in general, which are due to a clear vision<br />

on the part of the company’ management and the commitment<br />

on the part of all employees. After being presented<br />

the business indicators achieved in the ten-year period,<br />

the mayor viewed the manufacture of products in individual<br />

programmes. He was impressed with the production<br />

saying that he practically was not aware of what exactly is<br />

being produced at <strong>Sava</strong>tech.<br />

Intergenerational centre Bistrica Domžale<br />

According to the project manager Bojan Mlinar, the intergenerational<br />

centre Bistrica in Domžale will soon be finished.<br />

It is planned that the facility will be finished by the end of<br />

April. After a technical inspection, the building will obtain<br />

a permit for use. The facility has 82 units of sheltered housing,<br />

consisting of the institutional part with 69 rooms for<br />

103 recipients, a daily centre, a restaurant, several shops,<br />

115 parking lots in the basement and several spaces for<br />

different community societies.<br />

<strong>Sava</strong> IP was in charge of the engineering works and supervision<br />

over the building and installations, and it also acts as<br />

the sales agent; given the uncertain market situation, the<br />

sale of sheltered housing is quite successful. More information<br />

available at:<br />

6<br />

Tour of <strong>Sava</strong>tech’s production<br />

Mihael Hajdinjak<br />

He was particularly excited to hear that numerous investments<br />

are made in the development of new products and<br />

in continual improvements of the already existing products,<br />

which is thanks to the research work by the in-house specialists<br />

of the R&D institute.<br />

Upon concluding his visit, the mayor once again pointed<br />

out how impressed he was with a broad product mix manufactured<br />

and marketed by <strong>Sava</strong>tech and wished all the<br />

success in the future.<br />

Irena Ropret

<strong>Sava</strong>tech obtains<br />

the Responsible Care certificate<br />


The Slovene Chemical Industry Association at the Slovene Chamber of Commerce presented<br />

the rubber manufacturing company <strong>Sava</strong>tech with the Responsible Care certificate.<br />

Sustainable handling represents one of the key factors in<br />

the chemical industry. In accordance with the policy, the<br />

main role in occupational health and safety and the environmental<br />

protection is assumed by the company, which sets<br />

measurable goals for improved handling in this area, including<br />

a prudent use of natural resources, regular checkups<br />

and decreasing the impacts on the environment. The<br />

responsible care programme in Slovenia is incorporated in<br />

the international voluntary initiative of the chemical industry,<br />

which began in 1981 in Canada and was gradually joined<br />

by the chemical industries worldwide and is represented<br />

by the ICCA. Under the framework of this initiative, the chemical<br />

industry encourages responsibility towards employees<br />

and the environment in its broadest sense.<br />

It deals with introducing good practices, chiefly through the<br />

management systems, particularly in occupational health<br />

and safety, environmental protection and careful and safe<br />

treatment of products made by the chemical industry. The<br />

goal is to continually and measurably improve our acting in<br />

the above-mentioned areas, from occupational health and<br />

safety, environmental management to the efficient use of<br />

energy. In the future, this programme is expected to evolve<br />

to a sustainable development programme, which should<br />

also consider the indicators of socially responsible care,<br />

however, these have not been defined yet as they are more<br />

difficult to measure.<br />

Janez Fabijan, SMS<br />

7 MAY <strong>2012</strong>


MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

e-Rubber Validation project<br />

8<br />

In the beginning of November 2009, the HR department of <strong>Sava</strong>tech began<br />

to carry out the e-Rubber Validation project, which belongs to the lifelong<br />

learning programme of Leonardo da Vinci – innovation transfer. By transferring,<br />

adapting and integration of innovative solutions, successful practices<br />

and/or project results, such projects contribute to bettering the work<br />

quaity and appeal, and promote the cooperation between the European<br />

vocational education and training systems. In order to pursue these goals,<br />

the project team invited another three partners to join the project: Jesenice<br />

Adult Educational Centre, Bit Media – e-learning solutions from Austria, and<br />

IBS - Institut für berufliche Bildung und EDV – Schulung GmbH from Germany.<br />

In the past years the interest in vocational education decreased<br />

drastically, which is why certain programmes were<br />

cancelled, mainly in technical vocational schools. At <strong>Sava</strong>tech,<br />

we perceived a shortage of suitably qualified workers<br />

in the rubber industry and established at the same time that<br />

our company employs a number of associates who are highly<br />

educated and possess appropriate skills required for<br />

successfully working in the production. As in 2009 the Rubber<br />

Knowledge project - another successful knowledge<br />

transfer case - was effectively completed, the e-Rubber<br />

Validation represents a missing link between the already<br />

existing knowledge and competences, and the possibilities<br />

for validating the informal knowledge within Slovenia.<br />

In the project held from November 2009 to March <strong>2012</strong>, we<br />

established a system for assessing the informal knowledge<br />

in the rubber manufacturing area. We prepared a set of<br />

required knowledge and skills, and a system of competences<br />

that a rubber manufacturing worker in all Rubber<br />

Manufacturing programmes has to possess. Furthermore,<br />

questionnaires for testing and a system of knowledge<br />

evaluation were devised. All these were based on the eplatform<br />

CEMES, which facilitates and supports the entire<br />

validation process for assessing the informal knowledge in<br />

the e-version.<br />

Thus the goals were as follows:<br />

• Establish the existing knowledge about rubber manufacturing<br />

of every individual associate in the rubber manufacturing<br />

process.<br />

• Identify the missing knowledge about rubber manufacturing<br />

of every individual associate in the rubber manufacturing<br />

process.<br />

• Prepare a teaching programme for obtaining the missing<br />

knowledge about rubber manufacturing.<br />

• Prepare a knowledge portfolio for every associate.<br />

• Validate the informal knowledge of rubber manufacturing<br />

by an in-company diploma.<br />

As CEMES represents a useful tool for electronic assessment<br />

of knowledge in other areas too, questionnaires<br />

about safety issues were prepared in cooperation with the<br />

Safety department.<br />

Based on the employee educational structure analysis in<br />

the rubber manufacturing industry in Slovenia, a workshop<br />

with the representatives from the rubber manufacturing industry,<br />

the plastic and footwear industry in Slovenia, and<br />

a survey among end users, the members of a pilot group<br />

were selected.<br />

The pilot group members were shop-floor workers from <strong>Sava</strong>tech<br />

having various working history, working background<br />

and levels of education. They carry out various jobs in various<br />

<strong>Sava</strong>tech’s programmes. The pilot group members already<br />

engaged in one of the forms of training and education,<br />

i.e. the lifelong learning project My Work Place , conducted<br />

by one of the project partners, the Adult Educational Centre<br />

from Jesenice. The pilot group members expressed their<br />

interest in participating in this project.

Based on the results from the classification tests, the exi-<br />

sting competences of the candidates were analysed and<br />

their missing competences identified. A training programme<br />

was tailored to each of the candidates and their particular<br />

competences.<br />

The candidates complemented their knowledge when attending<br />

the lessons and studying the manuals, which were<br />

structured by our associates professional. They also made<br />

use of e-learning portal where <strong>Sava</strong>tech compiled teaching<br />

materials on rubber manufacturing. Certain work procedures<br />

(building-up Velo) were presented in a movie too.<br />

After the training was completed, the candidates had to<br />

pass a final test in October 2011 to demonstrate their progress.<br />

The tests results were significantly better after the<br />

training was completed.<br />

The platform and procedure for assessing the knowledge<br />

according to the validation procedure used for the pilot group<br />

were applied and are still applied at <strong>Sava</strong>tech for testing<br />

the knowledge of occupational health and safety and fire<br />

safety.<br />

The e-Rubber Validation project was completed in March <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Mateja Dolenc,<br />

Personnel Sector of <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o.<br />










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9 MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />




VALJEV<br />






Tomaž Perčič<br />

MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

Print programme – the right combination of new<br />

ideas and experiences in offset rubber blankets<br />

An interview with Tomaž Perčič, Director of the Print Programme<br />

the crisis of 2009. Last year, when I<br />

decided to take up a new challenge,<br />

we achieved excellent sales results<br />

and a record profit, therefore, it was<br />

not difficult for me to make a change<br />

as I left the programme in a good shape.<br />

I would like to point out that the successful<br />

business of Conveyor Belts<br />

results from the work of a committed<br />

and competent team I conducted. However,<br />

one of the key factors for my<br />

decision was the product (offset rubber<br />

blanket) itself, which I have always<br />

found of interest.<br />

Last year you switched from the position<br />

of the director of Conveyor Belts<br />

What is your team like? How did you<br />

to the position of the Print program-<br />

manage to keep or even perfect the<br />

me director. What did you find the<br />

good cooperation and team spirit,<br />

greatest appeal in the new program-<br />

which certainly makes a contribution<br />

me when you decided to face the<br />

to the improved results of the pro-<br />

new challenge?<br />

gramme?<br />

I have been employed with <strong>Sava</strong>tech<br />

In the past year or two, many person-<br />

or <strong>Sava</strong> from the mi<strong>dd</strong>le of 1999, and<br />

nel and organisational changes took<br />

only left for a year and a half to work<br />

place in the Print programme and<br />

at Fotona d.d., but the greatest part of upon my taking over the position in<br />

my professional career is connected October, the entire management team<br />

with the rubber manufacturing indu- was renewed and consists now of the<br />

stry. The Print Programme is my third associates from other <strong>Sava</strong>tech’ pro-<br />

programme at <strong>Sava</strong>tech; I began my grammes, which I feel as an outstan-<br />

career in the Profiles Programme and ding opportunity for us to implement<br />

was director of the Conveyor Belts the best experiences gained in other<br />

programme in the past six years. A programmes. The team spirit plays a<br />

change in the working environment vital role in the success of every com-<br />

after a certain period of time, even pany and we are endeavouring with<br />

though in the same company, is ne- managers to achieve a proper combieded<br />

for one’s personal growth and it nation of new ideas, approaches and<br />

positively influences the company as experiences and the vast knowledge<br />

a whole, as in this way any person’s of associates who have been emplo-<br />

knowledge is upgraded and transferyed here for 15 to 20 years. It sounds<br />

red, and so are various techniques, nice but it is not always easy, yet, only<br />

while the cooperation between the the results count and these have been<br />

programmes can be improved in vari- improving in the several past years.<br />

ous fields. Together with the associa- Such achievements fill us with energy<br />

tes from Conveyor Belts we achieved and commitment that we are transfer-<br />

very good results in the past, althoring to the entire Print team. In March,<br />

ugh out of all programmes exactly we also generated a record sales re-<br />

Conveyor Belts was most affected by sult of €1.2 million.<br />

10<br />

The production of offset printing<br />

blankets probably differs much from<br />

the production of conveyor belts,<br />

which is a more classical type of the<br />

manufacture. To what extent can you<br />

fulfil customer requirements? What<br />

are the advantages? How do your<br />

competitors a<strong>dd</strong>ress the issue? Do<br />

they run their businesses similarly?<br />

The manufacture of offset printing<br />

blankets completely differs from the<br />

manufacture in programmes I worked<br />

until that time ( Profiles and Conveyor<br />

Belts), I would even say that the manufacture<br />

in Print does not have much<br />

in common with the classical rubber<br />

manufacturing industry. The production<br />

process, quality criteria, dimension<br />

tolerances and other physical-chemical<br />

properties are extremely specific,<br />

which, however, brings a<strong>dd</strong>ed value<br />

for us and our customers.<br />

Print supplies about 3 to 4% of global<br />

demand, but this is only an estimate<br />

as there is no precise statistics available,<br />

the fact is that we belong to the<br />

minor players in the global market.<br />

Our main advantages and tools at<br />

the same time for competing in the<br />

global market are flexibility, fast response,<br />

excellent quality and sales<br />

service in all countries. Our products<br />

belong to most expensive ones in the<br />

market, therefore we continually strive<br />

for persuading customers to buy our<br />

products and not the products manufactured<br />

by our stronger competitors<br />

whose brands, as a rule, are those<br />

more renowned ones. In the future, we<br />

intend to focus on the marketing activities<br />

to consolidate our position with<br />

the existing customers and will search<br />

for new customers. Parallel with that,<br />

we have to assure a constant quality<br />

of products and develop new niche<br />

products with marketing potential.

We know that your offset rubber blankets are sold across<br />

the world. Has the sales structure by region changed recently?<br />

What are your business orientations? What about<br />

your position in Slovenia?<br />

We sell to a large number of smaller and medium-size customers,<br />

presently in 75 countries in all five continents. The<br />

customer structure is rapidly changing due to the crisis the<br />

printing industry is facing in Europe, whereas in Asia the<br />

position is not so critical. I believe there is a potential for<br />

growth in the USA, probably the largest international printing<br />

market, and the countries of the Near East and Africa.<br />

We have a leading position in Slovenia, but our market is<br />

small and we can manufacture the annual demand in Slovenia<br />

in five to six days. More than in view of sales, printing<br />

shops in Slovenia are important in terms of developing new<br />

products and modifying the existing ones, as feedback<br />

from here is easier to get, it is also faster and cheaper.<br />

What about the development in your programme? What<br />

are you focusing on presently?<br />

In the previous months we concentrated on improving the<br />

quality, repeatability and productivity of the production process<br />

for the key products. As far as the new development<br />

is considered, I would point out printing blankest for rotary<br />

printing, self-adhesive type of printing blankets and a combination<br />

of offset sheet made from rubber and PVC.<br />

In May, the Drupa, the greatest trade show for printing -<br />

will take place in Düsseldorf. What do you expect from<br />

this show and which products/novelties will you exhibit?<br />

The Drupa trade show is the most important marketing-sales<br />

event for the printing industry and the related industries.<br />

The show is organised every four years, which in the present<br />

dynamics of business changes is an extremely long<br />

period.<br />

At the show, we will meet with all of our major existing and<br />

potential customers, check the novelties offered by the<br />

competitors, evaluate the upcoming trends in the printing<br />

industry and, of course, exhibit our products. As far as novelties<br />

are concerned, I would point out the printing blankets<br />

for the rotary printing, the sector in which we intend to<br />

intensify our activities.<br />

Offset printing blanket<br />


Let us conclude with a question about the future of the<br />

Print programme; what are your wishes and estimates?<br />

I wish and believe that Print will be a prime player of <strong>Sava</strong>tech<br />

and that the excellent sales service and quality will<br />

further strengthen and enhance the recognition of our products<br />

and the brand name in all continents.<br />

Atina Miklavčič<br />

Production of the Print programme<br />

11 MAY <strong>2012</strong>


MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

Profiles Programme<br />

McLaren and <strong>Sava</strong>’s EPDM rubber seals<br />

New McLaren production centre<br />

McLaren, the renowned manufacturer<br />

of vehicles based on the F1 technology,<br />

officially opened its new, high-tech<br />

production centre in England in November<br />

2011. The partner in this project<br />

was also the Slovene company<br />

Trimo with its modular facade system,<br />

Qbiss One. It is about an integrated<br />

facade solution, which combines the<br />

aesthetic perfection with a high quality<br />

and efficiency. A water-tight and selfsupporting<br />

facade system will protect<br />

McLarens’ centre from weathering influences,<br />

at which an important role is<br />

12<br />

Longitudinal seal Qbiss One<br />

played by the installed EPDM rubber<br />

seals manufactured by <strong>Sava</strong>tech’s<br />

Profiles.<br />

8,000 longitudinal, 5,000 m of transversal<br />

and 2,000 m of edge seals<br />

Conveyor Belts Programme<br />

Lectures for customers in Norway<br />

A two-day training was held for our customers<br />

this January. The training was<br />

carried out by our associate Heron<br />

Šubic, a specialist for conveyor belts<br />

and their application.<br />

The training was arranged for in the<br />

company NordicBulk in Sundness/<br />

Heron Šubic (back third from left)<br />

with training participants<br />

prevent water to intrude the inner construction,<br />

while the function of longitudinal<br />

seals Qbiss One is to drain off<br />

water.<br />

Besides a high-performance sports<br />

car MP4-12C all other future projects<br />

by McLaren Automotive will be carried<br />

out in this centre.<br />

It should also be mentioned that the<br />

McLaren production centre obtained<br />

the best industrial-logistics facility<br />

award in the most prestigious international<br />

investments trade show MIPIM<br />

<strong>2012</strong>; only the most innovative, ambitious<br />

and interest projects from all<br />

over the world qualify for this contest.<br />

Stavanger in south of Norway and<br />

attended by construction engineers<br />

and vulcanisation operators of this<br />

company who due to the introduction<br />

of new production processes needed<br />

to refine their knowledge of belt conveying<br />

and its specialities.<br />

A larger number of new granite quarries<br />

have opened recently in Norway,<br />

as granite is needed for filling the foundations<br />

at building the windmills field<br />

in the Baltic Sea.

EKO Programme<br />

Bursting strength test for Plugy 1000-2400<br />

Sales agents’ training in Florida<br />

The owners and employees of the<br />

company Footage Tools from Canada,<br />

one of the largest sales agents for<br />

sewage systems and gas pipelines in<br />

the state, visited the <strong>Sava</strong>tech Corp.<br />

representation office in Florida this January.<br />

We firstly contacted this company in<br />

2011, and we expect to establish cooperation<br />

in the area of orange and<br />

blue programme. This visit incorporated<br />

a training programme carried out<br />

by the representatives of <strong>Sava</strong>tech<br />

Corp. We believe this is a further step<br />

towards the cooperation with Footage<br />

Tools and of great significance for Eko<br />

as this cooperation stands for the first<br />

breakthrough in the north American<br />

market.<br />


On 7 March <strong>2012</strong>, the Eko Programme performed a bursting<br />

strength test to finalise the development of the rubber<br />

plug Plugy 1000-2400. This plug is of extraordinary dimensions<br />

fi 960 x 4500 mm when non-inflated, and fi 2400 x<br />

4500 mm when inflated, which makes it the largest plug<br />

ever made in <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o. It is suitable for use in pipelines<br />

of large cities.<br />

The test was carried out in the outskirts of Ptuj and due to<br />

the extreme plug size and, consequently, the required air<br />

inflation, this was an extremely demanding project in view<br />

of safety and the measurements. A positive result of the<br />

bursting strength test gave a green light to the series production<br />

and marketing of this Plugy 1000-2400 plug noted<br />

for its extreme-sized and properties.<br />

Participants in the sales agents training organised<br />

by the <strong>Sava</strong>tech Corp. Representation office in Florida<br />

13 MAY <strong>2012</strong>


MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

Print Programme<br />

Where is the will, there is the way<br />

Access to the workshop Path to the warehouse over a footbridge Flooded workshop<br />

This year’s floods in Thailand affected<br />

our sales agents too. One of the largest<br />

buyers of the Print programme,<br />

Poly Posh, sent us an interesting story<br />

and some photos about how offset<br />

printing blankets were saved from being<br />

ruined in the rising water.<br />

14<br />

The owner first relocated the printing<br />

blankets warehouse to a safe place<br />

at his relatives’ place, afterwards he<br />

loaded a boat with a few rolls (60kg)<br />

every day and delivered them to his<br />

workshop.<br />

He carried the rolls over a wooden<br />

footbridge to the warehouse with a<br />

press, which he could not move due<br />

to its weight of 10 tonnes.<br />

Rolls of offset printing blankets during transport Barred formats on the way to customers<br />

He made use of an auxiliary table to cut<br />

the material and barred the formats.<br />

The prepared offset printing blankets<br />

were then again loaded in a boat and<br />

transported to his car and, finally, to<br />

his customers.<br />

Gathered and edited by: Atina Miklavčič


In this year, which is featured with a number of important trade shows, the two of successful<br />

trade shows are already behind us; the Velo and Eko programmes both exhibited their<br />

products in Indianapolis, Indiana.<br />

Velo in Dealer Expo <strong>2012</strong><br />

Velo participated in the Dealer Expo<br />

<strong>2012</strong> in Indianapolis held from 17 to<br />

19 February. This is the greatest specialised<br />

trade show in the USA for dealers,<br />

sales agents, importers, manufacturers<br />

of motorcycles, spare parts<br />

and equipment for motorcycles in the<br />

USA, and intended for companies<br />

only. This year the show was organised<br />

in cooperation with V-Twin Dealer<br />

Expo (a specialised chopper trade<br />

show). Both shows were held at the<br />

same time, which is why they attracted<br />

a higher number of exhibitors and 6%<br />

more visitors.<br />

The Indianapolis trade show was already<br />

the 45th in succession and was<br />

participated by our competitors from<br />

the rubber manufacturing industry as<br />

well as many Asian producers of tyres.<br />

All greater sales agents in the USA<br />

motorcycle sector participated in the<br />

show and we already began to negotiate<br />

possible cooperation with certain<br />

of them.<br />

This year the trade show was attended<br />

by Dave Lander, director, and Wayne<br />

Martineau, both from our daughter<br />

company <strong>Sava</strong>tech Corp., so that they<br />

became familiar with the American<br />

motorcycle market and the important<br />

market players.<br />

Miodrag Ristič from Velo Sales at<br />

the Indianapolis trade show<br />

Velo exhibited for the second time and<br />

put its range of motorcycle tyres at<br />

the forefront as it is of greater interest<br />

for the US market. Special emphasis<br />

was given to the new motorcycle tyres<br />

MC50 M-Racer for road motorcycles<br />

and the new motocross tyres SX11<br />

Terracross.<br />

Miodrag Ristić<br />

MC50 M-Racer SX11 Terracross<br />


15 MAY <strong>2012</strong>


MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

Eko in Pumper & Cleaner<br />

Expo <strong>2012</strong><br />

Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International is the<br />

greatest trade show in the USA, at which the products for<br />

the liquid waste and sewer and drain cleaning are exhibited.<br />

It was held from 27 February to 1 March in Indiana for<br />

the first time. Since the number of visitors increases every<br />

year, the trade show was relocated in a larger exhibition hall<br />

in Indianapolis and was accompanied by numerous conference<br />

and educational events.<br />

Like every year, Eko exhibited its wide range of products in<br />

cooperation with the daughter company <strong>Sava</strong>tech Corp. At<br />

the trade show, we particularly searched for contacts with<br />

new sales agents in the North and Central America and<br />

promoted the <strong>Sava</strong> brand with users from the markets where<br />

Eko is already known.<br />

16<br />

We hosted our greatest North American sales agent Source<br />

One in our exhibition space, which in a<strong>dd</strong>ition to its own<br />

advanced technology for pipeline rehabilitation ranks our<br />

range of packers and plugs at the top of its sales range,<br />

and the company Footage Tools, our general sales agent<br />

for Canada.<br />

The show attracted many foreign visitors and we managed<br />

to establish new business contacts with the partners from<br />

Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, New Zealand, etc. With regard<br />

to the general atmosphere it is expected that demand will<br />

increase in the near future, since the interest and demand<br />

for this type of maintenance technology and pipeline rehabilitation<br />

constantly grow.<br />

Tomaž Štibelj<br />

The interest in the products manufactured by the Eko programme is great, which opens up opportunities for new businesses.

Reorganisation of Tourism after merger<br />

into a uniform company<br />

After the procedure for merging Terme 3000 d.o.o., Terme Ptuj d.o.o., Terme Lendava d.o.o. and<br />

Zdravilišče Radenci d.o.o. to <strong>Sava</strong> Hoteli Bled d.d. was successfully finalised, a new merged<br />

company <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem d.d. was entered in the register of companies on 30 December 2011.<br />

<strong>Sava</strong> Turizem d.d. operates under a joint<br />

brand <strong>Sava</strong> Hotels & Resorts, while<br />

the previously independent companies<br />

operated as business units, which,<br />

however, still appear in the market<br />

under the recognisable brands <strong>Sava</strong><br />

Hoteli Bled, Terme 3000, Terme Ptuj,<br />

Zdravilišče Radenci, Terme Banovci<br />

and Terme Lendava. On 1 March, the<br />

company <strong>Sava</strong> TMC d.o.o., established<br />

in 2009 to standardise the management<br />

of the Tourism division, was<br />

suspended, whereas its associates<br />

were re-employed in <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem d.d.<br />

At the beginning of the year intense<br />

reorganisation activities in Tourism<br />

took place, whose main goal was to<br />

establish a long-term successful and<br />

financially more stable business that<br />

will result in the increased number of<br />

overnight stays and enhanced occupancy<br />

of accommodation. All procedures<br />

were carried out in cooperation<br />

and in agreement with the workers’ representatives<br />

from Trade Unions and<br />

Workers’ Councils, who expressed<br />

their consent to the proposed changes.<br />

In order to assure an improved costefficiency,<br />

higher revenues and quality<br />

of services, the supporting services<br />

and the destinations were reorganised<br />

in the first three months of the year.<br />

Now, the destinations incorporate the<br />

key processes: hotel, catering, swimming<br />

pools, wellness, health services,<br />

campsites and golf. The destinations<br />

are managed by the executive directors<br />

who until that time managed individual<br />

destination companies. They<br />

are now relieved of the corporate responsibility<br />

and can concentrate their<br />

work on the development of products<br />

in destinations, to assure quality and<br />

encourage extra spending. The process<br />

organisation will facilitate the efficient<br />

operative processes and a better<br />

supervision over their quality.<br />

The supporting functions were standardised<br />

and include the departments<br />

of finance, hotel operations and quality,<br />

legal office, investments and maintenance,<br />

personnel, purchasing, sales<br />

and marketing, accounting, and IT.<br />

The supporting functions are united in<br />

Kranj except for accounting and a part<br />

of sales, which are still carried out in<br />

<strong>Sava</strong> Hotels Bled and Terme 3000. The<br />

supporting functions are expected to<br />

be relocated to Ljubljana in the future.<br />

By standardising the joint functions,<br />

the number of employees reduced<br />

slightly, partly due to retirements and<br />

reassignments to the key processes,<br />

due to which the surpluses in personnel<br />

in supporting processes decreased<br />

in favour of the key operative<br />

functions.<br />

The company employs<br />

1,125 associates in total,<br />

but during the peak season the number<br />

of employees increases by 50 associated<br />

on fixed-term contract.<br />

The new organisation of <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem<br />

d.d. is in place as of 1 March. Until<br />

that date all senior and junior executives<br />

received new management contracts,<br />

whereas the negotiations about<br />

the new undertaking contract are still<br />

in progress. It will establish a standardised<br />

remuneration system for employees<br />

and facilitate a horizontal and<br />

vertical career advancement, which<br />

until now was not possible in individual<br />

companies.<br />

Already in January, the procedures<br />

were introduced to form a joint workers’<br />

council of <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem d.d.<br />

The Management Board and individual<br />

workers’ councils in destinations<br />

made an agreement about the activities<br />

for electing the new workers’ council<br />

of the company defining that it<br />

consists of 13 members. Furthermore,<br />

the conditions for the application and<br />

performance of election in the workers’<br />

council were determined; in all<br />

destinations, the elections were held<br />

on 26 April.<br />

Alenka Bešter<br />


17 MAY <strong>2012</strong>


Mrs. Anica Svetina,<br />

the chairwoman<br />

of the Regional<br />

Red Cross<br />

Association in<br />

Radovljica and<br />

a long-time<br />

active volunteer<br />

MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

An interview with Anica Svetina<br />

For 12 years from autumn to spring, the Panorama Restaurant holds social meeting for seniors.<br />

The initiator of these meetings is Mrs. Anica Svetina, otherwise the chairwoman of the Regional<br />

Red Cross Association in Radovljica, and a long-time active volunteer. Upon concluding this year’s<br />

meetings season we talked with her about her work with the elderly and socially-disadvantaged.<br />

Who usually participates in these meetings<br />

and what is the programme<br />

like?<br />

The meetings are visited by the seniors<br />

from a broader region of Bled<br />

and upper Gorenjska and we are<br />

pleased that the groups of regulars<br />

have been formed at these meetings,<br />

their friendship growing ever stronger.<br />

Individual meetings are attended by<br />

even more than 200 seniors who chat,<br />

listen to the music and, of course,<br />

dance. As we are trying to be up-todate,<br />

several minutes are reserved for<br />

discussing the current issues in Bled<br />

or broader. We provide information<br />

on cultural events and invite them to<br />

18<br />

Why did you decide to organise regular<br />

meetings for seniors?<br />

In 2000, the international year of seniors,<br />

we established that the entire<br />

programme of events does not include<br />

a single event that would be suitable<br />

for the senior generation in Bled and<br />

the surroundings. As we wished to<br />

encourage the elderly to go out on a<br />

attend, and we also prepare presentations<br />

to introduce what is going on,<br />

e.g. Bled Millennium anniversary or<br />

festivals in Bled. Exactly taking care<br />

of the information flow and presenting<br />

good practice cases represent two of<br />

the significant tasks of the Seniors’<br />

Association.<br />

Now the spring season of meetings<br />

is finished and a new season will begin<br />

in autumn. Do you prepare any<br />

novelty?<br />

The autumn programme has not been<br />

confirmed yet, but we expect to begin<br />

on the first October Saturday. Let me<br />

invite all the retired associates of <strong>Sava</strong><br />

Turizem to join us too.<br />

Sunday afternoon, to socialise with their<br />

friends and be active, we arranged for<br />

such meetings, first in the hotel Astoria,<br />

where meetings were attended by<br />

more than 30 persons. At the beginning<br />

we met every first Sunday, but when the<br />

number of visitors grew we a<strong>dd</strong>ed every<br />

third Sunday in a month.<br />

Regular meetings of senior citizens<br />

in the Panorama restaurant are usually<br />

accompanied with a varied entertaining<br />

programme<br />

You are a very active volunteer too.<br />

Last year, <strong>Sava</strong> Hotels Bled supported<br />

one of your projects. Can you tell<br />

us more about it?<br />

One of the annual projects of the<br />

Regional Red Cross Association Radovljica<br />

is to arrange for holidays for<br />

children from socially-disadvantaged<br />

families. Three to four times a year we<br />

organise such holidays for children<br />

from all four municipalities, in which<br />

our association is active (Bled, Bohinj,<br />

Radovljica and Gorje). The counselling<br />

services at schools who best<br />

know the situation in their community<br />

usually suggest who should take part.<br />

In the event One Millionth Cream-Ca-

ke, <strong>Sava</strong> Hotels Bled gathered more<br />

than €3,000 and donated the sum for<br />

holiday-making of 14 children from<br />

the municipality of Bled. Besides holidays<br />

for children, we also organise<br />

holidays for socially-disadvantaged<br />

families and once a year for the senior<br />

citizens too.<br />

In 2006 and 2009 you received the<br />

Best Volunteer of the Year title. How<br />

would you evaluate the voluntary<br />

work in Gorenjska in these hard times?<br />

We can perceive that distress increases.<br />

Last year all four municipalities<br />

distributed 21 tons of food from the<br />

EU reserves and more than 1,700<br />

food and detergent packages as well<br />

as over 6 tons of clothing. Every year,<br />

we buy school supplies for more than<br />

400 children. Once a week we hold<br />

consultations free of charge, and advise<br />

people in the procedures of obtaining<br />

social reliefs or retiring. Consi-<br />

dering the changes in the legislation<br />

and the expected measures, such<br />

assistance is extremely valuable and<br />

therefore well-visited. More than 300<br />

volunteers with a heart of gold offer<br />

their helping hand. We should not forget<br />

to mention numerous individuals<br />

who donate money every month as<br />

well as companies and organisations<br />

such as <strong>Sava</strong> Hotels Bled, which donate.<br />

Without their help, the distress<br />

would be even deeper.<br />

Alenka Bešter<br />


On the occasion of 8 March, the participants<br />

showed their appreciation to Mrs. Anica Svetina<br />

for organising the meetings<br />

Start of the golfing season in the Bled golf course<br />

The new season in the golf course<br />

Bled began on 16 March. More than<br />

200 golf players, who decided to golf<br />

here, were treated with the original<br />

Bled cream cakes. The president of<br />

the European golf association Antii<br />

Pettoniemi, who at that time stayed in<br />

Bled together with the Finnish Olympic<br />

committee members, joined too.<br />

Certain novelties feature the golf course:<br />

Lake golf course introduced the<br />

Golfcard Unlimited system, in which<br />

the annual card enables unlimited<br />

golfing in 34 golf courses in Slovenia,<br />

Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia.<br />

A new member in the system is<br />

the golf course Livada in the spa 3000.<br />

Several popular events will be organised<br />

this year. Two national championships<br />

will take place in May, from 1 to<br />

5 August a traditional Golf Week will<br />

be held. The second weekend in September<br />

is already booked for celebrating<br />

the 75th anniversary of Slovenia’s<br />

oldest golf course.<br />

Alenka Bešter<br />

Antti Pettoniemi,<br />

President of the European Golf Association,<br />

and Boštjan Luznar,<br />

Manager of the Bled Golf Course<br />

19 MAY <strong>2012</strong>


MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

New international awards for the Bled campsite<br />

The international award Jacob was presented by Maja Pak, MSc,<br />

STO director, and received by Fedja Pobegajlo, executive director<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> Hotels Bled, and Nejc Kelbl, manager of the Bled campsite.<br />

20<br />

This year the Bled campsite received two new international<br />

awards; the first one was for the best European campsite<br />

by the Alan Rogers campsite guide. The ecological<br />

village of Forest Fairies ranked the Bled campsite second<br />

in the innovative offer category. The awarding ceremony<br />

took place in the tourist exchange Travel Trade Show Benelux<br />

- Vakantiebeurs this January in Utrecht, Netherlands.<br />

This is already the second award by the Alan Rogers campsite<br />

guide for the Bled campsite. In 2010, it was ranked first<br />

in the active holiday category.<br />

In the Alpe Adria trade show, Tourism and Leisure, held<br />

this January in Ljubljana, the Bled campsite received the<br />

international award Jacob for excellence and quality in<br />

tourism. This year’s contest topic was innovative tourist<br />

product in the alternative types of relaxation and leisure;<br />

the campsite Bled was awarded for the ecological village<br />

Forest Fairies again.<br />

The Slovenian Congress Office assembly in Bled<br />

On 29 and 30 March, the Grand Hotel<br />

Toplice hosted the 8th assembly of<br />

the Slovenian Congress Office, whose<br />

sponsor was <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem, while<br />

Bled Tourism Institution assisted in the<br />

organisation and performance. The<br />

participants were a<strong>dd</strong>ressed by the<br />

mayor of Bled, Janez Fajfar, executive<br />

director of <strong>Sava</strong> Hotels Bled, Fedja<br />

Pobegajlo, and vice president of the<br />

Slovenian Congress Office, Gorazd<br />

Čad.<br />

At the assembly, 6 new members of<br />

the council of the Slovenian Congress<br />

Office were elected, one of them as a<br />

representative of <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem being<br />

Saša Zor, MICE sales director.<br />

The assembly was attended by more<br />

than 60 members of the Slovenian<br />

Congress Office.<br />

The co-organisers of the event used<br />

this opportunity for a very efficient and<br />

attracting presentation of Bled as an<br />

appealing congress destination, which<br />

excited all participants<br />

Fedja Pobegajlo,<br />

executive director<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong> Hotels Bled<br />

during his welcome speech<br />

at the assembly<br />

of the Slovenian Congress Office

Livada Presige hosted the President of the<br />

Republic of Slovenia and the President of Hungary<br />

Catering team of Terme 3000 who attended to high officials<br />

The President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Danilo Türk<br />

and the President of Hungary Dr. Pál Schmitt visited the<br />

Hungarian Porabje region and the Slovenian Prekmurje region<br />

where they met with the representatives of the Slovene<br />

national community and the representatives of the Hungarian<br />

national community in Slovenia. During this visit President<br />

Türk was accompanied by the economic delegation<br />

consisting of representatives from 30 Slovene companies<br />

and institutions including energy management business,<br />

metal industry, tourism, financial sector and energy supply.<br />

The visit ended with a dinner in the restaurant Prestige in<br />

the hotel Livada Prestige where high officials were welcomed<br />

by the executive director of Terme 3000 Ivanka Ajlec.<br />

NEWS FROM TERME 3000<br />

“Together with the Protocol of the Republic of Slovenia we<br />

have precisely defined the menu and after we received a<br />

final confirmation, we tested it and served it in the so-called<br />

dry rehearsal. In catering, we defined who served whom<br />

and how many guests one waiter served (three guests are<br />

served by one waiter), and how cleaning the tables took<br />

place. The tables were arranged in champagne colour. Decorations<br />

included spring spices and bulb flowers to create<br />

a spring atmosphere. A thorough pre-preparation in the<br />

kitchen and waiting service and the professional approach<br />

of our employees contributed to an outstandingly wellorganised<br />

and performed dinner, for which we received<br />

commendations by the Protocol of the Republic of Slovenia.<br />

We proved that we are able to offer the services at the highest<br />

level,” said Andrej Jandrašič, head of waiting service<br />

at Terme 3000.<br />

21 MAY <strong>2012</strong>


MAY <strong>2012</strong><br />

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia<br />

visited the region of Ptuj and Ormož<br />

Visit by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in Terme Ptuj<br />

With a working consultation in the Grand Hotel Primus in Ter-<br />

me Ptuj held on 18 April, the Government of the Republic of<br />

Slovenia began its first visit in the Lower Podravje, under the<br />

framework of which the representatives of the Government<br />

visited more than 50 various institutions: regional organisations,<br />

institutes and companies in the Ptuj-Ormož region in order to<br />

get a detailed insight in the situation in the area.<br />

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša and<br />

the Minsiter of the Economy Radovan Žerjav , MSc, also met<br />

with Andrej Klasinc, the executive director of Terme Ptuj, and<br />

Milena Mojzeš, hotel director of Terme Prtuj, who presented<br />

the new organisational structure of <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem d.d. and the<br />

development plans for this largest Slovene tourism company.<br />

22<br />

The management of Terme Ptuj with the Prime Minister Janez Janša<br />

and the Minister of the Economy and Technology Radovan Žerjav, MSc

Lets’ Clean Kranj <strong>2012</strong> campaign<br />

The highest number of participants, more than 7,000 citizens, joined this year’s, the 11th in succession, Let’s Clean Kranj Campaign, and picked more than 650 cubic metres of<br />

waste up, which was three times more than in 2011.<br />

This year, illegal waste dumps were cleaned (the cleaning<br />

was organised by the society Ecologists without Borders)<br />

as a part of the Pan Slovenian cleaning campaign. The<br />

action was sponsored by <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o. which dressed<br />

children, participants of the campaign, in T-shirts designed<br />

especially for this purpose. <strong>Sava</strong> d.d. and <strong>Sava</strong> Turizem<br />

d.d. contributed practical awards for the best drawings in<br />

the Best Waste campaign.<br />

The cleaning campaign was carried out under the framework<br />

of the Let’s Clean Slovenia campaign <strong>2012</strong>, which<br />

further formed a part of a broader world cleaning action<br />

Let’s Clean the World.<br />

The purpose of this unique action was to raise awareness<br />

of residents of Kranj and the Gorenjska region on keeping<br />

the environment clean. Special attention was placed<br />

on raising awareness of children on this issue; more than<br />

4,000 children from kindergartens, primary and secondary<br />

schools participated this time.<br />

The great success of the 11th Let’s Clean Kranj campaign<br />

is thanks to the professional attitude of the organisers and<br />

a high number of volunteers and their hard work. It should<br />

be pointed out that the number of participants grows every<br />

year attracting new participants from all spheres of life.<br />

Parallel with the cleaning actions many other events took<br />

place on this day. At the start of the action all participants<br />

were welcomed by mayor of Kranj Mohor Bogataj, director<br />

of <strong>Sava</strong>tech d.o.o. Igor Hafnar, director of municipal<br />

utilities Evstahij Dermota, Petra Odar form Ecologists without<br />

Borders, and Klemen Markelj, chairman of the Kranj<br />

Scouts Association.<br />

Representatives of <strong>Sava</strong> and mayor of Kranj<br />


A workshop was held in the EKO tent, in which the participants<br />

could make drawings on the theme of waste separation.<br />

The best drawings were awarded with practical prizes.<br />

Events in the Slovenski Trg<br />

In the Slovenski Trg, the fire fighting rescue service from<br />

Kranj and the municipal utilities service demonstrated their<br />

work.<br />

Like every year, scouts made delicious pancakes for the<br />

participants and passersby.<br />

At the end of action, the Best Waste was awarded, which<br />

was composed from various waste and shaped into a “mobile<br />

waste.”<br />

During the action <strong>Sava</strong> Medical in Storitve organised the<br />

cleaning of the outer yard of <strong>Sava</strong>tehc’s production premises.<br />

Irena Ropret<br />

Klemen Markelj, chairman of Kranj Scouts’ Association, and Petra Odar,<br />

representative of Ecologists without Borders welcomed the participants<br />

Pupils of primary<br />

school Stane<br />

Žagar and their<br />

Best Waste<br />

23 MAY <strong>2012</strong>

Snapshots<br />

from the<br />

Let's Clean Kranj <strong>2012</strong><br />


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